More and more likely, applications depend on an available Internet connection to perform business-layered operations such as invoking web services, obtaining data, and so on. Usually you would like to know if the current environment is really connected. There are multiple approaches to accomplish this, you could check the state of every NetworkInterface
using the System.Net
namespace, but then having an Ethernet connection or similar doesn�t really tell you if there is an available Internet connection or not.
This article shows a way to get a simple icon on a StatusStrip
that shows if the computer is or is not connected to the Internet.
Using the code
Basically you want to get a Timer
to perform an HTTP-GET in order to see if a specific website is or is not available.
The only requirement for this kind of functionality is that we don�t want to stop the current UI thread. Therefore, I am using a BackgroundWorker
object to perform the query. The BackgroundWorker
object declares the DoWork
method which defines a custom event handler that defines the DoWorkEventArgs
class in which you pass the actual result back into the UI thread. It is very important that you don�t try to interact with any UI element at this method since this is running on a separate thread.
private void InitializeComponent()
this._worker = new BackgroundWorker();
this._worker.WorkerReportsProgress = false;
this._worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = false;
this._worker.DoWork += new
this._worker.RunWorkerCompleted += new
this._updateTimer = new Timer();
this._updateTimer.Enabled = !this.DesignMode;
this._updateTimer.Tick += delegate { this.OnTick(); };
private void OnTick()
if (this.DesignMode)
this._updateTimer.Enabled = false;
this.Enabled = false;
The query is really simple, I execute a simple HttpWebRequest
against an URL that should be �always� available, for example your corporate website, http://www.microsoft.com, or http://www.google.com. At the end of the day this is the only way to actually know if you do or do not have an available internet connection.
private void BackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)
HttpWebResponse response =
(HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();
if (HttpStatusCode.OK == response.StatusCode)
e.Result = true;
e.Result = false;
catch (WebException)
e.Result = false;
After the BackgroundWorker
object has completed its work (defined in the DoWork
event), it calls the RunWorkerCompleted
event, which also defines a custom event handler that declares the RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs
class. With this class, we will manage the way in which the ToolStripStatusLabel
will render.
private void BackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object
sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
if (null != e.Error)
throw e.Error;
if ((bool) e.Result)
this.Image = Properties.Resources.Online;
this.Text = Properties.Resources.MainFormConnectionStatusOnline;
this.Image = Properties.Resources.Offline;
this.Text = Properties.Resources.MainFormConnectionStatusOffline;
this.Enabled = true;
this._updateTimer.Enabled = true;
.NET Framework 2.0 makes really easy using background threads, giving your UI a smooth and useful experience. Now, if you are using the April CTP of Visual Studio .NET 2005, I strongly recommend that you manually assign your delegate for the DoWork
event, since there is a bug in VS.NET that when it tries to re-write the comment of not using UI code from the separate thread it can replace your actual code.
If you need an Internet connection for using a Web Service you may also want to consider using adding a GetVersion
Web Method into your Web Service and trying to access this service since after all there is no point of having an available connection if your web server is down.
- Demo version - - attached to this article.