This is an alternative to the original Tip Dynamically generate a LINQ query with a custom property.
The original post follows the concept of tweaking with the client of a query to allow dynamic queries. I find that quite intrusive and not re-usable for future use as I commented on the original post.
I outline here how you can re-invent your own Dynamic Linq version. I present some parsing techniques that might be helpful for other simple parser tasks. For "real" parser works, I strongly recommend using a parser generator like Coco/R or like ANTLR. See also an example of a Coco/R implementation of a simple math expression parser.
The functionality:
Create from an expression that is given in a string a function that can be used in a LINQ query, e.g.
IEnumerable<MySourceElement> items = ...;
string s = GetUserEntry();
var pred = SimpleExpression.PredicateParser<MySourceElement>.Parse(s);
var f = pred.Compile();
var query = from e in items where f(e) select e;
Using the code
This is a very dense code that shows how you could write your own Dynamic LINQ parser:
- the scanner is from line 11 to line 54
- the code generator is from line 57 to line 108
- the parser from is line 109 to line 149
The implemented features:
- names as properties or fields of the lambda parameter
- double or int numbers
- strings
- nested expressions
- numeric, string, boolean type system with numeric type promotion
- operators ||, &&, ==, !=, <, <=, >=, >, !
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace SimpleExpression
public abstract class PredicateParser
#region scanner
private static readonly string _pattern = @"\s*(" + string.Join("|", new string[]
string.Join("|", new string[] { "||", "&&", "==", "!=", "<=", ">=" }.Select(e => Regex.Escape(e))),
}) + @")\s*";
private char Ch { get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(Curr) ? ' ' : Curr[0]; } }
private bool Move() { return _tokens.MoveNext(); }
private IEnumerator<string> _tokens;
protected PredicateParser(string s)
_tokens = Regex.Matches(s, _pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled).Cast<Match>()
.Select(m => m.Groups[1].Value).GetEnumerator();
protected bool IsNumber { get { return char.IsNumber(Ch); } }
protected bool IsDouble { get { return IsNumber && Curr.Contains('.'); } }
protected bool IsString { get { return Ch == '"'; } }
protected bool IsIdent { get { char c = Ch; return char.IsLower(c) || char.IsUpper(c) || c == '_'; } }
protected void Abort(string msg) { throw new ArgumentException("Error: " + (msg ?? "unknown error")); }
protected string Curr { get { return _tokens.Current ?? string.Empty; }}
protected string CurrAndNext { get { string s = Curr; if (!Move()) Abort("data expected"); return s; } }
protected string CurrOptNext { get { string s = Curr; Move(); return s; } }
protected string CurrOpAndNext(params string[] ops)
string s = ops.Contains(Curr) ? Curr : null;
if (s != null && !Move()) Abort("data expected");
return s;
public class PredicateParser<TData>: PredicateParser
#region code generator
private static readonly Type _bool = typeof(bool);
private static readonly Type[] _prom = new Type[]
{ typeof(decimal), typeof(double), typeof(float), typeof(ulong), typeof(long), typeof(uint),
typeof(int), typeof(ushort), typeof(char), typeof(short), typeof(byte), typeof(sbyte) };
private static Expression Coerce(Expression expr, Type type)
return expr.Type == type ? expr : Expression.Convert(expr, type);
private static Expression Coerce(Expression expr, Expression sibling)
if (expr.Type != sibling.Type)
Type maxType = MaxType(expr.Type, sibling.Type);
if (maxType != expr.Type) expr = Expression.Convert(expr, maxType);
return expr;
private static Type MaxType(Type a, Type b) { return a==b?a:(_prom.FirstOrDefault(t=>t==a||t==b)??a); }
private static readonly Dictionary<string, Func<Expression, Expression, Expression>> _binOp =
new Dictionary<string,Func<Expression,Expression,Expression>>()
{ "||", (a,b)=>Expression.OrElse(Coerce(a, _bool), Coerce(b, _bool)) },
{ "&&", (a,b)=>Expression.AndAlso(Coerce(a, _bool), Coerce(b, _bool)) },
{ "==", (a,b)=>Expression.Equal(Coerce(a,b), Coerce(b,a)) },
{ "!=", (a,b)=>Expression.NotEqual(Coerce(a,b), Coerce(b,a)) },
{ "<", (a,b)=>Expression.LessThan(Coerce(a,b), Coerce(b,a)) },
{ "<=", (a,b)=>Expression.LessThanOrEqual(Coerce(a,b), Coerce(b,a)) },
{ ">=", (a,b)=>Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(Coerce(a,b), Coerce(b,a)) },
