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Comments by Nikhil@123 (Top 31 by date)

Nikhil@123 13-Apr-13 3:23am View    
Thanks for Replying Sir!!
Nikhil@123 1-Apr-13 22:50pm View    
Nikhil@123 22-Jan-13 3:27am View    
Good to see your msg again,,, Well the given code has worked nicely.... but i dint see any image inserting in the ma Excel Database. What would be the problem. And there was not even any exception. i wants to insert image in column "O".
Nikhil@123 22-Jan-13 1:53am View    
Thanks For Reply Sir, Would you mind? explaining me this part of code..

ThisWorkBook = ThisApplication.Workbooks.Open(_stFileName, missing, missing, 5, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing);

Nikhil@123 22-Jan-13 1:50am View    
Because i am umplaoding image from System and storing it in picturebox and then on button click evnt storing that image in to Excel file.