This project is established for helping students to make registration easily. It also simplifies this process for both students and employees and prevent usual problems Credit Hours System faces. Registration Process is available from anywhere so that it is more easy and comfortable to register electronically and this will relieve the college from any chaotic crowdedness. Students will find it more easy and comfortable to register through the site. An employee will be more productive and he will achieve these works freely and from any place. It is the end of conflict between lectures' times and places. This project will organize exams, their places and times. It will also provide students with their results.
Project Analysis & Design
Use Case Model

Click here to view the Use Case Diagram.
User Actor: User is a person who enters the site for the first time to make his registration and create account. User actor can do the following:
- Create account.
- Login.
- Get forgotten password.
- Help.
Student Actor: Student is the nerve center of the system as most processes are made for him. Student can do the following:
- Registration within specific time.
- Withdrawal.
- Add/Remove Subjects within specific time.
- Result.
- Lecture table query.
- Report of taken and not taken subjects.
- Modify account/Sign Out.
- Help.
Doctor actor can achieve the following:
- Lecture table query.
- Marks registration.
- Reports.
- Modify account/Sign Out.
College Dean Actor: can benefit from the site. He can follow the whole process of registration in the site. With great permissions, he can insert, update and delete from the database. He can add doctors, office managers and also delete them. He can do the following:
- Add/Remove/Update Doctor.
- Add/Remove/Update Office Manager.
- Grant/Deny Permissions.
- Reports.
Office Manager Actor: (or Student Department Manager) can achieve several tasks through the site. He has a great role in leading the process of registration. He administers the whole process and organizes it. He can do the following:
- Create/Add/Change lecture table.
- Allow late registration.
- Add employee.
- Grant permissions to employees.
- Reports.
- Modify account/Sign Out.
Employees Actor: will greatly benefit from the site. They will be relieved from tensions and boring manual registration. Their energy will be saved for other important works so that he can do his best in all works and output good results. He can do the following:
- Add New Students.
- Edit Student Main Page News.
- Reports.
- Modify account/Sign Out.
Class Diagram

Click Here to view Class Diagram.
Person Class
It is represented as a base class that is inherited by other child classes such as Student
, Doctor
, Employee
and other classes. Person
class has many properties and methods that help it to achieve its tasks. For example, it contains properties such as name
, password
, username
and email
that are considered main data of any person who deals with the site. It contains functions ( methods) such as loginfun
, forgetpassword
, modifyaccount
, Createaccount
that are considered as the main functions for any actor that deals with the system.
Student Class
class is used to point out the role of a student in the system. This class has many properties such as studentlevel
, Late
, Department
, crrentTerm
that identify a certain student. It also contains some methods as GenerateSerial
, RegstNow
and AddRemoveWithdrow
that simplify actions made by students such as having a serial, registration process and withdraw from subjects respectively.
StudentResult Class
This class is used to show the results of students. There are many properties such as EndTermResul
, MidTermResult
, StudentSerial
and StudentName
that shows results of second term, first term, student name and serial respectively. There is also StudentResult
method that returns results of students.
LateStudent Class :
This class is used to handle students of late registration. This class has two properties: name
and serial
, that are used to return names and serials of students that have late registration.
Doctor Class
class is used to handle doctor usage of the system. There are many properties and methods for achieving that. Examples of Doctor
class properties are GetDepartment
, GetDescription
, GetLecTable
and GetScientificDegree
are used to show a doctor's department, description of a certain doctor, lecture table of a doctor and scientific degree of a doctor respectively. Examples of Doctor
class methods such as GetSerial
and MarkRegistration
that enables a doctor to obtain his serial and makes his registration respectively.
CollegeManager Class
This class is used to handle the role of the Dean of College. It contains a lot of methods. Examples of these methods are : AddDoctor
, AddReg_Office_Manager
, ModefiyDoctorInfo
and ModefiyReg_Office_ManagerInfo
. These methods enable the Dean to add new doctors, add a new office manager, modify doctor and office manager information respectively.
