This is the stuff I want you to read first, before proceeding on or posting messages to this article's discussion
This series of articles was originally written for VC 6 users. Now that VC 8 is out, I felt it was about time
to update the articles to cover VC 7.1. ;) (Also, the automatic 6-to-7 conversion done by VC 7.1 doesn't always
go smoothly so VC 7.1 users could get stuck when trying to use the demo source code.) So as I go through and update
this series, the articles will be updated to reflect new VC 7.1 features, and I'll have VC 7.1 projects in the
source downloads.
Important note for VC 2005 users: The Express edition of VC 2005 does not come with ATL or MFC.
Since the articles in this series use ATL, and some use MFC, you won't be able to use the Express editions with
the articles' sample code.
If you are using VC 6, you should get an updated Platform SDK. You can use the web
install version, or download the CAB
files or an ISO
image and run the setup locally. Be sure you use the utility to add the SDK include and lib directories to
the VC search path. You can find this in the Visual Studio Registration folder in the Platform SDK program
group. It's a good idea to get the latest Platform SDK even if you're using VC 7 or 8 so you have the latest headers
and libs.
Important note for VC 7 users: You must make a change to the default include path if you haven't
updated your Platform SDK. Make sure that $(VCInstallDir)PlatformSDK\include
is first in the list,
above ($VCInstallDir)include
, as shown here:

Since I haven't used VC 8 yet, I don't know if the sample code will compile on 8. Hopefully the 7-to-8 upgrade
process will work better than the 6-to-7 process did. Please post on this article's forum if you have any trouble
with VC 8.
Introduction to the Series
A shell extension is a COM object that adds some kind of functionality to the Windows shell (Explorer). There
are all kinds of extensions out there, but very little easy-to-follow documentation about what they are. (Although
I bet the situation has improved during the six years since I originally wrote that!) I highly recommend Dino Esposito's
great book Visual C++ Windows Shell Programming (ISBN 1861001843) if you want an in-depth look into
lots of aspects of the shell, but for folks who don't have the book, or only care about shell extensions, I've
written up this tutorial that will astound and amaze you, or failing that, get you well on your way to understanding
how to write your own extensions. This guide assumes you are familiar with the basics of COM and ATL. If you need
a refresher on COM basics, check out my Intro to COM article.
Part I contains a general introduction to shell extensions, and a simple context menu extension to whet your
appetite for the following parts.
There are two parts in the term "shell extension." Shell refers to Explorer, and extension
refers to code you write that gets run by Explorer when a predetermined event happens (e.g., a right-click on a
.DOC file). So a shell extension is a COM object that adds features to Explorer.
A shell extension is an in-process server that implements some interfaces that handle the communication with
Explorer. ATL is the easiest way to get an extension up and running quickly, since without it you'd be stuck writing
and AddRef()
code over and over. It is also much easier to debug
extensions on Windows NT-based OSes, as I will explain later.
There are many types of shell extensions, each type being invoked when different events happen. Here are a few
of the more common types, and the situations in which they are invoked:
When it's invoked
What it does
Context menu handler
User right-clicks on a file or folder. In shell versions 4.71+, also invoked on a right-click in the background
of a directory window.
Adds items to the context menu.
Property sheet handler
Properties dialog displayed for a file.
Adds pages to the property sheet.
Drag and drop handler
User right-drags items and drops them on a directory window or the desktop.
Adds items to the context menu.
Drop handler
User drags items and drops them on a file.
Any desired action.
QueryInfo handler (shell version 4.71+)
User hovers the mouse over a file or other shell object like My Computer.
Returns a string that Explorer displays in a tooltip.
Introduction to Part I
By now you many be wondering what an extension looks like in Explorer. One example is WinZip
- it contains many types of extensions, one of them being a context menu handler. Here some commands that WinZip
adds to the context menu for compressed files:
![[WinZip menu items - 4K]](ShellExtGuide1/ShellExGuide1_1.png)
WinZip contains the code that adds the menu items, provides fly-by help (text that appears in Explorer's status
bar), and carries out the appropriate actions when the user chooses one of the WinZip commands.
