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Great Reads

by Giovanni Scerra
Patterns to prevent null reference exceptions
by Jasper Lammers
A method to easily toggle the way exceptions are being handled (either being thrown or handled by custom code), while still conserving the stack trace when exceptions are not being thrown.
by Marco Bertschi
This tip presents an easy way of verbosely converting an exception and its inner exceptions to a string in order to get access to all details.
by Amogh Natu
This tip provides one solution to the exception "Configuration system failed to initialize" in C#

Latest Articles

by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
In modern Java applications, handling concurrent tasks efficiently is crucial for performance and responsiveness. CompletableFuture, introduced in Java 8, provides a powerful and flexible way to manage asynchronous operations.
by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
In Java, two common runtime issues related to class loading are ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError. These exceptions can be confusing for developers, especially when diagnosing and fixing classpath issues.
by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
Coding in Java can be a rewarding experience, especially when you follow best practices and leverage the language's full potential. In this article, we'll explore several tips that can enhance your Java programming skills, backed by examples, demos, and results.
by Dev Leader
Secret of Task EventHandlers

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26 Feb 2015 by Giovanni Scerra
Patterns to prevent null reference exceptions
3 Jan 2018 by Jasper Lammers
A method to easily toggle the way exceptions are being handled (either being thrown or handled by custom code), while still conserving the stack trace when exceptions are not being thrown.
17 Jun 2022 by Mircea Neacsu
C++ thread objects and their use
3 Nov 2012 by Grant Harmer
Managing exceptions when consuming WCF services via the BizTalk ESB Toolkit
8 Sep 2014 by cogi83
A SW to send your WAN IP and other info via email
8 Jul 2013 by chain1234
Use the AppDomain to load another .NET assembly version.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
This article presents a way to log and mail the errors from any web page.It logs following details -Control on which the error is raisedPage
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Introduction There had been much discussion on how to make your application compatible with the IIS7 Integrated mode. To know how to make your
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
WCF provides us a facility to specify the fault behavior of our service. It provides a FaultException Class. Whenever our service implementation
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Using Response.Redirect and Response.End in Try...Catch blockIn ASP.NET if you are using Response.End - Used for terminating page execution or
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community provides facilities in web.config for specifying error pages when an exception occurs, for example:           
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Global.asax, is the global file in the web application, which offers application level events to be registered. There are many of the events in this
27 Jun 2022 by Greg Utas
Keeping a program running when it would otherwise abort
19 Nov 2021 by jgauffin
codeRR is an open source error handling service. It includes the context information that you forgot to include when you logged/reported the exception.
19 Jun 2012 by David Catriel
How to get a list of data rows that caused an exception (or several of them) in a SqlBulkCopy operation
23 Aug 2010 by Darren Weir
Log reporting dashboard for Log4Net, NLog, ELMAH, and ASP.NET Health Monitoring.
6 Jan 2012 by OlegKrivtsov
An overview of the standard exception handling techniques provided by Visual C++.
10 Jan 2011 by Ajay Vijayvargiya
25 Oct 2013 by Raul Iloc
This second article from the "MVC Basic Site" series presents in details the exceptions management rules and their implementation for an ASP.NET MVC web site, and provides some utile base classes and source code for Logging and Exceptions Management that can be reused.
28 Apr 2012 by ManojKumar19
Server side logging for Silverlight applications using NLog 2.0
27 Jun 2011 by OlegKrivtsov
How to write C++ code more tolerant to critical errors.
17 Jan 2013 by David Serrano Martínez
A strong exception guarantee tester has been written to test how robust methods of class templates are when faced with third party exceptions.
29 Aug 2016 by Sergey Kizyan
My lecture #8 about exceptions handling and organization of error handling in the project
5 Feb 2011 by Sander Rossel
This article describes multiple implementations of proper Try... Catch... Finally and Using... End Using blocks in your code.
2 Dec 2013 by Borja Prado
WinRT Apps exception logging with WinrtErrLog and Google Spreadsheets.
4 Dec 2014 by Shivprasad koirala
In this article we have discuss 6 ways of handling exceptions in ASP.NET MVC.
23 Nov 2017 by Oktay Ekincioglu
Exception handling practices like avoiding null values, writing predictable function signatures, avoiding null reference exceptions, etc.
25 Nov 2013 by Balachandar Jeganathan
Exception handling using custom attributes and stacktrace.
4 Dec 2014 by Marla Sukesh
Supporting article for MVC step by step series. Here we will see detail demonstration on exception handling.
31 Mar 2014 by Haneef Shaik
Fault Contract - Handling errors in WCF and a simple WCF service implementation
8 Jan 2014 by jgauffin is my new startup for .NET developers. It’s a bit like ELMAH, but for most of Microsoft’s different frameworks, and with a tad bit of analytics. As you might have noticed I’ve not been blogging that much the last … Continue reading →
9 May 2018 by jgauffin
Coderr automatically detects and analyzes errors so that you can focus on solving them.
9 Feb 2011 by Al-Farooque Shubho
An effort to derive a basic Exception Management design guideline for N-Tier ASP.NET applications
29 Jan 2016 by Shemeer NS
WCF - Exception Handling, Global Exception Handling, FaultExceptions and FaultContracts
16 Aug 2010 by Emrah KAYA
An easy way to catch exceptions and log them in C++.
25 Aug 2010 by Richard Waddell
ViewModel provides both IDataErrorInfo and collection binding for field-level errors and exceptions on client and server.
14 Jan 2011 by mgoad99
Logging unhandled exceptions in an ASP.NET website using MS Enterprise Application Blocks.
28 Nov 2018 by Shai Cohen
By utilizing some fairly mundane features of .NET, we can log errors at the point where the exception occurred; preserving vital debug information while avoiding repetitive error logging.