Reg_Office_Manager Class
This class is used to handle the role of Office Manager in the system. It contains Getcurrenttable
property that enables Office Manager to create and modify lecture table. This class contains also several methods such as AddEmployee
, EmployeePermission
, GenerateSerial
, LateRegistration
, LateStudents
and others. These methods enable him to add an employee, grant permissions to employees, obtain his serial, allow late registration and specify its conditions and rules, and get names of students who registered lately respectively.
Employee Class
This class is used to handle the role of employees in the system. It has myrole
property that points out the role of an employee. It has also several methods such as AddStudent
, GenerateSerial
and ModefiyStudentInfo
that are used to add new student, obtain serial and modify student data respectively.
EmployeeRole Class
This class is used to point out an employee role in the system. It contains some properties such as Department
, DepartmentName
, Description
and RoleName
. These properties enable an employee to get department serial, department name, role description, and role name respectively.
Subject Class
This class is used to point out subjects taken by a certain student. It shows credit hours related to a certain subject, prerequisites of that subject and so on. This class contains a lot of properties and methods. Properties examples: GetCreatedHoure
, GetDescription
, GetLecturHoure
, GetLabHoure
and GetPrereguisite
. These properties return subject credit hours, subject description, the time of subject lecture, the time of subject labs and subject prerequisites respectively. Examples of methods: HavePrerequisite
, SetTrust
and ThisSubjectInPrerequisite
. These methods explain if a subject has prerequisites, if it is trusted (i.e. selected from the database) and if it is considered a prerequisite for other subjects.
SubjectLecture Class
class is used to show information about a subject lecture as its location, doctor name, date and subject. There are some properties and methods that serve the previous tasks. SubLocation
, DoctorName
and date
are examples of class properties. They show subject location, name of the doctor of that subject and date of the lecture respectively. SubjectLecture
constructor is used to show subject information such as lecture time, location, subject name and information that were discussed in the previous properties.
MyTimeLec Class
This class is used to handle the day and time of a certain lecture. It uses properties such as MyDayOfWeek
, Start
and End
. These properties show the day, start time and end time of a lecture respectively. The class uses also MyTimeLec
constructor that returns the previous properties.
Location Class
This class is used to provide the system with information about a certain location. There are some properties that execute these tasks such as Description
, MaxCapacity
, Name
and Type
. These properties show location description, available capacity, location name and type ( rooms, benches, etc.) . IsFreeLecNow
method is a boolean method that shows if a certain location is free or not at a specified time.
Table Class
This class is a very essential class for the performance of other classes. It has many methods and properties that manipulate the process of addition and deletion from database. It has properties such as DoctorPlan
, StudentPlan
, LocationPlan
and TimePlan
that identify a doctor's plan for teaching certain subjects, a student plan for taking certain subjects, the schedule of a certain location ( a group of subjects will be taken in that location ) and the schedule of a certain time ( that time will be reserved for certain subjects ). This has also several methods, for example, Clear
, GetCredetHour
and RetrieveSubjectLect
methods. Clear
method clears the contents of the table. GetCredetHour
method returns the credit hours of a certain subject. RetrieveSubjectLect
method returns lectures of a certain subject.
QuareTable Class
This class is used by almost all actors of the system. It inherits its contents from Table
class and helps each actor to perform his query from the database. It has a constructor that executes that query. It helps Student
, Reg_Office_Manager
and Doctor
classes to perform their tasks.
Group Class
This class is used to handle subject groups in the system. It contains several methods and properties that extract, add and remove subjects from groups. Examples of properties: GetName
property that returns group name, and GetSerial
property that returns group serial. Examples of methods: AddSubjectSerial
method that adds a subject serial to its group, GetSubjectSerial
method that returns a subject serial from its group, and RemoveSerialFromGroup
method that remove a subject serial from a group.
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