WinZip also contains a drag and drop handler. This type is very similar to a context menu extension, but it
is invoked when the user drags a file using the right mouse button. Here is what WinZip's drag and drop handler
adds to the context menu:
![[WinZip menu items - 2K]](ShellExtGuide1/ShellExGuide1_2.png)
There are many other types (and Microsoft keeps adding more in each version of Windows!). For now, we'll just
look at context menu extensions, since they are pretty simple to write and the results are easy to see (instant
Before we begin coding, there are some tips that will make the job easier. When you cause a shell extension
to be loaded by Explorer, it will stay in memory for a while, making it impossible to rebuild the DLL. To have
Explorer unload extensions more often, create this registry key:
and set the default value to "1". On 9x, that's the best you can do. On NT, go to this key:
and create a DWORD
called DesktopProcess with a value of 1. This makes the desktop and Taskbar
run in one process, and subsequent Explorer windows each run in its own process. This means that you can do your
debugging with a single Explorer window, and when you close it, your DLL is automatically unloaded, avoiding any
problems with the file being in use. You will need to log off and back on for these changes to take effect.
I will explain how to debug on 9x a little later.
Using AppWizard to Get Started
Let's start simple, and make an extension that just pops up a message box to show that it's working. We'll hook
the extension up to .TXT files, so our extension will be called when the user right-clicks a text file.
OK, it's time to get started! What's that? I haven't told you how to use the mysterious shell extension interfaces
yet? Don't worry, I'll be explaining as I go along. I find that it's easier to follow along with examples if the
concepts are explained, and followed immediately by sample code. I could explain everything first, then get to
the code, but I find that harder to absorb. Anyway, fire up VC and we'll get started.
Run the AppWizard and make a new ATL COM program. We'll call it "SimpleExt". Keep all the default
settings in the AppWizard, and click Finish. We now have an empty ATL project that will build a DLL, but
we need to add our shell extension's COM object. In the ClassView tree, right-click the SimpleExt classes
item, and pick New ATL Object. (In VC 7, right-click the item and pick Add|Add Class.)
In the ATL Object Wizard, the first panel already has Simple Object selected, so just click Next.
On the second panel, enter "SimpleShlExt" in the Short Name edit box (the other edit boxes on
the panel will be filled in automatically):

By default, the wizard creates a COM object that can be used from C and script-based clients through OLE Automation.
Our extension will only be used by Explorer, so we can change some settings to remove the Automation features.
Go to the Attributes page, and change the Interface type to Custom, and change the Aggregation
setting to No:

When you click OK, the wizard creates a class called CSimpleShlExt
that contains the basic code
for implementing a COM object, and adds this class to the project. We will add our code to this class.
The Initialization Interface
When our shell extension is loaded, Explorer calls our QueryInterface()
function to get a pointer
to an IShellExtInit
interface. This interface has only one method, Initialize()
, whose
prototype is:
HRESULT IShellExtInit::Initialize (
HKEY hProgID )
Explorer uses this method to give us various information. pidlFolder
is the PIDL of the folder
containing the files being acted upon. (A PIDL [pointer to an ID list] is a data structure
that uniquely identifies any object in the shell, whether it's a file system object or not.) pDataObj
is an IDataObject
interface pointer through which we retrieve the names of the files being acted upon.
is an open HKEY
which we can use to access the registry key containing our DLL's
registration data. For this simple extension, we'll only need to use the pDataObj
To add this to our COM object, open the SimpleShlExt.h file, and add the lines listed below in bold.
Some of the COM-related code generated by the wizard isn't needed, since we're not implementing our own interface,
so I've indicated the code that can be removed with strikeout type:
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <comdef.h>
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSimpleShlExt :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CSimpleShlExt, &CLSID_SimpleShlExt>,
public ISimpleShlExt,
public IShellExtInit
is how ATL implements QueryInterface()
. It tells ATL what interfaces other
programs can retrieve from our COM objects.
