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by Stefano Castelli
The article will illustrate how to create a Code39 barcode in VB.NET and C#
by Santhosh Babu Mahimairaj
How to freeze gridview header using JQuery
by Akhil Mittal
Repository pattern in MVC3 application with entity framework
by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
"Quick Find" a better way using Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools

Latest Articles

by Stefano Castelli
The article will illustrate how to create a Code39 barcode in VB.NET and C#
by Santhosh Babu Mahimairaj
How to freeze gridview header using JQuery
by Akhil Mittal
Repository pattern in MVC3 application with entity framework
by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
"Quick Find" a better way using Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools

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by Stefano Castelli
The article will illustrate how to create a Code39 barcode in VB.NET and C#
by Akhil Mittal
Repository pattern in MVC3 application with entity framework
by Mehmet Mutlu
Details of my solution algorithms, implemented programs, and the results I have concluded.
by Sandeep sunku
This article explains the boot strapping process of .NET Application.
by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
.NET language Canvas control for Interactive visualizing network data.
by Jerry.Wang
Modify methods' IL codes on runtime even if they have been JIT-compiled, supports release mode / x64 & x86, and variants of .NET versions, from 2.0 to 4.5.
by Redgate Software
Identifying an application’s performance bottlenecks is all about understanding how the application is spending its time. Only with the most complete understanding of how an application is operating is it possible to understand what it is doing wrong, as this article describes.
by Livio Francescucci
How to create an ASP.NET gridview AJAX enabled connected with WCF SOAP and REST webservices.
by Simon Bridge
Multiple-file, searchable, streaming compression library implemented natively in .NET.
by Sandeep sunku
This article showcases on explaining the Threading concepts available in .Net
by Shivprasad koirala
6 important uses of Delegates and Events
by Shivprasad koirala, Shah Chintan
7 simple steps to run your first Azure Queue program
by Shivprasad koirala
9 simple steps to run your first Azure Table Program
by Rahul Rajat Singh
A discussion about backbone.js and marionette.js frameworks and how we can use them to create single page JavaScript applications
by Rahul Rajat Singh
In this article we will try to understand what are WCF REST services and how can we create one.
by pdoxtader
Wait, timeout and evaluate early thread release criteria easily and clearly with WaitTimeout
by Wayne Wood
Verify the execution efficiency of a series of short .NET 4.0 parallel programming samples
by logicchild
An article that defines managed threading from the basics to the intermediate.
by Bernardo Castilho
A calculation engine that is small, fast, and extensible.
by logicchild
An Article the Demonstrates How to Build a Windows Forms Calculator
by Rahim Lotfi
Customized Three-tier (layer) Architecture for Application and Web Design
by Keith Barrett
Describes a 'Proof of Concept' project for a Code-First User interface library.
by Gurdeep Singh Toor
A Complete Guide to develop aplication using MyGeneration code genration framework. We will develop a Meeting Room Booking web application in this Article.
by Fiwel
A DataGridView column show/hide popup - Menu style.
by EricHufschmid
A C function to create a triangle index list
by Sebastien Lorion
A reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to CSV data.
by Alessandro Lentini
My article shows a library that everyone can use to create their socket communication. Also, it explains how the library is developed.
by Alberto Venditti
Using a .NET Windows service as an engine for specialized custom plug-ins execution
by Michael Haephrati
A C++ client for uploading documents to your Google Docs account
by logicchild
A Comprehensive Look at LINQ and the Binary Search Tree Data Structure
by Qwertie
LLLPG, the Loyc LL(k) Parser Generator: now parsing C# itself!
by Mass Soldal Lund
Creating a pie menu control for WPF
by Weidong Shen
This article describes building a sample Silverlight application with the MVVM Light toolkit, WCF RIA Services, and a pluggable application architecture using MEF.
by Andrew Rissing
GenericParser is a C# implementation of a parser for delimited and fixed width format files.
by VictorSotnikov
I have applied the "phrases similarity calculation" algorithm to a GUI form that displays what I call a "two-layer list"
by luigidibiasi, binterlandi
Build a realtime visitors counter with AJAX and a server-side language.
by Dirk Bahle
This article is about a control that can be used to auto-omplete folders that have been typed into a textbox. It shows just how versatile binding and theming in WPF really is.
by Weidong Shen
Part 1 of a series describing the creation of a Silverlight business application using MEF, MVVM Light, and WCF RIA Services.
by Weidong Shen
Part 2 of a series describing the creation of a Silverlight business application using MEF, MVVM Light, and WCF RIA Services. In this second part, we will go through various topics on how MVVM Light Toolkit is used in our sample application.
by Weidong Shen
Part 3 of a series describing the creation of a Silverlight business application using MEF, MVVM Light, and WCF RIA Services. In this part, we will discuss how custom authentication, reset password, and user maintenance are implemented in the sample application.
by Bernardo Castilho
Create a shopping cart class and use it in your MVVM HTML5 applications
by Paul C Smith
How to generate shorter, more readable, unique values for general-purpose identifiers.
by Weidong Shen
Part 1 of a series describing creation of a Silverlight business application using Self-tracking Entities, WCF Services, WIF, MVVM Light Toolkit, MEF, and T4 Templates.
by Weidong Shen
Part 2 of a series describing the creation of a Silverlight business application using Self-tracking Entities, WCF Services, WIF, MVVM Light Toolkit, MEF, and T4 Templates.
by Weidong Shen
Part 3 of a series describing the creation of a Silverlight business application using Self-tracking Entities, WCF Services, WIF, MVVM Light Toolkit, MEF, and T4 Templates.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
A simple but effective way to send an email using SmtpClient class
by OriginalGriff
Adding an event to your class is simple, but it needs a bit of typing. I'm lazy, so I'd rather Visual Studio did the work. This snippet works in the same way as the "prop" snippet.
by David Sehnal
A computation wrapper with built-in progress tracking using Reactive Extensions for .NET (and AsyncCTP).
by Raj Nakkiran
How to manage multiple versions of device drivers and with multiple versions of applications, which share common operational contracts.
by dreamgarden
SoapBox Core uses WPF's MEF to provide a base application framework that is easy to extend. This is a simple example that includes elements of a basic application (toolbar, statusbar, document area, etc.).
by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will demonstrate how to read RSS feeds
by Md. Marufuzzaman
A simple example of SQL server admin tools.
by Graham Lemon (UK)
Implementing a simple News Ticker custom control for Winforms .NET to reduce flicker as much as possible.
by Reto Ravasio
A WPF app that uses dynamic types and databinding for displaying MSI files.
by Nikhil Soman
Easy to use profiler for time and impact analysis of C/C++ code which uses the Visual Studio C/C++ compiler (/Gh and /GH flags) and the DIA SDK to gather profiling data.
by Agent__007
A simple WPF text clock gadget for Windows
by Frank W. Wu
Using AutoGenerateColumns to generate exactly as needed data columns
by orouit
Describes a framework to use the PCSC Smart Card API with .NET.
by Lisbey Collazo Alfonso
PHP and C# working together via thrift framework
by logicchild
The basics of searching and sorting algorithms via C#.
by Jacques Fournier
Sudoku is a program built in C# with a WPF user interface.
by Mostafa Eissa
This article explains the concept of graph coloring and how to use graph coloring to solve Sudoku Puzzles.
by Tim Bomgardner
Make .NET threadpool threads jump through hoops with this handy support class
by Saleth Prakash
This tool is used to create N-Layer Architecture classes.
by Francis Xavier Pulikotil
A safer alternative to void*, any_ptr can point to any type of object and provide type-safe, const-correct access to it.
by gndzero
A threaded application to identify if system VB6 OCX files are exploitable and generate a batch file to register updated OCX controls.
by Andriks
A MessageBox replacement with some much needed extras
by Steffen Ploetz
How to provide multi-language resources from .NET compatible *.resx files for GUI applications on ReactOS (and other non-Windows OS like Linux)
by kevin delafield
A Windows Forms based text editor with HTML output, implemented with a browser control in edit mode.
by Don Kackman
Building a WP7 browser app for
by logicchild
An article that presents a TV Player via WPF
by Peer Adi
A WPF application base solution using Castle Windsor and commonly used utilities.
by Steffen Ploetz
Give an brief overview of text rendering options for OpenGL/OpenTK especially for MONO/.NET.
by Kenneth Haugland
Insert a new point to a polyline
by mparvez
Add GIS and Mapping Functionality to your .NET Applications
by Adib Saad
A .NET4.0 alternative for "Add Most Recently Used Files (MRU) List to Windows Applications"
by Md. Marufuzzaman
Add random quotes in your Outlook email signature
by Shai Raiten
How To Use Win32 To Add Your Control On Top Another Application Using Win32 Hooks.
by Mohammed El-Afifi
Given an existing win32 application, how to provide COM automation capability to it?
by Paulo Zemek
This library is intended to "replace" ADO.NET by solving type mismatches and by creating typed readers that are faster and easier to use than DataTables.
by VisualBas08
Make Bookmarks (or Favorites) for your web browser
by Pankaj Chamria
Learn the tips and tricks of advanced debugging in Visual Studio
by m0sa
Service aggregation of self hosted WCF services, using the built-in RoutingService .NET Framework class.
by Dan Letecky
How to build an AJAX Event Calendar (Scheduler) using the open-source DayPilot Lite for ASP.NET MVC library (Apache License 2.0).
by Eddy Vluggen
Implemention of an ApplicationIndicator (NotifyIcon under Ubuntu)
by potluri_suresh
Raw Audio data is encoded to AMR-NB audio using opencore-amr library
by Rahul Rajat Singh
The aim of this article is to understand the basics of the Strategy pattern.
by defwebserver
An Advanced Visual Studio LightSwitch Application
by Dave Elliott
An attempt to create a flexible and re-usable Data Access Layer
by Jim Parsells
Explorer TreeView control with Shell Folder access class and Icon management.
by veen_rp
How to fake an Extension Property...
by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
This is an alternative for "An Almost Extension Property"
by Marshall Rosenstein
Querying images from Yahoo! programmatically.
by logicchild
An article that demonstrates how to use video, images and animations via WPF
by Sandeep Singh Shekhawat
This article explains how generics are useful over non-generics and explains how to reuse code using generics.
by JerryBNewhouseJr
Create a simple, flexible, standalone ProgressBar that can be added to any class with relative ease.
by Jon Larborn
A command promt web server that starts an application or opens a file given in as an argument in an HTTP address. Could potentially be used to show media on screen using QR-codes.
by minor_28
Web Control - Google Maps
by minor_28
Masm code editor with syntax highlighting, etc.
by Darryl Bryk
Code is described for a multi-document interface (MDI) image processing application utilizing the CImage class in C++
by Niladri_Biswas
This short article will show some of the benifits that the BigInteger class provides
by Niladri_Biswas
This short article will show some of the benifits that the Complex Struct provides
by Karthik. A
This article discusses ways by which you could utilize Disqus in your web applications.
by Niladri_Biswas
This short article will highlight upon some of the features of Expando Object
by Niladri_Biswas
TThis article will tell about the advantage of using named parameter
by Markus Koppensteiner
Shows how to use OpenCV to write videos, how to implement mouse events, and presents some commands on image manipulation as well.
by Niladri_Biswas
This article shows the benefits of using Optional Parameter
by Niladri_Biswas
This article will introduce some of the benefits of using SortedSet.
by Niladri_Biswas
This article introduces the System.Lazy and its usefulness
by Niladri_Biswas
This article will explain about some of the benefits of using Tuple in C#4.0
by geoyar
An MFC linear chart control with enhanced appearance.
by Christopher Camacho
A class derived from CListCtrl that allows edit controls, combo boxes, check boxes, date pickers, and color pickers to be inserted into or removed from particular cells extremely easily. The inserted 'controls' are not CWnd-derived.
by Nish Nishant
This article shows you how to add menu items to the system menu and attach command handlers in an MVVM compatible fashion
by Sandip.Nascar
Describes the power of C# in building professional application - Stock Market Watch with Charts on Android platform using Mono C#.
by pip010
Inspired by Android asynchronous callback mechanism for short lived background tasks.
by Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King
How to Use the Fabric JQuery Library to Create Image Maps
by Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King
Angular Shopping Cart for Affiliate Marketing in Angular 5 that Is Responsive with TV Commercials with Powerful Features that Drive Real Sales like Unlimited Distributor IDs for Commissions with Editor
by Paulo Morgado
The Roslyn team has announced general availability of the Roslyn CTP!
by Mosi_62
This approach shows quite an easy to be understood way to the first order Goerzel algorithm.
