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by Dr. WPF
.NET 3.5 SP1 is here! It's time to break out your DirectX skills. This article provides the information necessary to get started using a new DirectX interop feature in WPF called D3DImage.
by Daniel Vaughan
Calcium provides much of what one needs to rapidly build a multifaceted and sophisticated modular application. Includes a host of modules and services, and an infrastructure that is ready to use in your next application.
by Fredrik Bornander
WPF Implementation of the spinning panel frequently used on the iPhone
by Sacha Barber
It would probably be like Cinch, an MVVM framework for WPF.

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by Marcel Mintken 78
A walkthrough and source code for an auto-complete TextBox for comma-seperated terms in C# and WPF following the MVVM approach.
by Peter Huber SG
WPF: How to write text at a precise pixel location to the GUI with highest efficiency and clean code.
by Sbk123
This is a multi player Pong game written in C#/ WPF using Visual Studio
This is an extended version of the "WPF RichTextEditor with Toolbar" article.

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11 Aug 2008 by Dr. WPF
.NET 3.5 SP1 is here! It's time to break out your DirectX skills. This article provides the information necessary to get started using a new DirectX interop feature in WPF called D3DImage.
23 Nov 2009 by Daniel Vaughan
Calcium provides much of what one needs to rapidly build a multifaceted and sophisticated modular application. Includes a host of modules and services, and an infrastructure that is ready to use in your next application.
13 Mar 2012 by Fredrik Bornander
WPF Implementation of the spinning panel frequently used on the iPhone
4 Sep 2009 by Sacha Barber
It would probably be like Cinch, an MVVM framework for WPF.
6 May 2010 by Alan Beasley
Explanation and examples of Additional Templates and Generated Content of a ListBox. Covering Layout, Transitions, and Animation.
26 Aug 2019 by Thomas Weller
Demonstrates how to run Python scripts from C#
15 Nov 2017 by Graeme_Grant
A Modern Toggle Switch - From mock concept to a full custom WPF control that you can plug into your own apps
11 Sep 2023 by Graeme_Grant
.NET Core LogViewer Control for WinForms, WPF, and Avalonia using the ILogger Framework with Microsoft Logger, Serilog, NLog, and Log4Net in C# & VB on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux
6 Apr 2008 by Dr. WPF
This article describes a new approach by which an element can remove its visual and logical relationships to its children while maintaining a conceptual parental relationship with those children.
6 May 2007 by Josh Smith
Reviews a pattern which enables new possibilities for data binding.
29 Mar 2010 by Nish Nishant
An ExifReader class in C# that supports custom formatting and extraction. StyleCop compliant code, with demos for WPF and Windows Forms.
15 Aug 2013 by Nicolas Dorier
Create drawings easily with the Drawing/Drawer space paradigm
15 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
Open source library for music engraving in desktop, mobile and web applications
6 Jan 2020 by The Ænema
This article will teach you how to create an amazing, clean and smooth WPF/Winform UI for your native application without using any complex, unsafe, ActiveXish methods, etc.
22 Sep 2010 by Guillaume Waser
Reflection Studio is a "developer" application for assembly, database, performance, and code generation, written in C# under WPF 4.0.
21 Nov 2019 by Leif Simon Goodwin
This article presents a simple WPF Carousel Control
5 Sep 2011 by Todd Davis
How to bind an enum to radiobuttons in Silverlight/WPF
18 Nov 2020 by Bruce Greene
.NET Core WPF design as quick and intuitive as WinForms! Hear that MICROSOFT?
30 Dec 2009 by Razan Paul (Raju)
Animation technique based on Clip property of UIelement in WPF
25 May 2010 by Thiago de Arruda
A Virtualizing WrapPanel for WPF.
14 Feb 2013 by Vahid_N
PdfReport is a code-first reporting engine which is built on top of the iTextSharp and EPPlus libraries.
12 Oct 2013 by Kenneth Haugland
Implementation and theory behind TLM modelling for acoustic wave propagation with 2D and 3D view. Also includes a raindrop and boat wake simulation.
25 Feb 2016 by J.Starkl
A windows-service which can handle different operations in separate threads and which can be controlled by a small GUI program
24 Mar 2016 by Wolfgang Foerster
3D Tools for the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
24 Aug 2016 by Serge Desmedt
(Yet Another) Investigation of WPF triggers
8 Nov 2010 by Gary.Miller.WPF
Final article in the series on how to make an animated 3D robot in WPF using C# code
3 Sep 2008 by Ahmed Negm
This article introduces how to create and manage .NET enterprise applications using your favorite technology (Data Access Application Block, LINQ, NHibernate, ASMX, and WCF) with the Model Driven Development approach by Sculpture.
