Note: Requires SQL Server Express 2008 and .NET 3.5 to run.

This is the second part of a three-part series on using LINQ to SQL:
These tutorials describe how to map your classes to your tables manually (rather than with an automated tool like SqlMetal) so that you can have support for M:M relationships and data binding against your entity classes. Even if you do choose to auto-generate your classes, understanding how these techniques work will allow you to expand the code to better fit your application's needs and to better troubleshoot issues when they arise.
The purpose of this second article is to continue introducing LINQ to SQL by showing how to:
- Add/Update/Delete data in your database through your classes using LINQ to SQL.
- Ensure that your M:M, 1:M, and M:1 relationships are kept in synch* as you perform these adds/updates/deletes.
The article walks through each of these steps to explain how you can do this in your own applications. The attached Book Catalog application provides an example of everything described here plus a simple WPF GUI to allow you to browse the data. Part 3 will extend this to show how to update data through the GUI with WPF data binding.
*The techniques for handling 1:M and M:1 relationships are those described by MSDN's LINQ to SQL whitepaper. The techniques for handling M:M relationships are my own extensions on those.
Getting Started
This article builds on top of A LINQ Tutorial: Mapping Tables to Objects to add data persistence functionality via LINQ to SQL. Please refer to the latest version of that article to see how the application has been setup and how its classes have been mapped to their corresponding database tables.
The Book Catalog example uses the same database. That is, a simple SQL Server Express 2008 database that contains Books, Authors, and Categories:

from Books to BookAuthors so deleting a book deletes its authors, but no other CASCADE
s so you can't delete an Author or Category if it has any books. All fields require values except for Books.Category
, which can be null
Persisting Changes to the Database
Let's start by persisting changes that only impact a single class/table.
Note: The application is set up to only copy the database into the bin directory "if newer". As you make changes to the database, if you ever want to revert back to the initial database, simply do a Clean Build.
Data changes in LINQ are persisted through your DataContext
In A LINQ Tutorial (Part 1), we created a strongly typed DataContext
called BookCatalog
that knows how to connect to our database and holds all of our public "entity" classes as Table
public class BookCatalog : DataContext
public BookCatalog( ) : base( ... );
public Table<Author> Authors;
public Table<Book> Books;
public Table<Category> Categories;
Updating Existing Data
When you retrieve objects from your DataContext
, LINQ to SQL tracks all changes made to them, and you can persist those changes by calling SubmitChanges()
We'll walk through this using Category
as an example, and update it by renaming its "Programming Practices" category to "Technical Practices".
1. Retrieve the object to be changed from the DataContext
Use LINQ to retrieve the category you want to update from your DataContext
LINQ's Single
method provides an easy way to do this by taking a lambda expression that returns a single object. In this case, the category (c
) whose Name == "Programming Practices"
BookCatalog bookCatalog = new BookCatalog( );
Category category =
bookCatalog.Categories.Single( c => c.Name == "Programming Practices" );
2. Update the object
category.Name = "Technical Practices";
3. Submit changes to the DataContext
bookCatalog.SubmitChanges( );
Your update has now been persisted to the database.
Adding New Data
You can add new records to the database by creating new objects and adding them to the appropriate Table
collection in your DataContext
If your table uses an Identity Column for its primary key, as Category does, LINQ to SQL automatically updates your object with that ID once it's been added to the database.
As an example, we'll add a new Category
for Java.
1. Create new object
If your primary ID column is an Identity column, leave it blank for the database to set for you.
Category category = new Category( ) { Name = "Java" };
2. Add object to the appropriate Table collection in your DataContext
This is done with the InsertOnSubmit()
method on your Table
BookCatalog bookCatalog = new BookCatalog( );
bookCatalog.Categories.InsertOnSubmit( category );
3. Submit changes to the DataContext
The data will exist locally in your DataContext
, but will not be persisted to the database until you call SubmitChanges()
bookCatalog.SubmitChanges( );
4. Database generated IDs are automatically set for you
If your class has an Identity column and is flagged as IsDbGenerated
in its Column
attribute, as Category
[Table( Name = "BookCategories" )]
public class Category : IBookCollection
[Column( IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true )] public int Id { get; set; }
then on SubmitChanges()
, LINQ to SQL will automatically update that column's value for you to the ID set by the database.
Deleting Data
Similarly, you can remove records from the database by removing them from the appropriate Table
collection in your DataContext
As an example, we'll remove the Java Category
we just created.
1. Retrieve object to be changed from the DataContext
Retrieve the object you want to delete from your DataContext:
BookCatalog bookCatalog = new BookCatalog( );
Category category = bookCatalog.Categories.Single( c => c.Name == "Java" );
2. Remove the object from the appropriate Table collection in your DataContext
This is done with the DeleteOnSubmit()
method on your Table
bookCatalog.Categories.DeleteOnSubmit( category );
3. Submit changes to the DataContext
The data will have been removed locally from your DataContext
, but will not be deleted from the database until you call SubmitChanges()
bookCatalog.SubmitChanges( );
Note that, for any given transaction, each of the steps must be done using the same DataContext
. You cannot, for example, retrieve an object from one DataContext
instance and then pass it to the DeleteOnSubmit()
method from a different instance of your DataContext
Updating Relationships
LINQ to SQL will not automatically manage the consistency between related objects. Therefore, you need to add logic to your classes so they know how to update their relationships themselves.
Updating a M:1 Relationship
In our M:1 classes, we want to be able to traverse the object model from both directions. For example, each Book
should contain an instance of the Category
it belongs to, and each Category
should contain a collection of its Book

