protected override HRESULT OnInitInterfaces()
hr = (HRESULT)MFHelper.DXVA2CreateDirect3DDeviceManager9(out m_DeviceResetToken, out m_DeviceManager);
if (hr.Succeeded)
hr = (HRESULT)m_DeviceManager.ResetDevice(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(m_Device.ComPointer), m_DeviceResetToken);
m_Caller = new Wrapper(this);
m_Renderer = new EVRRenderer();
IMFVideoRenderer _renderer = (IMFVideoRenderer)m_Renderer.QueryInterface(typeof(IMFVideoRenderer));
hr = (HRESULT)_renderer.InitializeRenderer(null, (IMFVideoPresenter)this);
m_Renderer.FilterGraph = m_GraphBuilder;
hr = base.OnInitInterfaces();
return hr;
Code fairly simple: we initialize DXVA2 device manager, create EVR filter and put it into the graph. After performing initialization EVR filter with our Presenter.
Implementing Presenter Interfaces
Now time for hardest part and you will know why I describe things regarding threading.
Some methods of interfaces provided by my class for EVR Presenter is called from different threads, as if there will be one thread we will have no issues. But in there at least 2, commonly 3: user interaction (Play Pause Stop), media streaming (Samples delivering) and Clock (Samples Synchronization). Interfaces which are called at same context are IMFVideoDeviceID and IMFGetService. With other intarfaces we should do something to make it work properly, how to do so? The answer is simple: to make them to be called in same thread so context will be same. Hope you good enough with threading and synchronization to understand following code. Let’s look how implemented IMFTopologyServiceLookupClient:
public int InitServicePointers(IntPtr pLookup)
Wrapper.CCallbackHandler _handler =
new Wrapper.InitServicePointersHandler(m_Caller, pLookup);
return _handler.m_Result;
public int ReleaseServicePointers()
Wrapper.CCallbackHandler _handler =
new Wrapper.ReleaseServicePointersHandler(m_Caller);
return _handler.m_Result;
Here we are simplify creates the specified pre-defined async invoker, wait for it result and return it. The invoker callback base class looks next:
public class CCallbackHandler
public bool m_bAsync = false;
public CallType m_Type = CallType.Unknown;
public EventWaitHandle m_Notify = new ManualResetEvent(false);
public int m_Result = S_OK;
private Wrapper m_Invoker = null;
#region Constructor
public CCallbackHandler(Wrapper _Invoker)
m_Invoker = _Invoker;
#region Methods
public void Invoke()
WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { this.m_Notify, m_Invoker.m_Quit });
And the actual invokers thread methods:
private void InvokeThread(object _param)
lock (m_LockThread)
m_Parameter = _param;
WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { m_Quit, m_Ready });
private void ThreadProc(object _state)
while (true)
int nWait = WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { m_Quit, m_Notify });
if (nWait == 1)
object _param;
lock (m_LockThread)
_param = m_Parameter;
We put the caller object as parameter after set the notify event which wakes up the thread to process the parameter and waits until the parameter will be retrieved. The thread got the parameter and executes passed callback; so all access to managed resources become from single thread.
