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Point Inside 3D Convex Polygon in C#

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12 Jan 2016CPOL 29.1K   930  
An algorithm to determine if a point is inside a 3D convex polygon for a given polygon vertices in C#


This is a C# version of the original C++ algorithm which can be found here.


Please refer to the original C++ algorithm here.

Using the Code

The algorithm is wrapped into a C# class library GeoProc. The main test program CSLASProc reads point cloud data from a LAS file, then writes all inside points into a new LAS file. A LAS file is able to be displayed with a freeware FugroViewer.

To consume the algorithm class library, construct a polygon instance first like this:

// Create polygon instance
GeoPolygon polygonInst = new GeoPolygon(CubeVertices);

Then, construct the main process instance:

// Create main process instance
GeoPolygonProc procInst = new GeoPolygonProc(polygonInst);

Main procedure to check if a point (ax, ay, az) is inside the CubeVertices:

// Main Process to check if the point is inside of the cube                
procInst.PointInside3DPolygon(ax, ay, az)

Here are the classes in the GeoProc class library:


public class GeoPoint

    public double x {get;set;}
    public double y {get;set;}
    public double z {get;set;}

    public GeoPoint(){}

    public GeoPoint(double x, double y, double z)

    public static GeoPoint operator +(GeoPoint p0, GeoPoint p1)
        return new GeoPoint(p0.x + p1.x, p0.y + p1.y, p0.z + p1.z);


class GeoVector
    GeoPoint p0; // vector begin point
    GeoPoint p1; // vector end point

    public double x {get{return (this.p1.x - this.p0.x);}} // vector x axis projection value
    public double y {get{return (this.p1.y - this.p0.y);}} // vector y axis projection value
    public double z {get{return (this.p1.z - this.p0.z);}} // vector z axis projection value

    public GeoVector() {}

    public GeoVector(GeoPoint p0, GeoPoint p1)
        this.p0 = p0;
        this.p1 = p1;

    public static GeoVector operator *(GeoVector u, GeoVector v)
        double x = u.y * v.z - u.z * v.y;
        double y = u.z * v.x - u.x * v.z;
        double z = u.x * v.y - u.y * v.x;

        GeoPoint p0 = v.p0;
        GeoPoint p1 = p0 + new GeoPoint(x, y, z);

        return new GeoVector(p0, p1);


class GeoPlane
    // Plane Equation: a * x + b * y + c * z + d = 0

    double a;
    double b;
    double c;
    double d;

    public GeoPlane() {}

    public GeoPlane(double a, double b, double c, double d)
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;
        this.c = c;
        this.d = d;

    public GeoPlane(GeoPoint p0, GeoPoint p1, GeoPoint p2)
        GeoVector v = new GeoVector(p0, p1);

        GeoVector u = new GeoVector(p0, p2);

        GeoVector n = u * v;

        // normal vector
        double a = n.x;
        double b = n.y;
        double c = n.z;
        double d = -(a * p0.x + b * p0.y + c * p0.z);

        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;
        this.c = c;
        this.d = d;

    public double A { get { return this.a; } }
    public double B { get { return this.b; } }
    public double C { get { return this.c; } }
    public double D { get { return this.d; } }

    public static GeoPlane operator -(GeoPlane pl)
        return new GeoPlane(-pl.a, -pl.b, -pl.c, -pl.d);

    public static double operator *(GeoPoint pt, GeoPlane pl)
        return (pt.x * pl.a + pt.y * pl.b + pt.z * pl.c + pl.d);


class GeoFace
     // Vertices in one face of the 3D polygon
     List<GeoPoint> v;

     // Vertices Index
     List<int> idx;

     // Number of vertices
     public int N { get { return this.v.Count; } }

     public List<GeoPoint> V { get { return this.v; } }

     public List<int> I { get { return this.idx; } }

     public GeoFace(){}

     public GeoFace(List<GeoPoint> p, List<int> idx)
         this.v = new List<GeoPoint>();

         this.idx = new List<int>();

         for(int i=0;i<p.Count;i++)


public class GeoPolygon
      // Vertices of the 3D polygon
     List<GeoPoint> v;

