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App Framework dependency of this library
Introduction & Background
Recently I was working on two job:
Both these two project required of a parallel library for the distribution computing framework for processing the large amount of the data.
Distribution computing in GCModeller online services
Each of the http or rest GET/POST request from the browser or PC client, means a task is in queue for invoke the GCModeller data analysis. Due to the reason of most of these computing task is individual to each other, so that a library is required to move these computing task onto the cluster machine in the LAN from the main server to provides a more effective hardware resource utilization and online services quality.
The http server technique of was using my own http server program which was written in VisualBasic and code details was described in previous article: 《Simple HTTP Server in VisualBasic》 ,
latest source code of the httpd library can be download from github:
Using the code
Sometimes the hardware resource on your own local machine probably is not powerful to running a data analysis program, so that allocate the analysis parts to a more powerful machine is necessary; Or the data analysis task process a lots of small parts, then you can using the distribution computing utilities all of your hardware resource in your local network.
Clound computing in movie "The Martian (2015)"
Generally in order to using the remote computing in System.Runtime.Remoting, There are 6 steps to coding by using System.Runtime.Remoting:
1. Design your own remote object: RemoteObject.
2. Register your remote object on server by RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType as a WellKnownServiceTypeEntry instance object
3. Register your server by TcpServerChannel into ChannelService
4. Register your client TcpClientChannel into ChannelService
5. Gets remote object by Activator from a URL
6. Using the remote object in your client
Probably you would like to write you program like this way, coding the data analysis program just like a local client code, and reused your previous code running in a distribution computing cluster without any modifications:
Module API
Public Function Anlysis(file As FileStream) As dataOut()
End Function
End Module
but as mention at previous, if you needs to running this code on the cloud by using System.Runtime.Remoting, a lot of your client code and even the previous analysis code project will be modified too.
For directly integrated the server cluster hardware resource in my program, a remote computing library was developed. By using Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComputingServices instead of System.Runtime.Remoting, no needs for modified your previous code anymore. Now I can calling this analysis function on the remote machine in this way in my local machine application:
Dim in As FileStream = New FileStream(DbFile)
Dim Analysis As Func(Of FileStream, dataOut()) = AddressOf API.Analysis
Dim Result As ILinq(Of dataOut) = remoteMachine.AsLinq(Of dataOut)(Analysis, {in})
Dim Result As dataOut() = remoteMachine.Invoke(Of dataOut())(Analysis, {in})
Dim downstreamAnalysis = (From x in Result Where (blablabla) Select Project(x))
Just throw the function pointer to the remote machine and then execute it!
How to using this computing framework? summary into 5 steps:
1. write your data processing program just as usual
2. If a data process step can be decomposing into parts for parallel, then just gets the analysis function delegate pointer, and running the function on the remote server
3. If a data process step can not be processing on local machine, then just gets the analysis function delegate pointer, and then running the function on a more powerful machine.
4. Compile your program and then published (or upload) to the server(Due to the cluster is in a local network, so that a simple powershell script is enough for this upload job to updates all of your machine)
5. Run your server and start analysis job
There are 2 parts of the code in this article to introduce the simply enough distribution computing in VisualBasic:
1. Remote Function Pointer Invoke
2. Remote Linq
First of All, imports the computing services library
How to invoke a function in VisualBasic?
Reflection parts of the invokes can be reviewed at Shoal language article:
Generally the steps of the reflection way to invoke a method in VisualBasic can be summary as:
Get function pointer by using AddressOf
operator or lambda expression
Gets the MethodInfo
from the delegate
Using MethodInfo.Invoke
to invoke the target function.
Public Function CreateObject(func As [Delegate], args As Object()) As InvokeInfo
Dim type As Type = func.Method.DeclaringType
Dim assm As Assembly = type.Assembly
Dim name As String = func.Method.Name
Dim callsType As Type() = func.Method.GetParameters.ToArray(Function(x) x.ParameterType)
Dim params As String() = args.ToArray(
Function(x, idx) Serialization.JsonContract.GetJson(x, callsType(idx)))
Return New InvokeInfo With {
.Assembly = FileIO.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(assm.Location).Name,
.Name = name,
.Parameters = params,
.Type = type.FullName
End Function
A tool function code for how to parsing these Reflection information from a Delegate function pointer.
For knowing a function location you needs 3 basically requirements:
- TypeInfo (System.Reflection.Assembly and System.Type)
- Method Name (MethodInfo.Name)
- Method Parameters (MethodInfo.GetParameters)
And if the target method have several overloads edition, then the parameter is required for get the corrects edition of your method.
