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C# StatusBarProgressPanel Control

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26 Apr 2005 4  
A status bar panel that displays a standard ProgressBar control.


I wanted a progress bar for my status bar and wasn't satisfied with any of the code found on the internet. My solution is to create a user control inherited from the StatusBarPanel class and add a ProgressBar control as a member object.

The source code in the demo project is straightforward and doesn't require much explanation here. I will give you a brief overview of the StatusBarProgressPanel class and how to use it in your own project.

Class Basics

The only difference between a StatusBarPanel and my class is the addition of the ProgressBar property.

private ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar();
public ProgressBar ProgressBar
  get { return progressBar; }

...and an event handler for the status bar's DrawItem event.

public void ParentDrawItemHandler(object sender, 
                       StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs sbdevent)
  // Only add this once to the parent's control container

  if (isAdded == false)
    this.isAdded = true;
  // Get the bounds of this panel and copy to the progress bar's bounds

  if (sbdevent.Panel == this)
    progressBar.Bounds = sbdevent.Bounds;

I know it may not be the most efficient way to do things, but it works and it's simple. If anyone wants to post any improvements, I will be happy to add them and give you the credit.

How to use

Using the progress panel is really simple. The steps involved are as follows:

  1. Create your StatusBar and add it to the form.
  2. Open up the StatusBarPanel Collection Editor from the Properties window. Click on the Add button to add a new panel and set the panel's Style to OwnerDraw.
  3. Close the StatusBarPanel Collection Editor window.
  4. View the source code for the form that contains the StatusBar.
  5. Change the progress panel's class from System.Windows.Form.StatusBarPanel to MarkHarmon.Controls.StatusBarProgressPanel.
  6. Set the status bar's DrawItem event handler to the StatusBarProgressPanel's ParentDrawItemHandler method.
  7. Save and rebuild the project.
  8. Open the StatusBarPanel Collection Editor again and find the ProgressBar property. Set the progress bar's properties to your liking.

Here is an example of how to set the DrawItem event handler:

// Set the DrawItem event handler 

  statusBar1.DrawItem += 
    new StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler(progressPanel.ParentDrawItemHandler);

To set the progress bar's position or other properties programmatically, just use the panel's ProgressBar property.


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