In all my training, the very first question that I face is, Why all of a sudden angular is in demand? Why JavaScript frameworks became so important all of a sudden?
Let me put some light on it.
Today, we are moving towards cloud, where we will be charged based on how much we utilize server resources. More we utilize it, more will be the cost.
This is what we do today.
We create server applications using a server technology and make it do the following things:
- Handle requests
- Execute some logic based on request and generate final data to be displayed
- Generate HTML from that data
- Return that HTML
But there is another way to do the same, JavaScript.
We create server applications using a server technology and make it so the following things:
- Handle requests
- Execute some logic based on request and generate final data to be displayed
- Data is sent as response
At client side, using JavaScript, HTML will be generated dynamically from that data.
It will add two advantages:
- It reduces the overall usage of server resources ultimately reducing the overall software COST.
- Bandwidth required for overall transmission of only data is too less compared to complete HTML, as complete HTML will be bigger than the data in size.
Now a days, hardware is much cheaper and every client machine is good capable of executing JavaScript.
These performance and cost benefits made JavaScript a big boom market. All major companies are making their move towards JavaScript.
Next time, I will talk about the advantage of Angular over other JavaScript frameworks and libraries.