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An Almost Extension Property

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23 Jun 2016CPOL3 min read 15.7K   85   5   3
This is an alternative for "An Almost Extension Property"


Extension methods (Function or Sub) are a powerful tool to extend an otherwise sealed object. It's easier than creating aClass extension because you do not need to update your (maybe already deployed) code, e.g. change Dim nice As SomeClass to Dim nice As SomeClassExtendedAndNicer. Obviously, different situations call for different solutions and you need an extended Class, but I prefer extension methods if I can solve the situation with those. One big huge drawback with extension methods is that you cannot write extension properties! See on MSDN here.

In this tip, I show how to use the Extension Property in VB.NET Class Object for a proxy of an extension property or AlmostExtensionProperty. This tip was inspired by Mr. veen_rp's article: An Almost Extension Property. Instead of by using the tag property on the Control, and this trick works on the Extension Property in the VisualBasic class, so that this trick not only works on the Controls.

VisualBasic Class

First of all, let's see basically how the class object was defined in the VisualBasic language:

Namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language

    ''' <summary>
    ''' The base class object in VisualBasic language
    ''' </summary>
    Public Class ClassObject

        ''' <summary>
        ''' The extension property.(为了节省内存的需要,这个附加属性尽量不要被自动初始化)
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <returns></returns>
        ''' <remarks>
        ''' Dummy field for solve the problem of xml serialization >>>simpleContent&lt;&lt;&lt;
        ''' So I think you could make it work by adding a dummy property or field 
        ''' that you never use in the LookupItem class.
        ''' If you're never assign a value to it, it will remain null and will not be serialized, 
        ''' but it will prevent your class from being treated as simpleContent. 
        ''' I know it's a dirty workaround, but I see no other easy way...
        ''' </remarks>
        <XmlIgnore> <ScriptIgnore> Public Overridable Property Extension As ExtendedProps

        ''' <summary>
        ''' Get dynamics property value.
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        ''' <param name="name"></param>
        ''' <returns></returns>
        Public Function ReadProperty(Of T)(name As String) As PropertyValue(Of T)
            Return PropertyValue(Of T).Read(Me, name)
        End Function

        ' ......
    End Class

For this part of the class object definition that we can see, every classobject in VisualBasic may have a property named Extension, and this property is implemented by using a hash table Dictionary(Of String, Object) to store the additional tag data so that the dynamics extension property value is going to stored here.

Property Value

By knowing how this extension property works, first we look into how to implement a property. From the language of VB6, the class property is defined by union of a get function and a set method, The property definition in VB.NET goes simple, just using the Property keyword, then we can simply define a property in a line of code. But by expands the VB.NET class property or viewing the IL code or the reflection result, that we can known that the property it is works as the way of VB6: but the difference is that the property get and set using two inline function in VB.NET. And the Java language also does in this way, using a get word prefix named function as the property read method and using a set word prefix named method as the property write.

So that the extension property in VisualBasic is working as the Class instance Property it does: using a get function lambda for get custom value, and using a set method lambda for set the custom value.

Public Class PropertyValue(Of T) : Inherits Value(Of T)

    ReadOnly __get As Func(Of T)
    ReadOnly __set As Action(Of T)

    Public Overrides Property Value As T
            Return __get()
        End Get
        Set(value As T)
            MyBase.Value = value
            If Not __set Is Nothing Then
                Call __set(value)  
            End If
        End Set
    End Property

    ''' <summary>
    ''' The instance object for this extension property
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    Public Property obj As ClassObject

    ''' <summary>
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="[get]">请勿使用<see cref="GetValue"/></param>函数,否则会出现栈空间溢出
    ''' <param name="[set]">请勿使用<see cref="SetValue"/></param>方法,否则会出现栈空间溢出
    Sub New([get] As Func(Of T), [set] As Action(Of T))
        __get = [get]
        __set = [set]
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' 默认是将数据写入到基本类型的值之中
    ''' </summary>
    Sub New()
        __get = Function() MyBase.Value
        __set = Sub(v) MyBase.Value = v
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' 这个主要是应用于Linq表达式之中,将属性值设置之后返回宿主对象实例
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="value"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    Public Function SetValue(value As T) As ClassObject
        Call __set(value)
        Return obj
    End Function

    Public Overloads Shared Narrowing Operator CType(x As PropertyValue(Of T)) As T
        Return x.Value
    End Operator

    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
        Return Value.GetJson
    End Function

    ' ......
End Class

Get Extension Property

By invoke get or set the value of the extension property, first we should get the extension property definition, as we should get the PropertyInfo at first by using the property in the Reflection operation, and here is how to gets the property definition from the Extension property from the VisualBasic class object.

Public Shared Function [New](Of Cls As ClassObject)(x As Cls, name As String) As PropertyValue(Of T)
    Dim value As New PropertyValue(Of T)()
    x.Extension.DynamicHash.Value(name) = value
    value.obj = x
    Return value
End Function

''' <summary>
''' 读取<see cref="ClassObject"/>对象之中的一个拓展属性
''' </summary>
''' <typeparam name="Cls"></typeparam>
''' <param name="x"></param>
''' <param name="name"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
Public Shared Function Read(Of Cls As ClassObject)(x As Cls, name As String) As PropertyValue(Of T)
    If x.Extension Is Nothing Then
        x.Extension = New ExtendedProps
    End If
    Dim prop As Object = x.Extension.DynamicHash(name)
    If prop Is Nothing Then
        prop = PropertyValue(Of T).[New](Of Cls)(x, name)
    End If
    Return DirectCast(prop, PropertyValue(Of T))
End Function

Gets the property value definition just very easy, right? We just get the value from the dictionary by using the property name as the key.