{ ">", (a,b)=>Expression.GreaterThan(Coerce(a,b), Coerce(b,a)) },
private static readonly Dictionary<string, Func<Expression, Expression>> _unOp =
new Dictionary<string, Func<Expression, Expression>>()
{ "!", a=>Expression.Not(Coerce(a, _bool)) },
private static ConstantExpression Const(object v) { return Expression.Constant(v); }
private MemberExpression ParameterMember(string s) { return Expression.PropertyOrField(_param, s); }
private Expression<Func<TData, bool>> Lambda(Expression expr) { return Expression.Lambda<Func<TData, bool>>(expr, _param); }
private readonly ParameterExpression _param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TData), "_p_");
#region parser
private PredicateParser(string s): base(s) { }
public static Expression<Func<TData, bool>> Parse(string s) { return new PredicateParser<TData>(s).Parse(); }
private Expression<Func<TData, bool>> Parse() { return Lambda(ParseExpression()); }
private Expression ParseExpression() { return ParseOr(); }
private Expression ParseOr() { return ParseBinary(ParseAnd, "||"); }
private Expression ParseAnd() { return ParseBinary(ParseEquality, "&&"); }
private Expression ParseEquality() { return ParseBinary(ParseRelation, "==", "!="); }
private Expression ParseRelation() { return ParseBinary(ParseUnary, "<", "<=", ">=", ">"); }
private Expression ParseUnary() { return CurrOpAndNext("!") != null ? _unOp["!"](ParseUnary())
: ParsePrimary(); }
private Expression ParseIdent() { return ParameterMember(CurrOptNext); }
private Expression ParseString() { return Const(Regex.Replace(CurrOptNext, "^\"(.*)\"$",
m => m.Groups[1].Value)); }
private Expression ParseNumber() { if (IsDouble) return Const(double.Parse(CurrOptNext));
return Const(int.Parse(CurrOptNext)); }
private Expression ParsePrimary()
if (IsIdent) return ParseIdent();
if (IsString) return ParseString();
if (IsNumber) return ParseNumber();
return ParseNested();
private Expression ParseNested()
if (CurrAndNext != "(") Abort("(...) expected");
Expression expr = ParseExpression();
if (CurrOptNext != ")") Abort("')' expected");
return expr;
private Expression ParseBinary(Func<Expression> parse, params string[] ops)
Expression expr = parse();
string op;
while ((op = CurrOpAndNext(ops)) != null) expr = _binOp[op](expr, parse());
return expr;
This program calls the entry point of the parser above and runs various queries employing the calculated expression:
static void Main(string[] args)
var items = new List<Element>()
new Element("a", 1000),
new Element("b", 900),
new Element("c", 800),
new Element("d", 700),
new Element("e", 600),
new Element("x", 500),
new Element("y", 400),
new Element("z", 300),
string s = "Name == \"x\" || Number >= 800";
var pred = SimpleExpression.PredicateParser<Element>.Parse(s);
Console.WriteLine("User Entry: {0}", s);
Console.WriteLine("Expr Tree: {0}", pred.ToString());
var f = pred.Compile();
Console.WriteLine("### mark affected items ###");
foreach (var item in items)
Console.WriteLine("{2} Name = {0}, Number = {1}", item.Name, item.Number, f(item) ? "x" : " ");
Console.WriteLine("### where-select ###");
var q = from e in items where f(e) select e;
foreach (var item in q)
Console.WriteLine(" Name = {0}, Number = {1}", item.Name, item.Number);
The output is:
User Entry: Name == "x" || Number >= 800
Expr Tree: _p_ => ((_p_.Name == "x") OrElse (_p_.Number >= 800))
### mark affected items ###
x Name = a, Number = 1000
x Name = b, Number = 900
x Name = c, Number = 800
Name = d, Number = 700
Name = e, Number = 600
x Name = x, Number = 500
Name = y, Number = 400
Name = z, Number = 300
### where-select ###
Name = a, Number = 1000
Name = b, Number = 900
Name = c, Number = 800
Name = x, Number = 500
Extending the Parser
Add more operations
To extend the parser: You may easily add more to the expressions, especially new operators is a simple thing:
- to add
and -
binary operators, add them to the _binOp
dictionary (similar to ==
, e.g. , ("+":
, "-":
) create ParseSum()
as a copy of ParseRelation
, pass "+", "-"
as ops, pass ParseSum
to ParseRelation
(in place of the ParseUnary
), pass ParseUnary
to ParseSum
. That's it. - likewise for
"*", "/", "%"
: make ParseMul
as copy of the above mentioned ParseSum
, pass the right ParseXXX
actions, add the respective Expression factories to the _binOps
dictionary. Done. - An unary
is to be added in the _unOps
dictionary (no coercion needed). The parsing is done in the ParseUnary()
function, e.g.