Imagine you notice that the book C# in Depth's category has been set to Java and you want to fix it. When you update C# in Depth to the category C#, three things should happen:
- The
C# in Depth's Category
is updated to C# - The
C#'s list of Book
s is updated to include C# in Depth. - The
Java's list of Book
s is updated to no longer include C# in Depth.
LINQ to SQL will handle step #1 for you when you call SubmitChanges()
, but your classes are responsible for updating the other side of their relationship (steps 2 and 3).
In A LINQ Tutorial (Part 1), we set Book
's Category
property up as an Association
so that we can retrieve the Category
instance that this book is associated with (not just its ID, as is stored in the database):
[Table( Name = "Books" )]
public class Book
[Column( Name = "Category" )] private int? categoryId;
private EntityRef<Category> _category = new EntityRef<Category>( );
[Association( Name = "FK_Books_BookCategories",
IsForeignKey = true, Storage = "_category",
ThisKey = "categoryId" )]
public Category Category {
get { return _category.Entity; }
set { _category.Entity = value; }
The Association
attribute tells LINQ to SQL to place an instance of the appropriate Category
inside the EntityRef
, which we then use as the backing field for our Category
Update the property's set method to synchronize the other side of the relationship
When a Book
's Category
property is updated, we need to do two things:
- Remove the book from the old category's list of books.
Category priorCategory = _category.Entity;
if( priorCategory != null )
priorCategory.Books.Remove( this );
- Add this book to the new category's list of books.
Category newCategory = value;
if( newCategory != null )
newCategory.Books.Add( this );
But, and this is the tricky part, we're going to be instructing each side of the relationship to inform the other side when it's updated. So, we need to add some additional checks to this method to prevent it from looping:
- Don't do anything if the new category is the same as the old category.
- Prior to calling
, set our category to null
. - Prior to calling
, set our category to its new value.
The final version of Category
's set
method incorporates these checks:
public Category Category {
set {
Category priorCategory = _category.Entity;
Category newCategory = value;
if( newCategory != priorCategory ) {
_category.Entity = null;
if( priorCategory != null ){
priorCategory.Books.Remove( this );
_category.Entity = newCategory;
if( newCategory != null ){
newCategory.Books.Add( this );
Try it Out: An M:1 Update
Let's update the Category
for the two PRO LINQ in C# books to C# (they're currently in the LINQ category). There are two ways to view this relationship in our classes:
- Both of these
instances has a Category
of LINQ: 
- The LINQ
includes these books in it's Books
property (and the C# category
does not):

