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Defend ASP.NET and WCF from Various Attacks using Nginx

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28 Jul 2016CPOL14 min read 47K   32   3
Protect ASP.NET and WCF from various brute force and Denial of Service attacks and speed up response time using nginx.


ASP.NET websites and WCF services can be attacked in many ways to slow down the service and even cause a complete outage. One can perform slowloirs attack to exhaust all connections and threads on IIS and cause a complete outage. One can hit expensive URLs like Download URLs or exploit an expensive WCF service to cause high CPU usage and bring down the service. One can open too many parallel connections and stop IIS from accepting more connections. One can exploit a large file download URL and perform continuous parallel download and exhaust the network bandwidth, causing a complete outage or expensive bandwidth bill at the end of the month. One can also find a way to insert a large amount of data in the database and exhaust database storage.

Thus ASP.NET and WCF services, like all other web technology platforms, need more than standard network firewall. They need proper Web Application Firewall (WAF), which can inspect exactly what is being done on the application and block malicious transactions, specific to the application being protected. Nginx (engine x) is such an application that can offer many types of defence for ASP.NET and WCF and it can significantly speed up an ASP.NET website by offloading static files and large file transfers.

Even if you have zero knowledge of Linux, you can still get a decent nginx setup done.

What is nginx

Nginx is a free open source webserver and reverse proxy. It is now the third most used server after Apache and IIS. Besides the free version, there's a commercial version 'Nginx Plus', which offers more features for load balancing, security and monitoring. The free version has no web console for monitoring at all. It has no health check capability on the backend servers, besides simple connection open, no sticky session capability, no web monitoring console (besides nginxtop), no TCP checks and so on. Nginx guys have done clever feature planning to move those features to the commercial version, which you will be itching to have once you go live. But that does not mean using the free version is useless. You can still make very good use of it. At least it is far better than exposing IIS on the internet naked.

In this article, we will look at the features of the free nginx and how to utilize them to defend ASP.NET and WCF services. Its main feature is to act as a reverse proxy, which offloads backend servers like IIS from serving static files, large downloads, video streaming and so on. It can act as a load balancer and rate limiter, limiting traffic going to the backend webservers.

What Attacks Can We Block?

Using nginx, I will show how to implement the following use cases:

  • Block Denial of service attacks
    • Block slowloris attacks to prevent complete outage
    • Limit number of open connections per IP, thus reducing DOS attack impact
    • Limit number of http hits made per IP per second/minute, thus reducing DOS attack impact
    • Whitelist, blacklist IPs
    • Limit download bandwidth per IP to prevent bandwidth exhaustion
  • ASP.NET and WCF specific protection
    • Protect from large POST on ASP.NET and WCF
    • Define POST size per URL, e.g., 100k on the entire website, except 4MB on a download URL
    • Disable WCF service WSDL/Mex endpoints, so that no one can explore what services are on the offer.
    • Suppress stack trace from error pages, as stack traces reveal internals of application that aids attackers.
    • Suppress IIS and ASP.NET headers, so that one cannot figure out which version is running and then exploit the vulnerabilities
    • Protect IIS from range attack CVE-2015-1635
  • Improve performance and offload IIS
    • Cache ASMX and WCF Ajax proxy on browser and save repeated hits
    • Cache static files on nginx servers, preventing repeated hits going to IIS
    • Offload expensive gzip compression and save IIS CPU
    • Offload large file transfers by storing them on nginx server upon first hit
  • Block AntiXSS and Injection attacks
  • Boost site performance using Google's PageSpeed module for nginx


You deploy nginx on a linux server. You can get a small or moderate Linux VM, as nginx has very low footprint, when it handles several thousand requests per second. The linux VM then forwards the connections to the IIS servers.

