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Small class representing DateTime in seconds elapsed since "01 Jan, 0001 00:00:00"

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24 Jun 2005 1  
A small class representing DateTime in seconds elapsed since "01 Jan, 0001 00:00:00".


Everyone, from time to time faces the problem that CRT "time" does not meet the requirements of the task. Mostly it's lack of date range, a lot of things have happened before the year 1970. I've implemented a simple class that keeps date/time as seconds elapsed since "01 Jan, 0001 00:00:00". It allows converting numeric representation of date/time to seconds and vice versa. Also, it allows to add/subtract a period of time.

The class can be modified very simply to meet the extra requirements you might have.


  • CUDateTime - class representing DateTime as seconds elapsed since "01 Jan, 0001 00:00:00".
  • SUDateTime - helper structure representing DateTime as a set of unsigned short's.
  • CUDateSpan - helper class representing period of time to add to date or to subtract from date.

Interface of CUDateTime class

  • CUDateTime ( y, m, d, h, n, s )
  • CUDateTime ( const CUDateTime & )
  • CUDateTime ( const SUDateTime & )
  • unsigned short WeekDay ( void ) const - returns day of week [0-6] (Sun-Sat).
  • operator SUDateTime ( void ) const - converts to SUDateTime.
  • operator std::wstring ( void ) const - converts to std::wstring.
  • friend bool operator < ( const CUDateTime &, const CUDateTime & ) - operator less.
  • friend bool operator == ( const CUDateTime &, const CUDateTime & ) - operator equal.
  • friend CUDateTime operator + ( const CUDateTime &, const CUDateSpan & ) - add span to date.
  • friend CUDateTime operator - ( const CUDateTime &, const CUDateSpan & ) - subtract span from date.
  • friend CUDateTime & operator -= ( CUDateTime &, const CUDateSpan & ) - add span to date.
  • friend CUDateTime & operator += ( CUDateTime &, const CUDateSpan & ) - subtract span from date.

Interface of CUDateSpan class

  • CUDateSpan ( void )
  • CUDateSpan ( const CUDateSpan & )
  • CUDateSpan ( d, h, n, s )

Example of usage

//"22 June, 2005 21:22:15"

CUDateTime dt ( 2005, 6, 22, 21, 22, 15 );
//Add 1 day, 1 hour and 3 seconds

SUDateTime sdt = dt + CUDateSpan ( 1, 1, 0, 3 );
wprintf ( L"%s", ( ( std::wstring ) CUDateTime ( sdt ) ).c_str () );


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