     // Vertices Index
     List<int> idx;

     // Number of vertices
     public int N { get { return this.v.Count; } }

     public List<GeoPoint> V { get { return this.v; } }

     public List<int> I { get { return this.idx; } }

     public GeoPolygon(){}

     public GeoPolygon(List<GeoPoint> p)
         this.v = new List<GeoPoint>();

         this.idx = new List<int>();

         for(int i=0;i<p.Count;i++)


    public class GeoPolygonProc
        double MaxUnitMeasureError = 0.001;

        // Polygon Boundary
        double X0, X1, Y0, Y1, Z0, Z1;    

        // Polygon faces
        List<GeoFace> Faces;

        // Polygon face planes
        List<GeoPlane> FacePlanes;

        // Number of faces
        int NumberOfFaces;    

        // Maximum point to face plane distance error, 
        // point is considered in the face plane if its distance is less than this error
        double MaxDisError;

        public GeoPolygonProc(){}        
#region public methods

        public GeoPolygonProc(GeoPolygon polygonInst)
            List<GeoFace> faces = new List<GeoFace>();

            List<GeoPlane> facePlanes = new List<GeoPlane>();

            int numberOfFaces = 0;

            double x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, z0 = 0, z1 = 0;

            // Get boundary
            this.Get3DPolygonBoundary(polygonInst, ref x0, ref x1, ref y0, ref y1, ref z0, ref z1);

            // Get maximum point to face plane distance error, 
            // point is considered in the face plane if its distance is less than this error
            double maxDisError = this.Get3DPolygonUnitError(polygonInst);

            // Get face planes        
            this.GetConvex3DFaces(polygonInst, maxDisError, faces, facePlanes, ref numberOfFaces);

            // Set data members
            this.X0 = x0;
            this.X1 = x1;
            this.Y0 = y0;
            this.Y1 = y1;
            this.Z0 = z0;
            this.Z1 = z1;
            this.Faces = faces;
            this.FacePlanes = facePlanes;
            this.NumberOfFaces = numberOfFaces;
            this.MaxDisError = maxDisError;

        public void GetBoundary(ref double xmin, ref double xmax, 
                                ref double ymin, ref double ymax, 
                                ref double zmin, ref double zmax)
            xmin = this.X0;
            xmax = this.X1;
            ymin = this.Y0;
            ymax = this.Y1;
            zmin = this.Z0;
            zmax = this.Z1;
        public bool PointInside3DPolygon(double x, double y, double z)
            GeoPoint P = new GeoPoint(x, y, z);

            return this.PointInside3DPolygon(P, this.FacePlanes, this.NumberOfFaces);    


#region private methods    

        double Get3DPolygonUnitError(GeoPolygon polygon)
            List<GeoPoint> vertices = polygon.V;
            int n = polygon.N;

            double measureError = 0;

            double xmin = 0, xmax = 0, ymin = 0, ymax = 0, zmin = 0, zmax =0;

                         ref xmin, ref xmax, ref ymin, ref ymax, ref zmin, ref zmax);

            measureError = ((Math.Abs(xmax) + Math.Abs(xmin) + Math.Abs(ymax) + Math.Abs(ymin) + 
                             Math.Abs(zmax) + Math.Abs(zmin)) / 6 * MaxUnitMeasureError);

            return measureError;

        void Get3DPolygonBoundary(GeoPolygon polygon, 
                ref double xmin, ref double xmax, 
                ref double ymin, ref double ymax, 
                ref double zmin, ref double zmax)
            List<GeoPoint> vertices = polygon.V;

            int n = polygon.N;

            xmin = xmax = vertices[0].x;
            ymin = ymax = vertices[0].y;
            zmin = zmax = vertices[0].z;