So that this extension property usage may become this style:

  1. First define an Extension function in a module
  2. You can use NameOf keyword to get property name or just using MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod for get current function name
  3. Using shared function PropertyValue(Of <Type>).Read(Of T) to get the property definition of your ClassObject

And here is a simple example by using this extension property, here is the property definition example:

Public Module PropertyDefinitionModule

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Example of the extension property in VisualBasic
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    ''' <param name="x"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    Public Function Uid(Of T As ClassObject)(x As T) As PropertyValue(Of Long)
        Return PropertyValue(Of Long).Read(Of T)(x, NameOf(Uid))
    End Function

    ' Or

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Example of the extension property in VisualBasic
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    ''' <param name="x"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    Public Function Uid(Of T As ClassObject)(x As T) As PropertyValue(Of Long)
        ' Just copy this statement without any big modification.
        ' just modify the generics type constraint to use this extension property language feature.
        Return PropertyValue(Of Long).Read(Of T)(x, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod)
    End Function
End Module

So that by using this extension property, that for get value, we can do as this:

Dim n As Long = x.Uid

For set property value, that we can write the code:

Dim n As Long = VBMath.Rnd() * 100000000000L
x.Uid.value = n
Call x.Uid.__DEBUG_ECHO()

And here is the code example for C#:

using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComponentModel.DataSourceModel;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static Microsoft.VisualBasic.Extensions;

namespace Test2
    public static class Program

        public static PropertyValue<long> myId<T>(this T x) where T : ClassObject
            // Just copy this statement without any big modification. 
            // just modify the generics type constraint.
            return PropertyValue<long>.Read<T>(x, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod());

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var x = new ClassObject();
            long n = x.myId().Value; // The init value is ZERO

            x.myId().Value = 55;     // Extension property set value

            n = -100;
            n = x.myId().Value;      // Extension property get value, value should be 55 not -100
            n.__DEBUG_ECHO();        // display the value


Extension Property with Linq

Recently, I have lots of work on the bacterial genome annotation, one of this job is using the circos software to visualize the finial result data. For constructing a bacterial genome with some plasmid, its visualization data model in the circos, I using a linq expression to do this job, and the extension property language feature helps me a lot on this job:

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Language

Public Class Karyotype : Inherits ClassObject
    Implements IKaryotype

    Public Property chrName As String Implements IKaryotype.chrName
    Public Property chrLabel As String
    Public Property start As Integer Implements IKaryotype.start
    Public Property [end] As Integer Implements IKaryotype.end
    Public Property color As String Implements IKaryotype.color

    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Implements IKaryotype.GetData
        Return $"chr - {chrName} {chrLabel} {start} {[end]} {color}"
    End Function
End Class
Public Module KaryotypeExtensions

    ''' <summary>
    ''' nt核苷酸基因组序列拓展属性
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="x"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    Public Function nt(x As Karyotype) As PropertyValue(Of FastaToken)
        Return PropertyValue(Of FastaToken).Read(Of Karyotype)(x, NameOf(nt))
    End Function
End Module

In some of the situations, we just want to avoid the anonymous type in the code, so that by using the extension property, we can easily extended our class code without modifying the original code, and avoid the anonymous type in the linq.

''' <summary>
''' Creates the model for the multiple chromosomes genome data in circos.(使用这个函数进行创建多条染色体的)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="source">Band数据</param>
''' <param name="chrs">karyotype数据</param>
''' <returns></returns>
Public Shared Function FromBlastnMappings(
                       source As IEnumerable(Of BlastnMapping), 
                       chrs As IEnumerable(Of FastaToken)) As BasicGenomeSkeleton

    Dim ks As Karyotype() =
        LinqAPI.Exec(Of Karyotype) <= From nt As SeqValue(Of FastaToken)
                                      In chrs.SeqIterator
                                      Let name As String = _
                                          nt.obj.Title.NormalizePathString(True).Replace(" ", "_")
                                      Select New Karyotype With {
                                          .chrName = "chr" & nt.i,
                                          .chrLabel = name,
                                          .color = "",
                                          .start = 0,
                                          .end = nt.obj.Length
                                      }.nt.SetValue(nt.obj).As(Of Karyotype) ' using extension property 
                                                                             ' for avoid anonymous type

    ' using the data from the extension property
    Dim labels As Dictionary(Of String, Karyotype) = 
        ks.ToDictionary(Function(x) x.nt.Value.Title, Function(x) x)

    Dim bands As List(Of Band) =
        LinqAPI.MakeList(Of Band) <= From x As SeqValue(Of BlastnMapping)
                                     In source.SeqIterator
                                     Let chr As String = labels(x.obj.Reference).chrName
                                     Let loci As NucleotideLocation = x.obj.MappingLocation
                                     Select New Band With {
                                         .chrName = chr,
                                         .start = loci.Left,
                                         .end = loci.Right,
                                         .color = "",
                                         .bandX = "band" & x.i,
                                         .bandY = "band" & x.i
    Return New BasicGenomeSkeleton With {
         .__bands = bands,
         .__karyotypes = New List(Of Karyotype)(ks)
End Function


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Technical Lead PANOMIX
China China
He is good and loves VisualBasic! Senior data scientist at PANOMIX


Comments and Discussions

QuestionWhere? Pin
georani24-Jun-16 3:11
georani24-Jun-16 3:11 
AnswerRe: Where? Pin
Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲24-Jun-16 6:51
professionalMr. xieguigang 谢桂纲24-Jun-16 6:51 
AnswerRe: Where? Pin
Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲24-Jun-16 6:53
professionalMr. xieguigang 谢桂纲24-Jun-16 6:53 

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