by Aron Kovacs
This is an alternative for "fastJSON"
by Pavel Sinkevich
Implement TinyWebDb interface on WCF Service to communicate with Android application developed with App Inventor
by MadhurimaS
A component which can be plugged to a WCF service or any other client to utilize AppFabric caching features
by Dr Gadgit
How to use Filestream and Fileinfo to edit .exe or .dll files
by logicchild
An article that describes how to use and integrate a Numerical Library for .NET
by Greg Barbados
This article provides a solution to add data validation to Excel cells in C#.
by emranallan
Make your Application windows phone 7 support for Bi-Directional right to left
by Don V Adams
How to use reCAPTCHA Mailhide in your ASP.NET website.
by Christoph Keller
A short introduction into the new ASP.NET 4.0 Charts Control
by JeffLan
A responsive, JavaScript-enabled event-calendar using ASP.NET calendar control
by Eduardo Antonio Cecilio Fernandes
This article explains how to manage ASP.NET Client and Server State, via View State, Hidden Fields, Cookies, Query Strings, Session State and Application State.
by Yahya Mohammed Ammouri
ASP.NET Date Selector User Control based on calendar control.
by Bryian Tan
An article on how to build a multiple selection dropdownlist with the AJAX HoverMenuExtender.
by Shai Raiten
How to add reCAPTCHA and email confirmation to your ASP.NET MVC site.
by Mr. Iman Mayes
Implementation of a library to enable a plugin architecture in ASP.NET MVC2 applications.
by Mr. Iman Mayes
Implementation of a library to enable a plugin architecture in ASP.NET MVC2 applications, Part II.
by Henry He
In this article, I will briefly explain how ASP.NET MVC3 validation works.
by Srinivasu Pemma
This kind of requirement is useful in many applications originally posted on
by syed shanu
This article explains how to create a simple web-based photo editing tool using HTML5, jQuery and ASP.NET.
by Reza Ahmadi
This article discusses basic concepts in AOP and uses PostSharp to implement AOP concepts in a C# application.
by Palavos
An example of how to program in assembly by using Visual Studio 2010 or 2012
by Jeremy Alles
Description of a method which uses attribute to perform user entry validation in a WPF MVVM application
by Harald Heide Gundersen
Geocoordinate positioned Xna model viewable thru Photocamera
by Derek Viljoen
Create context-sensitive help files for your own APIs
by Pavel Torgashov
Customizable autocomplete menu for RichTextBox, TextBox and other controls
by JosipK
Explains how to detect which character is used as a separator in CSV file
by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
You see, this small utility tool save much of your time, this is another happy day! I hope you can enjoyed this code.
by Steve Aube 1
This article describes a new alternative approach for Automated Testing of User Interfaces (UI).
by Dan Hu
Automatic Dump collection and Analysis
by Sunny1270
Add the _T macro to quoted strings when porting to a Unicode configuration in VC++.
by LEADTOOLS Support
Automatically Classify Scanned Documents using LEADTOOLS Forms Recognition
by DLChambers
A pre-build-step tool that pulls the project's SVN revision and updates AssemblyInfo.cs.
by cbm
Learn how to create an autonumber system for custom entities in Dynamics CRM 2011.
by Adam Zgagacz
Simple WinForms auto-repeat button in a few lines
by Kees van Spelde
This is an alternative for "AutoShut, my first program in C#"
by Dirk Bahle
How to create a new tool window in AvalonDock [2.0]
by Dirk Bahle
How to create a start page based on AvalonDock [2.0].
by Dirk Bahle
How to integrate AvalonEdit into AvalonDock [2.0] using MVVM
by Dirk Bahle
Integrate AvalonEdit with text editing options into AvalonDock [2.0]
by Dirk Bahle
Save/Load AvolonDock layouts without DockingManager references.
by Petrov Vladimir
Simple solution for small avi demo performance from Image files of any kind
by Rahul Rajat Singh
How to perform CRUD operations on a backbone model using a REST based HTTP service
by sgoleary
High Resolution Timer EventArg Class for timing background tasks.
by kosmoh
A class that may shorten your time spent with BackgroundWorker, and handles some logics of working with it.
by Santiago Santos Cortizo
How to show a bar chart in a DataGridView
by David Vanson
Generate you own barcodes for your business, Promotional items or to share links with friends.
by Igor Krupitsky
This Windows application lets you scan image in a given folder and generate CSV file to show barcodes for each image file.
by Nick Kopp
Performing base64 encoding on a graphics processing unit using CUDAfy.NET (CUDA in .NET).
by Ws Hu
This article tries to fit all levels of readers by covering both basic database concept and practical tips for handling Entity Framework.
by Suvabrata Roy
Here is a help on NxBRE (Rule Engine) for basic business rules
by Shakeel Iqbal
This article explains different ways to show contents in the Tree View control.
by Arthanarieaswaran Shanmugaraj
Explains basic information and steps for creating an MVC3 application with the Dependency Injection (DI) pattern.
by Arthanarieaswaran Shanmugaraj
Explains basic information and steps for creating an MVC3 application.
by Arthanarieaswaran Shanmugaraj
How to create an MVC3 usercontrol using RenderAction, PartialView, and jQuery’s .ajax() method.
by Arthanarieaswaran Shanmugaraj
This article explains the basics of MEF for beginner with a simple examble
by logicchild
Using SIMD instructions with C# via the Intel MKL.
by knockNrod
How to integrate Bazaar into Visual Studio using the IDE's External Tools
by George Swan
Highlights the latest developments in both the Mongo open-source document database and the open-source official C# driver.
by Roger65
Displaying big integers in dialogs.
by User 6918454
A .NET 2.0 and Mono library for the 64 bit optimized handling of very large integers, up to 10240 binary digits or approximately (safe to use) 3000 decimal digits
by rickoshay
Determine the square root of a BigInteger using F#
by Ramon.Pinho
A Windows Forms Application that can open, view and edit binary files in a simple way
by Henrik Jonsson
How to work around that Binding's Converter, ConvertParameter and StringFormat cannot be specified as dynamic Bindings.
by Christopher R Davis, Ben Traynor
Bind your UI controls to generated objects generically
by nereo.lopez
How to get started with bing maps in your Silverlight app
Tutorial on Implementing BAM solution for a BizTalk Project
by Asher Barak
When developing a complex line of business system queries, reuse is often required. This article provides some guidelines and tools for LINQ expressions reuse.
by Patrick Kalkman
This article describes the development of Blue Hour, a windows phone 7 application that calculates when the sunrises and sunsets at your location.
by User 6918454
A project for managing the digital books (HTML, DOCX, ODF, PDF, EPUB, TXT, etc.) of the user using db4o
by Boo!
This package will help you send all kinds of emails like account creation, order, mailing, reports, ... everything containing dynamic fields. You can configure your own SMTP server, use notification, and add attachments.
by J. Ambrose Little
Survey the many productivity enhancing features Microsoft added to Visual Studio 2010 and see how adding Infragistics NetAdvantage for .NET 2010 Volume 1 to your IDE will help you accelerate your application development and break out of the limitations of the Toolbox.
by Shai Raiten
How to Build Puzzle 15 (n-Puzzle)
by Shai Raiten
Build Your First Windows Phone 7 Silverlight Application
by Sasha Yakobchuk
This article is about a basic implementation of HTML5 client/server chat application.
by Kashif_Imran
An easy to understand and use language interpreter, run time parser and calculation engine from scratch in C#.
by ralph1957
A Windows Form User Control which clones some features of Microsoft Sidebar gadgets
by Mattias Högström
Walking a native and a managed callstack is fairly easy. Walking a mixed-mode callstack is much much harder. Existing documentation is truly minimal. I hope this article and its sample profiler can shed some light in this area.
by Stephan Meyn
This tiny webserver can be hosted by applications that need to serve specialised web pages.
by mcondon013
Code that adds built-in serialization functionality to your classes in C#
by Weidong Shen
This article describes how to do data validation with Self-Tracking Entity Generator for WPF/Silverlight.
by Weidong Shen
This article describes the IClientChangeTracking interface generated by Self-Tracking Entity Generator for WPF/Silverlight.
by Weidong Shen
This article describes the project setup of building a WPF sample application with Self-Tracking Entity Generator for WPF/Silverlight.
by Senthil Sambandam
Huge data transfer to Excel in a fast and efficient manner
by Kapil Khadgi
Implementing Bundling and Minification in a manageable way
by umar.techBOY
An API that reads OMR sheets from camera taken/ scanner scanned images.
by LamYongXian
This is an alternative for "C# - Optical Marks Recognition (OMR) Engine 1.0"
by Jonathan Franks
Easily lets you post updated versions of your application for remote clients to download without running another setup.
by woutercx
A fast C# and VB.NET code searcher using Roslyn.
by Umer Aziz Malik
This is a very basic level tutorial about authenticating with Facebook and Twitter and setting your status with it.
by Leo Koach
Using an XML file as a database
by andrea contoli
An implementation of color gradient control in c#, and a use case applied to procedural landscape generation.
by Vladimir Nikitenko
CSVFileReader and CSVStringReader are light weighted and fast classes that resemble unidirectional data set
by Sergiy Stoyan
Parsing date and (or) time from a string
by logicchild
An article to help the beginner understand delegates
by Alexander Van Berg
Combinatorial generation of C# generic types.
by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
Introduction to writing plugs in Cosmos in C#, Assembly, or X#
by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
A quick view under the hood of Cosmos and how it works
by Srivatsa Haridas
Custom implementation of TextBox for password with preview for a short duration before masking the password characters
by Not Active
A C# Windows application to store and retrieve photos from a SQL Server database.
by Christopher Camacho
User controls for entering either a time or a number within a range.
by Hubert Haien
Presentation of a memory-wrapper class written in ASM that provides methods to organize and serialize data. Comes with its own 32 bit algorithm.
by steveb
C++ numeric to string and string to numeric conversion functions
by Ciro Sisman Pereira
tCNode template: An indexed multi-node data tree using STL containers
by Elmue
How to implement creation and extraction of Microsoft CAB files
by Zimin Max Yang
An approach to improve LINQ-to-SQL performance while preserving maintainability over DataReader.
by Daniel Vaughan
Introducing the Calcium SDK. Calcium provides much of what one needs to rapidly build a multifaceted and sophisticated modular application. Includes a host of modules and services, and an infrastructure that is ready to use in your next application.
by KarstenK
Interoperability: Calling C++ from C#
by gaurav_verma_mca
How to create a generic WCF proxy using Generics and Lambda Expressions.
by Praveen P R
Visualizer to capture object state.
by Claude He
This article is a sequel to my previous CCTreeMiner: An algorithm for Subtree Mining Problems. I fixed some bugs and made some improvements. Also I want to further describe this algorithm.
by _Asif_
Welcome to the wonderful word of CCXML/VXML
by Lalit_Chandra
Chain of Responsibility pattern is defined under behavioral design pattern by G.O.F and used to decouple the command with its processing object or handler.
by Roger65
How to change #define WINVER 0x0502 to 0x0601
by Mikhail-T
Extends MVC HtmlHelper class so you can create POSTable checkbox list.
by Alexandros Pappas
This article proposes a way to check the correctness of setup projects.
by LEADTOOLS Support
Choosing the Right Barcode for your Application
by Cinchoo
This article shows how to consume AppSettings values using the Cinchoo Configuration Manager.
by Cinchoo
GUI interface to Microsoft Xsd tool
by John Underhill
Twofish 512, Serpent 512, Rijndael 512, the HX Ciphers, Ring-LWE, NTRU, McEliece, Rainbow, GMSS, DTM-KEX
by sbarnes
Tool to obfuscate strings and small images on the Clipboard. Peek at the Clipboard to see DataFormats of the current content. C# implementation of the ASCII85 codec.
by karthik cad/cam
Simple clock using line transform
by Paul Maxan
This article will show how to close the Microsoft Dynamics GP Report Destination window using both a .NET Add-in library and a stand-alone Windows Forms application.
by Paul Maxan
This is an alternative for "Closing Microsoft Dynamics GP Report Destination window"
by Dirk Bahle
This article samples a MVVM conform implementation of startup and shutdown sequences for an application and its dialogs.
by JoeSox
Connect to ConceptNet 5's REST API
by Akhil Mittal
My effort in this article was to put some light on building a generic multilayered architecture using Entity Framework 4.1 and MVC3 razor view engine.
by johnlantz
Add entities to a model quickly, relate them to each other, and bind to them in XAML
by Anoop Pillai
In this post, we'll explore how to generate code from a simple XML model, with in Visual Studio - For a lot of scenarios
by Abhishek Sur
A WPF Infowindow placed on the right hand corner of the Code Canvas which informs you about the code statistics
by Nish Nishant
This application monitors for new posts in the Code Project forums.
by Richard MacCutchan
A little tool to keep a list of code or text snippets ready to put in the clipboard
by Digital-samurai
Building a spelling checker for source code as an extension for Visual Studio 2010
by #realJSOP
New and improved! Keep an eye on your CodeProject articles and reputation without having to log onto CP.
by Pete O'Hanlon, Sacha Barber
A look into the CodeStash Visual Studio Extension.
by Sreekesh NK
To Collapse All the Open Projects in Visual Studio IDE 2005, 2008 or 2010 using C#
by Mladen Janković
Another implementation of Commodore 64 emulator written in C#
by Ivan Perevernykhata
In this article collected most popular freeware/commercial solutions for data visualization in .NET
by Simon.P.G.
