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--------------- SQL ---------------

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[HRsp_Data_Correction]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@userid VARCHAR(10) = NULL,
@region_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@site_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@sect_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@post_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@nat_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@reli_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@cat_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@agent_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@prof_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@sectmain_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@sectsub_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@sectteam_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@spcl_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@extra_filter VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
@report_id INT = 1,
@with_result BIT = 0,
@upto VARCHAR(20) = NULL


-- Do not continue if no userid parameter
IF @userid IS NULL or @userid = '' RETURN

-- 02-03-2009::Set value to Current Date if @Upto is not specified

-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.


-- define and initialize local variables
@sqlSubquery_Personal VARCHAR(MAX),
@sqlSubquery_Engage VARCHAR(MAX),
@sqlSumquery VARCHAR(MAX),
@sqlFields VARCHAR(MAX),
@sqlGroups VARCHAR(MAX),
@sqlTables VARCHAR(MAX),
@sqlTablesadd VARCHAR(MAX),
@sqlWhere VARCHAR(MAX),
@sqlOrder VARCHAR(MAX),
@forPaginate VARCHAR(MAX)

-- DEFAULTS for the SQL STATEMENT ----------------------------------------------

-- set the default report grouping to by Country and company site
-- if grouping is not specified

IF @grp1 IS NULL OR @grp1 = '' SET @grp1 = 'region'
IF @grp2 IS NULL SET @grp2 = ''
IF @grp3 IS NULL SET @grp3 = ''

SET @forPaginate = ''

IF (@with_result = 1)
-- check if global temporary table exists
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##tmp_manpower','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##tmp_manpower
SET @forPaginate = N' INTO ##tmp_manpower '

/* Main Fields to Select */
SET @sqlGroups = @grp1
IF @grp2 <> '' SET @sqlGroups = @sqlGroups + ',' + @grp2
IF @grp3 <> '' SET @sqlGroups = @sqlGroups + ',' + @grp3
SET @sqlGroups = @sqlGroups + ', mcat'

/* Main Fields to Select */
SET @sqlFields = @grp1 + ' AS group1 '
IF @grp2 <> '' SET @sqlFields = @sqlFields + ',' + @grp2 + ' AS group2 '
ELSE SET @sqlFields = @sqlFields + ','' '' AS group2 '
IF @grp3 <> '' SET @sqlFields = @sqlFields + ',' + @grp3 + ' AS group3 '
ELSE SET @sqlFields = @sqlFields + ','' '' AS group3 '
SET @sqlFields = @sqlFields +', mcat, '
SET @sqlFields = @sqlFields + 'COUNT(DISTINCT empno) AS cnt, SUM(age) as sum_age, SUM(total_group_years) AS sum_yrs, '+
'AVG(age) AS age, AVG(total_group_years) AS yrs '

/* Tables used */
SET @sqlTables = N'fn_AllEmployeeForDataCorretion('''+@upto+''','''+@userid+''') AS e '
SET @sqlTablesadd = N'fn_AllEmployeeForDataCorretionAddress('''+@upto+''','''+@userid+''') AS f '

/* Order of Records */
SET @sqlOrder = N'1,2,3,4'

/* Records Accessed filter */
SET @sqlWhere = ' (region IN (SELECT code FROM dbo.fn_CheckAccess('''+@userid+''',''R'')) OR ' +
' conssite IN (SELECT code FROM dbo.fn_CheckAccess('''+@userid+''',''S''))) '

-- Start ==> Added: 27-12-08
-- Check Sections Permission
DECLARE @sections VARCHAR(5);
DECLARE @employees VARCHAR(5);
SELECT @sections = (SELECT TOP 1 code FROM dbo.fn_CheckAccess(@userid,'N'))
SELECT @employees = (SELECT TOP 1 code FROM dbo.fn_CheckAccess(@userid,'E'))
IF @sections IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + ' AND sect IN (SELECT code FROM dbo.fn_CheckAccess('''+@userid+''',''N'')) '
-- Check Employees Sections
IF @employees IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + ' AND empno IN (SELECT code FROM dbo.fn_CheckAccess('''+@userid+''',''E'')) '
-- End ==> Added: 27-12-08