Image 1


There are specific installation instructions available for various linux distributions. However, I compile it from source code because I need the headers-more-nginx-module, which allows header manipulation. Here are the commands to run as a root in order to get nginx and the module downloaded, compiled and installed, ready to use. You should change the nginx URL and folder name based on the latest version of nginx available.

mkdir nginx
cd nginx/
tar xf nginx-1.11.2.tar.gz
mkdir modules
cd modules/
mv headers-more-nginx-module-master/ headers-more-nginx-module/
cd ..
cd nginx-1.11.2
./configure --prefix=/etc/nginx --sbin-path=/usr/sbin/nginx \
--modules-path=/usr/lib64/nginx/modules --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
--error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log --http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log \
--pid-path=/var/run/ --lock-path=/var/run/nginx.lock \
--http-client-body-temp-path=/var/cache/nginx/client_temp \
--http-proxy-temp-path=/var/cache/nginx/proxy_temp \
--http-fastcgi-temp-path=/var/cache/nginx/fastcgi_temp \
--http-uwsgi-temp-path=/var/cache/nginx/uwsgi_temp \
--http-scgi-temp-path=/var/cache/nginx/scgi_temp \
--user=nginx --group=nginx --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_realip_module \
--with-http_addition_module --with-http_sub_module --with-http_dav_module \
--with-http_flv_module --with-http_mp4_module --with-http_gunzip_module \
--with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_random_index_module \
--with-http_secure_link_module --with-http_stub_status_module \
--with-http_auth_request_module --with-http_xslt_module=dynamic \
--with-threads --with-stream --with-stream_ssl_module \
--with-http_slice_module --with-mail --with-mail_ssl_module \
--with-file-aio --with-ipv6 --with-http_stub_status_module   \
--with-cc-opt='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions 
                      -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=generic' \


make install

which nginx

ginx -V

service nginx start

The nginx configuration file is stored at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

Let's create a simple configuration file with no protection, just load balancing the backend IIS.

user  nginx;
worker_processes  4;  # 2 * Number of CPUs
events {
  # It's the key to high performance - have a lot of connections available
  worker_connections  19000;
# Each connection needs a filehandle (or 2 if you are proxying)
# Total amount of users you can serve = worker_processes * worker_connections
worker_rlimit_nofile    40000;

http {
  upstream aspnetservers {
    server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s;
    server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s;
    keepalive 32; # keep some connections alive to save connection open time
  server {
    listen 80;
    location / {
       proxy_pass http://aspnetservers;
      add_header       X-Upstream      $upstream_addr;

Key things to remember here:

  • http {} - this defines common behavior for all http service, across all servers, domains, urls. This is where you define common configuration for any http traffic handled by nginx. This is like the global configuration.
  • upstream {} - create named groups of backend IIS servers.
  • server {} - define individual virtual hosts which listens on an IP and port and supports certain host headers. This is similar to website on IIS.
  • location {} - define URL patterns and how to deal with them. The pattern is defined as regular expression and it only matches the URI path part, no query string is available for matching.

In the following section, I will be saying "put this in http", "put that on server" and you need to understand which scope it means.

Once you have setup your nginx.conf, you should check this article to make sure you haven't done some configuration that is going to open up vulnerabilities.

Block Denial of Service Attacks

Let's look at various types of denial of service attacks and how to block them.

Slowloris Attacks

Slowloris opens many connections and very slowly posts the request header and body. It puts delay between each byte it sends and makes IIS think it is a valid client, just performing slowly. IIS will hold all these connection open and run out of connections. Slowloris attack can be performed by open a free tool widely available.

In order to block slowloris attack, we need to reject slow request sending. Put this inside http section:

# Timeouts, do not keep connections open longer then necessary to reduce
# resource usage and deny Slowloris type attacks.
client_body_timeout      5s; # maximum time between packets the client can pause 
                             # when sending nginx any data
client_header_timeout    5s; # maximum time the client has to send the entire header to nginx
keepalive_timeout       75s; # timeout which a single keep-alive client connection will stay open
send_timeout            15s; # maximum time between packets nginx is allowed to pause 
                             # when sending the client data

Block Too Many Connections Causing Denial of Service

Some form of DOS attacks are performed by opening too many connections and exhausting available connections at load balancer or IIS level. Thus we need to implement maximum open connection limit per IP. While we do that, we need to have some whitelist mechanism so that we do not impose the limit on clients who do need to open many connections.

Without any connection limit, you can generate a lot of load and blow up server CPU. Here's an example of opening too many connections, doing too many requests and causing very high CPU:

Image 2

Figure: Sending too many requests

CPU goes very high on IIS.