Remote Function
Schema diagram of the Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComputingServices Parallel library.
Serialization of the Function Pointer
As described how to invoke a function in visualBasic, a function pointer should be serialized in to json string first, then the program transfer the pointer to the remote server possible. So based on the information in a delegate object can provides, a InvokeInfo object was defined for the remote invocation.
Public Class InvokeInfo
Public Property Assembly As String
Public Property Type As String
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Parameters As String()
End Class
Invoke on the remote machine
When we gets the information on the server side program, we must restored the delegate function pointer information to the object that Reflection operation can recognized:
Private Shared Function __invoke(params As InvokeInfo, ByRef value As Type) As Object
Dim func As MethodInfo = params.GetMethod
Dim paramsValue As Object() = InvokeInfo.GetParameters(func, params.Parameters)
Dim x As Object = func.Invoke(Nothing, paramsValue)
value = func.ReturnType
Return x
End Function
First, based on the assembly name we load assembly file which we published(or uploaded) on the server
Public Function LoadAssembly() As Assembly
Dim path As String = App.HOME & "/" & Assembly
Dim assm As Assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(path)
Return assm
End Function
Then, we can get the declaring type of the function pointer
Public Overloads Function [GetType]() As Type
Dim assm As Assembly = LoadAssembly()
Dim type As Type = assm.GetType(Me.Type)
Return type
End Function
And at last get the function target for the invoke
Public Function GetMethod() As MethodInfo
Dim type As Type = [GetType]()
Dim func As MethodInfo = type.GetMethod(Name, BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Static)
Return func
End Function
Finally we can gets the parameter value for the function by using json deserialization
Public Shared Function GetParameters(method As MethodInfo, args As String()) As Object()
Dim params As Type() = method.GetParameters.ToArray(Function(x) x.ParameterType)
Dim values As Object() = args.ToArray(Function(x, idx) Serialization.LoadObject(x, params(idx)))
Return values
End Function
Remote Invoke Protocol
Public Function Invoke(target As [Delegate], ParamArray args As Object()) As Object
Dim params As InvokeInfo = InvokeInfo.CreateObject(target, args)
Dim value As String = Serialization.GetJson(params)
Dim req As RequestStream = New RequestStream(ProtocolEntry, TaskProtocols.Invoke, value)
Dim rep As RequestStream = New AsynInvoke(_remote).SendMessage(req)
Dim rtvl As Rtvl = Serialization.LoadObject(Of Rtvl)(rep.GetUTF8String)
Dim obj As Object = rtvl.GetValue(target)
Return obj
End Function
Net data transfer by protocol handler in the namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.Net.Protocol
Private Function Invoke(CA As Long, args As RequestStream, remote As System.Net.IPEndPoint) As RequestStream
Dim params As InvokeInfo = Serialization.LoadObject(Of InvokeInfo)(args.GetUTF8String)
Dim value As Rtvl = Invoke(params)
Return New RequestStream(value.GetJson)
End Function
Public Shared Function Invoke(params As InvokeInfo) As Rtvl
Dim rtvl As Rtvl
Dim rtvlType As Type = Nothing
Dim value As Object = __invoke(params, rtvlType)
rtvl = New Rtvl(value, rtvlType)
Catch ex As Exception
ex = New Exception(params.GetJson, ex)
rtvl = New Rtvl(ex)
End Try
Return rtvl
End Function
Remote Linq
The linq expression is much useful in the VisualBasic programming.