-- Add the filters, if ANY
IF @region_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + ' AND region IN (' + @region_filter + ')'
IF @site_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + ' AND conssite IN (' + @site_filter + ')'
IF @sect_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + ' AND sect IN (' + @sect_filter + ')'
IF @post_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + ' AND post IN (' + @post_filter + ')'
IF @prof_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + ' AND prof IN (' + @prof_filter + ')'
IF @nat_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + ' AND nat IN (' + @nat_filter + ')'
IF @reli_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + ' AND reli IN (' + @reli_filter + ')'
IF @cat_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + ' AND mcat IN (' + @cat_filter + ')'
IF @extra_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + @extra_filter

-- END of DEFAULTS for the SQL STATEMENT ----------------------------------------------

/* Make the SQL Statements to get the records from the masterfile ang group them accordingly */
SET @sqlSubquery_Personal = ' SELECT ' + @sqlFields +
' FROM ' + @sqlTables +
' WHERE ' + @sqlWhere +
' And nat = '' '' or nat = NULL or birthdate ='' '' or birthdate = NULL
or dest_code = '' '' or dest_code = NULL or family_name = '' '' or
family_name = NULL or first_name = '' '' or first_name = NULL or reli = '' ''
or reli = NULL' +
' GROUP BY ' + @sqlGroups

SET @sqlSubquery_Engage = ' SELECT ' + @sqlFields +
' FROM ' + @sqlTables +
' WHERE ' + @sqlWhere +
' And init_date = '' '' or init_date = NULL or reeg_date ='' '' or reeg_date = NULL
or contract_date = '' '' or contract_date = NULL ' +
' GROUP BY ' + @sqlGroups

/* STORE the group records */
CREATE TABLE #resultset (
group1 VARCHAR(MAX),
group2 VARCHAR(MAX),
group3 VARCHAR(MAX),
totals_cnt INT ,
totals_age INT ,
totals_yrs DECIMAL(8,2) ,
Pers_exp_cnt INT,
Pers_exp_age INT,
Pers_exp_yrs DECIMAL(6,2),
Pers_exo_cnt INT,
Pers_exo_age INT,
Pers_exo_yrs DECIMAL(6,2),
Pers_tcn_cnt INT,
Pers_tcn_age INT,
Pers_tcn_yrs DECIMAL(6,2),
Engt_exp_cnt INT,
Engt_exp_age INT,
Engt_exp_yrs DECIMAL(6,2),
Engt_exo_cnt INT,
Engt_exo_age INT,
Engt_exo_yrs DECIMAL(6,2),
Engt_tcn_cnt INT,
Engt_tcn_age INT,
Engt_tcn_yrs DECIMAL(6,2)
--loc_cnt INT,
--loc_age INT,
--loc_yrs DECIMAL(6,2),
--lor_cnt INT,
--lor_age INT,
--lor_yrs DECIMAL(6,2)

