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Developing C++ Android NDK Games using Linderdaum Engine on Intel® Architecture

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6 Jul 2015CPOL3 min read 10.4K  
Linderdaum Engine is an open source, purely object-oriented 3D gaming engine for Microsoft Windows, Google Android, and BlackBerry OS 10 written in C++.

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Linderdaum* Engine is an open source, purely object-oriented 3D gaming engine for Microsoft Windows*, Google Android*, and BlackBerry OS 10 written in C++. It is designed to be an integrated solution for the development of interactive 3D applications, for game, industrial, and scientific visualization.

Setting the Build Process

To work with Linderdaum Engine you will first need to install:

  • Linderdaum Engine SDK 0.6.08
  • OpenAL
  • Python* 3 (required version 3 or later)

In addition, you will need to install the following software for building projects on Android:

You will need to have a device with Android 2.2 or above for testing on. For the Android NDK to work properly, the name of the folder where you install the Linderdaum SDK must not have any spaces. The Linderdaum SDK has all the rights to build a library in compiled form (enter Libs.Win32/Libs.Win64 and BuildAndroid/jni ), so all you have to do is update the meta-information and build files. Run the binary out of the repository with the SDK first, and then Now that you have everything installed, you can start writing multi-platform applications.

HelloAndroid application

So as not to overload the engine parts and to elaborate on the multi-platform aspects, we will work with a minimal 3D application in the Apps / Test_Android / Src / file and shown below:

#include "Linderdaum.h"
sEnvironment* Env = NULL;
LMatrix4              Projection;
clVirtualTrackball    Trackball;
clGameCamera*         Camera = NULL;
clScene*              Scene  = NULL;
void DrawOverlay(LEvent Event, const LEventArgs& Args)
    // refresh camera
    LMatrix4 Trans( Trackball.GetRotationMatrix() * Camera->GetCamera().GetModelViewMatrix() );
    Scene->SetCameraTransform( Trans );
    Scene->SetCameraProjection( Projection );

    // draw the scene
    Scene->SetUseOffscreenBuffer( false, false );

    // update the virtual trackball
    bool MousePressedL = Env->Console->IsKeyPressed( LK_LBUTTON );
    Env->Viewport->UpdateTrackball( &Trackball, 10.0f, MousePressedL );

void Update( LEvent Event, const LEventArgs& Args )
    // in Args.FFloatArg хранится DeltaTime in milliseconds

    LString CommandLine;
    Env = new sEnvironment();

    // CommonMedia used only on the PC, on Android, it is cleverly packaged in resources
    Env->DeployDefaultEnvironment( CommandLine, "..\..\CommonMedia" );
    Projection = Math::Perspective( 45.0f, Env->Viewport->GetAspectRatio(), 0.4f, 2000.0f );

    // create a camera and assign it to events
    Camera = Env->Linker->Instantiate( "clGameCamera" );
    Camera->GetCamera().SetPosition( LVector3(0,-10,10) );
    CONNECTOBJ( L_EVENT_TIMER, &clGameCamera::Event_TIMER, Camera );
    Env->Connect( L_EVENT_DRAWOVERLAY, Utils::Bind( &DrawOverlay ) );
    Env->Connect( L_EVENT_TIMER,       Utils::Bind( &Update      ) );

    // create a scene
    Scene = Env->Linker->Instantiate("clScene");

    // and add it to the mesh
    int ID = Scene->AddGeom( Env->Resources->CreateIcosahedron( 3.0f, LVector3(0) ) );

    // set up the material
    clMaterial* Mtl = Env->Resources->CreateMaterial();
    Mtl->SetPropertyValue( "DiffuseColor", "1.0 0.0 0.0 0" );
    Mtl->SetPropertyValue( "CastShadow",   "false" );
    Scene->SetMtl( ID, Mtl );

    // set the position
    Scene->SetLocalTransform( ID, LMatrix4::GetTranslateMatrix( LVector3(  0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ) );
    Env->RunApplication( DEFAULT_CONSOLE_AUTOEXEC );


This code displays a red icosahedron in the center of the screen that can be rotated with the mouse. We also want to build the app without having to make any changes on the Android device or on a Windows PC.