Inside the class declaration, add the prototype for Initialize()
. We'll also need a buffer to hold
a filename:
Then, in the SimpleShlExt.cpp file, add the definition of the function:
STDMETHODIMP CSimpleShlExt::Initialize (
HKEY hProgID )
What we'll do is get the name of the file that was right-clicked, and show that name in a message box. If there
is more than one selected file, you could access them all through the pDataObj
interface pointer,
but since we're keeping this simple, we'll only look at the first filename.
The filename is stored in the same format as the one used when you drag and drop files on a window with the
style. That means we get the filenames using the same API: DragQueryFile()
We'll begin the function by getting a handle to the data contained in the IDataObject
HRESULT CSimpleShlExt::Initialize(...)
HDROP hDrop;
if ( FAILED( pDataObj->GetData ( &fmt, &stg ) ))
hDrop = (HDROP) GlobalLock ( stg.hGlobal );
if ( NULL == hDrop )
Note that it's vitally important to error-check everything, especially pointers. Since our extension runs in
Explorer's process space, if our code crashes, we take down Explorer too. On 9x, such a crash might necessitate
rebooting the computer.
Now that we have an HDROP
handle, we can get the filename we need.
UINT uNumFiles = DragQueryFile ( hDrop, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0 );
if ( 0 == uNumFiles )
GlobalUnlock ( stg.hGlobal );
ReleaseStgMedium ( &stg );
if ( 0 == DragQueryFile ( hDrop, 0, m_szFile, MAX_PATH ) )
GlobalUnlock ( stg.hGlobal );
ReleaseStgMedium ( &stg );
return hr;
If we return E_INVALIDARG
, Explorer will not call our extension for this right-click event again.
If we return S_OK
, then Explorer will call QueryInterface()
again and get a pointer to
another interface: IContextMenu
The Interface for Interacting with the Context Menu
Once Explorer has initialized our extension, it will call the IContextMenu
methods to let us add
menu items, provide fly-by help, and carry out the user's selection.
Adding IContextMenu
to our shell extension is similar to adding IShellExtInit
. Open
up SimpleShlExt.h and add the lines listed here in bold:
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSimpleShlExt :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CSimpleShlExt, &CLSID_SimpleShlExt>,
public IShellExtInit,
public IContextMenu
And then add the prototypes for the IContextMenu
Modifying the context menu
has three methods. The first one, QueryContextMenu()
, lets us modify
the menu. The prototype of QueryContextMenu()
HRESULT IContextMenu::QueryContextMenu (
HMENU hmenu, UINT uMenuIndex, UINT uidFirstCmd,
UINT uidLastCmd, UINT uFlags );
is a handle to the context menu. uMenuIndex
is the position in which we should
start adding our items. uidFirstCmd
and uidLastCmd
are the range of command ID values
we can use for our menu items. uFlags
indicates why Explorer is calling QueryContextMenu()
and I'll get to this later.
The return value is documented differently depending on who you ask. Dino Esposito's book says it's the number
of menu items added by QueryContextMenu()
. The MSDN docs from VC 6 says it's the command ID of the
last menu item we add, plus 1. The
online MSDN says this:
If successful, returns an HRESULT value that has its severity value set to SEVERITY_SUCCESS and its code value
set to the offset of the largest command identifier that was assigned, plus one. For example, assume that idCmdFirst
is set to 5 and you add three items to the menu with command identifiers of 5, 7, and 8. The return value should
be MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, 0, 8 - 5 + 1). Otherwise, it returns an OLE error value.
I've been following Dino's explanation so far in the code I've written, and it's worked fine. Actually, his
method of making the return value is equivalent to the online MSDN method, as long as you start numbering your
menu items with uidFirstCmd
and increment it by 1 for each item.
