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I am working with webapplication. I uploaded my project files on live server. While browsing i am getting below error in some systems only. And in some other systems its working fine. Can you suggest me any solution for this problem

Exception : Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string

Above exception is coming in below code

protected void btnGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //decrypting email
                string email = GlobalMethods.Decrypt(Request["Email"].ToString(), true);
                //getting entered user name
                string user = txtUser.Text;
                //getting entered dob
                DateTime DOB = DateTime.ParseExact(txtdob.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None).Date;
                //validating in db
                DataTable dt = bll.getUser_vaild(email, user, DOB);
                //if exists display next screen to update password
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "edit", "document.getElementById('view2').style.display='block';", true);
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "temp", "<script language='javascript'>alert('Invalid details');</script>", false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLogger.WriteLogFile(HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress, this.GetType().Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.Message.ToString());
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "temp", "<script language='javascript'>alert('" + ex.Message + "');</script>", false);

Below are Encrypt, Decrypt methods :

public static string Encrypt(string toEncrypt, bool useHashing)
byte[] keyArray;
byte[] toEncryptArray = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(toEncrypt);

System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader settingsReader =
new AppSettingsReader();
// Get the key from config file

string key = (string)settingsReader.GetValue("SecurityKey",
//If hashing use get hashcode regards to your key
if (useHashing)
MD5CryptoServiceProvider hashmd5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
keyArray = hashmd5.ComputeHash(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key));
//Always release the resources and flush data
// of the Cryptographic service provide. Best Practice

keyArray = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key);

TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider tdes = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();
//set the secret key for the tripleDES algorithm
tdes.Key = keyArray;
//mode of operation. there are other 4 modes.
//We choose ECB(Electronic code Book)
tdes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
//padding mode(if any extra byte added)

tdes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;

ICryptoTransform cTransform = tdes.CreateEncryptor();
//transform the specified region of bytes array to resultArray
byte[] resultArray =
cTransform.TransformFinalBlock(toEncryptArray, 0,
//Release resources held by TripleDes Encryptor
//Return the encrypted data into unreadable string format
return Convert.ToBase64String(resultArray, 0, resultArray.Length);
public static string Decrypt(string cipherString, bool useHashing)
byte[] keyArray;
//get the byte code of the string

cipherString = cipherString.Replace(' ', '+');

byte[] toEncryptArray = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherString);

System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader settingsReader =
new AppSettingsReader();
//Get your key from config file to open the lock!
string key = (string)settingsReader.GetValue("SecurityKey",

if (useHashing)
//if hashing was used get the hash code with regards to your key
MD5CryptoServiceProvider hashmd5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
keyArray = hashmd5.ComputeHash(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key));
//release any resource held by the MD5CryptoServiceProvider

//if hashing was not implemented get the byte code of the key
keyArray = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key);

TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider tdes = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();
//set the secret key for the tripleDES algorithm
tdes.Key = keyArray;
//mode of operation. there are other 4 modes.
//We choose ECB(Electronic code Book)

tdes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
//padding mode(if any extra byte added)
tdes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;

ICryptoTransform cTransform = tdes.CreateDecryptor();
byte[] resultArray = cTransform.TransformFinalBlock(
toEncryptArray, 0, toEncryptArray.Length);
//Release resources held by TripleDes Encryptor
//return the Clear decrypted TEXT
return UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(resultArray);

Updated 14-Nov-13 2:07am

At a guess (and that's all it can be at this stage) your Request["Email"] is not returning encrypted data.

Check it, either by using the debugger, or by logging the returned value somewhere and examining it afterwards.
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Mada Naga Sankar 14-Nov-13 7:26am

this is the url. In some systems its working, but not in some other
OriginalGriff 14-Nov-13 7:36am    
I'm not that surprised: you have characters in there which could easily confuse some browsers:
Are all candidates for causing confusion.
Have you tried using the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method?
Mada Naga Sankar 14-Nov-13 7:57am    
HttpUtility.HtmlEncode is returning original text only, not encoded text. Is there anything to change?
OriginalGriff 14-Nov-13 8:12am    
No - but it's the use of base64 as a request that's doing it - a quick check here using chrome for:
gives a Request["Email"] of:
SaA86OnEcyacFgD6aJagiRQcW/GnU rz 5txW2sV e4=
so the '+' characters have been replaced with spaces - which makes some sense.
You could try doing a string.Replace to revert them, but it's worth a check that none of the other chars Base-64 strings can contain do anything similar. (And then there is whatever IE, and Opera, and Firefox may do - might be worth dumping Base64 and rolling your own...)
Mada Naga Sankar 14-Nov-13 8:20am    
Its already there.If u see my decrypt method, below line is replacing ' ' with '+'

cipherString = cipherString.Replace(' ', '+');
By looking at this code i can't say what the exact problem is.

but you may check the Length of the Email or other field in Data Access Layer.

- Chetan
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Mada Naga Sankar 14-Nov-13 7:25am

this is the url. In some systems its working, but not in some other

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