There are many libraries for solving nonlinear equation systems. They realize well-known mathematical algorithms – Newton-Raphson method, Levenberg-Marquardt method, Powell’s Dog Leg method and so on. The algorithms require calculation not only values of system equations at some point, but also the values of gradient, Jacobian or Hessian of the system, that are all some type of derivatives of the system. Common realizations of computational libraries uses numerical calculation of the derivatives – finite difference. This article introduces alternative approach, when the nonlinear system is set up in the form of analytical expressions and derivative expressions also provided in analytical form. Calculations of analytical expressions and derivation process carried out with ANALYTICS C# library..
For understanding analytical realization of nonlinear equations system solution, let us consider the general programming environment for the problem. In general case there must be 2 main classes: NonlinearSystem – represents nonlinear equations system and NonlinearSolver – represents nonlinear solver. The presented realization of the classes implemented in the MATHEMATICS library as the following:
public abstract class NonlinearSystem
public int Dimension
public bool DerivativeSupported
public abstract bool Calculate(double[] x, ref double[] y);
public virtual bool Jacobian(double[] x, ref double[][] J)
public abstract class NonlinearSolver
public abstract SolutionResult Solve(NonlinearSystem system, double[] x0,
SolverOptions opt, ref double[] x);
As for common nonlinear solvers are iterative ones, the inherited class IterativeSolver provided and it overrides Solve method in the form of iteration step sequence:
public abstract class IterativeSolver : NonlinearSolver
protected abstract bool Iteration(NonlinearSystem system, double[] x0, ref double[] x1);
public override SolutionResult Solve(NonlinearSystem system, double[] x0,
SolverOptions opt, ref double[] x)
The MATHEMATICS library realizes several final solver classes. The NewtonRaphsonSolver class used in all examples as the solver, requiring the derivative (Jacobian) calculations.
For realization of the approach with analytical derivative calculation, an analytical evaluation engine is required. The ANALYTICS C# library used for that purpose. This library provides not only analytical expression evaluation, but also analytical derivative calculation. Using this library the following descendant class for NonlinearSystem realized:
public class AnalyticalSystem: ConstructedSystem
#region Analytical data members
protected Translator translator;
protected string[] functions;
protected string[,] dfunctions;
protected Formula[] formulae;
protected Formula[,] fderivatives;
#endregion Analytical data members
protected bool AssignVariables(string[] variables)
if (variables == null || variables.Length == 0) return false;
translator = new Translator();
int l = variables.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
if (!translator.Add(variables[i], (double)0.0))
throw new InvalidNameException(variables[i]);
return true;
protected bool AssignFunctions(string[] f)
if (f == null || f.Length == 0) return false;
int l = f.Length;
functions = new string[l];
formulae = new Formula[l];
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
if (!translator.CheckSyntax(f[i]))
functions = null;
formulae = null;
return false;
functions[i] = f[i];
formulae[i] = translator.BuildFormula(functions[i]);
if (formulae[i].ResultType != typeof(double))
Type t = formulae[i].ResultType;
functions = null;
formulae = null;
throw new WrongArgumentException("Function must return real value.",
typeof(double), t);
dfunctions = new string[l, l];
fderivatives = new Formula[l,l];
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < l; j++)
dfunctions[i, j] = translator.Derivative(functions[i],
fderivatives[i, j] = translator.BuildFormula(dfunctions[i, j]);
catch (Exception)
fderivatives = null;
return true;
protected void AssignVariableValues(double[] values)
int l = values.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
translator.Variables[i].Value = values[i];
protected double Equation(int i)
return (double)formulae[i].Calculate();
protected double Derivative(int i, int j)
return (double)fderivatives[i,j].Calculate();
protected void CreateEquations()
int l = formulae.Length;
equations = new Equation[l];
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
int temp = i;
equations[i] = (double[] x) =>
return Equation(temp);
if (fderivatives != null)
derivatives = new Derivative[l];
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
int tempi = i;
derivatives[i] = (int j, double[] x) =>
return Derivative(tempi, j);
public AnalyticalSystem(string[] variables, string[] f)
if (variables.Length != f.Length)
throw new WrongArgumentException("Variable count must be equal to equation count.",
variables.Length, f.Length);
if (!AssignVariables(variables))
if (!AssignFunctions(f))
Main features of the system realization can be seen from constructor and AssignFunctions method. System’s constructor gets equations provided in analytical expressions form (array of strings). There is no need providing analytical expressions (or any lambda) for derivatives (Jacobian), because they are automatically calculated in AssignFunctions method by one line of code:
dfunctions[i, j] = translator.Derivative(functions[i], translator.Variables[j].Name);
There are some benefits of such approach. First, there is no need to provide lambda expressions not for system equations not for Jacobian. Second, no need to make derivation process for Jacobian functions, the process made automatically with analytical engine provided. Last, the calculations of analytical expressions gives more precise derivative value estimations than numerical finite difference, which lacks from the step choice.
Test examples
Two test examples provided in VS 2010 solution. The examples demonstrate using analytical system for solving geometry problems – finding intersection of curves in 2D space and surfaces in 2D space. The code of the 3D case:
string[] variables = { "x", "y", "z" };
string[] functions = { "x^2+y^2+z^2-1", "x^2+y^2-z", "-x+2*y^2+z^2" };
NonlinearSystem system = new AnalyticalSystem(variables, functions);
double[] x0;
SolverOptions options;
double[] result;
double[] expected;
SolutionResult actual;
NonlinearSolver solver = new NewtonRaphsonSolver();
x0 = new double[] { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; options = new SolverOptions() {
MaxIterationCount = 100,
SolutionPrecision = 1e-5
result = null;
actual = solver.Solve(system, x0, options, ref result);
expected = new double[] { 0.6835507455, 0.3883199288, 0.6180339887 }; PrintNLResult(system, actual, result, expected, options.SolutionPrecision);
The result of the test execution is printed to the VS console output. For the previous code, the output is the following:
Analytical equations system
Dimension: 3
Support derivatives: True
Converged: True
RESULT: 0.683550745474947 0.3883237584331 0.618033988749989
EXPECT: 0.6835507455 0.3883199288 0.6180339887
The solution converged to the specified precision of 1e-5 with only 4 iterations. Output also shows the analytical expressions of Jacobian, calculated for the solver algorithm.
The article introduced a simple realization of nonlinear equation system solution with analytical derivatives. The realization uses ‘ready to use’ analytical evaluation engine to provide derivatives. In the presented code simple class of the nonlinear equation system provided. This class is simple in the sense of using only double values in the formulae. This is used to explain the idea only and does not mean that the approach cannot be extended to the more general case with data of other types. For an example, the same approach was successfully applied for providing analytical capabilities for great numerical library ILNumerics.