Image 3

Let's limit the number of connections that can be opened per IP. It will help reduce the load on the server. Let's put this in the http section:

geo $whitelist {
       default          0;
       # CIDR in the list below are not limited       1;    1;
       # All private IP ranges     1;       1;    1;   1;
    map $whitelist $limit {
        0     $binary_remote_addr;
        1     "";
    # The directives below limit concurrent connections from a
    # non-whitelisted IP address
    limit_conn_zone      $limit    zone=connlimit:10m;
    limit_conn           connlimit 20;
    limit_conn_log_level warn;   # logging level when threshold exceeded
    limit_conn_status    503;    # the error code to return

Once we deploy this, clients start getting a lot of 503 thrown from nginx:

Image 4

We can see many requests are now failing, which is good news! But IIS is still getting fried:

Image 5

When so many requests are getting rejected at nginx, IIS should be consuming a lot less CPU, isn't it?

The reason is, even with the connection limit, over 600 req/sec are reaching IIS, which is enough to blow up the server. We have imposed limit on the number of open connections per IP, but not on the number of requests an IP can make over the open connections. Each IP can send large number of requests through small number of open connections. What we really need is a req/sec limit imposed on nginx. Let's do that in the next section.

Blocking High Request/sec and Brute Force Attacks

Most brute force attacks are performed either by sending many parallel requests, or sending many subsequent requests over small number of open connections. DOS attack is also performed on URL or services which are very small, but can be hit very frequently, in order to generate high number of hits/sec and cause excessive CPU. In order to protect our system from brute force and such form of DOS attack, we need to impose request/sec limit per IP. Here's how you can do that in nginx:

# Allow N req/sec to non-whitelisted IPs with a burst of another 10.
limit_req_zone       $limit   zone=one:10m  rate=50r/s;
limit_req            zone=one burst=10;
limit_req_log_level  warn;
limit_req_status     503;

Once we deploy rate limit, we can see IIS CPU has gone down to normal level:

Image 6

We can also see number of successful requests reaching IIS is below the 50 req/sec limit.

Image 7

You might think, why not put max request/sec limit per IIS server? Then you will be causing an outage for everyone, if just one IP manages to consume that request/sec limit.

Whitelist and Blacklist IP

This is very easy, just add "deny <ip>;" statements inside http scope to block an IP completely. If you put it inside server block, only that virtual host gets the block. You can also block certain IPs on certain locations.

location / {
    allow 2001:0db8::/32;
    deny  all;

If you want to block everyone and whitelist certain IPs, then put some "allow <ip>" and end with "deny all;"

Prevent Bandwidth Exhaustion

Someone can perform DOS attack by exceeding the monthly bandwidth quota. It is usually done by downloading large files repeatedly. Since upload bandwidth is limited, but download bandwidth is usually not limited, one can get some cheap VM and hit a server and exhaust its monthly bandwidth quota quite easily. So, we need to impose limit on the network transfer rate per IP.

First, put this at http scope:

# zone to hold all remote ip
limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=addr:10m;

This puts limit on any path which ends with /Download. For example, /Home/Index/Download would get this limit. Say you have made a controller that serves file:

public class HomeController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";
            return View();
        public FileResult Download()
            var path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Video"];
            return File(path,
                MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(path), Path.GetFileName(path));

Nginx would protect such vulnerable Controllers.

Let's understand the nginx configuration a bit more. Limit_rate_after says first 200k bytes enjoy full speed, more than that will be limited to 100k/sec. Moreover, it will only allow 2 parallel hits to this URL using limit_conn addr. If you don't put the last one, then someone can open many parallel connections and download at 100k/sec and still break your piggy bank.

You should put such limit on static files as well:
        # Static URLs
        location ~* \.(mp4|flv|css|bmp|tif|ttf|docx|woff2|js|pict|tiff|eot|xlsx|jpg|
        class|png|ppt|mid|webp|jar)$ {
            limit_rate_after 200k;
            limit_rate       100k;
            limit_conn addr 2; # beware of ISP proxies

Cache Static Files on nginx Servers

Nginx is awesome at caching files and then serving them without sending requests to backend servers. You can use nginx to deliver static files for your website and generate custom expiration and cache headers as you like.