Comparing the code styles when you use a normal event handler, Rx (Reactive Extensions) and YieldAwait library.
by Michael Bookatz
Comparison between different methods to iterate over a list of items and see which method is the most effective
by Kumar Kisalaya
This is an alternative for "Compress Zip files with Windows Shell API and C#"
by Amarnath S
An article describing the computation of the Sinogram of an image in C#, using the Radon Transform of the image.
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Learn about parallel algorithms, parallel containers, tasks, task groups, agents library, task scheduler etc in VC10
by John Stewien
Provides implementations of concurrent observable collection classes for binding to WPF controls so that the collections can be updated from a thread that isn't the WPF GUI thread
by Omar Gameel Salem
Implementation of Connected Component Labeling.
by User-Rock
Approaches describing a design to handle connection objects and pools in C#.
by logicchild
An article that defines some rules to follow when writing resuable software.
by Kristen_Garrison
Consuming a Java Web Service with a .NET Client
by Dr. Song Li
This article presents a method to consume cross-domain WCF REST Services using jQuery AJAX calls, with an example.
by syed shanu
USL/LSL Control Chart using .NET for Quality Control
by Clifford Nelson
Implements a control to support changing colors for Silverlight Shapes using VisualStateManager
by Dan Letecky
Parsing PDF files in .NET using PDFBox and IKVM.NET (managed code).
by hatman70
This is an alternative for "Converting PDF to Text in C#"
by DavidHancock
Describes an algorithm that solves the Countdown number puzzle written in c#
by Karthik. A
Instead of the traditional way of paging like a numbered / text pager, this approach uses a single button to load more data within the same page
by Сергій Ярошко
The article describes an application that executes several different sorting algorithms on the arrays of integers in the separate threads and graphically visualizes them. The application main thread interacts with the sorting threads using the special C# class that encapsulates a BackgroundWorker.
by Don Kackman
A WP7 port of CPVanity with a CodeProject RSS reader.
by Nish Nishant
This is a lightweight version of Luc Pattyn's popular CP Vanity application
by Harold Bamford
Simple class to allow fast, easy access to Perl and Perl variables.
by Andreas Schoenle
How to use CrashRptEx, to avoid some of the pitfalls of crash reporting in MFC apps or if you want the ability to continue your application after a crash
by P. de Jong
A self-hosted WCF service that announces itself through Bonjour publishing.
by Kenneth Haugland
A detailed description for creating Voronoi diagrams, review of basic functions
by Kenneth Haugland
Creation of a Voronoi diagram, description of the binary search tree
by Jean Paul V.A
Creating a Workflow using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
by Dain Ucak
How to make an intellisense textbox using web service and JavaScript which works with all platforms (IE, Chrome, Firefox) without problems
by Arthanarieaswaran Shanmugaraj
Explains the basics of REST services and create & consume RESTful service in ASP.NET
by hari19113
This article shows how to create a Pie chart using the Graphics class in C#.
by Debopam Pal
Export Advance Excel 2007 Report
by Soroush Falahati
Introducing a class for generating 3D images (Stereoscopic and Anaglyph) from DepthMaps.
by Michael Haephrati
Creating an application that can generate crosswords from a list of words
by DarkTyranno
A small application which converts a .nfo text file and views it in a custom form with music and automatic scrolling text!
by Shenwei Liu
Create and configure WCF RIA Services class library for Silverlight app
by Akhil Mittal
In this article I would like to explain a step by step process to create a windows application and a setup installer for the same in a very simple manner, that is easy to understand and follow knowing that there are a number of other ways to do the same thing.
by Bobrovsky
This article shows how to create documentation within your code, write additional topics and compile the help file using Sandcastle Help File Builder.
by Arthanarieaswaran Shanmugaraj
Creating our own snippets in Visual Studio 2010 IDE
by Marco Merola
Creating PDF documents from XML
by Akhil Mittal
In this article I’ll explain how we can host aWebAPI in another process independent of IIS.
by Hassanoor
Designing forms with rounded corners using Visual Studio 2010
by furkanavcu
Image Cropping GUI For General Purpose
by Akhil Mittal
How to do custom mapping and entity to entity mapping with the help of AutoMapper.
by Dominik Reichl
CSHA1 - A C++ class implementation of the SHA-1 hash algorithm
by Thomas Duwe
A month calendar and date picker with culture awareness.
by Martin Mitáš
Overview of techniques for customizing existing controls.
by Martin Mitáš
Make your control answer to the questions system or application may ask.
by Martin Mitáš
A quick introduction into the development of custom controls in plain Win32 API.
by Martin Mitáš
Understanding the basics of custom control painting and avoiding the trap of control flicker
by Martin Mitáš
Paint your control consistently with standard/common controls, using the visual styles API.
by Scott Rippey
A string template method that allows you to fill a string with data. Easy to use, fast, extensible, and extremely powerful! Uses Reflection, Conditional Formatting, iterating through Arrays, and more!
by Karthik. A
This article extends what was built in the previous article. This is a task manager application that uses the custom provider designed in the last part.
by Jim Roth
Using the TFS API to undo checkouts for build processes
by Syed M Hussain
In this article I show how I turned an ASP.NET Web Forms application into an MVC Framework.
by Scott Parkes
Providing custom context sensitive help for VSTO add-in Ribbon controls.
by Karthik. A
An introduction to custom role providers in an ASP.NET MVC 3 application using the Entity Framework for ORM.
by Renil Joy, Bangalore
Custom Rule Engine approach which can evaluate complex combinations of business rules. A sample application is provided in WPF following the MVVM pattern.
by Not Active
Customizing forms used by SharePoint lists.
by DavidMengc
Explains the way I generate custom site definition based on the site template imported in Visual Studio 2010
by Chrene91
An article on how to write your own textbox with the option to use a watermark.
by rodney128
A windows Azure development to showcase online geocoding and mapping.
by David Vanson
A progress bar control you can customize
by Daniel Bennett
.NET ToolStrip allows drag and drop customizaton
by omeecode
Simple, flexible and extensible C# and .Net based Data Acquisition Library which can handle multiple hardware devices and data rate more than 10 mbps
by TheRegan
A system for easily and effectively storing product information and managing promotions
by Eric M. H. Goh
Scrape data from image using Tesseract OCR engine
by JorgeLuisOrejel
This article deals with the implementation of polynomial division by the familiar algorithm of long integer division in the context of two applications.
by Paulo Zemek
There's a popular book that presents Data Structures tied to procedural code. Well, this article is all about using Data Structures in Object Oriented Programming.
by rwg
Select data from SQL databases into Excel spreadsheet, with headings and formatting
by Mr.PoorEnglish
including the "Four Views"-Concept as general principle of presenting Data.
by RameshSengamalai
DataBinding in WPF Browser Application using SQL Server Compact
by Jos Branders
These data controls can show scheduled events automatically
by Simon B.
A date picker user control in ASP.NET (C#, VS2010)
by Dan Letecky
Create an AJAX monthly event calendar (with drag and drop support) displaying data from SQL Server database in just 10 minutes (including a coffee break).
by Dan Letecky
A good-looking ASP.NET control that shows events visually arranged in a day calendar. Includes design-time support and data binding.
by Dan Letecky
How to display AJAX Gantt Chart in ASP.NET application.
by Dan Letecky
Flexible open-source scheduler control (resource booking, project management, timeline and free/busy visualization, Gantt)
by voloda2
An article describing a simple .NET library which simply keeps your database schema up-to-date.
by Paulo Zemek
Generate DataReaders at run-time and get the best performance by avoiding repetitive code and by using the database's most appropriate Get methods.
by Shao Voon Wong
Debug Print using C++11 Variadic Template
by Peter Huber SG
Non blocking, multithreading safe tracing with only microseconds delays
by Alexandros Pappas
This deletecertstore tool deletes certificate stores as a pendant to makecert
by Rasik Bihari Tiwari
Dependency injection, DI containers, IoC containers and Inversion of control are a world of confusion. Let's take them head-on.
by Ramy Mahrous
How to deploy your reports programmatically in away like BIDS
by Anand Ranjan Pandey
Design a website architecture that must be simple, easily understandable by any web designer using MVC, EF, Knockoutjs and Bootstrap
by Kanasz Robert
In this first article about design patterns I will discuss about creational design patterns and I will show on real examples how to implement them.
by Kanasz Robert
In this second article about design patterns I will discuss about structural design patterns and I will show on real examples how to implement them.
by Mr.PoorEnglish
The Strategy-Pattern does not nessecarily require Interfaces - two other Approaches
by Jsch4
This article offers insight in all aspects of identifiers, and proves that any set of identifiers contains strong evidence which can be used to explore a software model.
by VallarasuS
Helps you extend WPF designer and design controls right on the designer
In this article, an Angular JS Protractor C# and Java Client Library examples are explained.
by johnlantz
This tutorial shows how to build a simple WPF application using Code First in DevForce.
by cameron_elliot
A .NET library and website which allows developers to expose and view arbitrary diagnostic information about their .NET processes.
by Apostol Bakalov
A .NET implementation of Dijkstra’s for finding the minimum distance path between two nodes in a connected, undirected graph.
by Peter Kovalchuk
Reading hardware information in Stored Procedure
by Karthik. A
Directory Comparer is an extensible tool that could be used to compare 2 folders
by Roman Ginzburg
This article is about DirectShow development in general and filters development in detail.
by Asif Bahrainwala
GS-SO tutorial for basic effects
by Igor Alekseev
How to display Videos from YouTube channel in ASP.NET website
by Dr Gadgit
Covers SSDP messages and XML replies plus how to stream a play-list
by Dr Gadgit
Just a very simple web-server that uses byte-ranges realy
by Dr Gadgit
Your first line of defence agsint viruses and spyware
by Dan Letecky
An introduction to Lucene.Net, the open source full-text search engine.
by defwebserver
The goal of this tutorial is to walk you through creating a simple Silverlight module in DotNetNuke that authenticates the currently logged in user through a web service.
by Dr. Song Li
This article introduces a method to download and use "XAP" packages on demand in Silverlight.
by logicchild
Why recursion in C# works well when using WPF.
by Lars N. Rasmussen
Learn about gears and by using the jpg's be able to cut working gears in wood and other materials
by ZachCox
A Christmas name drawing application using DHTML, JavaScript, XML, C#, Forms, VS2008, .NET 3.5, encryption.
by Pinakpani Dey
How to drilldown hierarchical data using GridView control
by FiegeU
Workaround for changing drive letters in Windows when using multiple external drives
by Ciumac Sergiu
Explains sound fingerprinting algorithm, with a practical example of detecting duplicate files on the user's local drive.
by Clifford Nelson
How to do dynamic binding of static properties.
by Matt Kloss
Allows users to see who belongs to an exchange dynamic distribution group
by Antonio Nakić Alfirević
Creating a library for persisting the application state data between work sessions
by Simon S Ellis
Create virtual machines in the cloud using Amazon EC2
by syed shanu
Design your Winform at Runtime.Perform CRUD operation to your Form at Runtime with out writting any code using Stored Procedure.
by Alan Burkhart
Quick and dirty Accordion control for WinForms in about 50 lines of code.
by Burak Ozdiken
This article discusses how to create a simple ProgressBar control for the Windows Forms Application using the .NET Framework.
by rspercy65
This is a e-Book Reader for text files that uses a file splitter
by Julijan Sribar
A simple WTL edit control that can display content in arbitrary color even when it is disabled
by Elmue
An easy to use 3D control which can be integrated into an application in a few minutes
by rmortega77
Eliza like chat bot in F# for having fun learning the functional programming language shipped with Visual Studio 2010.
