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by Sergiy Korzh
A JavaScript function to get the absolute coordinates of a DOM element within a document
by Najmul Hoda
IM status indicator is as an easy and reliable way to check online status of certain instant messenger account like yahoo, msn, aol, skype and icq..
by Bill Pierce
Creating an ASP.NET server control wrapper for the Google Maps API.
by notmasteryet
This article demonstrates using binary formats in JavaScript.

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by Mark Birbeck
Easily and quickly build web services clients using XForm
by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
by Sean Ewington
Web development beginner tutorials. A compilation of web development tutorials that serve as a beginner's walk to web development
by Anurag Gandhi
An HTML 2D game to describe some basic game development tips in HTML/CSS and JavaScript.

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22 Apr 2011 by Sergiy Korzh
A JavaScript function to get the absolute coordinates of a DOM element within a document
12 Sep 2008 by Najmul Hoda
IM status indicator is as an easy and reliable way to check online status of certain instant messenger account like yahoo, msn, aol, skype and icq..
17 Oct 2005 by Bill Pierce
Creating an ASP.NET server control wrapper for the Google Maps API.
15 Jun 2008 by notmasteryet
This article demonstrates using binary formats in JavaScript.
15 Aug 2009 by Ricardo Pineda Then
Shows how to serialize an object using binary serialization without using WCF.
16 Aug 2009 by Farooq Kaiser
In this article, I will explore handling unknown actions. A Controller.HandleUnknownAction method gets called when a controller cannot find an action method that matches a browser request.
24 Aug 2009 by MatthewCasperson
An introductory look at the JavaScript CAKE library, which allows you to build up the HTML5 canvas element like a vector image.
22 Oct 2012 by Matthias.Fischer
A riddle game for Windows 8 using JavaScript and HTML5
11 Nov 2014 by sameh obada
Jquery plugin to create dynamic css animations and transitions.
20 Feb 2018 by jrsell
Use the XHtmlKit Nuget Package to make scraping web pages in C# fun
22 Sep 2010 by nthachus
JavaScript VietUni version 1.7 Final
27 Aug 2009 by Farooq Kaiser
In this post, I will build an MVC application that will consume an RSS feed.
28 Mar 2009 by Hesham Desouky
A How to that demonstrates how to use RsClientPrint ActiveX control to print reports from Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
4 Oct 2008 by Zakir Hoosen
How to configure an 2.0 as a sub app of an 1.1 application
9 Jul 2009 by dougturn
Provides an overview of data lists from the perspective of a developer. This content is part 2 of the MOSS content from
7 Aug 2009 by ShofarNexus
This review compares the use of a popup verses a new page to allow users to select options.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
There's lots of technologies like skinning and theming, and of course, Web Standards like XHTML and CSS for Designers creating sites with ASP.NET. 
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Create a simple page likeDefault.aspx
31 Aug 2015 by Ranjan.D
We will learn more about CSS styles Displaying, Positioning, Formatting and a lot more. It's all about how to create a visual appearance using CSS.
9 Jun 2008 by Omar Al Zabir
A tiny JavaScript library that provides a handy function "ensure" which allows you to load JavaScript, HTML, CSS on-demand and then execute your code. ensure ensures that relevant JavaScript and HTML snippets are already in the browser DOM before executing your code that uses them.
27 Oct 2012 by NinjaCross
This tutorials introduces a new NUnit Addin able to record execution time of unit tests and generate XML, CSV, HTML performances reports with charts and history tracking.
11 Jun 2011 by Omar Al Zabir
Web 2.0 AJAX Portal built using jQuery, and ASP.NET 3.5. It offers Silverlight widget framework. Middle-tier built on Workflow Foundation. Data Access Layer uses Compiled Linq to SQL. Uses Enterprise Library 4.1 and Unitiy, offering Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control. All hot stuff!
25 Dec 2008 by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to manage states of the Checkboxes inside the GridView in different pages.
15 Sep 2010 by Modesty Zhang
Some client side common tasks implemented by a jQuery Plug in with demo source code
23 Jun 2008 by Samir NIGAM
Cross-browser JavaScript context menu control for web applications.
14 Aug 2012 by Abdul Quader Mamun
Custom TreeView web user control for parent child relatioinal data upto infinity
11 Jun 2011 by Omar Al Zabir
UFrame makes a DIV behave like an IFRAME that can load any ASP.NET/PHP/HTML page and allows all postback and hyperlink navigation to happen within the DIV - a painless way to make regular pages fully AJAX enabled
24 Jun 2005 by Lowell Heddings
A direct port of the Code Project Search Bar, but for Firefox instead of IE.