First, you put this at http scope:

proxy_cache_path  /var/nginx/cache  levels=1:2  keys_zone=STATIC:10m inactive=24h  max_size=1g;

Then you put this inside server scope:

# Static URLs
        location ~* \.(css|bmp|tif|ttf|docx|woff2|js|pict|tiff|eot|xlsx|
                       swf|svg|ps|ico|pls|midi|svgz|class|png|ppt|mid|webp|jar)$ {
            proxy_cache STATIC;
            expires 2d;
            add_header X-Proxy-Cache $upstream_cache_status;
            proxy_ignore_headers "Set-Cookie";
            proxy_hide_header "Set-Cookie";
            proxy_cache_valid 200 302  2d; # deploy changes on Sat, get fresh on Mon
            proxy_cache_valid 301      1h;
            proxy_cache_valid any      1m; # cache those nasty 404s
            proxy_pass http://aspnetservers;

All those proxy ignore_header, hide_header, cache_valid options are necessary to make this caching business work properly. Otherwise caching malfunctions. This is one area of nginx that took me a lot of time to get it working properly. I have been finding bits and pieces from many articles and stackoverflow article addressing various problems, to eventually reach the final combination of parameters that you see here.

You can test it using curl:

>  curl -I -X GET
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 15:57:44 GMT
Content-Type: text/css
Content-Length: 120502
Connection: keep-alive
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Last-Modified: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 22:18:33 GMT
ETag: "37e47a7d4e2d11:0"
Expires: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 15:57:44 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=172800
X-Proxy-Cache: HIT
Accept-Ranges: bytes

The response shows X-Proxy-Cache:HIT meaning it has been served from nginx without hitting IIS. If it was MISS, then it would have gone to IIS. On first hit, you will get MISS, but subsequent hits should be HIT.

Offload Large File Transfers

You can store large files like videos, pdfs, documents, etc. on the nginx server storage and then serve them directly when certain URL is hit. For example, the below config shows how to serve content from nginx server:

#location ~* \.(mp4|flv)$ {
location ~* /Download$ {
    # files can be read and sent using multi-threading (1.7.11),
    # without blocking a worker process:
    sendfile       on;
    aio            threads;
    limit_rate_after 200k;
    limit_rate       100k;
    limit_conn addr 2; # beware of ISP proxies
    expires 2d;
    root               /var/nginx/cache/video; # path where nginx stores files
    error_page         404 = @fetch;

It looks for the file in the local path that you have defined in root. For example, when you hit a URL /Home/Index/Download, then it reads the file /var/nginx/cache/video/Home/Index/Download. If you have used the mp4 pattern, and then you hit a URL /Home/video.mp4, then it will look for a file in /var/nginx/cache/video/Home/video.mp4.

But what if the file is being hit for the very first time and nginx hasn't cached it in local storage yet? Then HTTP 404 is produced, which then gets redirected to the following location rule:

location @fetch {
        add_header X-Proxy-Cache $upstream_cache_status;
        proxy_ignore_headers "Set-Cookie";
        proxy_hide_header "Set-Cookie";
        proxy_cache_valid 200 302  2d; # deploy changes on Sat, get fresh on Mon
        proxy_cache_valid 301      1h;
        proxy_cache_valid any      1m; # cache those nasty 404s
        proxy_pass         http://aspnetservers;
        proxy_store        on;
        proxy_store_access user:rw group:rw all:r;
        proxy_temp_path    /var/nginx/cache/video;
        root               /var/nginx/cache/video;

First block is the same as caching css, js, etc. static files. However, the important part is the proxy_store block, which tells nginx to permanently save the file received from backend server into the path.

Offload Expensive gzip Compression

This is controversial. Should you put all gzip compression load on your central nginx server, which is a single point of failure, or should you instead distribute the gzip load over your IIS servers? It depends on where it costs the least. If you find IIS consuming too much CPU serving your CPU hungry application, then you might want to offload it on nginx. Otherwise, leave it on IIS and let nginx be free.

Put this block in http scope for turning on gzip compression in all requests. You can also do it at server or location level:

# Compression
# Enable Gzip compressed.
gzip on;
gzip_disable "msie6";
# Enable compression both for HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1.
gzip_http_version  1.1;
# Compression level (1-9).
# 5 is a perfect compromise between size and cpu usage, offering about
# 75% reduction for most ascii files (almost identical to level 9).
gzip_comp_level    5;
# Don't compress anything that's already small and unlikely to shrink much
# if at all (the default is 20 bytes, which is bad as that usually leads to
# larger files after gzipping).
gzip_min_length    256;
# Compress data even for clients that are connecting to us via proxies,
# identified by the "Via" header (required for CloudFront).
gzip_proxied       any;
# Tell proxies to cache both the gzipped and regular version of a resource
# whenever the client's Accept-Encoding capabilities header varies;
# Avoids the issue where a non-gzip capable client (which is extremely rare
# today) would display gibberish if their proxy gave them the gzipped version.
gzip_vary          on;
# Compress all output labeled with one of the following MIME-types.
# text/html is always compressed by HttpGzipModule