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Static Code Analysis: The Purpose, How to Analyze and Make your code Analyzable!
by Ganesh A Hegde
The safe navigation operator could prove to be a nifty feature when it eventually makes it into C#. It's included in the planned upcoming release of C# 6. Until then, you may need to emulate it.
by Wendelius
Article describes how to encrypt a dataset using AES. Optionally the dataset is compressed before the encryption.
by Scott Clayton
Set up encrypted secure communication between C# and PHP using the AES and RSA algorithms.
by Frank T. Clark
A C# .NET 3.5 (Win7) Windows Forms Application with source code
by Saira Fazal Qader
Conversion of image to byte and Encryption using 128 bit key than Decryption using the same key and re-conversion from byte to image
by Adam Zgagacz
ToolStripMenuItem with RadioButton and Labeled ToolStripSeparator
by Kaboa
An enhanced ResXFileCodeGenerator that handles formatted strings in a type-safe and natural way
by Adam Zgagacz
WinForms Scrollbar with enhanced properties, graphical bookmarks and value tooltips.
by Avi Farah
Allow for constructs within a string to be programmatically evaluated for a final string value
by Murtaza Abdeali
With their support for Mono 2.6.5 (and later), Infragistics NetAdvantage ASP.NET AJAX controls are the perfect choice for building rich and lively Web 2.0 applications that give you complete freedom to choose the hardware platform that’s best for you.
by venugopalm
Database and Library Design for Customer Order Management System
by Bernardo Castilho
A component that makes it easy to use Entity Framework in WinForms projects, including design-time binding support.
by Code Help 2014
A simple tutorial for beginners to learn the basics of Entity Framework. It will teach you how to perform CRUD operations using EF.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Generic classes for enumeration-based iteration and array indexing
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
An example the application of Enumeration class, third article of the series
by Chris La
A 2D/3D force directed graph algorithm in C#
by Chris La
This is an alternative project of "OraLib - a lightweight C++ wrapper over Oracle's OCI library"
by Chris La
A jump point search algorithm for grid based games in C#
by Chris La
How to create a server-client network quickly using template server-client framework, EpServerEngine (C++ and Windows Winsock).
by Chris La
How to create a server-client network quickly using IOCP TCP template server-client framework, EpServerEngine.cs (C#).
by kbskaran
A simple program to understand correlation in WF4
by Kenneth Haugland
Evaluation of complex and real numbers from string
by Gautham Prabhu K
Creating and using Event Aggregator pattern
by John Mokkosian-Kane, Daniel Hsu
To demonstrate Azure and EDA, this article will show you how to build a flight delay management system for all US airports in clouds with Windows Azure.
by Syed Umar Anis
ExcelXMLExport is a Microsoft Excel 2010 / 2013 Add-in that generates XML data from Excel sheet.
by Abhijit Jana
This article describes how to use Pin/Unpin of Object/Variable Data Tip during debugging In Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2
by Sams Publishing
This chapter covers the core make-up and capabilities of Visual Studio 2010.
by Nish Nishant
The Exif Compare Utility is a WinDiff equivalent for image files that compares the Exif meta-data and displays the differences and similarities. The application is written using WPF and MVVM.
by Simon McKenzie
Reads JPEG Exif data without the heavyweight and unnecessary instantiation of GDI+ objects.
by phil2415
Add expandable rows to a GridView for master/detail view.
by Sacha Barber
A look into messaging solutions using NServiceBus.
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Elaborating new C++ language features with a clear, sharp, and detailed discussion.
by Abhijit Jana
This article describes the use of Caching Application Block - Enterprise Library 4.1.
by William Hey
Factoring classic integers
by Al Alberto
A series of articles exploring how to develop applications for Windows Azure using Bing Maps.
by Colin Eberhardt
In this article, I give a brief introduction to Reactive Extensions, then explore their use within Silverlight by creating a Twitter / Bing Maps mashup.
by saanj
This article talks about the powerful SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model Capabilities and various ways to utilize it.
by Robin Shahan
In this article, I will show you the tools and technologies, you can use to create,  test, and then publish a solution to the cloud.
by Santhosh Kumar Jayaraman
Export a DataTable to an Excel file and add format to the contents while writing the Excel file.
by OrlandoCurioso
A solution to declaring dynamic events on control arrays at design time
by Anshul R
An expression evaluator that doesn't support parantheses at the beginning.
by dmihailescu
Customize OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog using a User Control
by dmihailescu
Customize OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog using a WPF Window
by Claudio Nicora
An extended NumericUpDown control with better focus and mouse wheel management.
by Richard Waddell
ViewModel provides both IDataErrorInfo and collection binding for field-level errors and exceptions on client and server.
by Dave Kerr
Learn how to extend Visual Studio 2010 by creating custom code snippets.
by Novar Striker
Multi technics in one application, for an extreme relaxation moment
by Alexander Bessonov
Introduces a fast and type-safe parameter rendering library (type-safe printf)
by dpalash
Easy way to understand Factory Method Pattern
by BuggyCoder
Efficient Factory Method Pattern Implementation in C# using Expression Trees
by Pavel Torgashov
Custom text editor with syntax highlighting
by Shao Voon Wong
Prototype SIMD vectorized code effortlessly.
by Mehdi Gholam
In this article I demonstrate why fastJSON is the smallest, fastest polymorphic JSON serializer (with Silverlight4, MonoDroid and .NET core support)
by Christopher R Davis, Micheal Knight
This article details how to use nHydrate to add an auditing framework to the nHydrate DAL and Entity Framework DAL.
by B@dC0d3r
Views records from File Server Audit program
by OlegKrivtsov
This article demonstrates a file preview control in a WTL application.
by Alex Blekhman
Find any file in solution using incremental search and advanced filtering
by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
In this article, I described the need of MEF using a Console Application. Read it and don't forget to vote for it and share your feedback.
by O.G.I.
Pathfinding algorithm based on a direction priority
by Don Kackman
Just for fun; a bunch of fish swimming around the screen
by Arik Poznanski
Post on how to fix an error while trying to run the sample project ShellObjectWatcherSampleWPF from the latest version of Windows API Code Pack
by NewPast
Using any Control In ComboBox or in EditingControl for DataGridView
by _Asif_
Article will demonstrate how to develop generalize framework for creating Outlook style Auto Refresh Count of Menu Items
by JReichert
Use FlexibleMessageBox.Show to seamlessly replace your usages of MessageBox.Show and get more features in a single class you can easily add to your project
by Paulo Zemek
Create animations easily using a Fluent API that integrates well with frame-based animation segments.
by Sacha Barber
A small utility Fluent interface class to export a List.
by Paulo Zemek
Create methods and types at run-time using an easy and fluent API.
by Jochen Baier
Addin to navigate in your code using the thumb buttons of your mouse
by Jakub Szymanowski
The article presents idea and implementation of Fourier Transform (DFT and FFT algorithms) in Digital Signal Processing.
by Kenneth Haugland
Describes the theory behind fractals and how to draw fractal images, using L-system, IFS, Mandelbrot, Newton, Burning ship, Nova and Julia set, Markus-Lyapunov fractals, Kronecker products, DLA algorithm and the Sunflower spiral.
by E-iceblue
E-iceblue Co., Ltd. is a vendor of .NET, Silverlight and WPF development components. The goal of e-iceblue is always to offer high-quality components for reading and writing different formats of office files.
by Marla Sukesh
This article will tell about the very known design pattern "Factory Pattern" used in the programming.
by PIEBALDconsult
This is an alternative for "From one number system to another"
by Perić Željko
Developing and implementation of algorithm for converting number from one to another positional number system
by Ludvik Jerabek
Supports getopt, getopt_long, and getopt_long_only and POSIXLY_CORRECT environment flag
by NickThissen
Change the colors used to render Menu-, Tool,- ContextMenu-, and Status strip controls during design-time.
by Kenneth Haugland
Illustrates the calculation and the usefulness of continued fractions
by johan_vw
Play around with the different interfaces used to query collections.
by Jakub Szymanowski
The article presents idea and implementation of fundamental algorithms in image processing.
by Tiep Le
Visual Studio 2008/2010 Extension for backing-up your solution to Gmail.
by Joshi, Rushikesh
This is an alternative for "Generate Sample XML from XSD".
by Md. Marufuzzaman
How to generate SQL object script using C#.NET
by Pablo Fernandez Duran
This article will show you how to generate a JSON base web service layer from an existing database using CodeFluent Entities. We will also generate a web client back office following an “Import wizard”.
by Mohammed Owais
Generating barcode labels in C# with the help of Crystal Reports for printing.
by Massimiliano Peluso "WeDev Limited"
This article show an easy and reusable solution to create a generic mapper between two entity objects.
by Clifford Nelson
Generic ValueConverter for Binding Enumerations to Check Boxes
by Clifford Nelson
A generic WPF/Silverlight value converter.
by JorgeLuisOrejel
This article is based on Chapter 2 of my unpublished textbook “Applied Algorithms and Data Structures.
by Bryan Tubbs
This article will show how to create a list of a particular class type from a SqlDataReader object by dynamically creating a lambda expression to carry out the process of populating the list.
by TheAvenger
A generics method to convert an object to a basic type.
by APIReport
Generate an HTML table in 4 lines of code either from a SQL query or a DataTable. Highlighting, sorting, all is customizable
by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
Introduction to "GENOME-IN-CODE" Project about virtual cell modelling the bacteria Xcc 8004, visit for the latest news about GCModeller
by Paulo Zemek
A dictionary implementation optimized for caches and the GetOrCreateValue method, supporting real parallelism while reading and avoiding some problems encountered in the ConcurrentDictionary
by Kim Togo
Use Web Services for real-time file publishing and sharing.
by Johnny J., Brisingr Aerowing
Get the operating system version and edition, updated with Windows 10
by Stephan Johnson
Read this article if you are new to developing with the Genesis Smart Client Framework. It will guide you through the process of setting up your development environment and executing your first Genesis Hosted Application.
by Divin Ookken Athappan
Step by step explanation of 3D image rendering using OpenGL
by SSDiver2112
A custom Panel that creates a glow effect around a child control or a drop shadow when it receives focus
by Tuscano
An article on a GUI to Microsoft ILMerge Program
by ThatsAlok
An easy way to marshal your interface pointer between threads!
by sajidhussainbaloch, Umair Mukati, Naveed Ahmed
A C# based application to trace the location of a GPS device.
by Muhammad Waqas Iqbal
How to programmatically create / edit / delete events in the Google calendar (v3) of a Gmail user.
by omeecode
Google Maps Offline in windows discusses how one can download or save Google maps and then view these images offline
by Don Kackman
An example of using Google APIs and OAuth2 authentication on Windows Phone 7
by Ravi Bhavnani
An object that harnesses the power of Google's online natural language translation tools.
by Alesiani Marco
A Wave PDE simulation using GPGPU capabilities
by Mojtaba Hosseini
A graphical binary tree. Features: add, remove, or search for a node. Recursive algorithm has been used
by Khaled Abdelhamid
Drawing on a web page on the fly using GDI+ and Flood-Fill Technique
by SSDiver2112
TrackBar with custom coloring, value display, label, and increment buttons.
by Albara Hakami
A Windows Forms application to share a whiteboard with many clients with only one drawer, in a gamy way.
by Peter Huber SG
Using Style and Binding to control WPF DataGridCell appearance
by BillLange1968
A C# port of the classic Hammurabi game
by Nish Nishant
This article discusses an attached behavior that lets you handle the View Window's Closed and Closing events via commands in the View-Model
by César de Souza
Techniques to perform recognition of handwritten digits using Kernel Support Vector Machines
by Vivek Pandey (V)
Hangman is a very simple word game for Windows Phone 7
by Shao Voon Wong
Benchmark of hash and non-hash container
by jean Davy
Read/write serialize/unserialize any kind of arbitrary set of C++ data structures in the Registry.
by Qwertie
How fast is C++ compared to C#? Let's compare code ported directly between the two languages.
by rd.sandeep
Beginner's guide to writing applications for Windows Phone 7
by Simon B.