INSERT INTO #resultset
EXEC(' (SELECT group1,group2,group3,
SUM(cnt) as totals_cnt, SUM(sum_age)/SUM(cnt) as totals_age, SUM(sum_yrs)/SUM(cnt) as totals_yrs,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as Pers_exp_cnt,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' THEN age ELSE 0 END) as Pers_exp_age,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' THEN yrs ELSE 0 END) as Pers_exp_yrs,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as Pers_exo_cnt,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' THEN age ELSE 0 END) as Pers_exo_age,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' THEN yrs ELSE 0 END) as Pers_exo_yrs,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as Pers_tcn_cnt,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' THEN age ELSE 0 END) as Pers_tcn_age,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' THEN yrs ELSE 0 END) as Pers_tcn_yrs '+
' FROM (' + @sqlSubquery_Personal + ' ) AS M GROUP BY group1,group2,group3 )'+
'(SELECT group1,group2,group3,
SUM(cnt) as totals_cnt, SUM(sum_age)/SUM(cnt) as totals_age, SUM(sum_yrs)/SUM(cnt) as totals_yrs,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as Engt_exp_cnt,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' THEN age ELSE 0 END) as Engt_exp_age,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' THEN yrs ELSE 0 END) as Engt_exp_yrs,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as Engt_exo_cnt,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' THEN age ELSE 0 END) as Engt_exo_age,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' THEN yrs ELSE 0 END) as Engt_exo_yrs,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as Engt_tcn_cnt,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' THEN age ELSE 0 END) as Engt_tcn_age,
SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' THEN yrs ELSE 0 END) as Engt_tcn_yrs ' +
' FROM (' + @sqlSubquery_Engage + ' ) AS M GROUP BY group1,group2,group3 )')
print @sqlSubQuery_Personal;
print @sqlSubquery_Engage;
/* NOW, return the result with the descriptions */
SELECT @sqlcmd = N'SELECT R.*, '+
N' RT.tot_totals,RT.Pers_tot_exp,RT.Pers_tot_exo, RT.Pers_tot_tcn,RT.Engt_tot_exp,RT.Engt_tot_exo, RT.Engt_tot_tcn,' +
N' r1.code_desc AS group1_desc '
IF @grp2 <> '' SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ', r2.code_desc AS group2_desc ' + @forPaginate
IF @grp3 <> '' SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ', r3.code_desc AS group3_desc '
SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ' FROM #resultset AS R ' +
N' LEFT JOIN dbo.fn_SelRef('''+@userid+''','''+@grp1+''') AS r1 ON R.group1 = r1.code '
IF @grp2 <> '' SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ' LEFT JOIN dbo.fn_SelRef('''+@userid+''','''+@grp2+''') AS r2 ON R.group2 = r2.code '
IF @grp3 <> '' SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ' LEFT JOIN dbo.fn_SelRef('''+@userid+''','''+@grp3+''') AS r3 ON R.group3 = r3.code '
SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ', (SELECT SUM(totals_cnt) as tot_totals,SUM(Pers_exp_cnt) as Pers_tot_exp,
SUM(Pers_exo_cnt) AS Pers_tot_exo,
SUM(Pers_tcn_cnt) AS Pers_tot_tcn,SUM(Engt_exp_cnt) as Engt_tot_exp,
SUM(Engt_exo_cnt) AS Engt_tot_exo,
SUM(Engt_tcn_cnt) AS Engt_tot_tcn
FROM #resultset) AS RT ' +
N' ORDER BY R.group1, R.group2, R.group3 '
/* LAST, Return the bloody result */


Here is the procedure i have created and the point of concern for me is that i am creating a temporary table as #resultset which should have the columns specified as the variable names but the dat for these columns depends upon different queries.. Now how to insert data from multiple queries into a single created temporary table..
Thanks and i hope some genious will sought a solution for me..



create proc sp_sample
create table #temp
slno varchar(50),
name varchar(50)
insert into #temp(slno,name)
select table1.slno, from table1,table2
where table1.slno=table2.slno

this s sample store procedure..if u want more help.pls reply..

Thanks & regrads
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I'm not going to look at your code, because frankly you have posted too much. When you post code, simplify it by posting a small sample that demonstrates your problem. Now, on to your question...

Just insert as you would with any other table. Do several insert statements in a row. For example:
--Insert some records from one table.
INSERT INTO #MyTempTable(Col1, Col2) SELECT TableCol1, TableCol2 FROM SomeTable

-- Insert some records from another table.
INSERT INTO #MyTempTable(Col1, Col2) SELECT OtherCol1, OtherCol2 FROM SomeOtherTable

Nothing much to it.
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Dear Friend aspdotnetdev.
Yes i have posted the code coz many times people complain of not having the code present..
Newa coming to the point friend,
As you have specified,
INSERT INTO #MyTempTable(Col1, Col2) SELECT TableCol1, TableCol2 FROM SomeTable
INSERT INTO #MyTempTable(Col1, Col2) SELECT OtherCol1, OtherCol2 FROM SomeOtherTable

I want something like this,
INSERT INTO #MyTempTable(Col1, Col2,Col3,Col4) (SELECT TableCol1, TableCol2 FROM SomeTable),(SELECT OtherCol1, OtherCol2 FROM SomeOtherTable)..