Remote source
Generic iterator
For implements a LINQ source an iterator is required:
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Thread
Namespace ComponentModel.DataSourceModel
Public Class Iterator : Implements IEnumerator
Implements IDisposable
ReadOnly _source As IEnumerable
Sub New(source As IEnumerable)
_source = source
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Current As Object Implements IEnumerator.Current
Public ReadOnly Property ReadDone As Boolean
Dim receiveDone As New ManualResetEvent(False)
Private Sub __moveNext()
_ReadDone = False
For Each x As Object In _source
_Current = x
Call receiveDone.WaitOne()
Call receiveDone.Reset()
_ReadDone = True
End Sub
Public Function Read() As Object
Dim x As Object = Current
Call MoveNext()
Return x
End Function
Dim _forEach As Thread
Public Sub Reset() Implements IEnumerator.Reset
If Not _forEach Is Nothing Then
Call _forEach.Abort()
End If
_forEach = New Thread(AddressOf __moveNext)
End Sub
Public Function MoveNext() As Boolean Implements IEnumerator.MoveNext
Call receiveDone.Set()
Return Not ReadDone
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
Due to the reason of the remote linq is usually using for processing the large size data set, so that one element execution may takes time, the single thread move next function in this iterator using the for each statement to gets the element in the remote function
Linq source provider works as a remote iterator
Remote Linq Provider
The LinqProvider object work as a remote iterator in this framework, there are two important parts in this class object for implements the IEnumerator interface:
A move next function for gets the current value in the iterator and then move to next location automatically, a Reset function to resets the iterator state in the remote
Private Function __moveNext(CA As Long, args As RequestStream, remote As System.Net.IPEndPoint) As RequestStream
Dim value As Object = _source.Current
Dim readEnds As Boolean = _source.MoveNext()
Dim json As String = Serialization.GetJson(value, _type)
Dim flag As Long = If(Not readEnds, Protocols.TaskProtocols.ReadsDone, HTTP_RFC.RFC_OK)
Return New RequestStream(flag, flag, json)
End Function
Private Function __reset(CA As Long, args As RequestStream, remote As System.Net.IPEndPoint) As RequestStream
Call _source.Reset()
Return NetResponse.RFC_OK
End Function
Linq local reader
Public Class ILinq(Of T) : Implements IEnumerable(Of T)
Implements IDisposable
Public ReadOnly Property Type As Type = GetType(T)
Public ReadOnly Property Portal As IPEndPoint
ReadOnly invoke As AsynInvoke
ReadOnly req As New RequestStream(Protocols.ProtocolEntry, TaskProtocols.MoveNext)
Sub New(portal As IPEndPoint)
Me.Portal = portal
Me.invoke = New AsynInvoke(portal)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return $"{Type.FullName}@{Portal.ToString}"
End Function
#Region "Implements IEnumerable(Of T)"
Public Iterator Function AsQuerable() As IEnumerator(Of T) Implements IEnumerable(Of T).GetEnumerator
Call invoke.SendMessage(Protocols.LinqReset)
Do While True
Dim rep As RequestStream = invoke.SendMessage(req)
Dim json As String = rep.GetUTF8String
Dim value As Object = Serialization.LoadObject(json, Type)
Dim x As T = DirectCast(value, T)
If rep.ProtocolCategory = TaskProtocols.ReadsDone Then
Exit Do
Yield x
End If
End Function
Private Iterator Function IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator Implements IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
Yield AsQuerable()
End Function
#End Region
Private Sub __free()
Dim uid As String = Portal.ToString
Dim req As New RequestStream(ProtocolEntry, TaskProtocols.Free, uid)
Call invoke.SendMessage(req)
End Sub
Additional: Network data transfer in VisualBasic
Object Json Serialization
Object Serialize as Json string
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Serialization
Dim json As String = <Your Object>.GetJson
Deserialize the json string as .NET object
Dim params As InvokeInfo =
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Serialization.LoadObject(Of InvokeInfo)(args.GetUTF8String)
An alternative solution of the Json serialization in the .NET programming is NewtonSoft Json library.
Dim remote As IPEndPoint
Dim req As RequestStream = New RequestStream(ProtocolEntry, TaskProtocols.Invoke, ProtocolParameter)
Dim rep As RequestStream = New AsynInvoke(remote).SendMessage(req)
Dim rtvl As Rtvl = Serialization.LoadObject(Of Rtvl)(rep.GetUTF8String)
Protocol Handler
On the remote server machine
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Net
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Net.Protocol
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Net.Protocol.Reflection
Dim Responsehandler = AddressOf New ProtocolHandler(Me).HandleRequest
The Microsoft.VisualBasic.Net.Protocol.Reflection.Protocol
attribute is required of building a protocols flexible and high performance multiple threading server side program.
Services Socket
Dim Server As New TcpSynchronizationServicesSocket(listenPort)
Server.Responsehandler = AddressOf New ProtocolHandler(Me).HandleRequest
Call Server.Run
Call Microsoft.VisualBasic.Parallel.Run(AddressOf Server.Run)
Points of Interest
Build Your Own Cloud Computing platform
Base on the Parallel library in this article, then you can try build your own cloud computing platform like Microsoft Azure, you can programming to fully access the remote server resource just like running on the local machine.
One example of the mobile cloud computing is the Microsoft bioinformatics scientific project .NET Bio(Previous used name on codeplex is Microsoft Bioinformatics Foundation, MBF)
, a mobile library was developed that the developer can integrated their WindowsPhone/Android/IOS App with the NCBI cloud computing BLAST services to analysis the biological sequence data size up to 10GB or 100GB.
By using the cloud computing, this can integrated your server machine resource into the Windows Phone or UWP program directly, then this makes using your Windows Phone processing very large data set possible.