How to hide the taskbar and startmenu (start orb) under Windows Vista
by Nick Kopp
How to get 30x performance increase for queries by using your Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) instead of LINQ and PLINQ.
by Amol Jadhao
Looking for a way to draw charts like line,column,bar,pie,area with C#? This is the perfect tutorial for you and its easy to implement.This article will help you to understand how to bind a Pie Chart by calling a web service from jQuery AJAX in ASP.NET
by J. Ambrose Little
Create compelling, high-end Business Intelligence solutions with the new WPF 4 data visualization controls released as part of Infragistics NetAdvantage for WPF Data Visualization 2010 Volume 2.
by sgoleary
Cut and Paste BackgroundWorker.
by User 6918454
An automated mail sending application
by Shayan Ali Bhatti
Wireless Home Automation via XBEE Modules
by Dan Thyer
Use a Microsoft Kinect to control the home automation in the house. Lights can be turned on an off from speech recognition or from pointing at them and waving your other hand one way to turn on and the other way to turn off.
by Dan Thyer
Remote control a squirt gun, open the garage, and water the garden all through .net
by Mehdi Gholam
Smallest full text search engine (lucene replacement) built from scratch using inverted MGRB bitmap index, highly compact storage, operating in database and document modes
by João da Costa from Brazil
How to create a horoscope application in Windows Phone 7
by logicchild
An article that demonstrates how to encrypt your directory files
by Samer M. Abdallah
Access SQL database from iPhone Via WCF and JSON hosted on IIS 7.5
by Md. Marufuzzaman
How to add a menu item in Microsoft Office Word 7/10 application context menu
by Oliver_Hart
I’ll show how to build live IP camera streaming into your website by using C# to be able to monitor the area that is under video surveillance.
by Stas Wolski
This article describes how to implement a meeting room booking system in an ASP.NET MVC project with dhtmlxScheduler.
by W.Walker
It demonstrates how to develop a fully-functional SIP PBX in the most simplest way and explains how to create such useful VoIP features as dial plan.
by James L. W
You will learn how to create a Color Code generator. A color code uses colors to write integers to an image
by Anumeha Shukla
To get the Historical values within a requested Time Range from AF Table
by Chris La
This article explains how to create your own simple Lock Framework for C++ synchronization.
by Muhammad Imran Saleem
A step by step walk through of creating custom dialog boxes and adding them to your web setup projects.
by rajanbha
How to create a custom top and left in SharePoint 2010
by Oliver_Hart
I’ll show briefly how to take an ONVIF IP camera snapshot and save this image as a JPG file by using C# to be able to preserve/share the most important moments of the video surveillance.
by techbird
Explains how to create single package for multi CPU installers and run the right installer based on user machine configuration.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
How to create your first SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package - part 1
by LEADTOOLS Support
With minimal effort you can use LEADTOOLS V17 to load and save over 100 file formats, manipulate images with advanced image processing, and implement annotations directly within a Silverlight client application replacing the need for calls to an external server.
by Frank W. Wu
Showing you how to use the Popup to create your own dropdown-like window.
by Heriberto Lugo
Footer row to sum columns in a datagridview.
by logicchild
An article that explains some ways to learn the F# language
by gndzero
A fast way to display the details of all PSTs currently loaded into Outlook
by Eugene Balabanov
A tiny sandbox primer
by Rahman Masudur
This short article shows how to manipulate master page controls in ASP.NET when output caching is enabled.
by GoranZoran
Migrating VS package from 2008 to 2010 Beta 2
by CJ Kent
Create an Interpolating Timer and use it to fade textures in and out in XNA 4.0
by Mostafa Kaisoun
This is a trial to print Invoice with VB.NET
by JosipK
This article will explain the basics of ODF format, and specifically its implementation in spreadsheet applications ( Calc and Microsoft Office Excel 2007 SP2). Presented is a demo application which writes/reads tabular data to/from .ods files.
by techbird
Renaming of Trace.axd to custom name in ASP.NET
by Paul M. Parks
You can provide a Ribbon in Windows 7, but still support menu input, while only releasing one executable.
by baruchl
How to setup .NET symbol server and enable production debugging without source code
by Karen Forster
Working on code for projects created in different releases of Visual Studio used to be a big hassle. Visual Studio 2010 improves this and lets you specify the version of the .NET framework and work in its interface while you’re developing in the VS IDE. Click now!
by Ondrej_Uzovic
Simple example for publish-subscribe scenario between HTML5 JavaScript and .NET using Websockets.
by zapsolution
DWM composition
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Display names and descriptions for enumeration members: a non-intrusive, reliable, localizeable method.
by _groo_
An interface not present in .NET BCL, IIndexable exposes methods for iterating and indexing a read-only collection.
by Lai Taiyu
A simple image binarization
Image cryptography using RSA algorithm in C#
by Perić Željko
This would be the alternative only to the one algorithm for edge detection described inside the main article, "Difference Edge Detection".
by User 6918454
A lightweight image viewer for .NET 2.0, supporting multi-core processing
by Imran S Mohamed
This article contains information on how to update an image placed in an Image placeholder in a Word document and maintain the size of the inserted image (Microsoft Office 2007) using Open XML 2.0.
by Rohit Joshi
IMAPLibrary supports the basic IMAP protocol functions to fetch messages from the mailbox.
by Shahriar Iqbal Chowdhury/Galib
Easy way to consume WCF REST services through JQuery and perform CRUD (Create Retrieve Update Delete) operations
by Chinmoy Mohanty
Multiple techniques of implementing The Observer Pattern in .NET
by Shmuel Zang
This article shows how we can implement WebBinding for the AngularJS library and, use it for binding AngularJS client side objects to ASP.NET server side objects.
by Mike_Liu
Manually implement a basic WCF Service from scratch, step by step, with clear instructions and precise screen snapshots.
by Mike_Liu
Implement a simple WCF Service using Entity Framework as the backend ORM.
by Arthur V. Ratz
This article demostrates the C++ code that implements AI binary distribution evolutionary algorithm for finding the "nearest" neighbor values of the given value of x in the array of N elements.
by George Swan
An alternative to Observer Pattern (C#).
by Not Active
A Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint 2010 extension to import existing list definition and schema to SharePoint 2010 project
by Julijan Sribar
CEdit derived control with additional editing options and multilevel undo/redo.
by Roger500
Detect and correct unresponsive forms
by Redgate Software
Discover how Automated Error Reporting can let your users notify you instantly when they encounter a bug, and give you all the information you need to reproduce and fix the problem.
by Roger Vuistiner
How to quickly improve your WPF application to give your users a pleasant mouse wheel experience
by Erick Cerra
Implementing and using an INCLUDE method in classic ADO.NET.
by Nicolas Humann
Include static JS / CSS / image files from IsolatedStorage in the WebBrowser control
by Dirk Bahle
This article explains how to take advantage from look-less WPF controls through inheritance
by OrlandoCurioso
Customize an internal designer by encapsulation in a custom component designer
by Olivier Higelin
Want to add quickly CSV features to your project ? This class is made for you !
by Victor Soldatov
A coarse approach to operate huge integers.
by NightWizzard
...for example a WYSIWYG HTML editor to edit or display emails...
by perilbrain
A simple technique to integrate a custom build tool in VS 2010.
by OlegKrivtsov
This article shows how to use CrashRpt error reporting library with an MFC application
by venugopalm
Integrating database development into Visual Studio to collaborate application development team and the database designers
by Dom_Smith
A look at how performance profiling can be integrated into the build process to form part of the automated test suite.
by Paulo Zemek
A deep explanation on when to use interfaces and abstract classes.
by Naren Neelamegam
A complete walk through on IoT Device programming, Web Service programming and IoT Client programming.
by Mosi_62
Interpolation from polynomial to natural splines
by Alex Chirokov
Adding interpolation functions to the Excel using C# and Excel-DNA
by mohamad halabi
Introduces the Parallel Programming features of .NET 4.0.
by Kundan Singh Chouhan
This article is all about of my developed entity framework pattern named “K-Pattern”
by Mike_Liu
Learning the fundamentals about LINQ, i.e., data type var, anonymous types, lambda expressions, LINQ syntax, and LINQ queries.
by mohamad halabi
Shows how to build new-design distributed applications with WF 4.0 and Data Services.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
Using dynamic types in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (Framework 4.0)
by Muhammad Shujaat Siddiqi
An introduction of Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) with Visual Studio 2010
by Arthanarieaswaran Shanmugaraj
Explains basic information and steps for creating new WCF Service
by Rahul Rajat Singh
In this article we try to understand what is ASP.NET MVC Model Binding
by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
This is an article in effort to share my learning about Netduino Plus 2 with the examples.
by Jean Paul V.A
This article explains the installation and usage of the NLayers framework.
by Andy Marshall
Basic Introduction to jQuery using SQL Server, Web Services
by Andreas Gieriet
This is an alternative for "Dynamically generate a LINQ query with a custom property".
by Bjørn
Using ffmpeg DLLs directly in C# to extract frames and create a thumbnail sheet
by Mohib Sheth
Invoking People Hub in Windows Phone 7 Emulator
by Dan Thyer
I built my own Internet of Things, IoT, home automation system that is controlling 30 different things with 4 different types of microcontrollers with nearly 150 commands. This article talks about IoT design patterns and the lessons learned from the design patterns that I have used.
by R%S
Enable access from mobile phone emulator to Visual Studio WebDev.WebServer listening on localhost
by ChRi$m0rG@N
This article documents a simple messaging layer implemented with named pipes.
by Paulo Morgado
Is Your ASP.NET Development Server Not Working?
by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
Did you spot any bugs today? Than this tool might save some of your time
by PRMan!!!
A simple method to ensure that new .JS and .CSS files always get downloaded and cached ones never get re-downloaded
by jawed.ace
J-AXE file splitter is a Windows application developed using C# .NET to split file into time interval based on size and total files after splits.
by KK Kod
How to perform Inline editing in JqGrid
by vijay venkatesh prasad N
Reusable tool for implementing Grid
by tonywilk
Not 'Just Another Parser', this reads elements from JSON simply and without memory overhead in C
by Don Fizachi
A set of C# classes to create and manipulate JSON Schema and Instances.
by Don Fizachi
A set of C# classes to create and manipulate JSON Schema and Instances.
by tonywilk
A simple set of functions to write C variables out to JSON with no fuss or errors
by Henrik Jonsson
An alternative approach to the new .NET async/await keywords to program asynchronously commands to make your user interface more responsive.
by Srikanth Anandateertha
Application usage topup tool
by Shahriar Iqbal Chowdhury/Galib
Configure visual studio load testing tool and utilize to scale application by analyzing testing results
by Apostol Bakalov
An example of a .NET implementation of Kruskal’s algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree of a connected, undirected graph.
by phillipvoyle
LALR parse table generation using C#.
by Rajan Patekar
N-tier architecture of Project
by Shivprasad koirala
In this article we will learn C# Design pattern and Architecture pattern Step by Step with a project.
by Marla Sukesh
In this article we will learn basics about DW, BI, SSIS and ETL Process
by Marla Sukesh
Learn Business Intelligence step by step - SSIS Day 2
by Akhil Mittal, Vikas Sharma
Understanding Events in C# (An Insight)
by Akhil Mittal
This article will explain how one can create their own custom collection class that can be iterated through.
by Akhil Mittal
Creating MVC Application & Perform CRUD operations using LINQ to SQL
by Akhil Mittal
How to create MVC application and perform CRUD operations using EntityFramework
by Akhil Mittal
MVC Application using EntityFramework Code-First approach
by Akhil Mittal
Unit of Work Pattern and Repository Pattern, and how to perform CRUD operations in an MVC application.
by HiteshSharma
The application adds a custom button and a few anchor elements on Google page which link to a previously searched text on google.
by Thomas Dörr
Visual Studio 2005 / 2008 both lack a good way to define assembly references per solution configuration (‘Debug’ or ‘Release’). This tool fills this gap.
by stuxstu
Job application tracker for those out of work built using Visual Studio Lightswitch 2011.
by DevAffair
File Linking, File Sharing and Shared Projects
by logicchild
An article that clarifies some basic concepts behind LINQ.
by Shao Voon Wong
Linq-To-XML Node Creation for Native C++
by Sven So.