29 Nov 2012 by Florian Rappl
Creating a touch enabled sensor numerical application for the latest generation of Ultrabooks
3 Dec 2012 by DotNetMastermind
Login Overlay for WPF applications with a styling similar to the Windows 8 Login Screen.
25 Mar 2018 by The Ænema
Inject your 4.5 framework .NET application into a C++ unmanaged host application - fast, secure & without any extra tool or library.
29 Aug 2021 by Nick Polyak
This article describes a new multiplatform Docking framework - UniDock
15 May 2009 by Tawani Anyangwe
Binding a WPF ListView to a DataMatrix with columns determined at runtime
31 Jan 2010 by Arik Poznanski
The question this posts tries to address is: Where to put value converters?
27 Jan 2016 by Clifford Nelson
How to use DescriptionAttribute for enumerations bound to a ComboBox.
15 Mar 2016 by Ratish Philip
The next version of the useful WPF controls is here
25 Apr 2014 by KenJohnson
How to conveniently produce and use a vector Icon Library, with sample Icons
19 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
PSAM Control Library ported over to WPF
30 Jul 2012 by Dave Kerr
Manage the Global Assembly Cache with this handy tool - or roll your own with the provided API!
27 Nov 2012 by Yuriy Zanichkovskyy
Layout to layout transitions made easy
11 Aug 2013 by LarryCharlton
Dynamic data forms.
21 Oct 2013 by _Noctis_
Sorting out the confusion about these properties, and providing a demo app for them
19 Feb 2021 by Leif Simon Goodwin
A 3D surface plot control in C#
14 Jul 2007 by Josh Smith
Demonstrates how to create unit tests for a class which uses a DispatcherTimer.
4 Nov 2011 by Elvin Cheng
How to implement UI element authorization/access control in WPF using the ICommand interface and Markup Extension
1 Mar 2017 by Clifford Nelson
This is a more comprehensive example of how to implement a project with MVVMLight
15 Feb 2017 by Wolfgang Foerster
A class which helps to easily move and rotate a camera in a 3D scene
13 Feb 2022 by Peter Huber SG
Did you ever wonder what WPF is doing under the hood to place your control on the screen?
12 Oct 2023 by Graeme_Grant
.NET compliant Silent ClickOnce Update Background Worker Service for Winform, WPF & Console in C# & VB
17 Dec 2009 by Jeremy Hutchinson
Demonstrates overriding the DataTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate method.
24 Jun 2010 by Amit Kumar Tiwari
Shaping WPF Form using an Image
13 Apr 2013 by Azim Zahir
This article describes advanced animations in WPF.
31 Jan 2014 by Dirk Bahle
How to create a start page based on AvalonDock [2.0].
17 Feb 2015 by DrABELL
Employment Tax computation and Payroll management app for Windows 8: contest entry
20 Aug 2013 by Sacha Barber
Shows how to use PRISM navigation API in VM 1st with child container support
18 Dec 2015 by Mohamed Kalmoua
This article describes how you can deploy your application using ClickOnce and Windows Installer technology.
2 Apr 2018 by Clifford Nelson
This gives the code to create a cursor from a character in a font.
17 Feb 2015 by DrABELL
Educational software package for Microsoft Windows® 7/8 contains “5-in-1” School Math Calculators and Equation Solvers intended for students and educators
3 Jul 2009 by Michael L Perry
Use a combination of data-binding techniques to create WPF menus that change with your application
21 May 2012 by Dave Kerr
Write your first MVVM application in ten minutes using the Apex SDK!
13 Jun 2012 by Tefik Becirovic
This article describes the SlidingPanoramaControl, a custom WPF control developed to view and rotate 360° panoramic images all around.
4 Nov 2013 by Meshack Musundi
WPF 3D cubes puzzle game for the AIO(All-In-One) PC
4 Oct 2014 by Marco Bertschi
A really basic 3D Cylinder chart, drawn on a WPF canvas
12 Mar 2014 by Petr Ivankov
Interoperability between 3D graphics and calculations
17 Jan 2017 by DaveMathews
Use Oscova, a bot development framework, to create a Natural Language Interface to an SQL Database
16 Nov 2018 by nvasilev1
Often, when WPF developers have to write a custom window, they find themselves drowning in countless articles, blog posts, and StackOverflow threads each depicting a different approach to the problem.
11 Oct 2011 by Enrique Albert
Baseline WCF Distribution Layer - Decoupling of WCF Services and ViewModels.
