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HackerSpray - Block Brute Force and DOS Attacks

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18 Jul 2016CPOL9 min read 42.6K   31   11
A .NET library to defend websites and web APIs against brute force and Denial-of-Service attacks


Image 1HackerSpray is a .NET library to defend websites and web APIs against brute force and Denial-of-Service attacks. It comes as .NET 4 and .NET Core library. You can use it to protect ASP.NET Webforms, MVC, WebAPI anything that runs on a webserver. You can also use it in a non-web application context, for instance, a chat server, where you want to prevent too many executions of certain transactions or you want to block hits from certain IPs.


  • Protect login, registration, password reset pages against brute force and DOS attacks
  • Block users from performing any action too many times
  • Prevent too many hits from any IP or IP Range
  • Blacklist/Whitelist specific IP, IP range, username, URLs, transactions for a period

An example scenario is a Bank Login page, where brute force password attempts on user accounts and DOS attack on Login page are a regular event. Using this library, you can protect login page from brute force attacks, blocking too many usernames from certain IPs, or too many hits from a range of IP trying to do DOS attack, or even simple 3 invalid login attempts per username, per 15 mins, across all webservers.

This high performance, lightweight library protects you from hitting the database too many times on pages or APIs that are target for attacks, thus lowering web server and database CPU, increasing the scalability of the overall application.

Show Me the Speed

Let's compare the performance of a Login page which does authentication with a database.

Server Throughput Increase

When attack is going on and expensive .NET code is getting hit, you get high CPU and low throughput. But as soon as Hacker Spray starts blocking traffic, CPU on webserve goes down and server throughput shots high up.

Image 2

Response Time

When ASP.NET code is executing, response time is avg 36ms, as you see on the top 2 lines. But when Hacker Spray is blocking requests, response time is low, at around 8ms.

Image 3

Prevent Code Execution

When HackerSpray starts blocking requests, it blocks from HttpModule responding with HTTP Response Code 406. In the below graph, you can see when requests are getting blocked, Login code is no longer getting hit.

Image 4

How It Works

Hacker Spray uses Redis to maintain high-performance counters for actions and origin IPs. Clients call Hacker.Defend(key, ip) to check if a certain key or IP has made too many hits. Clients can maintain blacklists for key, IP or IP Range. HackerSpray checks against too many hits on a key, too many hits on an IP, or IP falling within blacklists. It also allows blacklisting a certain key for a certain IP or blocking a certain key for all IPs on-the-fly. Handy when you want to block a user out of certain URLs.

It comes with a HttpModule, which protects your entire website.

Example calls:

var result = await Hacker.DefendAsync("/Account/LogOn", Request.UserHostAddress);
if (result == Hacker.Result.TooManyHitsFromOrigin)
    await Hacker.BlacklistOriginAsync(Request.UserHostAddress, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));
else if (result == Hacker.Result.TooManyHitsOnKey)
    await Hacker.BlacklistKeyAsync("/Account/LogOn", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));

                   Request.UserHostAddress, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), 100);
Hacker.DefendAsync("Username" + username, Request.UserHostAddress);
Hacker.DefendAsync("Comment", Request.UserHostAddress);

Hacker Spray is a fully non-blocking IO, .NET 4.5 async library, maximizing use of Redis pipeline to produce least amount of network traffic and latency. It uses the StackExchange.Redis client.

There's a convenient DefendAsync overload for ASP.NET Controllers. Here's an example of how you can protect the Login() method:

public async Task<ActionResult> Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        return View(model);

    return await Hacker.DefendAsync<ActionResult>(async (success, fail) =>
        // This doesn't count login failures towards account lockout
        // To enable password failures to trigger account lockout, 
        // change to shouldLockout: true
        var result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync
                     (model.Email, model.Password, model.RememberMe, shouldLockout: false);
        switch (result)
            case SignInStatus.Success:
                return await success(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl));
            case SignInStatus.LockedOut:
                return await fail(View("Lockout"));
            case SignInStatus.RequiresVerification:
                return await success(RedirectToAction("SendCode", 
                       new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl, RememberMe = model.RememberMe }));
            case SignInStatus.Failure:
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login attempt.");
                return await fail(View(model));
    blocked => new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden),
        "ValidLogin:" + model.Email, 3, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
        "InvalidLogin:" + model.Email, 4, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),