.NET Specific Protection

Protect from Large POST on ASP.NET and WCF

First, you should define a site wide low limit on post so that you do not accidentally leave some vulnerable endpoint letting someone post large bodies. You should put this at http scope:

client_max_body_size       100k; # Start with small, increase where needed
client_body_buffer_size    128k;
client_body_in_single_buffer on;
client_body_temp_path      /var/nginx/client_body_temp;
client_header_buffer_size    1k;
large_client_header_buffers  4 4k;

Then on specific URLs, you can define higher limits. For example, say you have implemented an upload controller action:

 public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)
     if (file.ContentLength > 0)
         var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
         var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/"), fileName);
     return RedirectToAction("Index");

You want to allow up to 500KB upload on this URL:

# Upload URL with special limit
location ~* /Home/Index$ {
    client_max_body_size       500k;
    proxy_pass http://aspnetservers;

Similarly, say you have WCF/ASMX webservices where you want to allow up to 200 KB POST requests:

location ~* \.(svc|asmx)$ {
    client_max_body_size       200k;
    proxy_pass http://aspnetservers;

Disable WCF Service WSDL/Mex Endpoints

You should disable WCF service WSDL/Mex endpoints, so that no one can explore what services are on the offer. It makes hackers life easier to see the definition of the service and then identify what can be exploited. By hiding the definition on production server, you make their job harder.

You can listen to this great talk "Attacking WCF".

# WCF usual mex endpoint URL
location ~* \.svc\/mex$ {
    return 444 break;
# All other WCF hits
location ~* \.(svc|asmx)$ {
    client_max_body_size       200k;
    # Suppress WSDL
    if ( $args ~* wsdl ) {
        return 444 break;
    proxy_pass http://aspnetservers;

Suppress Stack Trace From Error Pages

You should suppress stack trace from error pages or error responses from JSON/XML services. Stack traces reveal internals of application that aids attackers. You want to make attackers' life harder and waste as much time as possible. One easy way to do it is to capture all HTTP 500 generated from IIS, and return some fake error message. Someone trying to find out information about your application by generating error from every endpoint will waste a lot of time before figuring out that it is all fake.

server {
     listen 80;

     error_page 500 502 503 504 = /500.html;
     proxy_intercept_errors on;

     location /500.html {
         return 500 "{\"Message\":\"An error has occurred.\",\"ExceptionMessage\":
         \"An exception has occurred\",\"ExceptionType\":\"SomeException\",\"StackTrace\": null}";

Suppress IIS and ASP.NET Headers

You should suppress IIS and ASP.NET headers, so that one cannot figure out which version is running and then exploit the vulnerabilities. You can define this at http scope:

# Remove nginx version
server_tokens off;
# Remove ASP.NET headers
more_clear_headers 'X-Powered-By';
more_clear_headers 'X-AspNet-Version';
more_clear_headers 'X-AspNetMvc-Version';

Before all your dirty laundries are out:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.11.2
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 16:58:49 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 3254
Connection: keep-alive
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Cache-Control: private
X-AspNetMvc-Version: 5.2
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 08:54:08 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 3062
Connection: keep-alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=20
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Cache-Control: private

Notice that I have left Server: nginx header intact, but just hidden the version. This is a deterrent. Once an attacker sees you are smart enough to use nginx, they will be put off, because they know they can't break nginx so easily. They will realize that they need much more budget to break your website since nginx will make it quite hard to perform Denial of Service. So, proudly show your nginx to everyone.

Cache ASMX and WCF Ajax Proxy on Browser and Save Repeated Hits

You should cache ASMX and WCF Ajax proxy on browser and save repeated hits. This is one of the killer optimization techniques because if you don't do this, on every page load, browser will hit server to get the Ajax proxies downloaded. This is an aweful waste of traffic and one of the main reasons for making ASP.NET AJAX websites slow loading.

If you don't do this, every time you hit a .svc/js or .asmx/js URL, you get no cache header:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: public
Content-Length: 2092
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
Expires: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 17:01:51 GMT
Last-Modified: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 17:01:51 GMT
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 17:02:41 GMT

The Expires header with current date time kill all caching.