            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                if (vertices[i].x < xmin) xmin = vertices[i].x;
                if (vertices[i].y < ymin) ymin = vertices[i].y;
                if (vertices[i].z < zmin) zmin = vertices[i].z;
                if (vertices[i].x > xmax) xmax = vertices[i].x;
                if (vertices[i].y > ymax) ymax = vertices[i].y;
                if (vertices[i].z > zmax) zmax = vertices[i].z;
        bool PointInside3DPolygon(double x, double y, double z, 
                                     List<GeoPlane> facePlanes, int numberOfFaces)
            GeoPoint P = new GeoPoint(x, y, z);

            return this.PointInside3DPolygon(P, facePlanes, numberOfFaces);    

        bool PointInside3DPolygon(GeoPoint P, List<GeoPlane> facePlanes, int numberOfFaces)
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFaces; i++)

                double dis = P * facePlanes[i];

                // If the point is in the same half space with normal vector 
                // for any facet of the cube, then it is outside of the 3D polygon        
                if (dis > 0)
                    return false;

            // If the point is in the opposite half space with normal vector for all 6 facets, 
            // then it is inside of the 3D polygon
            return true;
        // Input: polgon, maxError
        // Return: faces, facePlanes, numberOfFaces
        void GetConvex3DFaces(GeoPolygon polygon, double maxError, 
                        List<GeoFace> faces, List<GeoPlane> facePlanes, ref int numberOfFaces)
            // vertices of 3D polygon
            List<GeoPoint> vertices = polygon.V;
            int n = polygon.N;
            // vertice indexes for all faces
            // vertice index is the original index value in the input polygon
            List<List<int>> faceVerticeIndex = new List<List<int>>();
            // face planes for all faces
            List<GeoPlane> fpOutward = new List<GeoPlane>();    
            for(int i=0; i< n; i++)
                // triangle point 1
                GeoPoint p0 = vertices[i];

                for(int j= i+1; j< n; j++)
                    // triangle point 2
                    GeoPoint p1 = vertices[j];

                    for(int k = j + 1; k<n; k++)
                        // triangle point 3
                        GeoPoint p2 = vertices[k];
                        GeoPlane trianglePlane = new GeoPlane(p0, p1, p2);
                        int onLeftCount = 0;
                        int onRightCount = 0;

                        // indexes of points that lie in same plane with face triangle plane
                        List<int> pointInSamePlaneIndex = new List<int>();
                        for(int l = 0; l < n ; l ++)
                            // any point other than the 3 triangle points
                            if(l != i && l != j && l != k)
                                GeoPoint p = vertices[l];

                                double dis = p * trianglePlane;                                

                                // next point is in the triangle plane 
                                if(Math.Abs(dis) < maxError)
                                    if(dis < 0)
                                        onLeftCount ++;                                
                                        onRightCount ++;
                        // This is a face for a CONVEX 3D polygon.
                        // For a CONCAVE 3D polygon, this maybe not a face
                        if(onLeftCount == 0 || onRightCount == 0) 
                            List<int> verticeIndexInOneFace = new List<int>();
                            // triangle plane
                            int m = pointInSamePlaneIndex.Count;

                            if(m > 0) // there are other vetirces in this triangle plane
                                for(int p = 0; p < m; p ++)

                            // if verticeIndexInOneFace is a new face, 
                            // add it in the faceVerticeIndex list, 
                            // add the trianglePlane in the face plane list fpOutward
                            if (!Utility.ContainsList(faceVerticeIndex, verticeIndexInOneFace))

                                if (onRightCount == 0)
                                else if (onLeftCount == 0)

                            // possible reasons:
                            // 1. the plane is not a face of a convex 3d polygon, 
                            //    it is a plane crossing the convex 3d polygon.
                            // 2. the plane is a face of a concave 3d polygon

                    } // k loop
                } // j loop        
            } // i loop                        

            // return number of faces
            numberOfFaces = faceVerticeIndex.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFaces; i++)
                // return face planes
                facePlanes.Add(new GeoPlane(fpOutward[i].A, fpOutward[i].B, fpOutward[i].C, 

                List<GeoPoint> gp = new List<GeoPoint>();

                List<int> vi = new List<int>();
                for (int j = 0; j < faceVerticeIndex[i].Count; j++)
                    gp.Add( new GeoPoint(vertices[vi[j]].x, 

                // return faces
                faces.Add(new GeoFace(gp, vi));


Points of Interest

The C# version is faster than the C++ version.


  • January 09, 2016: Initial version


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