"Select Computer" Dialog. Why do you need it ?
The "Select Computer" Dialog is very handy if you need something like the "Select Computer/User/Groups" dialog you've seen while playing with the
user management or network configuration tools in Windows.
Just take a look at the picture below and you'll see what I'm talking about:
![[Select Computer Dialog - 10K]](selectcomputerdialog/select_computer_dialog1.gif)
This "Select Computer" dialog allow you to select computers ("servers" in terms of the WNetEnumResource()
function) within any domain of your Windows Network environment. I tried to make this dialog to behave as closely
to the original Microsoft dialog as possible. And I think I did it. So - it's resizable, supports both multiply
and single selection and, ... hmm ... it works.
For your convenience I'm presenting both ATL and MFC versions of this dialog (and as you've already noticed
- both versions of demo project). BTW, the ATL version works perfectly in WTL environment.
Usage - Step by Step
Add these files to your project: SelectComputerDialog.h, SelectComputerDialog.cpp, SELECT_COMPUTER_USER.ico,
SELECT_COMPUTER_USERS.ico, SelectComputerDialog.rc, SelectComputerResource.h, SelectComputerNetwork.h, SelectComputerNetwork.cpp,
Sizer.h, Sizer.cpp
Include the SelectComputerDialog.rc file to your project resource script file:
Choose (from Visual C++ 6 main menu) "View" -> "Resource Includes" and type "#include
"SelectComputerDialog.rc" in "Compile-time directives" edit field:
![[Resource includes - 8K]](selectcomputerdialog/select_computer_dialog2.gif)
Include "SelectComputerDialog.h" in the file where you'd like to use the dialog.
#include "SelectComputerDialog.h"
ATL sample code :
CSelectComputerDialog dlg;
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
typedef basic_string<TCHAR> tstring;
tstring str;
typedef pair<tstring, tstring> tstringpair;
vector<tstringpair>::const_iterator ci = dlg.GetComputerNames().begin();
for (; ci != dlg.GetComputerNames().end(); ++ci)
str += (ci->first + _T(" / ") + ci->second);
str += _T("\r\n");
SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_COMPUTERNAME, str.c_str());
MFC sample code :
CSelectComputerDialog dlg;
m_strComputerName = _T("");
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
typedef pair<CString, CString> CStringPair;
vector<CStringPair>::const_iterator ci = dlg.GetComputerNames().begin()
for (; ci != dlg.GetComputerNames().end(); ++ci)
m_strComputerName += (ci->first + _T(" / ") + ci->second);
m_strComputerName += _T("\r\n");
I think that sample is quite simple - but I'd like to explain it a bit:
A SingleSelection(bool)
method is used to set a selection mode
for the dialog. If the argument is true
, then only one computer name
can be selected at time, otherwise multiple selection is possible.
If the single selection mode is chosen use the GetComputerName()
to get a name of the selected
computer, otherwise you have to use the GetComputerNames()
method that returns a STL vector
of names. Actually, both methods returns computer name as the STL pair
value that consists of both
computer name and domain name.
Here is the prototypes for these methods:
for the ATL version:
const pair<basic_string<TCHAR>, basic_string<TCHAR> > & GetComputerName() const
const vector<pair<basic_string<TCHAR>, basic_string<TCHAR> > > & GetComputerNames() const
and for the MFC version:
const pair<CString, CString> & GetComputerName() const
const vector<pair<CString, CString> >& GetComputerNames() const
A NoALLDomain(bool)
method is used to set a mode for the dialog
that lets it show and select computers from different domains at one time. If argument is false
item will be added to the combobox. If you'll select this "domain," all
computers of all domains will be shown in the list control.
![[Select Computer Dialog - 10K]](selectcomputerdialog/select_computer_dialog3.gif)
At this time you know all that you need to know to use this class in your project. But for those of you who
want a bit more, I wrote the next "chapter".
Dialog Internals
There are little descriptions of the classes I used to implement this dialog:
This class provides the UI and an interface to data where names of the selected computers are stored. It is
derived directly from CDialogImpl<CSelectComputerDialog>
in ATL version, and from
in the MFC version.
This class provides the ability to resize the dialog, with consequent rearrangement of child controls, and you
can control the minimum and maximum size allowed.
This one does all the network-related jobs - enumeration of computers and domains. Actually I'm using the WNetEnumResource()
function to enumerate network resources.
If an enumerated resource is identified as RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN
object I display it as a domain,
and if it's identified as RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER
object I show it as a computer.
The name of computer and domain are read from the lpRemoteName
member of the NETRESOURCE