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by Dr. WPF
.NET 3.5 SP1 is here! It's time to break out your DirectX skills. This article provides the information necessary to get started using a new DirectX interop feature in WPF called D3DImage.
by shunninghuang
CPS1 emulator, ROM hacking
by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes how to make H.264 Video Encoder DirectShow Filter using NVIDIA encoder API in C#
by CMalcheski
Thinking outside the box can result in critical performance gains

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by EgorYusov
This article introduces Diligent Engine, a modern cross-platform graphics API abstraction library and rendering framework
by ColleagueRiley
RGFW introduction and tutorial. RGFW is a single-header windowing framework library & lightweight GLFW alternative.
by Michael Chourdakis
An introduction to machine learning with working C++ code that trains a linear regression model.
by Michael Chourdakis
DirectX hardware screen capture and encoding with audio mixing capabilities. H264/H265/VP80/VP90/FLAC/MP3. HDR supported.

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11 Aug 2008 by Dr. WPF
.NET 3.5 SP1 is here! It's time to break out your DirectX skills. This article provides the information necessary to get started using a new DirectX interop feature in WPF called D3DImage.
3 Apr 2021 by shunninghuang
CPS1 emulator, ROM hacking
16 Jul 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes how to make H.264 Video Encoder DirectShow Filter using NVIDIA encoder API in C#
4 Oct 2017 by CMalcheski
Thinking outside the box can result in critical performance gains
8 Jun 2017 by CMalcheski
How to Create a Complete DirectX Game in Assembly Language
22 May 2013 by Dejan Mauer
Free and easy way to access a web camera by using the Aforge library.
20 Mar 2024 by Michael Chourdakis
DirectX hardware screen capture and encoding with audio mixing capabilities. H264/H265/VP80/VP90/FLAC/MP3. HDR supported.
4 Jul 2005 by DeltaEngine
Normal maps are used for realtime 3D rendering (mostly in games) to improve the visual quality, but compressing them makes the 3D content look ugly, this tool helps to fix that problem.
28 Jun 2005 by Greg Rezansoff
This brief article describes how to use managed Direct3D to render texture bitmaps with alpha channels and transparency key colours onto vertices in C# with the aid of a MatrixStack.
26 Jun 2018 by CMalcheski
A Full DirectX Sample Application Created in Pure Assembly Language
18 Nov 2010 by JimRL
A glow effect achieved by leveraging the stencil buffer
30 Sep 2023 by honey the codewitch
Run and develop Arduino code, including a display, on PC using this Windows PC shim and emulator.
20 Jan 2017 by Ansel Castro
The article shows how to render 3D graphics with C# in .NET using an API Igneel.Graphics.
17 May 2009 by Carlo McWhirter
Interactive 3D Spectrum Analyzer for Windows Media Player using DirectX 9 and some light GPGPU.
14 Feb 2010 by Irfan alam
A library for creating a voice and text conferencing application
20 Nov 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article shows how easy to make various video effects using PixelShaders in Direct3D.
9 May 2019 by Michael Chourdakis
Create music easily
7 Oct 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes basic task which are requre to solve for developing your own DirectShow Splitter filters.
10 Jul 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Articles describes how to make pure C# rendering video on VMR9 with custom allocator presenter over Direct3D in .NET
14 Jun 2017 by CMalcheski
Part II - Laying the Foundation for the Migration to Assembly
3 Mar 2024 by Shao Voon Wong
Lee Algorithm Mazesolver in MFC and Direct2D
10 May 2009 by Michael Chourdakis
Draw your vectors using a new, ActiveX based hardware accelerated interface.
22 Mar 2013 by Terence Wallace
TexasQuest is a 2D side scroller platform game similiar to Super Mario
23 Sep 2020 by EgorYusov
Introduction to amplification and mesh shaders, the new programmable stages available in modern GPUs, and how to use them to implement view frustum culling and object LOD selection on the GPU using the Diligent Engine API
11 Jan 2021 by EgorYusov
An introduction to ray tracing API in Diligent Engine
18 Apr 2024 by Michael Chourdakis
An introduction to machine learning with working C++ code that trains a linear regression model.
13 Nov 2012 by Shmuel Zang
This article shows how we can render an interoperable MDX (Managed DirectX) scene, inside a WPF window.
13 Oct 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes basic tasks for implementing your own File Source DirectShow filters.
12 Jul 2023 by EgorYusov
This article describes Unity low-level plugin interface and the Unity graphics interface emulator that facilitates native plugin development.
