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Syntax highlighting textbox written in C#

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13 Jul 2005 2  
This article describes the code of a RichTextBox that knows how to highlight parts of the text and provide auto-completion.

Sample Image


Hey. This code is a class derived from .Net's RichTextBox. It offers syntax highlighting and auto-completion features (like Intellisense, only a little dumber).


Have you ever written an application that had its own script language? Ever needed to edit SQL/code in you application? Didn't you just want a control that was a little better than a TextBox with a fixed width font? Now you can have it :-)

This control was written when I needed to edit SQLs in an application I wrote. Then I thought:

"Even if I could find a control that knows to edit SQLs well, it still wouldn't highlight names of tables or stored procedures that I wrote. And I know I'll need a control that can highlight my own script language sometime..."

So I sat down and wrote it. Later I realized that syntax highlighting without an auto-completion is not worth much, so I added support for that too.

Using the code

First of all, I must apologise. I'm not much of a GUI programmer, so all of the manipulation is done using code, as I lack the knowledge to write custom editors for a PropertyGrid. With that out of the way, we may continue! The control has two inputs for highlighting:

  1. Separators: Accessed using the Seperators property.

    Each separator is a char, and what is later refferd to as "token" is a not-empty string between separators.

  2. Highlight Descriptor: You can use the (how surprising) HighlightDescriptor method to add a HighlightDescriptor.

    A HighlightDescriptor is an instance of a class describing a highlighting rule, which can be divided into token identification info and design info.

Highlighting Rules

A highlighting rule has 6 fields it's constructed with:

  • Token: A string that is later compared to the text.
  • DescriptorType: Sets the highlighting type. The options are in a single word, to the end of the line, and to the corresponding closing token.
  • DescriptorRecognition: Determines how the token is compared to the token from the text. The options are: the text is equal to the token, the text begins with the token, and the text contains the token.
  • Color: Sets the color of the token when highlighted.
  • Font: Sets the font on the token when highlighted. This field is optional.
  • UseForAutoComplete: Determines if the token will be used for auto completion.

Due to laziness, a HighlightDescriptor's values can only be set in the constructor. <SideNote> I really think that the readonly keyword is under appreciated.</SideNote>.

The HighlightDescriptor is as follows:

        public class HighlightDescriptor 
            public HighlightDescriptor(string token, 
                   string closeToken, Color color, Font font, 
                   DescriptorType descriptorType, DescriptorRecognition dr, 
                   bool useForAutoComplete) 
                Color = color; 
                Font = font; 
                Token = token; 
                DescriptorType = descriptorType; 
                CloseToken = closeToken; 
                DescriptorRecognition = dr; 
                UseForAutoComplete = useForAutoComplete; 
            public readonly Color Color; 
            public readonly Font Font; 
            public readonly string Token; 
            public readonly string CloseToken; 
            public readonly DescriptorType DescriptorType; 
            public readonly DescriptorRecognition DescriptorRecognition; 
            public readonly bool UseForAutoComplete; 

Points of Interest

There were a few interesting things during the writing:

  1. Scrollbars: Since every time the text changes, I actually change it again (as far as the base textbox knows), the scrollbars reset themselves to top and left most positions. To resolve this, I used the EM_GETSCROLLPOS and EM_GETSCROLLPOS Windows messages:
            #region Scrollbar positions functions
            /// <summary>
            /// Sends a win32 message to get the scrollbars' position.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>a POINT structre containing horizontal
            ///       and vertical scrollbar position.</returns>
            private unsafe Win32.POINT GetScrollPos()
                Win32.POINT res = new Win32.POINT();
                IntPtr ptr = new IntPtr(&res);
                Win32.SendMessage(Handle, Win32.EM_GETSCROLLPOS, 0, ptr);
                return res;
            /// <summary>
            /// Sends a win32 message to set scrollbars position.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="point">a POINT
            ///        conatining H/Vscrollbar scrollpos.</param>
            private unsafe void SetScrollPos(Win32.POINT point)
                IntPtr ptr = new IntPtr(&point);
                Win32.SendMessage(Handle, Win32.EM_SETSCROLLPOS, 0, ptr);
  2. Keyboard strokes: During my work on the auto complete feature, I found out that even if you override the OnKeyDown method and not call the base method, keystrokes of keys containing actual characters are still handled (they arrive using the WM_CHAR message). Due to that I decided to override the WndProc method and filter unwanted keystrokes at that level.
  3. RTF: I didn't really learn RTF for this project. I just took a regular RichTextBox and understood what I have to build for my needs. Hence my resulting RTF is probably not optimal. It probably has language limitations that can be solved fairly easily by manipulating the RTF header.


  • 05/29/2005: First release.
  • 04/06/2005: Fixed a few bugs when using the ToCloseToken DescriptorType.
  • 07/13/2005: Fixed a few bugs, added Undo/Redo functionality.


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