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Comments by Vyacheslav Voronenko (Top 60 by date)

Vyacheslav Voronenko 6-Aug-13 4:48am View    
Either you create jsFiddle to localize concrete problem, or read documentation with examples on knockout & MVC4. This is something that can be resolved by documentation studying. I have provided you with clues.
Vyacheslav Voronenko 6-Aug-13 3:48am View    
1. Read knockoutjs manuals
2. Implement WebApi method returning json
3. Capture output, set to model.
4. Enjoy.
Vyacheslav Voronenko 5-Aug-13 4:32am View    
Appcache is server side part. Perhaps you might want to reread appcache purpose once more - and rethink architecture of your onepage application
Vyacheslav Voronenko 5-Aug-13 3:22am View    
Quoting standards:

Once an application is offline it remains cached until one of the following happens:

The user clears their browser's data storage for your site.
The manifest file is modified. Note: updating a file listed in the manifest doesn't mean the browser will re-cache that resource. The manifest file itself must be alternated.
The app cache is programatically updated.

In short: do not modify manifest file - than files will not get updated.

How to update manifest file for each user individually? (i.e. different users - different cache manifests, perhaps staged)

If user visit website first time, his browser loads current manifest, so you might want to use dynamic URL and generate manifest file dynamically:

<html manifest="manifest.php?version=2">

than have your server side to ensure that you update your dynamic manifest file once your user have performed some action to 'update'
Vyacheslav Voronenko 5-Aug-13 3:19am View    
If - cache manifest have changed on a server, AND - your single page application is online. - _Why_ do you need to abort that process?