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Design / Graphics


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by Przemyslaw Celej
A full description of signatures, that are part of the .NET file format
by Petr Ivankov
Sample of integration of branches of engineering.
by Fredrik Bornander
WPF Implementation of the spinning panel frequently used on the iPhone
by Sacha Barber
It would probably be like Cinch, an MVVM framework for WPF.

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by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
When developing web applications with Spring MVC, understanding the differences between @Controller and @RestController is crucial. This article will guide you through these two annotations, showcasing their distinctions, use cases, and examples to solidify your understanding.
by George Swan
The 2048 tile sliding game hosted by Blazor Server and implemented using the Fluxor framework
by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
In software development, adhering to design principles can significantly impact the maintainability and scalability of your code. One such principle is the Open/Closed Principle (OCP), which states that "software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification.

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Design / Graphics 

29 Sep 2009 by Przemyslaw Celej
A full description of signatures, that are part of the .NET file format
3 Feb 2011 by Petr Ivankov
Sample of integration of branches of engineering.
13 Mar 2012 by Fredrik Bornander
WPF Implementation of the spinning panel frequently used on the iPhone
4 Sep 2009 by Sacha Barber
It would probably be like Cinch, an MVVM framework for WPF.
13 Mar 2017 by Marc Clifton
An interactive demo of how audit and consistency proofs work
16 Jun 2008 by Nish Nishant
This articles explains how to implement a TypeDescriptionProvider for a class to support multiple object types using a single class type
29 Apr 2010 by Roman Kiss
This article describes a design, implementation and usage of the Custom Routing Manager for managing messages via Routing Service built-in .Net 4 Technology.
6 May 2010 by Alan Beasley
Explanation and examples of Additional Templates and Generated Content of a ListBox. Covering Layout, Transitions, and Animation.
25 Dec 2016 by Arthur V. Ratz
In this article we'll demonstrate the implementation of k-means clustering algorithm to produce recommendations.
22 Jan 2017 by marcus obrien
My experience of the disastrous effects of a bad OO design, in particular, what happens when combinatorial explosion arrives knocking on the door
29 Mar 2010 by Nish Nishant
An ExifReader class in C# that supports custom formatting and extraction. StyleCop compliant code, with demos for WPF and Windows Forms.
15 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
Open source library for music engraving in desktop, mobile and web applications
28 Sep 2009 by Przemyslaw Celej
Full description of signatures, that are part of .NET file format
21 Nov 2019 by Leif Simon Goodwin
This article presents a simple WPF Carousel Control
30 Apr 2009 by Roman Kiss
This article describes a design, implementation and tooling of model driven WorkflowServices logically centralized in the Repository and physically decentralized for their runtime projecting.
27 Apr 2016 by Clayton Rumley
There are those who think I am crazy, and this just might be the proof.
8 May 2011 by defwebserver
An example of a Silverlight 4 View Model Style video player that is not just 'skinable' but fully 'designable'.
9 Feb 2015 by Rahul Rajat Singh
In this article, we will try to understand what is Factory Pattern, what are the benefits of this pattern and how we can implement this pattern using C#.
5 Jul 2008 by Nish Nishant
This article walks through the implementation of a C++/CLI class from a disposable C# base.
4 Nov 2013 by Sacha Barber
A look at an excellent WinRT MVVM framework.
24 Aug 2016 by Serge Desmedt
(Yet Another) Investigation of WPF triggers
4 Dec 2007 by Ned Thompson
This article will demo how a free Flyout can help to save space on your webpage.
3 Sep 2008 by Ahmed Negm
This article introduces how to create and manage .NET enterprise applications using your favorite technology (Data Access Application Block, LINQ, NHibernate, ASMX, and WCF) with the Model Driven Development approach by Sculpture.
26 Apr 2010 by Alan Beasley
How to Style the Control Template of a ListBox in a small MVVM application
4 Jun 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Release the random artist inside you
14 Aug 2014 by Sacha Barber
Angular.Js / Azure / ASP MVC / SignalR / Bootstrap demo app
17 Nov 2019 by honey the codewitch
Implementing full list support over custom data structures in .NET
15 Jan 2022 by Steve_Hemlocks
'If' free programming that improves testability of code
16 Jun 2021 by Shaun C Curtis
A detailed look at the anatomy and workings of a Blazor Server Component
14 Aug 2014 by Sacha Barber
Angular.Js / Azure / ASP MVC / SignalR / Bootstrap demo app
28 Aug 2015 by Dmitriy Gakh
Development in C# without care of resource consumption can lead to overloading the system. This article describes a case with large waste of memory and CPU time and how to avoid it.