Our simple extension will have just one item, so the QueryContextMenu()
function is quite simple:
HRESULT CSimpleShlExt::QueryContextMenu (
HMENU hmenu, UINT uMenuIndex, UINT uidFirstCmd,
UINT uidLastCmd, UINT uFlags )
if ( uFlags & CMF_DEFAULTONLY )
InsertMenu ( hmenu, uMenuIndex, MF_BYPOSITION,
uidFirstCmd, _T("SimpleShlExt Test Item") );
The first thing we do is check uFlags
. You can look up the full list of flags in MSDN, but for
context menu extensions, only one value is important: CMF_DEFAULTONLY
. This flag tells namespace extensions
to add only the default menu item. Shell extensions should not add any items when this flag is present. That's
why we return 0 immediately if the CMF_DEFAULTONLY
flag is present. If that flag isn't present, we
modify the menu (using the hmenu
handle), and return 1 to tell the shell that we added 1 menu item.
Showing fly-by help in the status bar
The next IContextMenu
that can be called is GetCommandString()
. If the user right-clicks
a text file in an Explorer window, or selects a text file and then clicks the File menu, the status bar
will show fly-by help when our menu item is highlighted. Our GetCommandString()
function will return
the string that we want Explorer to show.
The prototype for GetCommandString()
HRESULT IContextMenu::GetCommandString (
UINT idCmd, UINT uFlags, UINT* pwReserved,
LPSTR pszName, UINT cchMax );
is a zero-based counter that indicates which menu item is selected. Since we have just one
menu item, idCmd
will always be zero. But if we had added, say, 3 menu items, idCmd
be 0, 1, or 2. uFlags
is another group of flags that I'll describe later. We can ignore pwReserved
is a pointer to a buffer owned by the shell where we will store the help string to be displayed.
is the size of the buffer. The return value is one of the usual HRESULT constants, such as
can also be called to retrieve a "verb" for a menu item. A verb is
a language-independent string that identifies an action that can be taken on a file. The docs for ShellExecute()
have more to say, and the subject of verbs is best suited for another article, but the short version is that verbs
can be either listed in the registry (such as "open" and "print"), or created dynamically by
context menu extensions. This lets an action implemented in a shell extension be invoked by a call to ShellExecute()
Anyway, the reason I mentioned all that is we have to determine why GetCommandString()
is being
called. If Explorer wants a fly-by help string, we provide it. If Explorer is asking for a verb, we'll just ignore
the request. This is where the uFlags
parameter comes into play. If uFlags
bit set, then Explorer is asking for fly-by help. Additionally, if the GCS_UNICODE
bit is set, we
must return a Unicode string.
The code for our GetCommandString()
looks like this:
#include <atlconv.h> // for ATL string conversion macros
HRESULT CSimpleShlExt::GetCommandString (
UINT idCmd, UINT uFlags, UINT* pwReserved,
LPSTR pszName, UINT cchMax )
if ( 0 != idCmd )
if ( uFlags & GCS_HELPTEXT )
LPCTSTR szText = _T("This is the simple shell extension's help");
if ( uFlags & GCS_UNICODE )
lstrcpynW ( (LPWSTR) pszName, T2CW(szText), cchMax );
lstrcpynA ( pszName, T2CA(szText), cchMax );
return S_OK;
Nothing fancy here; I just have the string hard-coded and convert it to the appropriate character set. If you
have never used the ATL conversion macros, check out Nish and my article
on string wrapper classes; they make life a lot easier when having to pass Unicode strings to COM methods and
OLE functions.
One important thing to note is that the lstrcpyn()
API guarantees that the destination string will
be null-terminated. This is different from the CRT function strncpy()
, which does not add a terminating
null if the source string's length is greater than or equal to cchMax
. I suggest always using lstrcpyn()
so you don't have to insert checks after every strncpy()
call to make sure the strings end up null-terminated.
