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Retrieve information about your IP

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10 Mar 2013CPOL3 min read 37.5K   2.2K   18   11
Retrieve information about your IP from a website.

Image 1


We create a connection to the websites FIND-IP-ADDRESS.ORG (stores individual location data) and WUNDERGROUND.COM (stores weather forecasting data ) which automatically obtains our IP at connect-time. With our IP they gather more information about us and store them on their websites. We download the source codes of these great websites into our application. They are in HTML format. We split and substring these codes. In the end only the data we need should remain.

I added a new function which determines the country phone prefix, the data is saved in My.Settings, with data almost of 200 countries. To access this data physically, go to mySolution/Properties/Settings in the Visual Studio application.  

If you want you can advance your project with more features. You need to navigate with your favourite web browser to one of these websites and click the right mouse button, and you will see "View Page Source" (I'm using Firefox) and you can play around with the extractSubject function which refers to three values ('DataBuffer', 'position from where the info starts', 'position where the info ends');.


Dim dataBuffer As String = "I am 23 years old"

Now to get the age extracted from the string, you use the extractSubject function like this:

Dim myAge As String = extractSubject(dataBuffer, "I am ", " years old")

Returns 23 but

extractSubject(dataBuffer, "am ", " years")

Returns 23 also. 

So no need to write bunches of strings, as long as they don't conflict with another identical string, you can do so. But HTML contains everywhere strings like </span> or <div> or whatever, so in this case you must tell the extractSubject function more precisely what you want. If there are identical lines, then the extractSubject function alone doesn't help you out, you also need the Split() function or other functions from System.Text. In the worst case you may have to use a For statement to loop line by line to the approximate line.

You must pay attention to the Sub weatherInfo, the first instance of connection to the path doesn't return the preferred data, it only returns data for Now-Weather.

Someone may ask, why don't you directly navigate to the path which returns more data about the weather?

The answer is I cannot. Because when you navigate manually from your web browser to, it will first offer less info about the weather, but when we click a link inside it, we will be redirected to an extended unknown page and when I look above at the search bar I see "" which is only for Skopje and not overall by default. So we first navigate to only "", then we split the returned source code to retrieve the link to the extended page. And finally we create the second connection which brings us to the right source.

It may be very difficult to understand the logic of these functions for some of you but with a basic understanding of VB.NET, you will very quickly find out what the hell is going on here.

Using the code      

REM ****************************************
REM * 		    Created by bEGI	   *
REM *  *
REM *		   VB & C# Programmer	   *
REM ****************************************

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Public Class IPLocator
    Private Sub IPLocator_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub

    Public Function downloadData(ByVal ur As Uri) As String
        Dim result As String = Nothing
            Dim req As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(ur)
            Dim res As HttpWebResponse = req.GetResponse()
            If (res.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK) Then
                Dim receiveStream As Stream = res.GetResponseStream()
                Dim readStream As StreamReader = Nothing
                If (res.CharacterSet = Nothing) Then
                    readStream = New StreamReader(receiveStream)
                    readStream = New StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(res.CharacterSet))
                    Dim data As String = readStream.ReadToEnd()
                    result = data
                End If
            End If
        End Try
        Return result
    End Function

    Public Function extractSubject(ByVal data As String, ByVal left As String, ByVal right As String)
            Dim indexLeft As Integer = data.IndexOf(left)
            Dim indexRight As Integer = data.IndexOf(right)
            Return data.Substring(indexLeft + left.Length, indexRight - indexLeft - left.Length)
            Return "Not Resolved!"
        End Try
    End Function
    Public Function downloadPicture(ByVal webPath As String) As Image
            Dim myWebClient As New WebClient()
            Return Image.FromStream(New MemoryStream(myWebClient.DownloadData(webPath)))
        Catch : End Try
    End Function