25 Apr 2014 by KenJohnson
How to conveniently produce and use a vector Icon Library, with sample Icons
19 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
PSAM Control Library ported over to WPF
13 Nov 2011 by Anoop Pillai
This post is about implementing Chain Of Responsibility design pattern, and few possible extensions to the same using Managed Extensibility Framework or MEF
27 Nov 2012 by Yuriy Zanichkovskyy
Layout to layout transitions made easy
21 Oct 2013 by _Noctis_
Sorting out the confusion about these properties, and providing a demo app for them
27 Jan 2021 by Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King
XCODE & Android Studio mobile app projects built using Ionic's Capacitor with an Angular 14 UI. Includes WebRTC for video conferencing, and SwipeClouds for Playing Millions of HD Movies & Videos and A Custom Capacitor Plugin for Scraping User Data for Targeted Delivery of video ads to mobile phones.
31 May 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Silverlight 4 has the feature to talk with Excel or any other application using the COM API. In this article, I will guide you to understand this feature step-by-step.
10 Oct 2012 by Andrew Rissing
An intuitive-fluent API for generating Linq Expressions.
21 Aug 2019 by Johnny J.
Easily add image cropping to your desktop application
6 Sep 2007 by aleksisa
Build a process to import Leads records from Excel into MS CRM via email.
5 Mar 2009 by Ernest Laurentin
Full-fledged ATL Windowless ActiveX Container. Ideal for hosting Windows Media Player, Transparent Flash and Silverlight Animations.
15 Jul 2013 by Zhuyun Dai
Using WebSocket in traditional ASP.NET and MVC 4
1 Mar 2017 by Clifford Nelson
This is a more comprehensive example of how to implement a project with MVVMLight
26 Jun 2019 by CMalcheski
A full-scale all-assembly .DLL module for the situations that warrant it can offer a tremendous power and speed boost over using inline ASM or intrinsics alone.
9 Aug 2022 by Paulo Zemek
Are you spending most of your time just writing code to "glue" your components together? Let's change that!
11 Aug 2019 by Marc Clifton
Comparing and contrasting UI layout using divs vs. tables
7 Sep 2010 by Colin Vella
This article presents an algorithm and data structures to implement auto-tiling as seen in RPG Maker, the Starcraft level editor, etc.
17 Dec 2009 by Jeremy Hutchinson
Demonstrates overriding the DataTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate method.
6 May 2010 by defwebserver
A Silverlight file manager that allows drag and drop multiple file uploads
31 Jan 2014 by Dirk Bahle
How to create a start page based on AvalonDock [2.0].
20 Aug 2013 by Sacha Barber
Shows how to use PRISM navigation API in VM 1st with child container support
2 Apr 2018 by Clifford Nelson
This gives the code to create a cursor from a character in a font.
13 Dec 2016 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Overview of selecting a .NET edition over other, based on services and features provided
28 Dec 2016 by Fiyaz Hasan
Learn how dependency injection mechanism has evolved from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core
6 Sep 2016 by George Swan
An artificial life algorithm that attempts to solve a problem by flying a swarm of entities through a range of possible solutions where each entity is guided by the performance of other members of the swarm
11 May 2024 by Higty
C# OpenAI library Assitants, ChatCompletion, FineTuning, ImageGeneration and more
2 Feb 2013 by Ron Beyer
A WinForms line control that works how you would expect one to.
20 Jan 2016 by Rahul Rajat Singh
This article is yet another explanation and implementation of the singleton pattern.
2 Jan 2017 by Marc Clifton
Illustrating both HTTP and WebSockets Intercommunication
16 Nov 2018 by nvasilev1
Often, when WPF developers have to write a custom window, they find themselves drowning in countless articles, blog posts, and StackOverflow threads each depicting a different approach to the problem.
11 Oct 2011 by Enrique Albert
Baseline WCF Distribution Layer - Decoupling of WCF Services and ViewModels.
24 Oct 2010 by Nithyaduruvan, Sathishkumar_P
This article describes about the export functionality of Excel sheet from WPF datagrid.
16 Jun 2012 by Jawahar Suresh Babu
The article describes how to implement Rubberband behavior for WPF Listbox. Also it describes how to add the behavior using Expression Blend.