A column sorter that sorts columns with strings and numbers (also decimals), but also the first column on image and then on string.
by Faraz Azhar, Dubai
A quick and easy way to support in-line (subitems) editing on the ListView control in .NET.
by Ondrej_Uzovic
Simple example showing how to implement live video streaming from Raspberry Pi camera to a .NET application.
by Jeroen Richters
This article describes a solution that allows an application to load and execute a plug-in, and unloading it without a file lock on the assembly.
by adriancs
Merge DLL with App Into Single EXE
by uncager
Presents methods to handle some of the trickier aspects of MVVM, including error message localization, multi-control validation, validation with multiple instances of a View, and whole-View validation.
by EmitsorGrp
Give language support to your Windows Phone 7 applications
by John Torjo
Monitoring Log files can be fun!
by John Torjo
You can easily apply Pretty Formatting to your logs. Make the information that's relevant to you easily stand out!
by John Torjo
You can do advanced searching through your Windows Event Logs. Even regex searching and filtering. No expert skills required.
by Tim Corey
Learn how to use log4net without fear. Stop copying config files and figure out how to make log4net do exactly what you want.
by Eric D Schmidt
Overview of a cross-platform spreadsheet-based rules enigne with algorithms implemented in C++ and JavaScript, and wrappers to C#/.NET/WinRT
by orouit
This article shows how to login to a cloud storage like Box by entering the credentials in a dialog window rather than in a Web page.
by John Torjo
Meet the Log Viewer that makes monitoring log files a joy!
by FireEmissary
Generic algorithm of the longest common subsequence
by rspercy65
Look, Buntt cake, nope, just another Lotto game with the tumbling animation.
by axuno
MailMergeLib is an SMTP template mail client library written in C# which provides comfortable mail merge capabilities and SMTP fail-over features. If works on .NET Framework and .NET Core.
by ADemontis
Making a Jarvis that reads commands from external file
by sbarnes
This article covers some details and issues in making an application used with Internet Explorer to download only unique images to a chosen folder. DUIapp creates and maintains an index in the folder to include unique and exclude duplicate images selected from IE web pages.
by The Zetta
A how to guide to make a custom shaped (by transparency, of course) MDI container form.
by Dmitri Nеstеruk
Let's create a simple project estimation DSL using F#!
by DiponRoy
How to manage Entity Framework Code First in Real Time Projects
by marceloarguello700
Load a Rhinoceros plugin through MEF
by Akos Mattiassich
A C++/CLI wrapper around MMAudioDeviceApi with notification support.
by mohamad halabi
Introduces Windows Server AppFabric.
by AspDotNetDev
Learn how to embed JavaScript into a DLL, manage dependencies, and avoid page bloat.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Addresses questions on graphics, threading with UI, form development, printing and more
by rspercy65
This is a code converter that uses two different DLL files from around the .NET community. New Ver. 2013 is available for download.
by Jose A Pascoa
SIMD instruction sets may expect a special alignment of memory, but when that memory is on the stack MASM does not provide alignment facilities.
by Abhijit Jana
Describes all debugging features like Breakpoints, DataTips, Watch Windows, Multithreaded Debugging, Parallel Program Debugging and IntelliTrace Debugging
by Paulo Zemek
Learn how to create a math expression compiler and a special WPF markup extension capable of using it to generate bindings.
by Jakub Szymanowski
The article shows implementation of fundamental algorithms in matrix and polynominal algebra
by Ed Nutting
An advanced media player class using WindowsMediaPlayerClass. Supports cross-fading/fading.
by vankaandreev
Player extension for Visual Studio that switches between Internet radio stations
by Erik Rydgren
Custom memory handler with memory leak reporting and no-mans-land checking. Leaks are reported with call stack of allocation.
by Livio Francescucci
A clean version of merge sort algorithm, implemented with classes and objects instead of the usual, unreadable big function.
by Redgate Software
Distributing applications with DLL dependencies can be problematic. Here we explain how to make distribution easier by combining these dependencies into the main assembly.
by Emre Ataseven
This article demonstrates a method to create message structures, casting byte array to message and vice versa.
by Mosi_62
Approximate a polynimial function in an overdetermined system. Using the normal equation or orthogonal transformations.
by Petrov Vladimir
The alternative way of the MFC Project from Existing Code creation
by Mizan Rahman
Gives you total control when it comes to resizing windows
by Alexey Shalnov
How to build Not OLE container of MFC applications based on hosting of MFC application from within WinForms and WPF applications
by Szymon Roslowski
This article is about a HID USB Stack for Microchip PIC 16F1455 and the way of communicating with it on Windows Platform.
by Szymon Roslowski
This article is continuation about a HID USB Stack for Microchip PIC 16F1455 and the way of communicating with it on Windows Platform.
by Vijay Tanwar
Convert Word documents, Excel sheets to HTML files using Microsoft Office Interop API and render the result back to a client browser.
by Member 7656529
A review of the book Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Business Application Development.
by DanielBrownAU
An article on how to detect when it is midnight
by Tsuda Kageyu
Provides the basic part of Microsoft Detours functionality for both x64/x86 environments.
by Dave Clemmer
Mo+ is the first technology that fully supports model oriented development, allowing software developers to powerfully scale the work they already do.
by Dave Clemmer
Using Mo+ to generate a working application, which includes an Entity Framework model, OData services, view model client, and WPF application.
by Dynamsoft
Building mobile apps, many developers hesitate on platform priority, iOS or Android. If you do not want to waste time learning the new programming languages (Swift or Java) you can opt for web technology. The article will show how to make a mobile barcode reader based on Browser/Server architecture.
by Sumeet Kumar G
This is a simple mobile web browser for PC, to view mobile web sites in PC( Windows).
by Mark_Shield
A mock FIX trading server for use when testing FIX trading clients
by _Asif_
Article helps reducing offsite development efforts by presenting a Mocking Layer for financial Middleware systems
by Serge Desmedt
3 times CP Vantiy from a single codebase (hopefully)
by Member 11446635
To find out the tail risk (black swan) of your trading
by sajidhussainbaloch, saadhafeez, Anas Hashmi, Sajjad Idrees
Control your mouse using hand gestures
by Muhammad Gouda
Extend VS by invoking menu item to the context menu that enables moving code blocks among code regions
by Nathaniel Moschkin
Topics and methods on programming in .NET and performance considerations
by S.M.A.Faisal
Code describing how we can easily control mplayer in VB.NET Winform application
by Code Artist
Implement Zoom and Pan Controls for MSChart
by thund3rstruck
The focus of this article, specifically, is on the creation of member exceptions documentation; a part of the documentation pipeline that is under-utilized far too often.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
How to use .NET TransactionScope & enable Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC)
by sukeshchand
ASP.NET Custom GridView with multi column filter functionality
by Balu Sathish
This post helps to search multiple cell values of the provided columns in a datagridview
by Leonid Osmolovski
Techniques for joint execution of a group of commands after single user interface action.
by Morteza Naeiamabadi
A sample on socket programming in .net(C#) which handles multi-client per one server
by _eol_
This article presents the minimal code necessary to display a hierarchical tree using Popups.
by Igor Krupitsky
The ASP.NET pages let you upload, delete and browse files into a database.
by khaled Ezzat Abdelfattah Abdelgawad
This is a windows forms custom usercontrol that I used to create a Multiselect combobox with checkboxes to select one or more options. It is created using a blend of telerik controls as Telerik itself doesn't have a Multiselect Dropdownlist winforms control.
by Elham Dolatabadi
The application allows users to record and store Kinect streams at 30 frames per second to a folder.
by Hassan Mokdad
This article will show how to use the most important features of a background worker to load the balance of your code between different working threads. It will also demonstrate how to take progress events from the background worker and how to cancel a currently running thread.
by Alex Fotios
How to enumerate and mute all audio capture endpoints using Core Audio API
by Alex Fotios
How to enumerate and mute all microphone components under all mixer devices using the Audio Mixer API
by Logan head
First part to the three part series of articles describing how to create a information system where teachers can manage there students and classes. This tutorial will go in depth on using MVC's Code First approach and touch on using MvcScaffolding in the Nuget Package Console.
by Donsw
An application to demonstrate MVC error display.
by AmosLong
An ASP.NET MVC 4 Implementation of Sudoku, with a Board Builder
by Katka Vaughan
Learn how to create a simple MVVM pattern based application using the Calcium SDK.
by Nick Polyak
This article gives an overview of MVVM pattern, its usage and advantages
by rhawk4
I needed a datetimepicker that allowed users to easily empty it and edit it like a maskedtextbox, so I made one from the actual DateTimePicker class.
by Vasily Tserekh
Collision algorithms aren't rocket science and this article proves this idea.
by Vasily Tserekh
The project that inspired me to start 3D programming
by Doc Lobster
A C#/WPF application for displaying folders on a grid and performing combined functions on them.
by Igor Krupitsky
Tool that will let you import data from SQL Server and Access to MySQL
by Tanzim Saqib
Turn your current static website or blog into a lifestreaming portal with all your social activities with ASP.NET 4.0, C# 4.0, PLINQ, Task Parallel Library, Dependency Injection, and plug-in architecture.
by Vijay Tanwar
N-Tier application with WCF Odata service and Entity Framework.
by Alberto M.
This article describes the file format NBT and shows how can be implemented in a real application to store data.
by werner.keilholz
Giving full control over the communication with a GPS device in a limited environment.
by Igor Krupitsky
This project will show how to create nested modals.
by Katka Vaughan
Learn how to use the Pivot and Panorama controls, page navigation, OData and more!
by Eduardo Antonio Cecilio Fernandes
Learn how to configure NHibernate on your ASP.NET application
by William Winner
Extends controls inheriting TextBoxBase to provide off-line spell checking functionality
by William Winner
This ToolTip will allow you to spell-check the text of items or controls when you can't see the whole text.
by Christopher R Davis
How to use the nHydrate Generator Library.
by CooperWu
A framework designed for support upgrade components in service without stop running
by Pradip Koli
Using NoSQL DBreeze database with ASP.NET on SQL Northwind Database.
by TheUberOverLord
NotifyIconExample Shows All Possible Combinations of NotifyIcon, Taskbar and Much More. All Possible Tricks For NotifyIcon, Taskbar, Invisibility, Restricted Exit, Shared Context Menus, Multiple Context Menus, Microsoft ClickOnce Deployment Technology, ClickOnce Automatic Update Technology.
by The Manoj Kumar
A Visual Studio 2010 extension for creating numbered bookmarks.
by John D. Cook
How to implement and use Simpson's rule
by Leonid Osmolovski
TextBox that accepts numbers of form [[-+]integer-part][.fractional-part][{eE}[-+]exponent] only
by Roman Ginzburg
A .NET API for the libVLC interface so the vast majority of VLC functionality could be utilized in managed applications
by Shmuel Zang
In this article, I explain step by step, how we can create a WPF custom control that gets an object and, generates a GUI that enables editing that object's properties and invoking that object's methods.
by webmaster442
A DirectDraw game launcher & DosBox frontend written in C#
by Sicppy
Omegle4COM .NET Omegle Interface
by DiponRoy
Here, we will see how to configure one to zero/one relation between two entities in Entity Framework Code First
by Kashif_Imran
Object Oriented Design and Programming process using a real world example
by _Flaviu
A way to use OpenCV in MFC project
by martin_bisson
How to use OpenCL with OpenGL to implement algorithms on GPU.
by TLHobbes
Keeps unnecessary UI elements of KeePass disabled while all documents are locked and also while there are no documents are loaded.
by Jani Giannoudis
How to centralize and unify asynchronous execution of actions and functions.
by Terence Wallace
Ordermate can be used as a basic example of utilizing the XMLSerializer class to automate the creation of invoice forms.
by Shao Voon Wong
Outline Text Part 2
by Shao Voon Wong
Draw text outline using DirectWrite
by Md. Marufuzzaman
How we can communicate with the Microsoft Office Outlook using “Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook” delegate & event.
by Cristian Amarie
Outlook add-in integration for Skype IM: Skype events, Outlook Skype ribbon, and more.
by hevesir
Extracts recipients from an email using Outlook
by logicchild
An article that focuses on Data Parallelism based on the Multi-Core Processor Technology.
by logicchild
An article that presents the basics of Parallel Computing in .NET 4.0
by logicchild
An article that describes concurrent collections.
by logicchild
An article that mainly focuses on the TPL
by Bharath K A
Parallel fast compression uses TPL to achieve complete usage of a multi-core system. Fast compression compresses files nX times faster, where n = the number of processors in the machine.
by abhichak
Describing use of Parallel.Invoke and Tasks
by Abdul Quader Mamun
Custom TreeView web user control for parent child relatioinal data upto infinity
by Ryan Scott White
CppHeader2CS: A compile-time tool for converting C/C++ header constants, enums, and structures to C#.
by sumit469
Builds a password protected stream on top of System.IO.Stream
by Dirk Bahle
Developing attached behaviours in WPF based on patterns
by vikas amin
Profile Silverlight applications performance directly through Visual Studio
by Shao Voon Wong
Finding lexicographical permutations on GPU
by Shahin Khorshidnia
This is an alternative for "Get Full Shamsi Date in String Format with C# Class"
by Florian DREVET
Brings you the ability to personalize your configuration files per developer, per machine, per configuration...