    Dim ipLookup As String
    Dim flagLocation As String
    Private Sub ipInfos()
        Dim ur As New Uri("")
        Dim IPdata As String = downloadData(ur)
        If Not IPdata Is Nothing Then
            ipLookup = extractSubject(IPdata, "My IP Country Name:", "IP Address Lookup Location")
            flagLocation = extractSubject(ipLookup, _
               "</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src='", "'><br><strong>My IP Country Continent<")
            lbCountry.Text = country()
            pictureBoxFlag.BackgroundImage = downloadPicture(ur.ToString & flagLocation)
            pictureBoxFlag.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
            tbPublicIP.Text = publicIP()
            tbLocalIP.Text = localIP()
            tbCity.Text = city()
            tbRegion.Text = region()
            tbContinent.Text = continent()
            tbISP.Text = isp()
            tbBroadband.Text = netBroadband()
            tbTelPrefix.Text = phonePrefix(countryCode)
            tbLatitude.Text = latitude() & "° N"
            tbLongtitude.Text = longtitude() & "° E"
        End If
    End Sub
    Dim weatherLookup As String
    Private Sub weatherInfo()
        Dim ur As New Uri("")
        Dim Weatherdata As String = downloadData(ur)
        If Not Weatherdata Is Nothing Then
            Dim lines() As String = Weatherdata.Split(vbNewLine.ToCharArray, _
            Dim extendedSourcelocation As String
            For Each line In lines
                If line.Contains("/global/stations/") Then
                    extendedSourcelocation = line.Split("""")(1)
                    Exit For
                End If
            ur = New Uri(ur.ToString & extendedSourcelocation)
            Weatherdata = downloadData(ur)
            If Not Weatherdata Is Nothing Then
                weatherLookup = Weatherdata
                lbStation.Text = stationLocation() & "," & vbNewLine & _
                                       "at " & stationElevation() & " metres!"
                lbSunrise.Text = "Sunrise: " & sunRise()
                lbSunset.Text = "Sunset:  " & sunSet()
                pbNowSky.BackgroundImage = downloadPicture(nowSkyViewPicLocation)
                pbNowSky.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
                lbNowSky.Text = "Sky: " & nowSky()
                lbWind.Text = "Wind: " & nowWind()
                lbNowDegree.Text = nowTemperature() & "° Degree"
                pbTonight.BackgroundImage = downloadPicture(tonightSkyViewPicLocation)
                pbTonight.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
                lbTonightDegree.Text = tonightTemperature() & "° Degree"
                lbTonightSky.Text = "Sky: " & tonightSky()
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

#Region "IP-Informations"
    Function continent() As String
        Dim result As String = extractSubject(ipLookup, "Country Continent", "Country Latitude")
        result = (result.Split(">")(2) & result.Split(">")(4)).Replace("</font", "")
        Return result.Insert(result.Length - 4, " ")
    End Function
    Function netBroadband() As String
        Dim result As String = extractSubject(ipLookup, "show IP which belongs to", "Time zone")
        Return (result.Split(">")(1)).Split("<")(0)
    End Function
    Function phonePrefix(ByVal ISOCode As String) As String
        Dim countries() As String = My.Settings.prefixes.Split(vbNewLine.ToCharArray, _
            For Each country As String In countries
                Dim parts() As String = country.Split("|")
                If parts(0) = countryCode() Then Return parts(2) ' Exit For (if not Returning!)
        Catch : End Try
    End Function
    Function publicIP() As String
        Return extractSubject(ipLookup, ">My IP Address lookup</strong> for <b>", "</b> show IP which")
    End Function
    Function localIP() As String
            Dim iphostentry As Net.IPHostEntry = Net.Dns.GetHostByName(Net.Dns.GetHostName)
            Return CType(iphostentry.AddressList.GetValue(0), IPAddress).ToString
        Catch : End Try
    End Function
    Function latitude() As String
        Return extractSubject(ipLookup, "My IP Address Latitude</b>: ", "<br><b>My IP Address Longtitude")
    End Function
    Function longtitude() As String
        Return extractSubject(ipLookup, "My IP Address Longtitude</b>: ", "<br><br><strong>My ISP")
    End Function
    Function city() As String
        Return extractSubject(ipLookup, "City</b>:&nbsp;&nbsp; <font color='#980000'>", _
                              "</font><br><b>My IP Address Latitude</b>")
    End Function
    Shadows Function region() As String
        Return extractSubject(ipLookup, _
                      ")<br><br><strong>My IP Address Region</strong>: <font color='#980000'>", _
    End Function
    Function country() As String
        Return extractSubject(ipLookup, ":&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color='#980000'> ", _
                "</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src='") _
                & "(" + flagLocation.Split("/")(2).Remove(2).ToUpper + ")"
    End Function
    Function isp() As String
        Return extractSubject(ipLookup, "Provider)</strong>:&nbsp;<font color='#980000'> ", "</font><br /")
    End Function
    Private Function countryCode() As String
        Try : Return flagLocation.Split("/")(2).Remove(2).ToUpper : Catch : End Try
    End Function
#End Region