In our Book Catalog application, a book can only belong to a single category, so when we update the book's category, it should get automatically moved from the LINQ category to the C# one.
To do this, retrieve both books from the DataContext
and set their Category
to the C# category. Then, call SubmitChanges()
to persist the changes to the database.
BookCatalog bookCatalog = new BookCatalog( );
Category csharpCategory =
bookCatalog.Categories.Single( cat => cat.Name == "C#" );
var books = bookCatalog.Books.Where(
b => b.Title.Contains("Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C#"));
foreach( var book in books ) {
book.Category = csharpCategory;
Even though only the Book
objects were updated, the synchronization code we added caused the Category
objects to be updated as well:
- Both of these
instances now have a Category
of C#: 
- The C#
includes these two in its Books
property (and the LINQ Category
does not): 
Updating M:1 Relationships in a Join Table
Now, let's synchronize the M:1 relationships in our M:M Join tables. Whenever we have a M:M Join table, as we do with BookAuthors
, the join table is, of course, just two M:1 relationships, so we can mirror what we did for Book.Category
As an example, BookAuthors
contains a M:1 relationship to Book
and a M:1 relationship to Author
in order to bridge their M:M relationship:

We want our Join tables to provide a central location for ensuring both sides of the M:M relationship are kept synchronized. So, regardless of whether someone updates a Book
to have a new author, or if they update an Author
to add that person's books - the central class BookAuthor
will ensure both sides are synchronized accordingly.
In our example, we'll update BookAuthor
's set()
method for Author
just like we updated Book.Category
's set()
[Table( Name = "BookAuthors" )]
internal class BookAuthor
public Author Author {
set {
Author priorAuthor = _author.Entity;
Author newAuthor = value;
if( newAuthor != priorAuthor ) {
_author.Entity = null;
if( priorAuthor != null )
priorAuthor.BookAuthors.Remove( this );
_author.Entity = newAuthor;
newAuthor.BookAuthors.Add( this );
and for BookAuthor
's Book
public Book Book {
set {
Book priorBook = _book.Entity;
Book newBook = value;
if( newBook != priorBook ) {
_book.Entity = null;
if( priorBook != null )
priorBook.BookAuthors.Remove( this );
_book.Entity = newBook;
newBook.BookAuthors.Add( this );
We can't see this in action just yet. First, we have to see how to handle the other side of our M:M relationships: the 1:M relationship.
Updating a 1:M Relationship
Just as we can update a Book
's category and have it automatically synchronize the old and the new Category
for us, we should be able to add or remove books from a Category
and have them update the Book
instances accordingly.
This section will walk through this using category.Books
as an example.
In A LINQ Tutorial (Part 1), we set Category
's Books
property up as the other side of the Association
-- the one which holds a collection of books:
[Table( Name = "BookCategories" )]
public class Category
private EntitySet<book> _books = new EntitySet<book>();
[Association( Name = "FK_Books_BookCategories",
Storage = "_books", OtherKey = "categoryId",
ThisKey = "Id" )]
public ICollection<book> Books {
get { return _books; }
set { _books.Assign( value ); }
To synchronize this relationship:
- Whenever a book is added to a category, set that book's
to this
. - Whenever a book is removed from a category, set that book's
to null
Here's the cool part. In LINQ to SQL, the collection of books is backed by an EntitySet
. And, EntitySet
s let you specify delegates to be called whenever an item is added to or removed from its collection. So, create two delegate methods to handle this synchronization:
- On add, set the book's
to this
private void OnBookAdded(Book addedBook ){
addedBook.Category = this;
- On remove, set the book's
to null
private void OnBookRemoved(Book removedBook ){
removedBook.Category = null;
Then, construct the EntitySet
by passing in these two delegate methods. Since the methods are instance methods, you'll need to do this in Category
's constructor:
public Category( ){
_books = new EntitySet<Book>( OnBookAdded, OnBookRemoved );
Adding Data in a 1:M Relationship
To demonstrate adding new 1:M relationships, add a couple of new books without a category. Use InsertAllOnSubmit()
to add multiple records at once, and SubmitChanges()
to persist them to the database:
IEnumerable<Book> books = new List<Book>( ){
new Book( ){ Title =
"Essential Windows Presentation Foundation", Price = 44.99m },
new Book( ){ Title = "WPF In Action", Price = 40.99m } };
BookCatalog bookCatalog = new BookCatalog( );
bookCatalog.Books.InsertAllOnSubmit( books );
bookCatalog.SubmitChanges( );
Now, create a new WPF Category
and add these two books to it:
Category category = new Category( ) { Name = "WPF" };
foreach( var wpfBook in books ){
category.Books.Add( wpfBook );
bookCatalog.Categories.InsertOnSubmit( category );
bookCatalog.SubmitChanges( );
Notice that we never set the Category
on the books directly, but the synchronization code we added takes care of that for us. So now, if you view the details for the books, you'll see their Category
is set to WPF:

"Moving" Data in a 1:M Relationship
In a 1:M relationship, such as Category:Books
, a Book
can only belong to a single Category
. Therefore, if you take a book that's in one category and add it to a different category, you are effectively moving it to that new category (even though you didn't explicitly ask for this).
For example, we might decide to move those two PRO LINQ in C# books back to the LINQ category after all. However, instead of setting each book's Category
property, we can simply add them to the LINQ Category
BookCatalog bookCatalog = new BookCatalog( );
var books = bookCatalog.Books.Where(
b => b.Title.Contains( "Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C#" ) );
Category linqCategory =
bookCatalog.Categories.Single( cat => cat.Name == "LINQ" );
foreach( var book in books ) {
linqCategory.Books.Add( book );
bookCatalog.SubmitChanges( );
Now, when you view the book's details, you'll see each has its Category
set back to LINQ:

Removing Data in a 1:M Relationship
When we remove a book from a category, our OnBookRemoved
delegate clears the Category
property from that Book
We, for some reason, have two copies of Programming Ruby, so let's remove the Programming Ruby 1.9 version from the Ruby Category
BookCatalog bookCatalog = new BookCatalog( );
Book book = bookCatalog.Books.Single(
b => b.Title.Contains( "Programming Ruby 1.9" ) );
Category rubyCategory = bookCatalog.Categories.Single( cat => cat.Name == "Ruby" );
rubyCategory.Books.Remove( book );
bookCatalog.SubmitChanges( );
Now, when you view the book's details, you'll see its Category
is empty:

Updating M:M Relationships
Finally, we can complete our M:M relationships. These are a little trickier because we want to keep our Join table (BookAuthor
) out of our public interface so callers can work directly with Book
s and Author
s and not have to care how they're joined together.