3 Jun 2013 by rgubarenko
jsRazor is unbeatably powerful and stupidly simple client-side rendering approach that consists of ONLY TWO functions. Tiny javascript library entirely eliminates the need for server-page rendering, in the same time giving your apps unmatched simplicity and flexibility.
26 Feb 2015 by Giovanni Scerra
Patterns to prevent null reference exceptions
2 May 2015 by Giovanni Scerra
An introduction to transparency in software design, with particular focus on OO languages
19 Aug 2015 by Ganesan Senthilvel
Stimulating journey on evaluation of .NET Testing over the years
15 Dec 2016 by Hai Nguyen Ho
This program simulates an auto-driven car learning to drive around a track.
24 Dec 2018 by David Lafreniere
Unique allocator features improve performance and protect against heap fragmentation faults on any C or C++ project.
28 Jul 2008 by Roland Trainor
A class to facilitate user defined dialog and window control layouts.
9 Oct 2008 by Paul M Watt
Macro based framework written for C++ applications that will allow basic instrumentation and profiling features
8 Oct 2009 by Syed Hasan Hyder
This article focuses on internal supply chain management systems visibility via chart reports, and provides assessment apparatus to manage and monitor activities spawned during business processes, hence paves the way for timely and precise business decisions.
12 Apr 2010 by Nish Nishant
The Exif Compare Utility is a WinDiff equivalent for image files that compares the Exif meta-data and displays the differences and similarities. The application is written using WPF and MVVM.
25 Jan 2013 by FatCatProgrammer
StarReport: WPF-less GDI+.NET report component.
27 Mar 2013 by danabr
This article explains why and how you should protect your app's settings from prying eyes
1 Feb 2017 by Arthur V. Ratz
In this article, we will discuss about the implementation of the SVD++ AI data mining algorithm to produce recommendations based on ratings prediction
15 May 2017 by Charles d'Avernas
A ready-to-use solution for dynamically querying an Entity Framework DbContext in ASP.NET
27 Nov 2017 by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
An infinite set of biological shape fractals in the complex plain
30 Dec 2018 by Arthur V. Ratz
SVD in C++11 explained with an example
23 Apr 2012 by Kuthuparakkal
6 Jan 2019 by Mehedi Shams
Crossword creator - with a touch of Unicode Logic!
3 Nov 2019 by Marc Clifton
A metadata driven, view defines the model, schema generated on the fly, from concept to prototype application in 16 days
26 Jun 2018 by CMalcheski
A Full DirectX Sample Application Created in Pure Assembly Language
19 Jul 2009 by Jammer
An article showing an extremely simple implementation of CompositeWPF.
8 Oct 2009 by Allen _ Wang
This article shows a case study about how we use the Adapter Pattern to Elizabeth's Day Care Center
25 Nov 2009 by Mamasha Knows
Arena like memory management, embedding allocations inside Arena, DTOR, context thinking
26 Oct 2010 by Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King
Creates & Tests New Domain Names for Infomercial & Products
13 Nov 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Customized Scrolling in Silverlight using Expression Blend
27 Jun 2012 by freedeveloper
A small control to control paging in Windows Presentation Foundation.
18 Dec 2012 by Lars [Large] Werner
Windows has built inn support for a lot of keyboard languages, this class makes it possible to extract that info in an easy manner and present it to screen.
23 Apr 2013 by Jon Woo
I am writing this article to demonstrate how to build an application from scratch using SOLID principles and common design patterns
14 Nov 2013 by Alexander SchuIze, Felix Herbst, Paul Kirsten
Multi-User game for AIO where players build their own spider's web
30 Apr 2020 by Rubén Hinojosa Chapel
A MBFv4 template (Node.js and TypeScript) that will let you quickly set up a Transactional, Question and Answer, and Conversational AI chatbot
21 Dec 2007 by Bruno Sonnino
This article will show how to use data binding and styles to show data coming from a Microsoft SQL database using the new object-relational model introduced in Visual Studio 2008, LINQ to SQL, allowing grouping, sorting and filtering of data with almost no code.
21 Apr 2009 by Fredrik Bornander
How to implement an iPhone style icon menu using the .NET Compact Framework.
5 Jun 2012 by Bryan O'Connell, rcarlson-cayen, Cayen Systems
Information and observations from an Agile transformation at a small software company in Milwaukee, WI.