#Region "Weather-Informations"
    Function stationLocation() As String
        Return extractSubject(weatherLookup, "/DailyHistory.html"">", _
                              "<div id=""stationElevation"">").Split("<")(0)
    End Function
    Function stationElevation() As String
        Dim result As String = extractSubject(weatherLookup, "Weather Station</div>", "Report Station")
        Return extractSubject(result, """nobr""><span class=""b"">", "</span>&nbsp;m</")
    End Function
    Function sunRise() As String
        Dim result As String
        result = extractSubject(weatherLookup, _
                                "<div id=""sRise""><span class=""b"">", _
                                "<div id=""sSet""><span class=""b"">")
        Return (result.Split("<")(0) & result.Split("<")(1)).Replace("/span>", "")
    End Function
    Function sunSet() As String
        Dim result As String = extractSubject(weatherLookup, _
            "<div id=""sSet""><span class=""b"">", "<div id=""nowMoon""")
        Return (result.Split("<")(0) & result.Split("<")(1)).Replace("/span>", "")
    End Function
    Function nowWind() As String
        Return extractSubject(weatherLookup, _
                                "=""windspeedmph"" english="""" metric="""">", _
                                "<div id=""nowSuns"">").Split("<")(0)
    End Function
    Function nowSky() As String
        Return (extractSubject(weatherLookup, "og:title", _
          "Refresh").ToString.Split("|")(2).Split("""")(0)).Remove(0, 1)
    End Function
    Function nowTemperature() As String
        Return (extractSubject(weatherLookup, "og:title", _
          "Refresh").ToString.Split("|")(1).Split("&")(0)).Remove(0, 1)
    End Function
    Function nowSkyViewPicLocation() As String
        Dim result As String = extractSubject(weatherLookup, "curIcon", "<div id=""curCond"">")
        Return extractSubject(result, "<img src=""", """ width")
    End Function
    Function tonightSky() As String
        Dim result As String = extractSubject(weatherLookup, "<div class=""titleSubtle"">Tonight</div>", _
                                              "<div class=""titleSubtle"">Tomorrow</div>")
        Return extractSubject(result, """foreCondition"">", """foreGlance""").ToString.Split("<")(0)
    End Function
    Function tonightTemperature() As String
        Dim result As String = extractSubject(weatherLookup, "<div class=""titleSubtle"">Tonight</div>", _
                                              "<div class=""titleSubtle"">Tomorrow</div>")
        result = extractSubject(result, "/></a>", "&deg;")
        Return Regex.Replace(result, "[^0-9]", "")
    End Function
    Function tonightSkyViewPicLocation() As String
        Dim result As String = extractSubject(weatherLookup, "<div class=""titleSubtle"">Tonight</div>", _
                                              "<div class=""titleSubtle"">Tomorrow</div>")
        Return extractSubject(result, "img src=""", """ alt=")
    End Function
#End Region
End Class

PS: Declaring the quotes (")

  • (HTML): </span>"hallo"</span>    
  • (VBNET): Dim str As String = "</span>""hallo""</span>"

As you can see 1 " (quote) must be declared as "" (2 quotes), 2 quotes as 4 quotes.

Image 2


  • 14 December, 2012: Added internal (local) IP function.
  • 20 February, 2013: Added international phone prefixes.
  • 10 March, 2013: Added weather forecast function.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Comments and Discussions

Answer[My vote of 1] عمر الجبلي Pin
abogala13-Mar-13 17:41
abogala13-Mar-13 17:41 
GeneralRe: [My vote of 1] عمر الجبلي Pin
bEGI2314-Mar-13 1:39
bEGI2314-Mar-13 1:39 
GeneralRetrieve IP info Pin
Rick Sparks13-Mar-13 1:36
professionalRick Sparks13-Mar-13 1:36 
GeneralRe: Retrieve IP info Pin
bEGI2313-Mar-13 5:07
bEGI2313-Mar-13 5:07 
GeneralRe: Retrieve IP info Pin
Rick Sparks13-Mar-13 10:10
professionalRick Sparks13-Mar-13 10:10 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
_Vitor Garcia_11-Mar-13 7:14
_Vitor Garcia_11-Mar-13 7:14 
SuggestionMake data search easier by searching for "<" after data Pin
Ken Gunther1-Mar-13 3:32
Ken Gunther1-Mar-13 3:32 
GeneralRe: Make data search easier by searching for "<" after data Pin
bEGI238-Mar-13 2:33
bEGI238-Mar-13 2:33 
GeneralRe: Make data search easier by searching for "<" after data Pin
Ken Gunther8-Mar-13 18:51
Ken Gunther8-Mar-13 18:51 
GeneralMy vote of 1 Pin
Mukund Thakker23-Dec-12 23:12
professionalMukund Thakker23-Dec-12 23:12 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
BertrandLQ17-Dec-12 2:26
BertrandLQ17-Dec-12 2:26 

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