If you're coding along, then you already added logic into BookAuthor
so that if either side updates a BookAuthor
relationship, it handles synchronizing both the Book
and the Author
for you. What remains is providing a mechanism for users to set a Book
's authors, and an Author
's books.
We'll walk through how to do this, starting on the Book
In A LINQ Tutorial (Part 1), we made Book
's association to BookAuthors
internal so it's not part of our public interface:
private EntitySet<BookAuthor> _bookAuthors = new EntitySet<BookAuthor>( );
[Association( Name = "FK_BookAuthors_Books",
Storage = "_bookAuthors",
OtherKey = "bookId", ThisKey = "Id" )]
internal ICollection<BookAuthor> BookAuthors {
get { return _bookAuthors; }
set { _bookAuthors.Assign( value ); }
And, we created a public Authors
property that serves as a proxy, pulling this book's authors from BookAuthors
public ICollection<Author> Authors {
get { return ( from ba in BookAuthors select ba.Author ).ToList( ); } }
The problem with this approach is we now have no way to tell when a caller adds or removes Author
s from our Book
. What we need is something akin to the EntityRef
delegates for OnAdd
and OnRemove
so that we can perform our synchronization whenever a caller adds or removes an author.
1. Make Authors an ObservableCollection
Since our data is not in an EntryRef, we need another way to get notifications when an author is added or deleted. We can do this by making Authors
return an ObservableCollection
that will notify us when changes are made to it:
public ICollection<author> Authors {
get {
var authors = new ObservableCollection<Author>(
from ba in BookAuthors select ba.Author );
authors.CollectionChanged += AuthorCollectionChanged;
return authors;
The second line (authors.CollectionChanged += AuthorCollectionChanged
) registers our AuthorCollectionChanged
method (added below) to receive notifications whenever the collection is changed.
2. Create OnAdd and OnRemove notification methods
To synchronize our relationship with BookAuthor
- When an author is added to a book, we need to add a
(Join) record to store this relationship. - When an author is removed from a book, we need to remove its
(Join) relationship record.
Create the delegate methods to handle this synchronization:
- On add, add a
record to store this relationship:
private void OnAuthorAdded( Author addedAuthor ){
BookAuthor ba = new BookAuthor( ) { Author = addedAuthor, Book = this };
- On remove, remove the
record to delete this relationship (we'll add the Remove()
method to BookAuthor
further down):
private void OnAuthorRemoved( Author removedAuthor ) {
BookAuthor baRecord = BookAuthors.SingleOrDefault( ba =>
ba.Book == this && ba.Author == removedAuthor );
if( baRecord != null )
baRecord.Remove( );
3. Create a AuthorCollectionChanged method to receive update notifications
This is the delegate method we registered to be notified of all changes made to our Authors
Create the method to respond to the Add
and Remove
events, and use its NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs
to gain access to the items that were added (e.NewItems
) or removed (e.OldItems
private void AuthorCollectionChanged( object sender,
NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e ) {
if( NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add == e.Action ) {
foreach( Author addedAuthor in e.NewItems )
OnAuthorAdded( addedAuthor );
if( NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove == e.Action ) {
foreach( Author removedAuthor in e.OldItems )
OnAuthorRemoved( removedAuthor );
4. Attach new (added) BookAuthors records to the DataContext
If you've been coding along, then you already did this when you added logic to BookAuthor
's set()
methods for Book
to add the new BookAuthor
instance to the Book
internal class BookAuthor
public Book Book {
set {
Book newBook = value;
newBook.BookAuthors.Add( this );
The way this works is that when you attach (add) the BookAuthor
instance to your Book
, LINQ to SQL notices the change (because it's monitoring Book
for changes), and so it will automatically insert this attached BookAuthor record into the database the next time you call SubmitChanges
(). Voila, a new BookAuthor
5. Create a Remove method for BookAuthor
Add a Remove()
method to BookAuthor
that will:
- Delete the record from the database.
- Remove the
instance from Book
. - Remove the
instance from Author
public void Remove( ){
BookCatalog.RemoveRecord( this );
Author priorAuthor = Author;
priorAuthor.BookAuthors.Remove( this );
Book priorBook = Book;
priorBook.BookAuthors.Remove( this );
Step 1 calls a RemoveRecord()
method on the DataContext
(which we'll add below). The reason it does this is because, unlike any of our other changes made so far, deleting a record always requires direct access to a DataContext
. But, we don't want to have to pass the DataContext
to our entity classes.
We can instead handle this with a static
method on the DataContext
- Retrieves the
instance to use* - Deletes the record from that
The method uses Generics so that it can take any record. The example below handles Step #1 by creating a new DataContext<a href="#DataContext"></a> instance to handle the deletion:
public class BookCatalog : DataContext
public static void RemoveRecord<T>( T recordToRemove ) where T : class {
BookCatalog bookCatalog = new BookCatalog();
Table<T> tableData = bookCatalog.GetTable<T>( );
var deleteRecord = tableData.SingleOrDefault( record => record == recordToRemove );
if( deleteRecord != null ) {
tableData.DeleteOnSubmit( deleteRecord );
bookCatalog.SubmitChanges( );
* In some applications, it might be more appropriate to use an existing DataContext
than creating a new one. See LINQ to SQL DataContext Lifetime Management by Rick Strahl for the various DataContext
handling strategies and then update the way this method retrieves its DataContext
to be consistent with that strategy (e.g., if you use a single global DataContext
, have this method use that global DataContext
instead of creating a new one).
Warning: If you do choose to create a new DataContext
instance for RemoveRecord()
, you'll have to either:
- Submit the changes in the method. This is the simplest solution; however it can be problematic if you're removing these records as part of a larger transaction because if you choose to cancel (not
) that larger transaction, then this deletion will have already gone through. - Hold onto the
instance so that you can submit its changes at a more appropriate time.
Option #1 is shown above. Option #2 might look something like below:
public class BookCatalog : DataContext
private static DataContext contextForRemovedRecords = null;
public static void RemoveRecord<T>( T recordToRemove ) where T : class {
if( contextForRemovedRecords == null )
contextForRemovedRecords = new BookCatalog( );
Table<T> tableData = contextForRemovedRecords.GetTable<T>( );
var deleteRecord = tableData.SingleOrDefault( record => record == recordToRemove );
if( deleteRecord != null ) {
tableData.DeleteOnSubmit( deleteRecord );
public void CancelChanges( ) {
contextForRemovedRecords = null;
public new void SubmitChanges( ) {
if( contextForRemovedRecords != null ) {
contextForRemovedRecords.SubmitChanges( );
base.SubmitChanges( );
This does three things:
- Creates a
instance (contextForRemovedRecords
) and uses it in RemoveRecord()
. - Defers submitting the changes for
until the next time SubmitChanges()
is called on a BookCatalog
instance*. - Adds a new method
(not part of standard LINQ to SQL) to allow users to cancel the changes.
* Obviously, if you're handling concurrent changes, then this needs to be built out to handle that.
5. Update the other side of the M:M Relationship
Finally, update the code for the other side of your M:M relationship. Here is how that will look for Author
public ICollection<Book> Books {
get {
var books = new ObservableCollection<Book>( from ba in BookAuthors select ba.Book );
books.CollectionChanged += BookCollectionChanged;
return books;
private void BookCollectionChanged( object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e ) {
if( NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add == e.Action ) {
foreach( Book addedBook in e.NewItems )
OnBookAdded( addedBook );
if( NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove == e.Action ) {
foreach( Book removedBook in e.OldItems )
OnBookRemoved( removedBook );
private void OnBookAdded( Book addedBook ){
BookAuthor ba = new BookAuthor( ) {Author = this, Book = addedBook};
private void OnBookRemoved( Book removedBook ) {
BookAuthor baRecord = BookAuthors.SingleOrDefault(
ba => ba.Author == this && ba.Book == removedBook );
if( baRecord != null ) {
baRecord.Remove( );
Adding Data in a M:M Relationship
We're now done updating our classes to handle synchronization. Let's see what it looks like to use those classes to perform M:M updates.
Add Bob Martin as an author of Extreme Programming (XP) Explained. To do this, retrieve Bob Martin and the book from your DataContext
, add BobMartin to the book's authors, and SubmitChanges()
BookCatalog bookCatalog = new BookCatalog( );
Author bobMartin = bookCatalog.Authors.Single(
author => author.Name == "Bob Martin" );
Book xpExplained = bookCatalog.Books.Single(
book => book.Title.Contains("Extreme Programming Explained") );
xpExplained.Authors.Add( bobMartin );
Voila, Bob Martin is now an author of XP Explained, and it shows up in his list of books:

Removing Data in a M:M Relationship
Of course, Bob Martin isn't really an author of XP Explained, and we don't want to piss off Kent Beck, so let's remove him. We can do this from the other side of the relationship to validate that our updates work in both directions.
Once again, retrieve Bob Martin and the book from your DataContext
, but this time, remove the book from Bob Martin:
BookCatalog bookCatalog = new BookCatalog( );
Author bobMartin =
bookCatalog.Authors.Single( author => author.Name == "Bob Martin" );
Book xpExplained = bookCatalog.Books.Single(
book => book.Title.Contains( "Extreme Programming Explained" ) );
bobMartin.Books.Remove( xpExplained );
bookCatalog.SubmitChanges( );
And the data is set right again; Kent Beck is the sole author of XP Explained, and it no longer shows up in Bob Martin's list of books:

Deleting Data in a M:M Relationship with DELETE CASCADE
Finally, let's delete a book that has authors associated with it.
Our BookCatalog application has a DELETE CASCADE
setup between Book and BookAuthors so the database will delete those without LINQ's knowledge, but the logic we've added to our entity classes should automatically handle the synchronization for us.
We'll delete the second copy of Programming Ruby that's in the BookCatalog. This book currently has three authors, so deleting the book should automatically delete all three BookAuthor
(Join) records as well as update each author's list of books to no longer include this book:

To do this, retrieve the book from your DataContext
, delete it from the Books
Table collection, and SubmitChanges()
BookCatalog bookCatalog = new BookCatalog( );
Book rubyBook = bookCatalog.Books.Single(
book => book.Title.Contains( "Programming Ruby 1.9" ) );
bookCatalog.Books.DeleteOnSubmit( rubyBook );
bookCatalog.SubmitChanges( );
This removes the book, and updates each author's list of books accordingly.
What's Next?
You can find the code in the attached application for everything covered here as well as the example update queries (located in LinqTutorialSampleUpdates.cs). It also includes a WPF application that displays the data and allows you to traverse its relationships via WPF data binding. Part 3 will extend this to show how to update data through the GUI with WPF data binding.
And, check out the rest of this series to take it to the next level in your applications:
- 12/11/2009: Added explanation to the Introduction (why do manually vs. auto-generating). Built out the method for deleting M:M Join records to handle more scenarios (see 5. Create a Remove method for BookAuthor).
- 12/06/2009: Initial version.