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I have a web application on which one HTML page for contact us...

The contact us page contains those fields:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Message

And Finally the Submit button.

When I click on Submit button the form data must submitted to the given email id.

It works fine using Mail_to method but it opens the client side outlook which i don't want.

Could you give me some information about that?

Extra notes:
I have used server side code to send the email in lots of My project. But now my requirement is only to send the email from HTML page because my next web site is pure HTML based requirement.

Thanks in advance.
Updated 17-Sep-12 0:55am
_Amy 15-Sep-12 2:10am    
Check my updated answer. :)


i fyou dont want to open outlook then send mail using server side language i.e. using or
for reference follow given link

Send Mail / Contact Form using ASP.NET and C#[^]
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[no name] 15-Sep-12 2:06am    
Thanks sir but
I have used server side code to send the email in lots of My project..but now my requirement is only to send the email from HTML page because my next web site is pure HTML based requirement
Ganesh Nikam 15-Sep-12 2:12am    
hey dude ,
refer this article you will get your ans
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You Can Attach all mail Contents in Anchor Tag with the help of Query String.
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[no name] 15-Sep-12 4:29am    
thanks sir give any example
its easy i had done for feedback form in which i am use asp page for send mail using smtp server.
.aspx page code

<form name ="ctrlForm" action="contact_us.asp" method="post" >
Name*<input id="Text1" type="text" name="Name" />
Email*<input id="Text2" type="text" name="Email" />
Phone*<input id="Text3"type="text"  class="input_field" name="phone" />
Message*<textarea id="Textarea1" type="text" cols="0" name="text" />
<input id="submit1" class="submit_btn" name="submit" type="submit" value="Send" >

.asp file code(contact_us.asp)

<% option explicit %>
<% Response.Buffer = True %>

'Declaring Variables

Dim smtpserver,youremail,yourpassword,ContactUs_Name,ContactUs_Email
Dim ContactUs_Subject,ContactUs_Body,Action,IsError
Dim msg

On Error resume next
' Edit these 3 values accordingly.. leave the smtp server alone as it is set for Gmail
smtpserver = ""
youremail = "test"
yourpassword = "tset"

' Grabbing variables from the form post
ContactUs_Email = Request.QueryString("email")
ContactUs_Subject = Request.QueryString("phone")
ContactUs_Body = Request.QueryString("text")
Action = Request("Action")
'ContactUs_Name = Request("ContactUs_Name")
'ContactUs_Email = Request("ContactUs_Email")
'ContactUs_Subject = Request("ContactUs_Subject")
'ContactUs_Body = Request("ContactUs_Body")
'Action = Request("Action")

    Dim strBody

    ' Here we create a nice looking html body for the email
    strBody = strBody & "<font face=""Arial"">Contact Us Form submitted at " & Now() &  vbCrLf & "<br><br>"
    strBody = strBody & "From http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") &  vbCrLf & "<br>"
    strBody = strBody & "IP " & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & vbCrLf & "<br>"
    strBody = strBody & "Name" & " : " & " " & Replace(ContactUs_Name,vbCr,"<br>") & "<br>"
    strBody = strBody & "Email" & " : " & " " & Replace(ContactUs_Email,vbCr,"<br>") & "<br>"
    strBody = strBody & "Subject" & " : " & " " & Replace(ContactUs_Subject,vbCr,"<br>") & "<br>"
    strBody = strBody & "<br>" & Replace(ContactUs_Body,vbCr,"<br>") & "<br>"
    strBody = strBody & "</font>"

    Dim ObjSendMail
    Set ObjSendMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

    'This section provides the configuration information for the remote SMTP server.

    ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2 'Send the message using the network (SMTP over the network).
    ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = smtpserver
    ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 465
    ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 1 'Use SSL for the connection
    ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 60

    ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 1 'basic (clear-text) authentication
    ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = youremail
    ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = yourpassword


    'End remote SMTP server configuration section==

    ObjSendMail.To = youremail
    ObjSendMail.Subject = ContactUs_Subject
    ObjSendMail.From =youremail   'ContactUs_Email

    ' we are sending a html email.. simply switch the comments around to send a text email instead
    ObjSendMail.HTMLBody = strBody
    'ObjSendMail.TextBody = strBody


    Set ObjSendMail = Nothing

if err.number=0 then
    msg="mail send successfully.see you soon"
   wscript.echo msg
  response.redirect "contactus.html?msg="+msg+""
    msg="error while sending mail"

    response.Redirect "ContactUs.html?msg="+msg+""

    'WScript.Echo msg
End if

' Used to check that the email entered is in a valid format
Function IsValidEmail(Email)
    Dim ValidFlag,BadFlag,atCount,atLoop,SpecialFlag,UserName,DomainName,atChr,tAry1
    ValidFlag = False
        If (Email <> "") And (InStr(1, Email, "@") > 0) And (InStr(1, Email, ".") > 0) Then
            atCount = 0
            SpecialFlag = False
            For atLoop = 1 To Len(Email)
            atChr = Mid(Email, atLoop, 1)
                If atChr = "@" Then atCount = atCount + 1
                If (atChr >= Chr(32)) And (atChr <= Chr(44)) Then SpecialFlag = True
                If (atChr = Chr(47)) Or (atChr = Chr(96)) Or (atChr >= Chr(123)) Then SpecialFlag = True
                If (atChr >= Chr(58)) And (atChr <= Chr(63)) Then SpecialFlag = True
                If (atChr >= Chr(91)) And (atChr <= Chr(94)) Then SpecialFlag = True
            If (atCount = 1) And (SpecialFlag = False) Then
                BadFlag = False
                tAry1 = Split(Email, "@")
                UserName = tAry1(0)
                DomainName = tAry1(1)
            If (UserName = "") Or (DomainName = "") Then BadFlag = True
            If Mid(DomainName, 1, 1) = "." then BadFlag = True
            If Mid(DomainName, Len(DomainName), 1) = "." then BadFlag = True
                ValidFlag = True
            End If
        End If
        If BadFlag = True Then ValidFlag = False
        IsValidEmail = ValidFlag
End Function


<title>Contact Us Form ( Powered By Code From )</title>

<body style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px">

If Action = "SendEmail" Then

    ' Here we quickly check/validate the information entered
    ' These checks could easily be improved to look for more things
    If IsValidEmail(ContactUs_Email) = "False" Then
        IsError = "Yes"
        Response.Write("<font color=""red"">You did not enter a valid email address.</font><br>")
    End If

    If ContactUs_Name = "" Then
        IsError = "Yes"
        Response.Write("<font color=""red"">You did not enter a Name.</font><br>")
    End If

    If ContactUs_Subject = "" Then
    IsError = "Yes"
        Response.Write("<font color=""red"">You did not enter a Subject.</font><br>")
    End If

    If ContactUs_Body = "" Then
        IsError = "Yes"
        Response.Write("<font color=""red"">You did not enter a Body.</font><br>")
    End If

End If

<font size="2">Your message as seen below has been sent. Thank You !!
<font color="blue">
<% =Replace(ContactUs_Body,vbCr,"<br>") %>
<% Else %>

<form action="contact_us.asp" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="Action" value="SendEmail">


<% End If %>

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Callijah 3-Jan-14 10:53am    
I am a coding beginner, what do I do with each of the sections you have posted? I used the first in a simple HTML box for our website. What do I do with the larger portion? Thank You.

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