Lately I've been asked to capture Web Analytic Reports
data from Microsoft Share point 2010 programmatically. As far as I searched on
web all the answers were related to acquire the data from Database, which in this
article I'm not going to focus on this approach instead I'm going to use out of
the box classes which are related to Web Analytic Reports. The codes are all in
c# language.
All you need is VS2010 and SHAREPOINT 2010 installed.
Using the code
To use the Web Analytic Reports data we need to
add explicit reference to following dynamic link libraries (shortly dll):
There is a method called AnalyticsReportFunction
which gets all of the data for
us. This is the main code which get the data for us:
Microsoft.Office.Server.WebAnalytics.Reporting.AnalyticsReportFunction a =
new Microsoft.Office.Server.WebAnalytics.Reporting.AnalyticsReportFunction();
foreach (AggregationLevel itm in Enum.GetValues(typeof(AggregationLevel)))
lstRepLevel.Items.Add(new ListItem(itm.ToString(), itm.ToString()));
foreach (ReportType itm in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ReportType)))
lstRepTypes.Items.Add(new ListItem(itm.ToString(), itm.ToString()));
object[,] res = a.GetWebAnalyticsReportData(TxtSiteUrl.Text, reportLevel,reportType,DateTime.Parse(txtFromDate.Text),
All the best.