Cool Privilege Control System Part 1 -- MVC
Cool Privilege Control System Part 2 -- MVC with WCF
As previous posts, I have introduced Cool Privilege Control is a single sign-on project. It supports multi types UI layer based on WCF restful service. In previous post, I had implemented the UI layer by MVC. In this post, I will present how to use angular to implement Cool Privilege Control as UI layer. If you want to review my last post, please see my last article. Besides, I want to take some times to thank who voted 5 and asked questions.
In order to increase learning interest and distinguish previous posts. I am more interested in designing Single Page Applications. In order to complete this task, I used Angular to implement UI layer, since Angular support plenty of functions, it provides not only two-ways binding but also pages routing. There is not doubt that you can use jQuery, Knockout or other JavaScript instead. About server side services, I used WCF restful methods to perform the purpose.
Look and Feel
Figure Angular Cool Privilege Control System

Design Pattern
First of all, I want to describe how to invoke WCF restful method from client side script.
Call Single Parameter WCF Service
Take service interface named GetSystemInfo as an example.
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
SystemInfoVM GetSystemInfo(WCFAuthInfoVM entity_WCFAuthInfoVM);
In previous code snip, I applied WebInvoke or WebGet attribute to the service so that the method can be consumed by client side with ajax get or post methods. For details, please visit msdn link(
public string GetMultiLingualResSer(string str_LangKey)
LanguageKey languageKey_Input = LanguageKey.en;
Enum.TryParse<LanguageKey>(str_LangKey, out languageKey_Input);
IDictionary<string, string> dic_AllKey = LangPack.GetAllByLangKey(LangPack.GetLanugage(languageKey_Input));
JavaScriptSerializer jsonSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
return jsonSerializer.Serialize(dic_AllKey);
In above code snip, I completed the concrete content of the interface. This function will return all language resources as JSON string.
(function () {
'use strict';
var injectParams = ['$http'];
var SystemInfoRestfulSer = function ($http) {
this.GetMultiLingualResSer = function (str_LangKey) {
var request = $http({
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
url: WCFPath + 'SystemMgtService.svc/GetMultiLingualResSer/' + (str_LangKey != "" ? str_LangKey : "en"),
data: {}
return request;
SystemInfoRestfulSer.$inject = injectParams;
angular.module('WCFClient').service('SystemInfoRestfulSer', SystemInfoRestfulSer);
Previous angular service was created to call WCF service and receive asyn promise. About $http method, please refer angular api$http
Following code snip demonstrates how to call the method of angular service. Meanwhile, I used ui-route to present nested views feature on single page application.
$stateProvider.state('CPCS', {
url: '/',
resolve: {
Setup: ['$q', '$state', '$location', '$cookies', 'StaticContentModel', 'SystemInfoVM', 'WCFAuthInfoVM', 'SystemInfoRestfulSer', '$sessionStorage', function ($q, $state, $location, $cookies, StaticContentModel, SystemInfoVM, WCFAuthInfoVM, SystemInfoRestfulSer, $sessionStorage) {
var promise_Global = $q.defer();
var promise_GetLanguagePack = new function () {
var deferred_GetLanguagePack = $q.defer();
SystemInfoRestfulSer.GetMultiLingualResSer(defaultLangKey).then(function (response) {
var multiLignualRes = angular.fromJson(;
if (multiLignualRes != null && multiLignualRes != undefined) {
$sessionStorage.MultiLingualRes = multiLignualRes;
$sessionStorage.SelectedLang = defaultLangKey;
return deferred_GetLanguagePack.promise;
var promise_GetSysInfo = new function () {
$q.all([promise_GetLanguagePack, promise_GetSysInfo]).then(function () {
controller: 'GlobalController'
Call Multi Parameter WCF Service
Take service interface named Login as an example.
//Customized attribute for logging and initialization
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate = "login")]
LUSerLoginResult Login(LoginUserVM entityInst, string str_Language, string str_IpAdd, string str_HostName);
In previous code snip, I add attribute "BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest" to wrap the request. Request and response will be:
Following code snip demonstrates the angular service and the caller.
Angular Service(Login):
this.Login = function (LoginUserJson) {
var request = $http({
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
url: WCFPath + 'LoginUserMgtService.svc/login',
data: LoginUserJson
return request;
$scope.DoLogin = function () {
$scope.IsEnable_DoLogin = false;
var model = {
'entityInst': $scope.LoginUserModel,
'str_Language': $scope.LangPacks.SelectedKey.Key,
'str_IpAdd': "",
'str_HostName': ""
var loginRequest = LoginUserMgtSer.Login(model);
loginRequest.then(function (response) {
var loginResult = new LUSerLoginResult(;
if (!loginResult.HasError()) {
var SessionInfo = {
'WCFToken': loginResult.Str_ServerToken,
'UserId': loginResult.Entity_SessionWUserInfo.ID
var clientSession = new ClientSessionMgt();
var request_SetUserInfo = clientSession.SetUserInfo(SessionInfo);
if (loginResult.PwdExpire()) {
else {
$scope.IsEnable_DoLogin = true;
else {
$scope.IsEnable_DoLogin = true;
throw new ExcetionInst(ExceptionType.ValidationError, $location.path(), $sessionStorage.MultiLingualRes.LoginScreenTitle, loginResult.GetErrMsgs());
Second, Use AngularJS MVC design pattern to design the project.
Figure 3.1 AngularJS MVC Design Pattern

As previous diagram described, A user visit the site, Controller select suitable View to perform the request and invoke the method of Angular Service or Factory in order to get data, on the other hand, Angular Service or Factory call WCF restful service via $http request. Angular Service or Factory response json to the caller. Controller construct the Model and use two-ways binding to connect Model with the view.
Take Function Type Management as an example. Function Type Management contains three views.
- List Function Type (FTManage.tpl.html)
- Edit Function Type (FTManage.Edit.tpl.html)
- Create Function Type (FTManage.Create.tpl.html)
The corresponding route will be
- /FTManage
- /FTManage/Edit
- /FTManage/Create
Figure 3.2 Function Type Management Config

Function Type Management contains "Create / Delete / Edit / Search / Paging / Sort" methods.
Figure 3.3 Function Type Management Controller

Following diagram illustrate Function Type Client Service
Figure 3.4 Function Type Service

Below code show details of the services.
this.Create = function (json_Data) {
var request = $http({
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
url: WCFPath + 'FunTypeMgtService.svc/Create',
data: json_Data
return request;
this.Delete = function (json_Data) {
var request = $http({
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
url: WCFPath + 'FunTypeMgtService.svc/Delete',
data: json_Data
return request;
this.Update = function (json_Data) {
var request = $http({
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
url: WCFPath + 'FunTypeMgtService.svc/Update',
data: json_Data
return request;
I list my development environment for your reference.
- AngularJS v1.5.0
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
- .NET Framework 4.5.1
- MYSQL 5.6.26
- Entity Framework 6.0
4.1.1 For MYSQL user
Figure Hosting Service web.config(MySql with WCF Version)

About the source code of cool privilege control written in angular, I will upload it to GIT after I completed the MSSQL version and total testing.
Besides, Cool Privilege Control based on many interesting design pattern. Such as angular, MEF, Entity Framework, jQuery and Bootstrap(UI). I am sorry I cannot introduce all of these design patterns to you in short time. Thanks for your reading.
2016-03-28 Initial publication
2016-03-29 Fixed download link.