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Comments by mit62 (Top 111 by date)

mit62 12-Sep-21 10:53am View    
thank you for your answer. there are a lot of pages so creating one with an old name I think is not Efficient. now how and where I should create a redirect list. also what's wrong with the code in Application_BeginRequest I wrote?
mit62 11-May-18 10:33am View    
thanks for answer but my question was about which way is better for load speed because there are a lot of products
mit62 25-Apr-16 6:40am View    
Perfect. Thank you very much
mit62 29-Aug-15 14:04pm View    
thank you but if I assign a value to the string builder:
StringBuilder PortData = new StringBuilder("Initiated Value");
and then in run time I trace Portdata value in event handler, it takes data from serial port and the value of PortData will chang but at the end in this line:
txbShowFile.Text = PortData.ToString();
PortData shows this value:"Initiated Value"
mit62 29-Aug-15 9:34am View    
and about this problem you mentioned "it's a very bad idea to add a new handler every time you open the port - they do accumulate, so if you click the button twice, you will get two handlers per character received, and so on."
what can I do?