I have tried UNION ALL even but that aint work..
I hope u got my point
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Dear Karthekeyan,
create table #temp
slno varchar(50),
name varchar(50)
insert into #temp(slno,name)
select table1.slno, from table1,table2
where table1.slno=table2.slno

See how it goes for me..
QUERY1:Set @q1 = Select count(*) from employee where First_name = ' ' or first_name= NULL
QUERY2:Set @q2 = Select count(*) from employee where Last_name = ' ' or first_name= NULL

now what i want is the data retrieved from these queries to be inserted into the table and the outlook should be like

First_Name Last_Name
10 12
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If the data between the two tables is related, use a join. If the data is unrelated, but you still want to combine the data into different rows, it sounds like you are just trying to consolidate the data into a single result set. You don't really have to do that. You can just return 2 temporary tables from your stored procedure and .Net can read in both result sets. However, if you really want to combine the data into 1 temporary table and the data is unrelated, here is one way to do it...

Create a temporary table with an identity column, so that row can be uniquely identified by the number in that column (we'll call this table #results). Insert the results from query 1 into #TempTable1 (this will have an identity column too). Insert the results from query 2 into #TempTable2 (this will have an identity column too). See which of the temp tables is bigger... insert that many records into your #results table... you can do this with a while loop (each iteration you would insert 1 row). Doesn't matter what data is inserted... what's important is that the identity column creates the unique number for each row. Now, update #results with the values from #TempTable1. You can do this by joining the identity column in #results to the identity column in #TempTable1. Next, update #results with the values from #TempTable2... again, join on the identity columns.
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ravi_xmn 27-Nov-15 9:59am    
this works great, thanks very much for your suggestion.

so u should create single temp table,in that u specify all the fields u want
create table #temp
col1 varchar(50) null,
col2 varchar(50) null,
col3 varchar(50) null,
col4 varchar(50) null,

first u insert first table values whatever it've,
insert into #temp(col1,col2,col3,col4)
select val1,val2,null,null from firsttable
where some condition
then null values will be added in col3 and col4
then afterwards
update #temp set col3=val3,col4=val4
from secondtable
where some condition...
is it ok...
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Hey Guys Found The Answer..
Thanks All..

Here Is It:
SELECT mcat_order, cs,
engagement_cnt = SUM(engagement_cnt),
personal_cnt = SUM(personal_cnt),
documents_cnt = SUM(documents_cnt)
SELECT mcat_order = CASE contcatg_code
cs = CASE WHEN contcatg_code='3' THEN 'EXPA'
WHEN contcatg_code='4' THEN 'EXPO'
engagement_cnt = CASE WHEN (group_initial_joined = '' or group_joined = '' or contract_date ='')
personal_cnt = CASE WHEN (family_name='' or first_name='' or birthdate='' or nationality_code='' or religion_code=''
or ISNULL(ea.address,'') = '')
documents_cnt = CASE WHEN (ISNULL(d1.reference_no,'')='') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
FROM HR_employee e LEFT JOIN
(SELECT ea.empno, address FROM HR_eaddress ea WHERE addresstype='P') AS ea
ON e.empno = ea.empno
(SELECT empno, doccode, reference_no FROM HR_edocuments ed WHERE doccode='PAS') AS d1
ON e.empno = d1.empno
WHERE contcatg_code <> '1' AND contcatg_code <> '5' ) e
GROUP BY mcat_order, cs

SELECT mcat_order = CASE contcatg_code
cs = CASE WHEN contcatg_code='3' THEN 'EXPA'
WHEN contcatg_code='4' THEN 'EXPO'
engagement_cnt = CASE WHEN (group_initial_joined = '' or group_joined = '' or contract_date ='')
personal_cnt = CASE WHEN (family_name='' or first_name='' or birthdate='' or nationality_code='' or religion_code=''
or ISNULL(ea.address,'') = '')
documents_cnt = CASE WHEN (ISNULL(d1.reference_no,'')='') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
e.empno, family_name, first_name,group_initial_joined,group_joined, contract_date,
birthdate, nationality_code, religion_code, address = ea.address,
d1.doccode, d1.reference_no
FROM HR_employee e LEFT JOIN
(SELECT ea.empno, address FROM HR_eaddress ea WHERE addresstype='P') AS ea
ON e.empno = ea.empno
(SELECT empno, doccode, reference_no FROM HR_edocuments ed WHERE doccode='PAS') AS d1
ON e.empno = d1.empno
WHERE contcatg_code <> '1' AND contcatg_code <> '5') AS emps
WHERE engagement_cnt+personal_cnt > 0
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Dear Karthekeyan.
I have created the two sets now but it is an obligation for me to run them separately like i am using EXEC(@sqlcmd) fro the ist reultset and EXEC(@sqlcmde) for the second one..
Now i want to execute both off them simultaneouly..
Have a look at this code..