Building an Engine for Android

Building applications for Android is easy, but you must set several tools:

  • JAVA_HOME environment variable must refer to a folder with the JDK (On Ubuntu JDK the folder is usually /usr/lib/kvm/default-java)
  • NDK_ROOT environment variable must refer to a folder with the Android NDK
  • file Apps / Test_Android / needs to specify that the parameter 'sdk.dir =' is pointing to the folder with the Android SDK

We need to build an engine for Android (included with the SDK and already underway is libLinderdaumEngineCore.a, so a manual rebuild would only be needed if you want to dig deeper in the engine on your own). Run Cygwin Bash Shell, go to the directory, and perform BuildAndroid ndk-build -j4. As a result, you should see libLinderdaumEngineCore.a slightly larger than 100MB.

Building a Project for Android

Building an Android project requires changing several files in Apps/Test_Android. Here are the changes you should make:

sdk.dir=<path to Android SDK, for example C:\\android-sdk>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <string name="app_name">Test_Android</string>

APP_OPTIM := release
APP_PLATFORM := android-21
APP_STL := gnustl_static
APP_CPPFLAGS += -frtti 
APP_CPPFLAGS += -fexceptions
APP_ABI := x86

To use the tools from the Android SDK, you will need a manifesto AndroidManifest.xml. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
    <!--require Android 2.1 and higher-->
    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="7" />
    <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="9" />
        android:anyDensity="true" />
    <uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000"/>
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.telephony" android:required="false" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
    <application android:label="@string/app_name"
        <activity android:name="com.linderdaum.engine.LinderdaumEngineActivity"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

In different applications you may need to change a package=«com.linderdaum.engine.myfirstandroidapp». Go to Apps\Test_Android and run ndk-build over Cygwin. You should see the following:

$ ndk-build
Compile++ thumb  : LinderdaumEngine <= LAndroid.cpp
Compile thumb  : LinderdaumEngine <= LJNI.c
Compile++ thumb  : LinderdaumEngine <= Test_Android.cpp
Prebuilt       : libLinderdaumEngineCore.a <= jni/../../../BuildAndroid/obj/local/x86/
Prebuilt       : libFreeImage.a <= jni/../../../BuildAndroid/jni/x86/
Prebuilt       : libFreeType.a <= jni/../../../BuildAndroid/jni/x86/
Prebuilt       : libVorbis.a <= jni/../../../BuildAndroid/jni/x86/
Prebuilt       : libOGG.a <= jni/../../../BuildAndroid/jni/x86/
Prebuilt       : libOpenAL.a <= jni/../../../BuildAndroid/jni/x86/
Prebuilt       : libModPlug.a <= jni/../../../BuildAndroid/jni/x86/
Prebuilt       : libstdc++.a <= /sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/libs/x86/
SharedLibrary  :
Install        : => libs/armeabi-v7a/

This is the end of the C++ part of this project. You still need to add Java and build a distribution in .apk. For this you need to create a build.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Asteroids" default="help">
    <import file="../../BuildAndroid/CommonMedia.xml"/>
    <property file="" />
    <property file="" />
    <loadproperties srcFile="" />
            message="sdk.dir is missing. Make sure to generate using 'android update project' or to inject it through an env var"
    <target name="copy-game-data">
    <!-- Game data -->
        <delete dir="assets"/>
        <copy todir="assets/Data">
            <fileset dir="GameData">
        <copy todir="assets/Data">
            <fileset dir="Data">
    <import file="${sdk.dir}/tools/ant/build.xml" />

Run ant copy-common-media debug and get ready for the distribution in the Apps\Test_Android\bin\Test_Android-debug.apk. The apk file can be installed on the device using this command:

adb install Test_Android-debug.apk

Run the application. You should see the following:

Image 1

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About the Author

Vitaliy Kalinin works in the Software & Services Group at Intel Corporation. He is a PhD student at Lobachevsky State University in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. He has a Bachelor’s degree in economics and mathematics and a Master’s degree in applied economics and informatics. His main interest is mobile technologies and game development.


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