This DefendAsync allows you to wrap your existing Controller code with the defence. You put the existing code in your Controller methods inside the async (success, fail) delegate. Then while returning the response object, you wrap the return object with success() or fail(). HackerSpray will then maintain success and failure counters. If there are too many success or failed attempts as per the configuration, it will block further execution of the code inside the delegate, thus protecting your expensive business logic from attacks.

Why Not Use a Firewall?

Couple of reasons:

  • Firewalls have no intelligence on what business transaction is being performed. Thus you cannot implement brute force check against transactions. It is either URL or IP.
  • If a firewall has to implement brute force attack detection, it has to read the whole payload and then inspect for patterns. This requires high CPU Á Memory usage on Firewall. In case of https, it requires you to terminate https at firewall level so that it can read the received data.
  • Most firewalls have basic scripting language to configure rules. Some do support JavaScript like language, but check the CPU cost of that and the price tag. With HackerSpray, you get .NET code, so the sky is the limit.
  • Firewalls have limited storage for logs and shipping logs from firewall to analysis engines puts stress on the firewall, especially when you are under attack. Many a times, we experience Firewall CPU exhaustion when it is blocking DOS, while it is writing all those attacks in a log and also shipping the logs to our analysis servers.

With that being said, you should use Firewall for certain cases and Hacker Spray for different cases. You should use Firewall to limit maximum number of connections per IP, maximum number of connections opened to a webserver, rate limit, blacklisted IP and URLs. More than that, go for HackerSpray. It is better to perform CPU intensive operations at webserver level, because you have plenty of them. Usually, you have only one active firewall and thus best not to put CPU intensive operation on them.

Getting Started

.NET 4

Get the Hacker Spray library and HTTP Module to defend your website using:

Install-Package HackerSpray

It will do all the configuration to enable HackerSpray for your web project.

.NET Core

For .NET Core, use:

Install-Package HackerSprayCore

However, it will do nothing to enable HackerSpray for your web project. You need to do the following:

Step 1: Add hackerspray.json in the Configuration

  "HackerSpray": {
    "Redis": "",
    "Prefix": "AuthTest-Core:",
    "Keys": [
      "POST /Account/Login 100 00:10:00 key+origin",
      "GET /Account/Login 100 00:10:00 key+origin",
      "GET /Home/ 10000 00:10:00 key+origin"

On your Startup.cs, load this config file:

var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
Add this line--> .AddJsonFile("hackerspray.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
                .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true);

Step 2: Add the Hacker Spray Service in Startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)


Step 3: Add HackerSpray Middleware in Startup.service

Add app.UseXForwardedFor(); and app.UseHackerSpray(); right after UseStaticFiles() and before UseMvc();

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, 
                      ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)




    app.UseMvc(routes =>
            name: "default",
            template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

Run Redis Server

If you have installed from Nuget, redis will be downloaded and stored in packages folder. You can either run it from there or you can run it anywhere. HackerSpray supports Redis cluster. A lot of work has gone into making this library work on multi-node Master-Slave Redis cluster.

Configuring HackerSpray

In the web.config or hackerspray.json, you need to specify which paths to protect using the HttpModule or Middleware:

<HackerSprayConfig redis="localhost" prefix="AuthTest:">
      <add name="/Account/LogOn/" post="true" maxAttempts="100" 
       interval="00:10:00" mode="perkeyperorigin" />
      <add name="/Home/" post="false" maxAttempts="10000" 
       interval="00:01:00" mode="perorigin" />
      <add name="/" post="false" maxAttempts="10000" interval="00:01:00" mode="perorigin" />
  • redis - This is the connection string to Redis server.
  • prefix - All keys created in redis is prefixed with this.
  • keys - one entry per path that you want to protect
    • name - The Path to match
    • post - true = POST, false = GET
    • maxAttempts - max number of hits to allow
    • interval - hits for how long?
    • mode - How to count the hits and apply blocking
      • perkey - count hits from all IPs to this key. For example, allow maximum 1000000 hits to Home page in 10 minutes period.
      • perorigin - While checking hits to this key, if the origin IP has produced more than the maxAttempts hit overall on any key, then block. For example, allow 1000 hits per IP, to any key, but do this check on Login page hit.
      • perkeyorigin - Count hits to this key, per IP. For example, 1000 hits per IP on the Login page.