by D Sarthi Maheshwari
A look at possible parallel-producer-consumer patterns.
by D Sarthi Maheshwari
A look at possible parallel-producer-consumer patterns (Second Part)
by D Sarthi Maheshwari
A look at possible parallel-producer-consumer patterns. (Final Part)
by Amir Eshaq
This code demostrates how to use Silverlight with OOB+elevated trust to play a local video (.avi).
by Amir Eshaq
This code demostrates how to use Silverlight 5 with OOB+elevated trust to play a local video (.avi). Uses P/Invoke support for native code
by Banjoo
Play, record and capture Audio sound. Read, write and stream Wav-Files. Send and receive Ulaw RTP-streams. Using the WaveIn WaveOut functions of the WMM API.
by rspercy65
Plays AVI files using Microsoft's DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.
by John Jiyang Hou
An algorithm to determine if a point is inside a 3D convex polygon for a given polygon vertices in C#
by Paulo Zemek
A tutorial explaining how to create a Virtual Machine and a Compiler for such virtual machine
by Andreas Gieriet
.NET 4 finally allows to define polymorphic extension visitors
by Kenneth Haugland
Solves 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree polynominal by explicid fomulas for real coefficients and any degree by the numerical Jenkins-Traub algorithm with real and complex coefficients.
by Nish Nishant
PopClient is an asynchronous POP3 library with support for SSL and attachments
by Arkitec
A quick method of populating ComboBoxes from Enum's with optional resource strings.
by Pieter Alec Myburgh
Portable code snippet database
by wmjordan
This is a fork of "fastJSON" with new power to control many aspects in JSON serialization and deserialization, such as, serializing interface instances (polymorphic serialization) and private types, including or excluding members, performing data conversions, conditional serialization, etc.
by roli.hof
This article describes a windows forms application which automates MS Office PowerPoint 2007 in order to replace predefined text of a template with your input
by JorgeLuisOrejel
This article deals with the implementation and empirical testing of a method to achieve practical perfect hashing.
by Yuval Naveh
A playback practice tool for musicians that allows slowing down, changing pitch, defining presets and loops on music files.
by Mayur V Lohite
SQL Injection is a very common attack in web applications. This article explains how SQL Injection occurs and how to prevent it.
by Nick Polyak
Prism tutorial in easy samples
by andrea contoli
Presentation and testing of some procedural bitmap creation algorithms .
by Jun Du
An introduction to MMF and shared memory in .NET applications.
by Ken C. Len
Web.Config Xml Transformation
by JorgeLuisOrejel
Propagation of constraints
by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes the development of a cross-platform HTML5 application for Windows Phone and iPhone.
by koolprasad2003
This article explain you How to protect word document using C# and Word automation
by Kay Lerch
Use TestUI to release a simple class library (or a whole collection of those) as an indepenent UI application for testing or administrative purpose. It is on your own to enhance the user experience with your own TestUIRenderer.
by Martin Richter [rMVP C++]
Provide your customized class name to MFC application SDI/MDI and dialog based
by Asher Barak, Itiel Beeri
Infrastructure for large scale WCF services layer development
by Overboard Software
QueryMap allows you to pre-translate a LINQ expression into a form that the underlying query provider (such as LINQ to SQL) can understand.
by Mosi_62
An FFT algorithm that runs a bit faster than the standard implementation.
by Mosi_62
Some ideas to make the Discrete Fourier Transformation a bit quicker and implemented a lean version of the DFT algorithm.
by Dave Kerr
Use QuickAccent to quickly copy accents and symbols to your clipboard. Also read the article to find out about the essentials when writing System Tray based applications
by Sacha Barber, Richard E King
A look at using RabbitMq to do message routing.
by logicchild
The .NET Framework’s built-in generator.
by John Underhill
CSRG random generator in C# and the NIST STS Library (Huge update!)
by Mehdi Gholam
NoSql, JSON based, Document store database with compiled .net map functions and automatic hybrid bitmap indexing and LINQ query filters (now with standalone Server mode, Backup and Active Restore, Transactions, Server side queries, MonoDroid support, HQ-Branch Replication, working in Linux, .net
by Ayende @ Rahien, Paul B.
An introduction to RavenDB - a new open source .NET document database using .NET 4.0 and VS 2010
by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
A simple WPF usage of Reactive Extensions (Rx)
by Abdullatif M. Abu Al Rub
Simple example of reading RSS feeds from Facebook page using Syndication Library
by LEADTOOLS Support
LEADTOOLS includes a robust Check Scanning and Processing SDK within its document family of imaging toolkits, and is already being used by a number of applications across banking, insurance and retail industries.
by Gokuldas
This article shows the application of Observer Design pattern to real life scenario.
by logicchild
An article that hopes to function as a primer for algorithms.
by Paolo Foti
Use the .NET StackTrace class to position yourself in the right place of source code that threw an Exception.
by Omar Gameel Salem
A Visual Studio Extension that locates and removes duplicate script references in a web project.
by Akhil Mittal
My efforts in this article will be to make this understanding simpler and focus on the internal logic of ref and out.
by pablleaf
A simple implementation of a ref edit control for .NET
by Igor Ladnik
Skype automation allows a user to control desktop of another user with built-in screen sharing.
by deBUGer!
Sample application demonstrating variety of MS technologies
by Anupama Agarwal
This article describes how to create custom delivery extension of Reporting service with User Control (.ascx) instead of server control.
by Christopher Hasanali
A tool used for publishing Microsoft Reports to a Microsoft WebService.
by MdAsifBd
Repository Pattern with Entity Framework using EntityTypeConfiguration
by Alexander Sharykin
Creates activity charts for SVN repositories
by Akhil Mittal
My article will explain how we can make our Web API service architecture loosely coupled and more flexible.
by Akhil Mittal
Resolve dependency of dependencies using Inversion of Control and dependency injection in Web APIs with Unity Container and Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF).
by Akhil Mittal
In this article I’ll explain how to write your own custom routes using Attribute Routing.
by Akhil Mittal
This article will explain how to make WebAPI secure using Basic Authentication and Token based authorization.
by sachin verma, Akhil Mittal
This article of the series will explain how we can handle requests and log them for tracking and for the sake of debugging, how we can handle exceptions and log them. We’ll follow a centralized way of handling exceptions in WebAPI and write our custom classes to be mapped to the type of exception th
by Akhil Mittal
In this article we learn how to write unit tests for core business logic and primarily on basic CRUD operations.
by Akhil Mittal
In this article we’ll learn on how to write unit tests for WebAPI controllers i.e. REST’s actual endpoints.
by Akhil Mittal
This is the last article of the RESTful series in which I’ll explain how you can leverage OData capabilities in ASP.NET WebAPI. I’ll explain what OData is and we’ll create OData enabled RESTful services.
by Sacha Barber
A look at designing a service layer using good practices, and the MSFT technology stack.
by pdoxtader
A multithreaded server class that accepts multiple connections from a provided client class. Each client can send and receive files and text (byte data) simultaneously along 250 available channels.
by Randy Kroeger
This article provides an example on how you can change application configuration settings within an existing ClickOnce publish, update the manifest files, followed by using the Mage utility for updating the manifest using the existing cert file.
by Wayne Delport
Defining control templates in a ResourceDictionary for clean and easy reuse
by Binu MD
RGB to YUV conversion with different chroma sampling using C++.
by Sean Michael Murphy
A library to help with finding rhyming words.
by J. Ambrose Little
With Silverlight and WPF data visualization controls you can create compelling, high-end Business Intelligence solutions. In their latest WPF 4 and Silverlight 4 releases out later this month, Infragistics makes your applications shine. A wealth of samples serve to showcase their rich analytics.
by Matt Cavanagh
A simple and very effective way to manage navigation between UserControls in a Silverlight project.
by Arpan Jati
RSA encryption library with full OAEP padding and private key encryption support
by Christ Akkermans
A conservative white list based HTML sanitizer using rules. Suitable for restricting document markup, sanitizing comments with limited markup and protection against XSS attacks.
by bssrini
Browser control plays an important role in hybrid application development, when browser controls are used for a prolonged time its memory foot print starts to increase gradually. This article explains a way to host the browser control in a separate process which can be loaded/unloaded as needed.
by Günther M. FOIDL
Sammon's projection is a nonlinear projection method to map a high dimensional space onto a space of lower dimensionality.
by User 7592706
Sometimes you have to save the content of a ListView to the user's filesystem. That's very easy to manage with the XmlText-Writer and Reader from the .Net Framework 2.0.
by Mahmudul Haque Azad
This article contains step by step instructions to implement BDD in .NET project using Specflow and MBUnit.
by Preetam U Ramdhave
Architecture of UDP server application.
by Patrick Harris
A C# screen capture application based on TeboScreen by GuyThiebaut
by Johnny J.
An animated, scrollable "TabControl" with some design-time functionality.
by Samir NIGAM
This article explains the MetaKeywords and MetaDescription properties related to SEO enhancement in ASP.NET 4.0.
by logicchild
An article that details coding algorithms with C#.
by Michael Haephrati
How a computer can be identified in order to generate a unique ID
by Mosi_62
Gerald Goertzel developed a very quick way to carry out a discrete Fourier transformation. But there seem to be very few descriptions that really explain its derivation in full.
by Espen Harlinn
Cyber warfare: It’s a brave new world
by User 59241
Add Serial Communications functionality to a .NET program easily using this component.
by Sandeep Singh Shekhawat
How to show a warning message to the user prior to 15 minutes before the session time out, in other words if the user is in an idle state for more than 5 minutes then the user gets a message in the browser
by GPNaik
This article illustrates how you can manually setup your WCF solution by perfectly wiring the project structure
by Klaus Ruttkowski
This article describes the lasting integration of own BannerBitmap and SplashBitmap
by Yang Kok Wah
Implementing shape control that supports transparency, custom design-time editors and simple animation
by Morteza Naeiamabadi
Capturing Web Analytic reports via out of the box dlls(classes)
by Jean Paul V.A
How to create a List Definition and List Instance using the SharePoint user interface and Visual Studio 2010.
by Namkem
The article is a description of the SharePoint 2010 Sequential Workflow project in VS2010. The generated solution, .wsp, allows user to quickly create SP 2010 Workflows just by writing an XML file and uploading it to the SharePoint WFE.
by Rupesh Tarwade
A tutorial on SharePoint 2010 Custom State Machine Workflows with Custom Task forms in InfoPath 2010. An example based tutorial, where I simulate the Recruitment Process of an organization.
by Rupesh Tarwade
Building Custom SharePoint 2010 Workflow with InfoPath Task Form
by Shahin Khorshidnia
In a Windows application, passing values from a secondary form to the main form or share data among several applications (.NET application).
by My Bones
A simple way to share data across your diffrent applications.
by pdoxtader
A comparison of these two free zip libraries, complete with a multi-threaded VB.NET class wrapper for each
by Balu Sathish
This post discusses how to show hide image in DataGridView cell
by gmtzgtz
Wouldn’t it be great to have a visual aid to help you read your code and verify that is aligned properly and the tags match?
by John Samuel Vekal
Application has failed to start because side by side configuration is incorrect
by Joel Ivory Johnson
A sidereal time calculator for Windows Phone
by Olmo del Corral
In this part, we will focus on writing business logic, LINQ queries and explain inheritance
by Olmo del Corral
In this part we'll write the loading application to move data from Northwind to Southwind.
by CS Rocks
This is a slideshow that works in a Silverlight 3 UserControl.
by Balwant.mnd
Silverlight application for scheduling a meeting
by Balwant.mnd
Meeting Schedule - Part II - Saving to database and sending email to all the contacts
by Anoop Pillai
A set of Silverlight Experimental Hacks (1) A custom implementation of EventTrigger and PropertyTrigger (2) Invoking methods in your view model in MVVM (3) Conditionally invoking triggers and behaviors (4) ReactiveTrigger for exporting your custom events
by Tingu Abraham
Silverlight glass style DataGrid header with glow animation on mouse-over.
by Katka Vaughan
Search and play YouTube videos inside a Silverlight 4.0 application! Learn about RIA Services, right-click event handling, themes, and styles.
by Kashif_Imran
This article tries to make it very easy for you to create Pie charts in WPF.
by Sukanya Lingamaneni
This is a simple and quick example on bindings and UpdateSourceTrigger property in WPF
by Yvan Rodrigues
Giving your application the ability to update itself from a remote source couldn't be much easier.
by Anuja Pawar Indore
Some very simple, yet interesting features of VS2010 and C# 4.0
by kannankeril
Simple dashboard utilizing an elegant HTML+CSS+JavaScript template from TechGYO and the Highcharts library.
by Jaap Lamfers
Another weak event dispatcher in C#
by Ahmedn1
A simple GPS system to locate the current location of the phone
by David MacDermot
A simple to use grid control for Windows SDK C applications.
by Alexander Bessonov
A simple high-level IPC library with ability to use native C++ interfaces.
by David Jeske
Threaded synchronous HTTP Server abstract class, to respond to HTTP requests
by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
This is an alternative for "Simple HTTP Server in C#"
by Jakob Farian Krarup
A set of .NET extension methods to get the difference between images and more...
by Vasudevan Deepak Kumar
This is an alternative for "Simple Password Manager Using System.Security"
by Lukasz Sw.