Carrying out the user's selection
The last method in IContextMenu
is InvokeCommand()
. This method is called if the user
clicks on the menu item we added. The prototype for InvokeCommand()
HRESULT IContextMenu::InvokeCommand (
struct has a ton of info in it, but for our purposes, we only care about
and hwnd
. lpVerb
performs double duty - it can be either the name
of the verb that was invoked, or it can be an index telling us which of our menu items was clicked on. hwnd
is the handle of the Explorer window where the user invoked our extension; we can use this window as the parent
window for any UI that we show.
Since we have just one menu item, we'll check lpVerb
, and if it's zero, we know our menu item was
clicked. The simplest thing I could think to do is pop up a message box, so that's just what this code does. The
message box shows the filename of the selected file, to prove that it's really working.
HRESULT CSimpleShlExt::InvokeCommand (
if ( 0 != HIWORD( pCmdInfo->lpVerb ) )
switch ( LOWORD( pCmdInfo->lpVerb ) )
case 0:
TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH + 32];
wsprintf ( szMsg, _T("The selected file was:\n\n%s"), m_szFile );
MessageBox ( pCmdInfo->hwnd, szMsg, _T("SimpleShlExt"),
return S_OK;
Other code details
There are a couple more tweaks we can make to the wizard-generated code to remove OLE Automation features that
we don't need. First, we can remove some registry entries from the SimpleShlExt.rgs file (the purpose of
this file is explained in the next section):
SimpleExt.SimpleShlExt.1 = s 'SimpleShlExt Class'
CLSID = s '{5E2121EE-0300-11D4-8D3B-444553540000}'
SimpleExt.SimpleShlExt = s 'SimpleShlExt Class'
CLSID = s '{5E2121EE-0300-11D4-8D3B-444553540000}'
CurVer = s 'SimpleExt.SimpleShlExt.1'
NoRemove CLSID
ForceRemove {5E2121EE-0300-11D4-8D3B-444553540000} = s 'SimpleShlExt Class'
ProgID = s 'SimpleExt.SimpleShlExt.1'
VersionIndependentProgID = s 'SimpleExt.SimpleShlExt'
InprocServer32 = s '%MODULE%'
val ThreadingModel = s 'Apartment'
'TypeLib' = s '{73738B1C-A43E-47F9-98F0-A07032F2C558}'
We can also remove the type library from the DLL's resources. Click View|Resource Includes. In the Compile-time
directives box, you'll see a line that includes the type library:

Remove that line, then click OK when VC warns about modifying the includes.
In VC 7, the command is in a different location. On the Resource View tab, right-click the SimpleExt.rc
folder, and pick Resource Includes on the menu.
Now that we've removed the type library, we need to change two lines of code and tell ATL that it shouldn't
do anything with the type library. Open SimpleExt.cpp, go to the DllRegisterServer()
and change the RegisterServer()
parameter to FALSE
STDAPI DllRegisterServer()
return _Module.RegisterServer(TRUE FALSE);
needs a similar change:
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer()
return _Module.UnregisterServer(TRUE FALSE);
Registering the Shell Extension
So now we have all of the COM interfaces implemented. But... how do we get Explorer to use our extension? ATL
automatically generates code that registers our DLL as a COM server, but that just lets other apps use our DLL.
In order to tell Explorer our extension exists, we need to register it under the key that holds info about text
Under that key, a key called ShellEx
holds a list of shell extensions that will be invoked on text
files. Under ShellEx
, the ContextMenuHandlers
key holds a list of context menu extensions.
Each extension creates a subkey under ContextMenuHandlers
and sets the default value of that key to
its GUID. So, for our simple extension, we'll create this key:
and set the default value to our GUID: "{5E2121EE-0300-11D4-8D3B-444553540000}".
