Reflection is a feature that allows a program to find out type (and metadata) information about objects at run-time. Programs written in languages that support Reflection, like Java and the CLR languages family (C#, Visual Basic .NET etc.) can inspect types, obtain detailed information about class members, dynamically instantiate classes and invoke methods at run-time. The .NET Framework exposes its reflection services through the System.Reflection
namespace. Late-bound invocation, for instance, can be achieved through the Type.InvokeMember
and MemberInfo.Invoke
methods. The use of Reflection, however, comes with a price. While some of its functions are pretty fast, some others, like late-bound invocation routines, are costly and if not used wisely could result in a major bottleneck inside your application.
Joel Pobar in his article Dodge Common Performance Pitfalls to Craft Speedy Applications offers a good overview over .NET Reflection performance, as well as describes a way to obtain fast late-bound invocation, the implementation of which is discussed in this article.
Hybrid Late-Bound to Early-Bound Invocation through DynamicMethod Delegates
The basic idea presented by Joel Polbar is to obtain a method handle through the common Reflection services, and then emit MSIL code to patch up a static call site for the method. This call site will be kept as simple as possible: no type safety / security checks will be performed, assuming that hybrid invocation is done only between fully trusted code entities. Generation of the MSIL call site will be done through a new feature of the .NET Framework 2.0, called Lightweight Code Generation (LGC). Hybrid invocation can be achieved also under .NET Framework 1.1 using the standard Reflection.Emit
facilities, but at the price of a heavier implementation.
The DynamicMethod Class
Lightweight Code Generation features are exposed by a single new class inside the System.Reflection.Emit
namespace: DynamicMethod
. You can use this class to generate and execute a method at run time, without having to generate a dynamic assembly and a dynamic type to contain the method. Dynamic methods are the most efficient way to generate and execute small amounts of code.
public DynamicMethod(
string name,
Type returnType,
Type[] parameterTypes,
Type owner
public DynamicMethod(
Type[] parameterTypes,
Module owner
These are two public constructors available for the class. As you can see, a dynamic method is logically associated with a module or with a type (owner
Code Overview
The entire implementation resides in a static
public static DynamicMethodDelegate DynamicMethodDelegateFactory.Create(
MethodInfo method
This function takes a MethodInfo
representing the method we want to invoke, and returns a DynamicMethodDelegate
public delegate object DynamicMethodDelegate(
object instance,
object[] args
The delegate syntax is the same as one of the MethodInfo.Invoke
overloads: it takes an object
instance (that can be null in the case of static methods) and an array of arguments, and returns a generic object
Using the code is pretty straightforward:
MyClass instance = new MyClass();
MethodInfo myMethodInfo;
DynamicMethodDelegate myDelegate;
myDelegate = DynamicMethodDelegateFactory.Create(myMethodInfo);
object[] args = {};
object result = myDelegate(instance, args);
Implementation Details
The initial part of our method is quite self explaining:
public static DynamicMethodDelegate Create(MethodInfo method)
ParameterInfo[] parms = method.GetParameters();
int numparams = parms.Length;
Type[] _argTypes = { typeof(object), typeof(object[]) };
DynamicMethod dynam =
new DynamicMethod(
ILGenerator il = dynam.GetILGenerator();
return (DynamicMethodDelegate)
Let's now focus our attention on the IL generation code. Our IL call site will be divided into four sections:
- Argument count check
- Object instance push
- Argument layout
- Method call
Argument count check
Label argsOK = il.DefineLabel();
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, numparams);
il.Emit(OpCodes.Beq, argsOK);
In this section we compare the length of the provided input arguments array with the number of parameters accepted by the method. On equality, we proceed to the next section (marked with the argsOK
label), otherwise a TargetParameterCountException
is thrown.
Object instance push
if (!method.IsStatic)
Clear and simple. The function call MSIL opcodes (call
, calli
, callvirt
) need the target object reference to be pushed onto the stack before the arguments. This obviously applies only in the case of non-static method calls.
Argument layout
int i = 0;
while (i < numparams)
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i);
Type parmType = parms[i].ParameterType;
if (parmType.IsValueType)
il.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, parmType);
We read each element inside the args
array and push it onto the stack. Unboxing is performed in the case of value type parameters (since the args
array is a collection of references, we have to convert a reference to a value to the value itself).
Method call
if (method.IsFinal)
il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, method);
il.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, method);
if (method.ReturnType != typeof(void))
if (method.ReturnType.IsValueType)
il.Emit(OpCodes.Box, method.ReturnType);
Here we generate the actual method call, process a possible return value, and return from the call site. If our method is final (not virtual nor an interface implementation method) we emit a light call
, otherwise a callvirt
is required. If a method return value exists and is a value type, it needs to be boxed, because our DynamicMethod
delegate returns a generic object
reference. If the method has a void
return type, we simply make our delegate return a null
value, pushing it onto the stack.
Performance Comparisons
As you can see, the DynamicMethod
delegate implementation has been kept as simple as possible. The major overhead over a standard early-bound call consists in the need to box the return value when it is a value type. This is a costly operation, because it implies a heap allocation and a copy of the value being boxed. Boxing overhead can occur even during the creation of the input arguments array, but this has not been taken into account in performance measurements, because it is part of the user code.
I measured the efficiency of DynamicMethod
delegates vs. standard late-bound invocation in three different calling scenarios with the following results (Note: 1 is the efficiency of a standard direct call in the same calling scenario):
== Testing performance of dynamic method delegates:
== Test call type: static method with boxing on return value
Results for 5 tests on 500000 iterations:
Direct method call: 6ms
Dynamic method delegates: 39ms (Efficiency: 0,15)
MethodInfo.Invoke: 4616ms (Efficiency: 0,001)
== Testing performance of dynamic method delegates:
== Test call type: static method without boxing on return value
Results for 5 tests on 100000 iterations:
Direct method call: 8ms
Dynamic method delegates: 14ms (Efficiency: 0,57)
MethodInfo.Invoke: 894ms (Efficiency: 0,009)
== Testing performance of dynamic method delegates
== Test call type: virtual method without boxing on return value
Results for 5 tests on 10000 iterations:
Direct method call: 10ms
Dynamic method delegates: 13ms (Efficiency: 0,77)
MethodInfo.Invoke: 166ms (Efficiency: 0,06)

delegates' performance proves to be superior (in terms of time efficiency) in all the proposed calling scenarios. When return value boxing occurs, however, both late-bound invocation and hybrid invocation suffer a heavy efficiency loss, as expected.
I've tried to illustrate a simple implementation of one of the ideas exposed inside Joel Polbar's article, along with some observations over the implementation itself, hoping that this work will be at least partly useful in understanding what hybrid invocation is and how it can be achieved. As a conclusive note, I'd like to underline that this technique is not a substitute of standard late-bound invocation through Reflection. DynamicMethod
delegates should be used instead of MethodInfo.Invoke
or analog solutions only when a method (or property accessor) that isn't known at design time needs to be called with medium-high frequency inside a fully trusted security scenario.
- 10-Jul-05 -> First release.