[Part I]
SELECT @sqlcmd = N'SELECT R.*, '+
N' RT.tot_totals,RT.Pers_tot_exp,RT.Pers_tot_exo, RT.Pers_tot_tcn,' +
N' r1.code_desc AS group1_desc '
IF @grp2 <> '' SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ', r2.code_desc AS group2_desc ' + @forPaginate
IF @grp3 <> '' SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ', r3.code_desc AS group3_desc '
SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ' FROM #resultset AS R ' +
N' LEFT JOIN dbo.fn_SelRef('''+@userid+''','''+@grp1+''') AS r1 ON R.group1 = r1.code '
IF @grp2 <> '' SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ' LEFT JOIN dbo.fn_SelRef('''+@userid+''','''+@grp2+''') AS r2 ON R.group2 = r2.code '
IF @grp3 <> '' SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ' LEFT JOIN dbo.fn_SelRef('''+@userid+''','''+@grp3+''') AS r3 ON R.group3 = r3.code '
SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ', (SELECT SUM(totals_cnt) as tot_totals,SUM(Pers_exp_cnt) as Pers_tot_exp,
SUM(Pers_exo_cnt) AS Pers_tot_exo,
SUM(Pers_tcn_cnt) AS Pers_tot_tcn
FROM #resultset) AS RT ' +
N' ORDER BY R.group1, R.group2, R.group3 '

[Part II]
SELECT @sqlcmde = N'SELECT R.*, '+
N' RE.tot_totals,RE.Engt_tot_exp,RE.Engt_tot_exo, RE.Engt_tot_tcn,' +
N' r1.code_desc AS group1_desc '
IF @grp2 <> '' SET @sqlcmde = @sqlcmde + ', r2.code_desc AS group2_desc ' + @forPaginate
IF @grp3 <> '' SET @sqlcmde = @sqlcmde + ', r3.code_desc AS group3_desc '
SET @sqlcmde = @sqlcmde + ' FROM #resultsetengage AS R ' +
N' LEFT JOIN dbo.fn_SelRef('''+@userid+''','''+@grp1+''') AS r1 ON R.group1 = r1.code '
IF @grp2 <> '' SET @sqlcmde = @sqlcmde + ' LEFT JOIN dbo.fn_SelRef('''+@userid+''','''+@grp2+''') AS r2 ON R.group2 = r2.code '
IF @grp3 <> '' SET @sqlcmde = @sqlcmde + ' LEFT JOIN dbo.fn_SelRef('''+@userid+''','''+@grp3+''') AS r3 ON R.group3 = r3.code '
SET @sqlcmde = @sqlcmde + ', (SELECT SUM(totals_cnt) as tot_totals,SUM(Engt_exp_cnt) as Engt_tot_exp,
SUM(Engt_exo_cnt) AS Engt_tot_exo,
SUM(Engt_tcn_cnt) AS Engt_tot_tcn
FROM #resultsetengage) AS RE ' +
N' ORDER BY R.group1, R.group2, R.group3 '
/* LAST, Return the bloody result */
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so u should create single temp table,in that u specify all the fields u want
create table #temp
col1 varchar(50) null,
col2 varchar(50) null,
col3 varchar(50) null,
col4 varchar(50) null,

first u insert first table values whatever it've,
insert into #temp(col1,col2,col3,col4)
select val1,val2,null,null from firsttable
where some condition
then null values will be added in col3 and col4
then afterwards
update #temp set col3=val3,col4=val4
from secondtable
where some condition...
is it ok...
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