30 Dec 2007 by Snews
A control that mimics the look-n-feel of iTunes and the iPod manager.
3 Aug 2008 by Omar Al Zabir
Download all external scripts on your Web page after the visible content is loaded for faster perceived speed and donwload multiple JavaScript in batch for better actual speed
16 Nov 2010 by Abdul Quader Mamun
Paging must be effective for large scaleable applications. Without smart and effective paging and sorting for huge amount of data, user request takes more time and uses more resources.
1 Nov 2008 by
The article explains all the aspects of a mobile website.
12 Feb 2009 by M. Shehabeddeen
Enhancements and fixes that add features: more control over column widths, preventing text wrapping, formatting auto-generated columns.
28 Nov 2011 by Shakeel Iqbal
This article provides a comprehensive knowledge to create a plugin.
29 Sep 2009 by uuware
FTab (Floating Tabs) is a cool cross browser DHTML floating window script with support for tabs.
9 Jul 2009 by Thulasee Shan
Implementation of iPhone like menu arrangement for the web user interface
14 Feb 2013 by Niral Soni
A few lines of code to create dynamic charts based on the HTML table contents with filter option
23 Jun 2008 by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to create a slide-show user control with the help of the DataList control.
19 Dec 2008 by Sandeep Mewara
A client callback custom control and how to use it in WebForms.
11 Aug 2009 by DotNetIdeas
This article gives you a quick reference about localization of the commonly used contents on an ASP.NET page, including ASP.NET server controls, HTML content, SiteMap, and other resources.
11 Jun 2011 by Omar Al Zabir
Learn the principle behind Microsoft's new Doloto and 6 other cool techniques that I did in Pageflakes to load large amounts of JavaScript without compromising performance
12 Sep 2019 by Sean Ewington
Web development beginner tutorials. A compilation of web development tutorials that serve as a beginner's walk to web development
17 Dec 2008 by thund3rstruck
Writing and using cross platform AJAX in ASP.NET applications.
15 Nov 2014 by Michael Ulmann
The introduction of the ADO.NET Entity Framework implicitly created the need for ASP.NET providers such as membership, role and profile that leverage this new technology.
26 May 2008 by Assad Baig
Learn how to optimize web page for better user experience
28 Aug 2008 by Omar Al Zabir
An HTTP handler that combines multiple CSS, JavaScript or URL into one response for faster page load. It can combine, compress and cache response which results in faster page load and better scalability of web application
18 Oct 2013 by Talking Dotnet
This article demonstrates how to use the newly launched AsyncFileUpload control of Ajax Control Toolkit.
7 Jul 2009 by Stephen Inglish
A pre-configured ASP.NET website containing a Master page, error handling, login / logout, and other boilerplate new project code.
19 Dec 2008 by Jürgen Bäurle
This article describes how to implement the MergedDictionaries feature for resource dictionaries in Silverlight.
28 Jan 2009 by ASPDev200
A simple way to show a pop up image on mouse over of a smaller image.
5 Oct 2010 by Rolf Cerff
An ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extender to enhance the ASP.NET GridView to page, select, delete, edit and sort rows with keyboard shortcuts.
19 Aug 2019 by Anurag Gandhi
An HTML 2D game to describe some basic game development tips in HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
12 Jun 2008 by Helbrax
A simple voting control In JavaScript.
14 Sep 2008 by defwebserver
This article describes an implementation using a DotNetNuke module communicating with a Windows Workflow service hosted in a Web Service.
24 Feb 2009 by Vasanth.S.R
To display a loading message (or GIF) when the page_load has functions that take a long time
9 Jun 2008 by Raj Lal
The chapter discuss the Sidebar Gadget revenue model.
23 Jul 2009 by MichalWozniak
The article introduces the reader to the MForm Web Controls, a set of controls that provides a very productive and flexible way of creating ASP.NET Web Forms.
31 Dec 2007 by Antonin Hildebrand
The article discusses the concepts of data driven web games. An example game 'SilverStunts' is presented and described in technical details.
29 Jan 2002 by Paul Watson
A starting point for people familiar with HTML who want to start using XHTML
2 Feb 2010 by Dr. Song Li
This article introduces a working example of five different ways to make AJAX calls using jQuery.