Advanced Marshaling
Hope you still here; as previous part was not last hard code. Once the method is called with the invoker in same thread we can without any problems hold COM interfaces in our class. But someone who try to make EVR Presenter in .NET I’m sure had an issue with the InitServicePointers method of IMFTopologyServiceLookupClient interface, right? The issue appear, as I remember (I wrote that code year or two ago) was with query IMFTopologyServiceLookUp from pLookUp. Issue happened because of COM have aggregation and the returned interface may not be the interface of an actual object and the .NET doesn’t handle that it just call the QueryInterface and fail if it not in there, but we are know it is here. To solve this we just can access the vtable (table of virtual methods) of interface we interested in. All entry in that table are the pointers to the functions in order of interface inheritance and interface methods (actually interface it is structure with the specified methods entries and nothing else). As an example first 3 entries in interface are always implementation of IUnknown in order QueryInterface, AddRef and Release, That is true for all managed interfaces too, plus also for managed objects, as all managed objects are COM objects by default (that just hidden from developers). So I made the helper class which allows accessing COM object by it vtable:
public class VTableInterface : COMHelper,IDisposable
#region Delegates
private delegate int QueryInterfaceProc(
IntPtr pUnk,
ref Guid riid,
out IntPtr ppvObject
#region Variables
protected IntPtr m_pUnknown = IntPtr.Zero;
#region Constructor
protected VTableInterface(IntPtr pUnknown)
if (pUnknown != IntPtr.Zero)
m_pUnknown = pUnknown;
#region Methods
public int QueryInterface(ref Guid riid, out IntPtr ppvObject)
ppvObject = IntPtr.Zero;
if (m_pUnknown == IntPtr.Zero) return E_NOINTERFACE;
QueryInterfaceProc _Proc = GetProcDelegate<QueryInterfaceProc>(0);
if (_Proc == null) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return (HRESULT)_Proc(m_pUnknown,ref riid,out ppvObject);
#region Helper Methods
protected T GetProcDelegate<T>(int nIndex) where T : class
IntPtr pVtable = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(m_pUnknown);
IntPtr pFunc = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pVtable, nIndex * IntPtr.Size);
return (Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pFunc, typeof(T))) as T;
#region IDisposable Members
public void Dispose()
if (m_pUnknown != IntPtr.Zero)
m_pUnknown = IntPtr.Zero;
The main interesting method here is GetProcDelegate
which allows getting method from vtable by it index. How it works you can see in QueryInterface implementation. So to implement IMFTopologyServiceLookUp without any problems we make next code:
public class MFTopologyServiceLookup : VTableInterface, IMFTopologyServiceLookup
private delegate int LookupServiceProc(
IntPtr pUnk,
MFServiceLookUpType Type,
uint dwIndex,
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid guidService,
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid riid,
[Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.SysInt)] IntPtr[] ppvObjects,
[In, Out] ref uint pnObjects);
public int LookupService(MFServiceLookUpType _type, uint dwIndex, Guid guidService, Guid riid, IntPtr[] ppvObjects, ref uint pnObjects)
if (m_pUnknown == IntPtr.Zero) return E_NOINTERFACE;
LookupServiceProc _lookUpProc = GetProcDelegate<LookupServiceProc>(3);
if (_lookUpProc == null) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return (HRESULT)_lookUpProc(
ref pnObjects
Not so hard I think. Forgot to mention the interface delegate function differ from method declaration in interface in one additional argument. First argument should be the pointer to the vtable object or our IntPtr, why that necessary you can find over web I think.
Samples Scheduler and notify of free sample
If you look at the EVR Presenter C++ example from Microsoft you can find that it define free samples while it released, I mean called Release with specified notification set on that. .NET doesn’t allow us to use that method as we have no access to the IUnknown directly. So I solve that with usage of events (probably for someone better to use semaphores, but this is just an example).
Main Application
Implementation of main form is very easy, most interesting methods I describe here. Variable declaration for scene and playback:
private Scene m_Scene = null;
private DSFilePlayback m_Playback = null;
Creating scene object:
m_Scene = new Scene(this.pbView);
Here pbView
control on which we’ll do presenting the video. Starting playback code:
m_Playback = new DSFilePlaybackEVR(m_Scene.Direct3DDevice);
m_Playback.OnPlaybackStop += new EventHandler(btnStart_Click);
((DSFilePlaybackEVR)m_Playback).OnSurfaceReady += new EVR.SurfaceReadyHandler(m_Scene.OnSurfaceReady);
m_Playback.FileName = this.tbFileName.Text;
if (m_Playback.Start().Succeeded)
btnStart.Text = "Stop";
btnBrowse.Enabled = false;
In this code we create EVR rendering graph with specified Scene device. After we provide event handler for surface ready notify, and starting playback. Stopping code is fairly simple – just Dispose the playback:
m_Playback = null;
Initial Version 11-07-2012