Recently, I was working on a tools for finding the imperfect palindrome sequence site in the bacterial genome, a palindrome sequence is a kind of structure which can form the hairpin struct on its transcript RNA molecule sequence or just some restriction enzyme cutting site which theirs structure can be easily understand by the image shown below:
Redraw from Figure 8-18 in Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fifth Edition;
Finding a exactly matched palindrome is much easilier than I think, but the problem is I want to found the palindrome sequence which its mirror sites is not exactly match each other in all nucleotide base residue. The NCBI blast program is an option for accomplish this operation, but it is impossible to integrate the C++ source code into the VisualBasic program and I lack of programming manual to guide me on this work. So that I try another way to implements this sequence similarity works.
In information theory and computer science, the Levenshtein distance [1] is a string metric for measuring the difference between two sequences. Informally, the Levenshtein distance between two words is the minimum number of single-character edits (i.e. insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one word into the other. It is named after Vladimir Levenshtein, who considered this distance in 1965. (via Wikipedia:
There is already have a program implements Levenshtein distance algorithm on the .NET platform on codeproject article “Levenshtein Edit Distance Algorithm“, and this article save my time on the programming.
Implements source code can be download from here: LevenshteinDistance
The module in the source code file contains two main function:
In this create table function i have make a slightly performance improvement of the original source code: change the reference and hypotheses parameters from string to a pre-cache chars’ ASCII array in integer array, this changes will makes the matrix generation more efficiently:
Private Function __createTable(reference As Integer(), hypotheses As Integer(), cost As Double) As Double(,)
Dim distTable As Double(,) = New Double(reference.Length, hypotheses.Length) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To reference.Length
distTable(i, 0) = i * cost
For j As Integer = 0 To hypotheses.Length
distTable(0, j) = j * cost
For i As Integer = 1 To reference.Length
For j As Integer = 1 To hypotheses.Length
If reference(i - 1) = hypotheses(j - 1) Then
distTable(i, j) = distTable(i - 1, j - 1)
Else Dim n As Double = Math.Min(distTable(i - 1, j - 1) + 1, distTable(i - 1, j) + cost)
distTable(i, j) = Math.Min(n, distTable(i, j - 1) + cost)
End If
Return distTable
End Function
Here is the function how to creates the matrix of Levenshtein distance for each character pair between two sequence in the For loops:
In the formula, when the i equals to ZERO or j equals to ZERO, then the function returns the non-ZERO part of the matrix “coordinate”, if the two character in the sequence is equals to each other, then the value is ZERO. leva,b(i,j) is the distance between the first i characters of a and the first j characters of b. Note that the first element in the minimum corresponds to deletion (from a to b), the second to insertion and the third to match or mismatch, depending on whether the respective symbols are the same.
Here I make some modifications which makes you more easily to adjust the parameter of the alignment:
<ExportAPI("ComputeDistance", Info:="Implement the Levenshtein Edit Distance algorithm.")>
Public Function ComputeDistance(reference As String, hypotheses As String, Optional cost As Double = 0.7) As DistResult
If hypotheses Is Nothing Then hypotheses = ""
If reference Is Nothing Then reference = ""
Dim css As New List(Of ComponentModel.Collection.Generic.KeyValuePairObject(Of Integer, Integer))
Dim distTable As Double(,) = __createTable(reference.ToArray(Function(ch) Asc(ch)),
hypotheses.ToArray(Function(ch) Asc(ch)),
Dim i As Integer = reference.Length, j As Integer = hypotheses.Length
Dim evolve As List(Of Char) = New List(Of Char)
Dim result As DistResult = New DistResult With {
.Hypotheses = hypotheses,
.Reference = reference
Dim Matches As New List(Of Char)
While True
Call css.Add({i, j})
If i = 0 AndAlso j = 0 Then
Dim evolveRoute As Char() = evolve.ToArray
Call Array.Reverse(evolveRoute)
Call css.Add({i, j})
result.DistTable = distTable.MatrixToVectorList.ToArray
result.DistResult = New String(evolveRoute)
result.CSS = css.ToArray
result.Matches = New String(Matches.ToArray.Reverse.ToArray)
Exit While
ElseIf i = 0 AndAlso j > 0 Then Call evolve.Add("d"c)
Call css.Add({i, j})
Call Matches.Add("-"c)
j -= 1
ElseIf i > 0 AndAlso j = 0 Then
Call evolve.Add("i"c) Call css.Add({i, j})
Call Matches.Add("-"c)
i -= 1
If distTable(i - 1, j - 1) <= distTable(i - 1, j) AndAlso
distTable(i - 1, j - 1) <= distTable(i, j - 1) Then
Call css.Add({i, j})
If distTable(i - 1, j - 1) = distTable(i, j) Then
Call evolve.Add("m"c) Call Matches.Add(hypotheses(j - 1))
Call evolve.Add("s"c) Call Matches.Add("-"c)
End If
i -= 1
j -= 1
ElseIf distTable(i - 1, j) < distTable(i, j - 1) Then
Call css.Add({i, j})
Call evolve.Add("i") Call Matches.Add("-"c)
i -= 1
ElseIf distTable(i, j - 1) < distTable(i - 1, j) Then
Call css.Add({i, j})
Call evolve.Add("d") Call Matches.Add("-"c)
j -= 1
End If
End If
End While
Return result
End Function
Test Alignment Shoal Script:
Imports Distance.Levenshtein
Dim a <- ATGCGACCCGC As String
Dim b <- ATGTAACCCGGC As String
Dim HTML <- {ComputeDistance $a, $b}
Call Write.Xml.DistResult $HTML, ./testAlignment.xml
$HTML > ./testHTML.html
And you can just using this module in your application easily with several statements in VisualBasic:
Dim a As String = "ATGCGACCCGC"
Dim b As String = "ATGTAACCCGGC"
Dim HTML = LevenshteinDistance.ComputeDistance(a, b)
Dim HTMLText As String = HTML.Visualize
Call FileIO.FileSystem.WriteAllText("./test.html", HTMLText, append:=False)
Call FileIO.FileSystem.WriteAllText("./test.xml", HTML.GetXml, append:=False)
And here is the generic function for the object xml serialization:
<Extension> Public Function GetXml(Of T As Class)(obj As T, Optional ThrowEx As Boolean = True) As String
Dim sBuilder As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder(1024)
Using StreamWriter As System.IO.StringWriter = New System.IO.StringWriter(sb:=sBuilder)
Call (New System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(T))).Serialize(StreamWriter, obj)
Catch ex As Exception
Call App.LogException(ex)
If ThrowEx Then
Throw ex
Return Nothing
End If
End Try
Return sBuilder.ToString
End Using
End Function
Here is the example alignment output: in the table of the alignment matrix, the blue color cell is the operations of how we change the hypotheses sequence to the reference sequence, and the cell in green background color is the path of the alignment.
Download the test output data: Levenshtein-test-out