Electronic engineers often feel the need to plot experiment data observed from electronic instruments (e.g. Oscilloscope meters). More often than not, the data is stored in one format (e.g. hexadecimal), while the plotting software needs another input format (e.g. decimal). This is quite inconvenient. I finally decided to wrap the conversion into a C++ class: CLiteralConverter
. In practice, integer literals usually come in four guises: decimal, octal, hexadecimal, and binary literals. So CLiteralConverter
only provides conversion between these four formats.
Instead of any hand-crafted algorithm, CLiteralConverter
completely takes the power of the standard iostream library. The idea is simple:
1. Tokenize
Using BOOST Tokenizer library, the original data string can be easily parsed and broken into conversion units. A typical usage is shown below:
boost::char_separator<char> sep(", ;");
<boost::char_separator<char> > tok("o,riginal str; ing",sep);
<boost::char_separator<char> >::iterator itr, itr_end;
itr = tok.begin();
itr_end = tok.end();
for(; itr != itr_end; ++itr)
2. Convert and Store values
After the tokenizing, units are converted into std::size_t
values and stored as std::vector<std::size_t>
. This step is accomplished with the help of manipulators for streams: std::hex
, std::oct
and std::dec
. Then we can read the units as hexadecimal, octal and decimal values. However, there is no support for binary notation. Fortunately, we can read binary by using the class bitset
. The usage is demonstrated below:
stringstream ss;
std::ios::fmtflags fmt;
size_t lVal;
fmt = std::ios::hex;
ss << "55";
ss.setf(fmt, std::ios::basefield);
ss >> lVal;
bitset<numeric_limits<size_t>::digits> bt("101010");
lVal = bt.to_ulong();
3. Output
There's no more magic now. Just use the manipulators for streams again, for writing this time. For binaries, just call the to_string()
Using the code
Just use the code in a common C++ class, as demonstrated below:
#include "LiteralConverter.h"
CLiteralConverter lc;
lc.SetString("5 aa bb cc dd 2", CLiteralConverter::HEX);
string s;
s = lc.GetString(CLiteralConverter::DEC);
s = lc.GetString(CLiteralConverter::OCT);
s = lc.GetString(CLiteralConverter::BIN);
s = lc.GetString(CLiteralConverter::HEX);
vector<size_t> vl;
CLiteralConverter Functions
Set the Original Data
Call these functions to set the original data, the format and the delimiters:
void SetString(const string& s, _FORMAT_ format, const string& sDelim = ",; :h")
void SetString(ifstream& f, _FORMAT_ formatsDelim, const string& sDelim = ",; :h")
The first prototype accepts a std::string
type string as input, while the second one accepts a std::ifstream
. Please make sure f
has been correctly initialised before being passed in. It is recommended that f.is_open()
be asserted before calling SetString()
. format
can be CLiteralConverter::HEX
, CLiteralConverter::DEC
, CLiteralConverter::OCT
, or CLiteralConverter::BIN
Get the Converted Data
Call this function to get the original data, the format and the delimiters:
string GetString(_FORMAT_ format, const string& sDelim = "; ")
This function returns the converted data string, given the desired format. format
can be CLiteralConverter::HEX
, CLiteralConverter::DEC,CLiteralConverter::OCT
, or CLiteralConverter::BIN
Some more specific variants are also provided:
string GetDec(const string& sDelim = "; ")
to get a decimal output.
string GetHex(const string& sDelim = "; ")
to get a hexadecimal output.
string GetOct(const string& sDelim = "; ")
to get a Octal output.
string GetBin(const string& sDelim = "; ")
to get a binary output.
In the case of customized operation on the data, GetValue(vector<size_t>& vValue)
can be called to get the stored values.
- Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
- CKCSideBannerWnd: An MFC Banner control that can add a professional looking feel to most windows... by Peter Mares. This class is used to make the the demo application look nicer. Thanks Peter.
Revision History
- Veriosn 1.0, 2005-05-13
- Version 1.1, 2009-08-19
- Fixed an overflow bug with long type, use size_t instead.
- Added a console demo application
- Updated demo applications to VS2008