16 Jun 2009 by Uwe Keim
Introducing a small user control to simplify localization of literal text with contained hyperlinks
17 Dec 2008 by Sandeep Mewara
How to select multiple values from 'a dropdown look & feel' in a Web application
24 Dec 2007 by jpmik
Description of the binary format used to store internet explorer favorites, includes Favorites-to-XBEL example project.
3 Jul 2009 by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to expand and collapse columns of a GridView using JavaScript
3 Dec 2013 by G4mm4R4y
Make a text file log in system for beginners.
19 Nov 2019 by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
6 May 2009 by Tomislav Markovski
Custom DropDown and MultiselectDropDown controls with data binding support
1 Oct 2008 by Alexander Turlov
Web UI coclor picker control implemented as an ASP.NET AJAX Extender.
20 Jul 2009 by Ashish Kaila
A simple and practical introduction to Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX).
24 Oct 2010 by Modesty Zhang
Presents a web app programming model that promotes web standards, achieves high scalability by eliminating classic web server pages, and also enables rich interactivities without browser plug-ins.
24 Jul 2008 by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to create a ListBox control using JavaScript.
31 Dec 2007 by Jake Morgan
Create browser-independent gradients dynamically with an ASP.NET IHttpHandler.
21 Apr 2018 by NitinShrivastava
In this article, we will try to understand Data Binding in AngularJS
2 May 2005 by Bill Pierce
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML with ASP.NET integration.
2 Sep 2009 by Farooq Kaiser
The JQuery has several methods that can be used to perform Ajax requests
13 Aug 2009 by Farooq Kaiser
In this article, I will explore an alternative method of implementing validation logic. I will show you how to perform validation by using the IErrorDataInfo interface.
1 Dec 2016 by Dr. Song Li
This is a gauge chart by D3 step by step.
28 Apr 2016 by Sharad Chandra Pyakurel
Generic repository application of employee with documents
9 Jun 2008 by Neil Meredith
Dynamically add and remove user controls to a page and maintain the control state.
21 Apr 2011 by Jonathan Nethercott
Simple voting control for MVC projects, using a partial view
22 Mar 2009 by Alessandro Zifiglio
Jiffycms HTML Editor is an Open Source commercial grade RTE.
2 Feb 2009 by Moiz Dhanji
This article is about combining, compressing, minifying the ASP.NET ScriptResource and HTML markups.
27 Jul 2007 by Dmitry Khudorozhkov
This article explains what the Bridge design pattern is, and presents a minimalistic cross-browser vector graphics (SVG + VML) library, written in JavaScript, built with the help of this pattern.
8 Jan 2009 by Andrew Gunn
Control library for rendering custom HTML in ASP.NET MVC applications.
4 Jul 2011 by Dr. Song Li
This article presents an example of how to use data annotations to validate data received from jQuery AJAX calls and how to send validation result as well as HTML content from a partial view to the client in a JSON object in MVC.
15 Nov 2014 by Michael Ulmann
Often JavaScript content and/or styles in ASP.NET need to be localized too. This article shows how this can be leveraged by using an HttpHandler.
25 Aug 2009 by Farooq Kaiser
JQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library and can be downloaded from The jQuery library is also included in the Scripts folder of the Visual Studio ASP.NET MVC template.
10 Aug 2010 by Laurence Moroney-MSFT
How to use WebMatrix to build a blog site in 15 minutes or less
3 Oct 2004 by Trenton Moss
Because of this unique ‘choose-your-own adventure’ way the Internet is structured, it's essential that we can find and understand links quickly
23 Sep 2008 by Sandeep Mewara
Partial update of parent page based on a certain value passed from the child window via AJAX (using UpdatePanel).
11 Mar 2007 by Mohammad Akbarizadegan
This article demonstrates how to implement web applications based on AJAX and ClientScriptCallBack as it presents a simple example. Also, the article tries to point at the key features of working with ASP.NET ClientCallback and AJAX.
20 Mar 2009 by gstolarov
Addressing jQuery memory leak in UpdatePanel
5 Jul 2011 by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
This short article will show an easy way to extract HTML data URI images and convert the HTML to use external images.
12 Sep 2008 by MCF.Goodwin
How to close open child windows when parent window is closed, using JavaScript.
14 Mar 2009 by Adrian Grigore
Quickly and easily implement your LINQ Data Layer with this abstract class
9 Jul 2009 by dougturn
Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 provides a Web Part infrastructure that helps you build custom Web Parts and deploy them to Web sites built using Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. This content is part 2 of the MOSS content from