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Comments by Ayyappan Ravi (Top 14 by date)

Ayyappan Ravi 1-Aug-14 2:39am View    

below are my .aspx code ans code behind code. I am calling the below function Pie() on page load method. everything is working fine. its giving me doughnut chart with correct values but I want to increase the doughnut chart hole size. currently it has the default hole size. I dont know what is the right property/code to increase the hole size. please help


<asp:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" Height="500px" Width="500px">
<asp:Title ShadowOffset="3" Name="Student Marks" />
<asp:series name="Legend" bordercolor="white" borderwidth="1" charttype="Doughnut"

<asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1" BorderWidth="0" >

private void Pie()
string[] xAxis = { "External Errors", "Internal Errors", "TAT", "Pjts Completed", "HC- Work Absorption", "VOB", "Attrition", "WMTY-Eng", "WMTY-Perf", "Community" };
double[] yAxis = { 11.67, 11.67, 11.67, 10, 10, 15, 8.33, 8.33, 8.33, 5 };
Chart1.Series["Legend"].Points.DataBindXY(xAxis, yAxis);
Ayyappan Ravi 31-Jul-14 9:19am View    
Below is my .aspx chart control code. can you help to increase the hole size of the doughnut chart

<asp:Chart ID="Chart2" runat="server" Height="600px" Width="600px">
<asp:Title ShadowOffset="3" Name="Student Marks" />
<asp:Legend Alignment="Center" Docking="Bottom" IsTextAutoFit="true" Name="Legend"
LegendStyle="Table" />

<asp:Series Name="Legend" BorderColor="White" BorderWidth="1"
ChartType="Doughnut" CustomProperties="PieStartAngle=270" />

<asp:ChartArea Name="studentChartArea" BorderWidth="0">

Ayyappan Ravi 11-Sep-13 11:27am View    
No Its not happened...

page index is showing in the design mode but, not in the browser..
Ayyappan Ravi 9-Apr-13 5:51am View    

I tried these, these all displays only the text, not the format (color,font,image).
Ayyappan Ravi 8-Apr-13 9:46am View    

Which will support all characters includes alphabets,numeric and special charecters.