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Comments by Vijayavel Nadar (Top 4 by date)

Vijayavel Nadar 4-Feb-13 9:44am View    
Deleted this case you can just have one vent for all your number text boxes

<pre lang="cs">
protected void numberbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txt_result.Text = sender.Text;
txt_result.Text = txt_result.Text + sender.Text;

Typecase the sender to button if required.
Vijayavel Nadar 1-Feb-13 9:49am View    
I somehow wrapped the table with Jquery datatable which will actively showing 10 records and the remaining will in the pagination. But still no luck!
Vijayavel Nadar 1-Feb-13 8:06am View    
Yes mike...I tried with less number of rows starting from 10 rows. The focus out issue is directly proportional to number of rows in the table :(
Vijayavel Nadar 1-Feb-13 8:01am View    
I removed the Jquery validator out of this page. After this the typing speed has really back to normal where as I still have the focus out issue. The moment I type something and tabbed out(focus out) from that text box, it is taking unusual time to focus into another control. After this when I cheched the contol, I do see that couple of attributes got added to the control by Jquery it seems. Find below those attributes.

jquery***********="****" (** some random numbers)

Hope jquery is doing something behind the scene and that decreases the performance.