{ ">", (a,b)=>Expression.GreaterThan(Coerce(a,b), Coerce(b,a)) },
{ "+", (a,b)=>Expression.Add(Coerce(a,b), Coerce(b,a)) },
{ "-", (a,b)=>Expression.Subtract(Coerce(a,b), Coerce(b,a)) },
{ "*", (a,b)=>Expression.Multiply(Coerce(a,b), Coerce(b,a)) },
{ "/", (a,b)=>Expression.Divide(Coerce(a,b), Coerce(b,a)) },
{ "%", (a,b)=>Expression.Modulo(Coerce(a,b), Coerce(b,a)) },
private static readonly Dictionary<string, Func<Expression, Expression>> _unOp =
new Dictionary<string, Func<Expression, Expression>>()
{ "!", a=>Expression.Not(Coerce(a, _bool)) },
{ "-", a=>Expression.Negate(a) },
private Expression ParseRelation() { return ParseBinary(ParseSum, "<", "<=", ">=", ">"); }
private Expression ParseSum() { return ParseBinary(ParseMul, "+", "-"); }
private Expression ParseMul() { return ParseBinary(ParseUnary, "*", "/", "%"); }
private Expression ParseUnary()
if (CurrOpAndNext("!") != null) return _unOp["!"](ParseUnary());
if (CurrOpAndNext("-") != null) return _unOp["-"](ParseUnary());
return ParsePrimary();
Base Comparison on IComparable<T> instead of implicit operators
The original parser performs equality and comparison checks on direct operators. That a broader approach was to call a.CompareTo(b) rel 0
, e.g. a.CompareTo(b) < 0
instead of a < b
. The benefit is that you can use a wider range of types in the comparisons. To achieve that, add/replace the following code:
- Add before line 59:
private static readonly Expression _zero = Expression.Constant(0);
- Add after line 79:
private static Expression CompareToExpression(Expression lhs, Expression rhs, Func<Expression, Expression> rel)
lhs = Coerce(lhs, rhs);
rhs = Coerce(rhs, lhs);
Expression cmp = Expression.Call(
lhs.Type.GetMethod("CompareTo", new Type[] { rhs.Type })
?? lhs.Type.GetMethod("CompareTo", new Type[] { typeof(object) }),
return rel(cmp);
- Replace lines 88-93 by the following:
{ "==", (a,b)=>CompareToExpression(a, b, c=>Expression.Equal (c, _zero)) },
{ "!=", (a,b)=>CompareToExpression(a, b, c=>Expression.NotEqual (c, _zero)) },
{ "<", (a,b)=>CompareToExpression(a, b, c=>Expression.LessThan (c, _zero)) },
{ "<=", (a,b)=>CompareToExpression(a, b, c=>Expression.LessThanOrEqual (c, _zero)) },
{ ">=", (a,b)=>CompareToExpression(a, b, c=>Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(c, _zero)) },
{ ">", (a,b)=>CompareToExpression(a, b, c=>Expression.GreaterThan (c, _zero)) },
Add support for nested identifiers
As metbone suggested, we can extend the parser to also support nested identifiers in the form a.b.c
. This is best done by replacing the ParseIdent()
method in line 122 by the following code:
private Expression ParseIdent()
Expression expr = ParameterMember(CurrOptNext);
while (CurrOpAndNext(".") != null && IsIdent) expr = Expression.PropertyOrField(expr, CurrOptNext);
return expr;
Points of Interest
As mentioned, check out the available parser generators to do real work with parsers.
LINQ Expression Tree
Dynamic LINQ
Any feedback is very much appreciated.
Please note: this is meant as alternative to the given tip. This alternative does not require the data provider to use special kind of properties or fields. For real work on this, checkout the available Dynamic LINQ implementaiton.
Have fun!
V1.0 | 2012-03-28 | First version
V1.1 | 2012-03-29 | fix typo on line 107, simplified ParsePrimary, fixed ParseNumber to correctly distinguish between int and double, some minor code formatting adjustments, add sources download link, update tags (.NET4)
V1.2 | 2012-03-29 | added sample code for showing how easily extending the expression parser
early adopter of the brand new code rendering feature:
<pre ... countlines="true" countstart="93">...
(thanks Chris Maunder[^] for adding this feature[^] so quickly!)
V1.3 | 2012-04-06 | Fix Regex for string (properly handles embedded double quotes) and number (decimal part is optional)
V1.4 | 2012-09-04 | Fix some minor typos
V1.5 | 2013-05-20 | Added description on how to extend the parser to base comparison on IComparable<T> instead of direct relation and equality operators
V1.6 | 2014-03-04 | Added a link to simple math expression parser, fixed some typos, fix broken highlighting, changed type
V1.7 | 2014-10-14 | add support for nested identifiers (no function call support nor index access implemented yet, though)