How to create a custom pop-up control in C#.
by Allen C. Copeland Jr
Gives an example of code to arbitrarily iterate through the elements of a .NET Array using an iterator in C#
by Tsuda Kageyu
Implement a simple-look substitution of BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT using some of the new features of C++0x
by @nkit Bajpai
This article discuss a simple application built using WPF MVVM design pattern and explain the basics of Command Binding and DataBinding.
by Keithsw
Simulating and Controlling GE Color Effects Lights with Arduino
by Al-Farooque Shubho
Implementation approach of a domain independent Single Sign On (SSO) for ASP.NET applications.
by freedeveloper
A small control to control paging in Windows Presentation Foundation.
by orouit
Describes an XML framework for .NET to program Smart Card applications.
by Ami Bar
A .NET Thread Pool fully implemented in C# with many features.
by Doug Wyrembek
An algorithm to construct and animate a Soddy Crescent
by Addison-Wesley
A chapter excerpt from planning your testing
by Ziad Elmalki
Finds the least common ancestor in a tree
by Sergey L. Gladkiy
The article describes how to use analytical calculations in C# for solving nonlinear equation systems.
by mshami
Non graphical solution for scrambled squares problem
by Raghavendrasri, Amarnath S, Prasad R V, BhumikaThatte
An application to create interesting effects for your favorite pictures.
by logicchild
An article that explains some valuable aspects about .NET's Reflection API
by Stefano Castelli
The following article was born from a wish to share a deep re-elaboration of a nice tip about sorting rectangular arrays
by Kenneth Haugland
Mathematical treatment of acoustic leaks in walls
by Kenneth Haugland
How to calculate damping in a room with a porous absorber in front of the wall.
by Anthony Mushrow
Indexing and backing up your debug information files to help debug crashes from out in the wild
by jurhas
Spada via Modbs, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition with visualb basic,Arduino and firebird
by syed shanu
XBAR and Range Chart using C#
by Kenneth Haugland
Implementation of Bezier curve, Derivative Bezier curve, Cathull-Rom spline, Bessel-Overhauser spline, Lagrange interpolation and convex hull
by Ayaz Awan
Generate 100,1000 lines of backend code and stored procedures by just one click on table name in SQL Server
by KarthikAnbarasan
This article explains the new Data Comparison tool in Visual Studio 2010.
by NaibedyaKar
SQL Server database project creation using Visual Studio 2013
by KarthikAnbarasan
This article explains the new tool in Visual Studio 2010 which most of the users use to see the comparison report of the 2 different database schemas.
by Serge V. Sushko
SQLite access C++ classes
by Azeet Chebrolu
This add-in adds easily accessible context menu commands to your DBML files to either apply custom changes or to refresh the whole DBML file with the latest changes from the database.
by Paul_Gordon
An easy way to call and manage Stored Procedures in .NET.
by Math08avan
Import text file data to SQL database using foreign key relation and validation.
by jkrebsbach
A way to combine data from two different sources into one datasource for SSRS reporting
by Grasshopper.iics
This article is a beginners walk through of Developing an IoT framework for Arduino without Ethernet/WiFi shield using ThingSpeak Services with a real time Online Weather Station
by Grasshopper.iics
A beginners hack to turn Arduino in to a IoT device with C#, Asp.Net web services
by Grasshopper.iics
A tutorial on How to Read RFID Tags and A Security System DIY Project
by Grasshopper.iics
This tutorial present a step by step guide for building the ultimate robotic control and information sinking for Arduino Controlled Robots over Internet of Things
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Reveals the important changes in STL.
by mdshohelrana
Use of SASS in Visual Studio is a little bit confusing when you start as a beginner. That’s why I have written this article. I think this will be helpful for all SASS developers.
by Doc Lobster
An introduction to advanced template metaprogramming using an explanatory project
by Murtaza Abdeali
Infragistics makes available their NetAdvantage for Web Developers CTP to preview emerging Web technologies and client-side controls for platforms that include HTML5, jQuery and ASP.NET MVC.
by Niladri_Biswas
A short demo as how to call a method written in IronPython 2.6 and making a dynamic invocation to the method from C# environment.
by Amanpreet Mukker
Fetching Stock Quotes using Google Finance APIs in .NET Framework 4
by Vivek Pandey (V)
Stop Watch application for Windows Phone 7
by Oludayo Alli
Styling the chart control in the Silverlight Toolkit to create a new look and feel.
by hari19113
This article is on how a sudoku game can be developed easily.
by Jörgen Pramberg
Solves and generates Sudokus
by Alex Chirokov
This article shows how to implement Sudoku solver in Excel using C# and Excel-DNA
by Ajay Britto
A Vector based tool to create and edit SVG images
by Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King
SwipeClouds HTML5 Canvas Framework for JQuery Mobile, PhoneGap & Cordova
by Erol Esen
Two relatively new ways of developing multi-threaded applications are compared: Synchronization Domains and the Task Parallel Library
by stepe
Displays system information like free disk space and free memory on the desktop.
by Sandesh M Patil
This is all about Task list window which is helpful in managing our comments within the code.
by Sacha Barber
A look into using the Task Parallel Library.
by Sacha Barber
A look into using the Task Parallel Library.
by Sacha Barber
A look into using the Task Parallel Library.
by Sacha Barber
A look into using the Task Parallel Library
by Sacha Barber
A look into using the Task Parallel Library.
by Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King
Resizable Skins Made from Web Pages with Video
by Sacha Barber
Using the VS2010 Tasks namespace.
by Banjoo
Stream TCP Audio data (Voice Chat over IP)
by Igor Ladnik
Wrapper to facilitate usage of TCP sockets
by Uwe Keim
A simple wrapper that encapsulates exposed functions of the Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) client API
by _Asif_
Framework helps resolve Template Codes present in any text at Runtime
by Terence Wallace
TexasQuest is a 2D side scroller platform game similiar to Super Mario
by Bangon Kali
This component will be used as a text box for automatically formatted currency values.
by karthik.B.E
How to implement speech technology in our project
by Shining Dragon
Automated testing and continuous integration in TFS
by logicchild
An article that explains the basics of task parallel programming.
by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
An article exploring the use of MVVM, styles and templates in game programming in Silverlight 4
by Daniel Pfeffer
A cheap way to achieve high floating-point precision
by Keith Barrow
Introduction to the 'dynamic' keyword.
by Caleb McElrath
The importance of SharePointWebPartCodeGenerator
by Qwertie
The A-list is an all-purpose list, a data structure that can support most standard list operation in O(log n) time and does lots of other stuff, too
by Qwertie
The new parser generator for C#: now with syntax highlighting.
by Qwertie
Lots of new stuff this time, including an (almost) complete C# parser demo
by Qwertie
Concerned about regular expressions being unintelligible, repetitive, hard to get right and non-recursive? Read part 5, possibly the most useful part yet!
by Alka Mehrotra
A tutorial on Microsoft® Moles 2010.
by BalintN
This example shows you all three things to learn about binding.
by Alexander Wieser
The Spectre Framework is an attempt to introduce HTML5 as a first class citizen UI language for CLR based applications.
by Petr Ivankov
Long time strategy of software design and development
by dave.dolan
Implement a language interpreter by mapping a GOLD grammar to semantic nodes with the new BSN Engine.
by Antonio Blescia
Interact with Arduino board from our brain
by Lalith Gallage
Thought of the day web part for SharePoint 2010 server
by Christian Kleinheinz
Using the .NET OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog for an application in multithreaded apartment mode (MTA)
by John D. Cook
Three numerical algorithms for solving equations, each implemented in C#
by Jeff B. Cromwell
This article examines the use of the ABMath and MathNet .NET packages for time series analysis.
by David A. Gray
When I needed to compute the Daylight Saving Time transitions for any year, I had to dig a bit deeper into the time zone information stored in the Windows Registry.
by David A. Gray
Join me for an adventure in time zone conversion.
by NewPast
TimeEdit, TimeCombo, TimeColumn for flexible time editing
by David Vanson
A weather application for the current conditions in your area
by Eduardo Antonio Cecilio Fernandes
Setting up TinyMCE rich editor in ASP.NET MVC using features that are not so easy to deploy
by Mosi_62
Gerolamo Cardano published a method to solve a cubic equation in 1545. There is a description of this method on Wikipedia. But it is not too detailed and on the German Wikipedia. In fact, the last part is missing and without this part, one cannot implement it into an algorithm. So I thought I could
by Mosi_62
Some ways to solve a matrix equation :-)
by Francesco Aruta
A toolbar editor for Visual Studio. It can modify, add and create buttons, images and all that is needed for a toolbar.
by pajudev
It is a list of the most common VoIP-related interview questions that can be asked by VoIP-interested employers. The article also contains a simple softphone example project in C# that you can use as a first step if you would like to get a taste into the field of VoIP SIP software development.
by Nasir Darwish
The article describes a web forms project to find the top English (or Arabic) words appearing on web pages.
by KateGregory
Ten free extensions for Visual Studio 2008 you can download today and start using to save time and effort.
by Chris Copeland
A managed library to launch and/or connect to the Tor network for SOCKS5 communications, and for middle-man proxy hosting.
by Paulo Zemek
This article presents a Genetic Algorithm that searches for the shortest path to visit many places and return to the original one.
by Nikfazan
This article shows how you can make a Tree with hierarchical data supporting "CRUD operations", "drag and drop (DnD)" and "Lazy Loading" using Dojo store driven Tree, Entity Framework, SQL Server, ASP.NET MVC.
by RikTheVeggie
A Tri-State Tree View designed for Directory Browsing and Installers
by Rajan Patekar
Twitter API v1.1 with OAuth.
by TheCodeKing
A example showing how to authenticate a Twitter application using oAuth and the application access token.
by Mr.PoorEnglish
what is "typed" on typed Dataset, and how to use it
by Christian Vogt
An article on a generic approach for importing text based data into objects, using Reflection. Supports mass data processing, filter, advanced processing and converting, and some other gimmicks.
by Zuoliu Ding
A discussion on how Visual C/C++ code works with bit-wise logical and shift operators, as well as a loop optimization.
by Praveen Kumar Katiyar
This article explains the working of events in WCF.
by Meena Chockalingam
Understanding LIST_ENTRY lists and CONTAINING_RECORD macro which are used in Windows Kernel
by Akhil Mittal
This article focussses on understanding a basic multilayered architecture in C#.
by Debopam Pal
What is three layer architecture and how to implement it.
by Timo Kunze
Use undocumented parts of the Windows Vista list view API to enhance your application.
by yetibrain
Unicode Buddy is a tool to inspect unicode files. It can detect orphaned surrogates and invalid utf-8 sequences. It is able to show the encoding/decoding of a certain codepoint. It is not an editor but a viewer.
by Livio Francescucci
A basic introduction about how to write unit tests using mock objects (Rhino Mocks).
by Vahe Karamian
The second article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Vahe Karamian
The third article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Vahe Karamian
The fourth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Vahe Karamian
This article will cover the basics of network programming using Network View in Unity 3D. We will be creating an Authoritative Server based networking environment showcasing the basics functions of network programming using Unity 3D and C#.
by Debabrata_Das
This article will talk about how to update multiple records in a GridView on a single button click using JSON in ASP.NET
by Alexandros Pappas
This project tests the performance of inserting rows into a database through four different variations.
by Imran S Mohamed
This article contains information on how to update a chart in a Word document.
by Nicolas Dorier
Leaking the digital on our physical world for .NET Developers
by Balu Sathish
This post helps to upload any file into a datagridview cell and also download it from the datagridview cell.
by Dr. Song Li
This article presents an example to upload and download files with SQL Server in ASP.NET.
by jchoponis
This sample project demonstrates how to save a file to a SQL Server database and also how to pull a file out of the database.