31 Jul 2001 by Xavier John
20 Jan 2015 by Android on Intel
Android* Texture Compression - a comparison study with code sample
10 Sep 2015 by Kenneth Haugland
Create HLSL files, compile them and use them in a WPF appliction. A light Shazzam Shader Editor tool for Visual Studio
17 Apr 2017 by EgorYusov
Descriptors and descriptor heaps are key components of a new resource binding paradigm introduced in Direct3D12. This article describes an efficient system for managing descriptor heaps.
31 Jul 2013 by Ayush001
Traditional game which becomes more interetsing.
7 Mar 2017 by Ansel Castro
Describes the basic steps to render height maps using the graphics engine of Igneel
27 Nov 1999 by Stephane Rodriguez
A DirectDraw Framework made of template classes
26 Sep 2001 by Anthony Roach
A framework for writing apps using DirectX 8
2 Mar 2015 by Android on Intel
The Murl Engine is a fresh and free solution for cross-platform development. It is focused on games and multimedia applications and is currently supporting Android, iOS, Windows, OS X and Linux* platforms.
1 Dec 2015 by Android on Intel
As a follow-up to Adaptive Volumetric Shadow Maps for DirectX 11, we present a port of the same algorithm adapted for Android devices that support OpenGL ES 3.1 and the GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering OpenGL extension.
11 Sep 2018 by EgorYusov
This article describes several strategies to update GPU resources in Diligent Engine (a modern low-level graphic library) as well as important internal details and performance implications related to each method.
22 Dec 2018 by EgorYusov
This article introduces the problem of resource state management and synchronization in modern graphics APIs such as Direct3D12 and Vulkan and describes a solution offered by Diligent Engine.
18 Oct 2001 by Anthony Roach
An extension to the DirectX framework for adding backgrounds
7 Jan 2008 by Visual Numerics, Inc.
This document focuses on the combination of VSTO 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition.
14 Feb 2008 by Jarno Burger
How to seek and get the position and duration for your DirectShow movie with VB.NET.
3 Dec 2010 by CRayGoodwin
Custom windows control that mimics Windows 7 diming & asynchronous aero progress animation
21 Aug 2012 by Egor Yusov
Terrain Rendering is a game technology code sample that demonstrates how to render large-scale terrains in real time by efficiently distributing the tasks between the CPU and the GPU. This article provides an overview of the terrain-rendering application and includes a link to the free code.
20 Dec 2012 by Farhan Ghumra
Here I am presenting you how can you paste date time in photo. This article will be helpful to those devs who want to add CamaraCaptureUI in their apps.
18 Mar 2015 by Intel
This tutorial demonstrates how to share surfaces between OpenCL™ and DirectX 11 with Intel ® Processor Graphics on Microsoft Windows, using the surface sharing extension in OpenCL.
13 May 2015 by Android on Intel
Introduction to Resource Binding in Microsoft DirectX 12
26 May 2015 by Intel
Game Companies Speed Up Development with Intel® Sample Code
1 Sep 2015 by Android on Intel
Which Intel software tool includes a new name, new features, and it's ALL available for FREE?
16 Sep 2015 by Intel
In this article, we will introduce the components of INDE and show how developers can use them to create new applications and optimize existing applications. To start with Intel® INDE provides support for IDE integration.
23 Oct 2015 by Intel
This article describes how to pick different resource binding mechanisms to run an application efficiently on specific Intel’s GPUs.
30 Oct 2015 by Android on Intel
The current generation of Intel® graphics hardware extends Intel’s leadership in enabling innovation across the industry, including being fully ready for DirectX 12 and driving the adoption of advanced features by next-generation games.
12 Oct 2016 by gricardi
As users are migrating from traditional desktops to mobile devices, transitioning your Windows application to the web is the next step to increasing your exposure. Thinfinity VirtualUI delivers your Windows applications to users on any device, anywhere.
13 Oct 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes how to make DirectShow Filters in .NET, it consist of BaseClasses and couple of samples
2 Sep 2024 by EgorYusov
This article introduces Diligent Engine, a modern cross-platform graphics API abstraction library and rendering framework
10 Jul 2017 by CMalcheski
App Initialization and Main Window Creation
29 Mar 2010 by Fredrik Bornander
This article discusses using Pixel Shaders to shade the main window when a dialog is showing.
20 Nov 2008 by Andrew Kirillov
Turning regular USB web camera into a pan tilt camera using the Lego Mindstorms robotics kit and tracking simple objects using C#.
11 Nov 2015 by c-smile
Basics of Sciter embedding principles, high-level overlook of Sciter SDK structure.
24 Sep 2014 by Denis Lysikov
In this article I'm going to tell about the features of working with DVB-T2 TV tuners and the nuances that you can expect in this work.