24 Oct 2010 by Nithyaduruvan, Sathishkumar_P
This article describes about the export functionality of Excel sheet from WPF datagrid.
13 Jan 2012 by MarkLTX
A subclass of the WPF TextBox control that displays an ellipsis when the text doesn't fit.
5 Dec 2015 by Snesh Prajapati
In this article we will learn about EventAggregator and IActiveAware interface and its uses in WPF application using Prism. This is continuation of second part of article series having total three parts.
17 Mar 2017 by Leif Simon Goodwin
How to create a basic system tray app in C# and WPF
23 May 2012 by wim4you
This article describes one way of using the WPF TreeView to create tabbed Navigational Trees using MVVM for use in a File Explorer. In a next planned article a Tabbed Folder Plane will be added.
22 Apr 2009 by Richard Gavel
Part 1 of a series describing creation of a WPF based appointment control with the Outlook look and feel
12 Apr 2010 by Nish Nishant
The Exif Compare Utility is a WinDiff equivalent for image files that compares the Exif meta-data and displays the differences and similarities. The application is written using WPF and MVVM.
17 Mar 2013 by Weidong Shen
This article describes the project setup of building a WPF sample application with Self-Tracking Entity Generator and Visual Studio 2012.
25 Jan 2013 by FatCatProgrammer
StarReport: WPF-less GDI+.NET report component.
14 Jan 2014 by ntg123
A smooth transform from one layout to another
14 Apr 2017 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Filling one of the ugliest WPF gaps: Animatable EllipticalArcGeometry and EllipticalArcShape
31 Jan 2013 by Hiren Khirsaria
Multilingual application using ResourceDictionary in WPF.
30 May 2018 by Bruce Greene
A plot control based on the WPF Helix Toolkit for visualizing a real-time stream of 3D locations
19 Jul 2009 by Jammer
An article showing an extremely simple implementation of CompositeWPF.
27 Jun 2012 by freedeveloper
A small control to control paging in Windows Presentation Foundation.
13 Aug 2013 by Florian Rappl
Creating a highly extensible presentation app with multi-user and device integration for tablets.
27 May 2014 by thomai87
A responsive two dimensional spreadsheet-like control
18 Aug 2014 by Doug Wyrembek
An algorithm to construct and animate a Soddy Crescent
12 Nov 2015 by Fred Song (Melbourne)
In this article, we started from Generate Inserts procedure, then go through how generates inserts SQL files with this procedure and runs these inserts SQL files to import data.
21 Dec 2007 by Bruno Sonnino
This article will show how to use data binding and styles to show data coming from a Microsoft SQL database using the new object-relational model introduced in Visual Studio 2008, LINQ to SQL, allowing grouping, sorting and filtering of data with almost no code.
25 Jul 2009 by Stephen Cleary
Describes the ViewModel command classes in the Open-Source Nito.MVVM (WPF) library, and provides guidelines on their usage.
3 Nov 2010 by Gary.Miller.WPF
Part one of a series on how to make an animated 3D robot in WPF using C# code
19 Jan 2012 by Ratish Philip
A Metro style custom window.
19 Jan 2013 by Alessio Saltarin
Unsatisfied by the WPF Font Pickers available, I decided to write one on my own (well, almost...)
2 Aug 2012 by Philip Stuyck
Structuring your XAML source files by using dictionaries.
31 Jul 2017 by Dirk Bahle
This article explains how to take advantage from look-less WPF controls through inheritance
4 Jan 2016 by tetsushmz
This article shows how user inputs can be validated dynamically with FluentValidation and INotifyDataErrorInfo in a WPF/MVVM application.
14 Oct 2021 by Juan Francisco Morales Larios
An easy way to copy and paste data between WPF application and Excel
25 Apr 2018 by Clifford Nelson
Concept to create a Singleton for WPF MVVM Binding, and using Weak reference for the property that is bound to.
2 Aug 2020 by Evgeny Pereguda
Clone of PCSX/PCSX2/PPSSPP emulator for Windows 10 on WPF/C# with "touch" control
11 Oct 2019 by Thomas Weller
Demonstrates how to invoke TensorFlow neural networks from a C# application and also how to use a Python-generated chart to display the results.
5 Dec 2023 by vickyqu115
How to create a day and night theme switch button using WPF
10 Mar 2010 by Nic_Roche
This article demonstrates breaking out of the shell with module development and using Caliburn actions.
3 Jan 2012 by Clifford Nelson
An enumeration RadioButtion ListBox control.