You don't have to write any code to do this, however. If you look at the list of files on the FileView tab,
you'll see SimpleShlExt.rgs. This is a text file that is parsed by ATL, and tells ATL what registry entries
to add when the server is registered, and which ones to delete when the server is unregistered. Here's how we specify
the registry entries to add so Explorer knows about our extension:
NoRemove txtfile
NoRemove ShellEx
NoRemove ContextMenuHandlers
ForceRemove SimpleShlExt = s '{5E2121EE-0300-11D4-8D3B-444553540000}'
Each line is a registry key name, with "HKCR" being an abbreviation for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
The NoRemove
keyword means that the key should not be deleted when the server is unregistered. The
last line has another keyword, ForceRemove
, which means that if the key exists, it will be deleted
before the new key is written. The rest of the line specifies a string (that's what the "s" means) that
will be stored in the default value of the SimpleShlExt
I need to editorialize a bit here. The key we register our extension under is HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfile
However, the name "txtfile" isn't a permanent or pre-determined name. If you look in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt
the default value of that key is where the name is stored. This has a couple of side effects:
- We can't reliably use an RGS script since "txtfile" may not be the correct key name.
- Some other text editor may be installed that associates itself with .TXT files. If it changes the default value
of the
key, all existing shell extensions will stop working.
This sure seems like a design flaw to me. I think Microsoft thinks the same way, since recently-created extensions,
like the QueryInfo extension, are registered under the key that's named after the file extension.
OK, end of editorial. There's one final registration detail. On NT, it's advisable to put our extension in a
list of "approved" extensions. There is a system policy that can be set to prevent extensions from being
loaded if they are not on the approved list. The list is stored in:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
In this key, we create a string value whose name is our GUID. The contents of the string can be anything. The
code to do this goes in our DllRegisterServer()
and DllUnregisterServer()
I won't show the code here, since it's just simple registry access, but you can find the code in the article's
sample project.
Debugging the shell extension
Eventually, you'll be writing an extension that isn't quite so simple, and you'll have to debug it. Open up
your project settings, and on the Debug tab, enter the full path to Explorer in the "Executable for debug
session" edit box, for example "C:\windows\explorer.exe". If you're using NT, and you've set the
registry entry described earlier, a new Explorer window will open when you press F5
to start debugging. As long as you do all your work in that window, you'll have no problem rebuilding the DLL later,
since when you close that window, your extension will be unloaded.
On Windows 9x, you will have to shut down the shell before running the debugger. Click Start, and then Shut
Down. Hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift and click Cancel. That will shut down Explorer, and you'll see the Taskbar disappear.
You can then go back to MSVC and press F5 to start debugging. To stop the debugging session, press Shift+F5 to
shut down Explorer. When you're done debugging, you can run Explorer from a command prompt to restart the shell
What Does It All Look Like?
Here's what the context menu looks like after we add our item:
![[SimpleShlExt menu item - 3K]](ShellExtGuide1/ShellExGuide1_3.png)
Our menu item is there!
Here's what Explorer's status bar looks like with our fly-by help displayed:
![[SimpleShlExt help text - 3K]](ShellExtGuide1/ShellExGuide1_4.png)
And here's what the message box looks like, showing the name of the file that was selected:
![[SimpleShlExt msg box - 9K]](ShellExtGuide1/ShellExGuide1_5.png)
Copyright and license
This article is copyrighted material, ©2003-2006 by Michael Dunn. I realize this isn't going to stop people
from copying it all around the 'net, but I have to say it anyway. If you are interested in doing a translation
of this article, please email me to let me know. I don't foresee denying anyone permission to do a translation,
I would just like to be aware of the translation so I can post a link to it here.
The demo code that accompanies this article is released to the public domain. I release it this way so that
the code can benefit everyone. (I don't make the article itself public domain because having the article available
only on CodeProject helps both my own visibility and the CodeProject site.) If you use the demo code in your own
application, an email letting me know would be appreciated (just to satisfy my curiosity about whether folks are
benefitting from my code) but is not required. Attribution in your own source code is also appreciated but not
Revision History
March 27, 2000: Article first published.
March 14, 2006: Updated to cover changes in VC 7.1. Removed OLE Automation-related code from the project to simplify
things a bit.
Series Navigation: » Part II