22 Feb 2010 by Aric Wang
The article will give you an idea on how to design a source filter.The source filter creates samples and outputs it from its output pin.
11 Jul 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Articles describes how to make pure C# rendering video on EVR with custom presenter over Direct3D in .NET
7 Apr 2002 by Christian Graus
An Asteroid's clone which needs some work but will illustrate some points about writing games.
27 Apr 2012 by Leslie Zhai
Open source windowless presentation manager library with DirectX 3D anmiation
9 Jul 2008 by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article describes the use of Haar-like wavelet features for ultra fast object detection using a cascade of artificial neural network classifiers.
17 Apr 2008 by Xavier John
A game written using Visual C++ and DirectX.
22 May 2008 by Andrew Kirillov
Some ideas about Hands Gesture Recognition in still images and video feeds, using the AForge.NET framework (C#).
16 May 2006 by Doga Arinir
CDirectXDialog is a base class for dialog classes in which you want to use DirectX.
10 Aug 2010 by notmasteryet
Using a Fast Fourier Transform to calculate the fundamental frequency of the captured audio sound
22 Feb 2007 by DYSEQTA
How to access the power of Vista and the DWM without WPF and .NET
3 Jan 2015 by Espen Harlinn
Direct2D, DirectWrite, Windows API, C++, std::shared_ptr and more
12 Sep 2014 by Bruno Sonnino
In this article, I show you how to develop a soccer penalties shootout game.
21 Feb 2014 by John Hilton
See why your GPU is getting so hot.
6 Oct 2009 by John Hilton
Simple yet comprehensive viewing code for OpenGL and Direct3D.
29 Jan 2009 by hector [.j.] rivas
Part II of the step by step MFC + D3D tutorial, with a custom Direct3D framework.
24 Dec 2008 by jackyxinli
An article to show how to play audio file with DirectSound and display its spectrum in real time accurately
30 Aug 2002 by Mauricio Ritter
This is a 2D racing game that uses a DirectX wrapper library. The game has single player and multiplayer support.
5 Oct 2007 by User 2739121
..using DirectDraw - A tool for displaying a customisable overlay
15 Feb 2010 by Mr.PoorEnglish
A new approach to 2D - geometric computation replaces Point, Size, and Rectangle.
9 Oct 2006 by Andrew Kirillov
A C# video surveillance application, which allows monitoring several IP cameras simultaneously.
4 Jun 2002 by Mauricio Ritter
This "Space Invaders"-like game was originally writen in DirectX 6, but I've changed some things so that you can use it with the latest version of the DirecX SDK. It uses just the Windows API and DirectX library (no MFC here). Have fun!
24 Nov 2014 by Jeremy Falcon
A beginner's guide to talking like a computer.
13 May 2010 by R@jeev K R
A simple streaming server using Direct Show and Windows Media Format SDK
29 Jul 2009 by Joel Ivory Johnson
Recreated an old game as a simple demonstration of DirectDraw.
11 Apr 2008 by Carlos Jiménez de Parga
A wrapper class library for the DirectMusic MIDI.
4 Jan 2010 by Pedro Güida
The article shows how to embed a XNA-based game into a WinForms control with ease. Also, it explains how to integrate an XNA GS project into VS2008 (this IDE is not currently supported by XNA GS), and in turn, to be able to use WPF with your XNA-based creation.
18 Apr 2013 by lxdfigo
A 3D Game Based on Ogre, ODE, 3D Max, CEGUI and so on
17 Jul 2007 by Marc Clifton
Getting started with XNA, Blender, and 3D modeling
12 Oct 2009 by John Hilton
How to pan in perspective views so the point under the cursor stays under the cursor.
28 Apr 2022 by free5lot
Camera_Net is a FLOSS library for using video-cameras and video-inputs in .NET projects easily
9 Nov 2012 by Ashley Davis
Introducing Investigo: Using a Proxy DLL and embedded HTTP server for DirectX9 Performance Analysis, Debugging and Automated Performance Testing
16 Oct 2008 by Paul M Watt
An interpretation of a popular falling block game implemented with DirectX that attempts to avoid any copyright infringement.
29 Dec 2004 by Samiullah Khan
This article describes the process of storing the audio data of a movie file (.mpeg, .mpg, .avi and .dat) on the hard disk in a WAV file using DirectShow filters.
11 Feb 2009 by WajihUllahBaig
A console program that captures audio but does not save it.
17 Aug 2007 by Leslie Sanford
A toolkit for creating software synthesizers with C# and Managed DirectX.