In my last post “Page Object Pattern“, from the series “Design Patterns in Automation Testing“, I gave you examples of how to use one of the most popular patterns in the Web Automation the Page Object Pattern. In this article, I am going to further improve the central idea of the pattern.
If you read the code from my last post, you will most probably notice that it brakes one of the most important programming principles- DRY (Don’t-Repeat-Yourself). The primary goal of the improvements of the pattern is going to be to create an OOP design of classes to limit the repetition of code blocks.

Base WebDriver Class
The primary goal of the class below is to provide a direct way to initialize and access the web driver instance.
public static class Driver
private static WebDriverWait browserWait;
private static IWebDriver browser;
public static IWebDriver Browser
if (browser == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("The WebDriver browser instance was not initialized.
You should first call the method Start.");
return browser;
private set
browser = value;
public static WebDriverWait BrowserWait
if (browserWait == null || browser == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("The WebDriver browser wait instance
was not initialized. You should first call the method Start.");
return browserWait;
private set
browserWait = value;
public static void StartBrowser(BrowserTypes browserType = BrowserTypes.Firefox,
int defaultTimeOut = 30)
switch (browserType)
case BrowserTypes.Firefox:
Driver.Browser = new FirefoxDriver();
case BrowserTypes.InternetExplorer:
case BrowserTypes.Chrome:
BrowserWait = new WebDriverWait(Driver.Browser, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(defaultTimeOut));
public static void StopBrowser()
Browser = null;
BrowserWait = null;
The driver is initialized through the StartBrowser
method where the client is capable of setting a particular browser type and timeout. The stop of the browser that is usually performed on TestCleanup
is also an easy task via the static StopBrowser
method. If the client tries to access the instance before the initialization, an exception is thrown.
Advanced Page Object Pattern OOP Design
The first class that needs improvement is the element map.
First Version
public class BingMainPageElementMap
private readonly IWebDriver browser;
public BingMainPageElementMap(IWebDriver browser)
this.browser = browser;
public IWebElement SearchBox
return this.browser.FindElement(By.Id("sb_form_q"));
The main problem here is that every client of the class should pass to its constructor the current Web Driver instance. We can make it better with the help of the previously created static
class Driver
. We can create a base element map that all other element maps are going to derive.
public class BasePageElementMap
protected IWebDriver browser;
public BasePageElementMap()
this.browser = Driver.Browser;
Improved Version
public class BingMainPageElementMap : BasePageElementMap
public IWebElement SearchBox
return this.browser.FindElement(By.Id("sb_form_q"));
As you can see in the new version, the class doesn’t have a constructor. So this code block is not going to be repeated in all other map classes.
The next step in the improving process is to create a base class for the validator classes.
First Version
public class BingMainPageValidator
private readonly IWebDriver browser;
public BingMainPageValidator(IWebDriver browser)
this.browser = browser;
protected BingMainPageElementMap Map
return new BingMainPageElementMap(this.browser);
public void ResultsCount(string expectedCount)
"The results DIV doesn't contains the specified text.");
In the first version of the class, the DRY design principle is again not followed. The Map
property and the constructor need to be placed in every validator class.
Improved Version
public class BasePageValidator<M>
where M : BasePageElementMap, new()
protected M Map
return new M();
When derived, this generic class is going to provide direct access to the element map.
public class BingMainPageValidator : BasePageValidator<BingMainPageElementMap>
public void ResultsCount(string expectedCount)
"The results DIV doesn't contains the specified text.");
After the refactoring, we end up with more readable and cleaner solution.
By the way, during my research for the "Design Patterns in Automation Testing" series, I always first read about the presented pattern in several books. One of them that you might want to check is "Head First Design Patterns" by Eric Freeman. The author uses a very unique methodology for presenting the material that I haven't found anywhere else. Probably, most of you will like it. For the more hardcore fans that might find the book too easy, I recommend the bible of the design patterns- "Design Patterns- Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software". It will change your way of thinking about object-oriented design.
The final step in the process of making a better page object pattern OOP design is to create a base class for all page classes.
First Version
public class BingMainPage
private readonly IWebDriver browser;
private readonly string url = @"";
public BingMainPage(IWebDriver browser)
this.browser = browser;
protected BingMainPageElementMap Map
return new BingMainPageElementMap(this.browser);
public BingMainPageValidator Validate()
return new BingMainPageValidator(this.browser);
public void Navigate()
public void Search(string textToType)
There are a couple of items in the above class that is going to be repeated for every page class- the constructor, the Navigate
method, the Validate
method, and the Map
property. As you can imagine, this is a lot of boilerplate code. To fix this problem, we can create the following two base classes:
public class BasePage<M>
where M : BasePageElementMap, new()
protected readonly string url;
public BasePage(string url)
this.url = url;
protected M Map
return new M();
public void Navigate()
public class BasePage<M, V> : BasePage<M>
where M : BasePageElementMap, new()
where V : BasePageValidator<M>, new()
public BasePage(string url)
: base(url)
public V Validate()
return new V();
The first one can be derived if you want to have a page without validator. The second one extends the first and adds to it the Validate
method. Via the generic parameters and their constraints, we can use these classes for all of our pages.
Improved Version
public class BingMainPage
private readonly IWebDriver browser;
private readonly string url = @"";
public BingMainPage(IWebDriver browser)
this.browser = browser;
protected BingMainPageElementMap Map
return new BingMainPageElementMap(this.browser);
public BingMainPageValidator Validate()
return new BingMainPageValidator(this.browser);
public void Navigate()
public void Search(string textToType)
Now the BingMainPage
class consists only of a single constructor and the Search
method, all of the boilerplate code is moved to the base class.
Advanced Page Object Pattern- Usage in Tests
public class AdvancedBingTests
public void SetupTest()
public void TeardownTest()
public void SearchTextInBing_Advanced_PageObjectPattern()
BingMainPage bingMainPage = new BingMainPage();
bingMainPage.Search("Automate The Planet");
bingMainPage.Validate().ResultsCount(",000 RESULTS");
If you compare this sample usage with the one presented in the previous solution, you will notice that they are completely identical.
There is also another benefit that comes from the usage of the BasePage
object- you cannot use the Map
property directly in your tests. In my opinion, the direct usage of element maps in the tests is not a good practice because it breaks the DRY principle.