Run a Redis node or a cluster of Redis nodes. Provide the redis connection string in IP:host form in the web.config. If you are running multiple nodes in the cluster, provide IP:host for all nodes.

That's all!

Warning! If you have a Load Balancer, then you need to configure the Load Balancer to send the original Client's IP as the Request IP to the webserver. Or it must pass the original Client IP in a X-Forwarded-For header. This is very important. Hacker Spray maintains its counters using the Client IP. If the Client IP is the Load Balancer's IP, not the original Client's IP, then it will lock out the load balancer, causing total outage on your website.

Operational Monitoring & Dashboards


You can use any Redis Administration Application to view the blocking going on. For example, using Redis Desktop Manager, you can view which keys and IPs have been blacklisted:

Image 5

On this view, HackerSprayUnitTest is a prefix used to store all entries in Redis.

Underneath it, there's key and origin. Key contains all the keys that are now being blocked. For example, here you see User-38889 has been blacklisted.

Under origin, you see all the IPs that have been blacklisted from performing any hit to the URLs protected by Hacker Spray.

If you want to add a new IP to be blacklisted, you just add an entry here.

If you want to whitelist an IP, just remove the entry.

Changes are reflected on all webservers immediately.

Clicking on any of these entries in Redis will show you how many hits have been made.


The .NET 4 version uses .NET Tracing to write to logs. The format of the log is in unix syslog format, which makes it easy to feed into analysis tools like Elastic Search.

Jun 19 12:06:48 hostname HackerSpray: [Information] 
                HackerSprayWebDefence Path matched: /Account/LogOn
Jun 19 12:06:48 hostname HackerSpray: [Verbose] Hits: /Account/LogOn    3 5 3
Jun 19 12:06:48 hostname HackerSpray: [Verbose] Defend: 1
Jun 19 12:06:48 hostname HackerSpray: [Verbose] Hits: InvalidLogin:user1    3 6 3
Jun 19 12:06:48 hostname HackerSpray: [Verbose] Defend: 1
Jun 19 12:06:49 hostname HackerSpray: [Information] 
                HackerSprayWebDefence Path matched: /Account/LogOn
Jun 19 12:06:49 hostname HackerSpray: [Verbose] Hits: /Account/LogOn    4 7 4
Jun 19 12:06:49 hostname HackerSpray: [Verbose] Defend: 1
Jun 19 12:06:49 hostname HackerSpray: [Verbose] Hits: InvalidLogin:user1    4 8 4
Jun 19 12:06:49 hostname HackerSpray: [Verbose] TooManyHitsOnKey: InvalidLogin:user1
Jun 19 12:06:49 hostname HackerSpray: [Information] Blacklist Key: InvalidLogin:user1

The log shows you how long Hacker.Defend function is taking to execute, which URLs it is intercepting, and which keys are getting blocked.

.NET Core has a newer log format, which looks like this:

2016-06-19 11:55:33.206 +01:00 [Warning] Invalid password for user 
2016-06-19 11:55:35.499 +01:00 [Warning] User "c0266265-b71b-417d-b9d1-4e44a3f7300c" 
                                         failed to provide the correct password.
2016-06-19 11:55:37.676 +01:00 [Warning] Invalid password for user 
2016-06-19 11:55:37.678 +01:00 [Warning] User "c0266265-b71b-417d-b9d1-4e44a3f7300c" 
                                         failed to provide the correct password.
2016-06-19 11:55:38.959 +01:00 [Warning] Invalid password for user 
2016-06-19 11:55:38.960 +01:00 [Warning] User "c0266265-b71b-417d-b9d1-4e44a3f7300c" 
                                         failed to provide the correct password.
2016-06-19 11:55:40.077 +01:00 [Warning] Invalid password for user 
2016-06-19 11:55:40.077 +01:00 [Warning] User "c0266265-b71b-417d-b9d1-4e44a3f7300c" 
                                         failed to provide the correct password.
2016-06-19 11:55:40.096 +01:00 [Warning] Blocked:
2016-06-19 11:55:46.465 +01:00 [Warning] Blocked:

Measuring Performance Impact

In .NET 4 version, look for this in the log:

Jun 19 12:06:49 hostname HackerSpray: [Verbose] Defend: 1

This records how many milliseconds it has taken to perform the Defend operation.

.NET core logs in this format:

2016-07-06 00:52:13.471 +01:00 [Debug] Defend Begin: /Account/Login
2016-07-06 00:52:13.472 +01:00 [Debug] Defend: /Account/Login
2016-07-06 00:52:13.474 +01:00 [Debug] Defend Result: Allowed
2016-07-06 00:52:13.475 +01:00 [Debug] Defend End: /Account/Login 3
2016-07-06 00:52:13.475 +01:00 [Information] Request finished in 5.6397ms 200 

Look for Defend End. You can see how long the .NET Core Middleware has taken to perform the defence.


Cannot Connect to Redis

  • Check if port is configured properly in connection string
  • Check if you can telnet in to the redis port
  • Check if the version of StackExchange.Redis client being used supports the Redis server or configuration you have deployed

Logging Does Not Work

  • Incorrect path in configuration
  • The folder does not have write permission for the user running your app
  • Correct minimum level not set in config

Invalid Login Attemps are not Getting Blocked

You haven't implemented the HackerSpray check on the AccountController. See the sample controller code on how to do this.

Hacker Spray Is Not Blocking Any Request After Too Many Hits

  • Make sure the HttpModule (.NET 4) or the Middleware (.NET Core) has been properly registered. The Middleware must be registered right after app.UseStaticFiles and before app.UseMvc.
  • For .NET Core, see the sample project's Startup.cs how to proper register it. It is very important you register the middleware right after StaticFile handler.
  • Ensure you haven't set the numbers too high in configuration.

Hackerspray Is Blocking All Requests

  • If you have a load balancer, make sure it is generating X-Forwarded-For header containing the original Client IP. Otherwise HackerSpray sees the load balancer as the client and blocks it.


  • 18th July, 2016: Initial version


  • See Github for license


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Architect BT, UK (ex British Telecom)
United Kingdom United Kingdom

Comments and Discussions

QuestionSome Entry(origins,key) are removed. Pin
Mhrn0ooosh2-Oct-18 1:51
Mhrn0ooosh2-Oct-18 1:51 
QuestionHackerSprayCore missing Pin
Member 44404189-Jan-17 7:58
Member 44404189-Jan-17 7:58 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
User 1106097922-Aug-16 2:32
User 1106097922-Aug-16 2:32 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Dmitriy Gakh16-Aug-16 4:08
professionalDmitriy Gakh16-Aug-16 4:08 
QuestionHackerSpray is Problematic to me Pin
Saintniyi27-Jul-16 20:57
Saintniyi27-Jul-16 20:57 
AnswerRe: HackerSpray is Problematic to me Pin
Omar Al Zabir29-Jul-16 4:34
Omar Al Zabir29-Jul-16 4:34 
GeneralRe: HackerSpray is Problematic to me Pin
Saintniyi29-Jul-16 10:52
Saintniyi29-Jul-16 10:52 
QuestionNice Article Pin
Rubol27-Jul-16 19:54
professionalRubol27-Jul-16 19:54 
QuestionTypically excellent... Pin
R. Giskard Reventlov19-Jul-16 9:23
R. Giskard Reventlov19-Jul-16 9:23 
QuestionNice Writing Brother. Pin
Md. Mahmudul Hasan18-Jul-16 19:40
Md. Mahmudul Hasan18-Jul-16 19:40 

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