Now put this in nginx config:

# WCF AJAX Proxies
location ~* \.(svc|asmx)\/js$ {
     expires 1d;
     more_clear_headers 'Expires';
     proxy_pass http://aspnetservers;

Then you get nice cache headers:

Date:Wed, 27 Jul 2016 07:59:20 GMT
Last-Modified:Wed, 27 Jul 2016 07:59:20 GMT

Browser shows it is loading the ajax proxies from cache:

Image 8

Protect IIS from Range Attack CVE-2015-1635

This is an old one. Most IIS are already patched. But you should still put it on nginx to protect vulnerable IIS:

map $http_range $saferange {
        "~\d{10,}" "";  # if it matches a string of 10 or more integers, remove it
        default $http_range;
    proxy_set_header Range $saferange;

This prevents someone from sending a range header with very large value and causing IIS to go kaboom!

Block AntiXSS and Injection Attacks

Nginx has a powerful module Naxsi which offer AntiXSS and injection attack defence. You can read all about it from Naxsi website.

Boost Site Performance using Google's PageSpeed Module for nginx

Google has a PageSpeed module for nginx, which does a lot of automatic optimization. It has a long list of features that one can utilize to make significant performance improvement. Example and demos are here.


Unless you are using commercial NGINX PLUS, I would use the open source free NGINX only as a caching proxy to cache static files, especially delivering large files. For everything else, I would use HAProxy because it has much better monitoring console, health check, load balancing controls, sticky sessions, inspecting body of the content, TCP checks and so on. On the other hand, nginx has a powerful Web Application Firewall module Naxsi, which blocks AntiXSS and many types of injection attacks. So, to maximize performance, monitoring, protection and availability, you need to use a combination of nginx and haproxy.

The complete nginx.conf

user  nginx;
worker_processes  4;  # 2 * Number of CPUs
error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;
pid        /var/run/;
events {
    worker_connections  19000;  # It's the key to high performance - have a lot of connections available
worker_rlimit_nofile    40000;  # Each connection needs a filehandle (or 2 if you are proxying)
# Total amount of users you can serve = worker_processes * worker_connections
http {
    include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;
    log_format full '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
                    '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
                    '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" '
                    '$request_time '
                    '$upstream_addr '
                    '$upstream_status '
                    '$upstream_connect_time '
                    '$upstream_header_time '
    access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  full;
    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
    include /etc/nginx/blacklist.conf;
   ################# SSLv3 POODLE vulnerability ##############
    ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
    #################### Block slow clients - slowris attacks ###############
    # Timeouts, do not keep connections open longer then necessary to reduce
    # resource usage and deny Slowloris type attacks.
    client_body_timeout      5s; # maximum time between packets the client can pause 
                                 # when sending nginx any data
    client_header_timeout    5s; # maximum time the client has to send the entire header to nginx
    keepalive_timeout       75s; # timeout which a single keep-alive client connection will stay open
    send_timeout            15s; # maximum time between packets nginx is allowed to pause 
                                 # when sending the client data
    ################### Block large POST ###################
    client_max_body_size       100k; # Start with small, increase where needed
    client_body_buffer_size    128k;
    client_body_in_single_buffer on;
    client_body_temp_path      /var/nginx/client_body_temp;
    client_header_buffer_size    1k;
    large_client_header_buffers  4 4k;
    ######## Defend against IIS range attack CVE-2015-1635 ########
    map $http_range $saferange {
        "~\d{10,}" "";  # if it matches a string of 10 or more integers, remove it
        default $http_range;
    proxy_set_header Range $saferange;
    #################### Performance optimizations #################
    # Compression
    # Enable Gzip compressed.
    gzip on;
    gzip_disable "msie6";
    # Enable compression both for HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1.
    gzip_http_version  1.1;
    # Compression level (1-9).
    # 5 is a perfect compromise between size and cpu usage, offering about
    # 75% reduction for most ascii files (almost identical to level 9).
    gzip_comp_level    5;
    # Don't compress anything that's already small and unlikely to shrink much
    # if at all (the default is 20 bytes, which is bad as that usually leads to
    # larger files after gzipping).
    gzip_min_length    256;
    # Compress data even for clients that are connecting to us via proxies,
    # identified by the "Via" header (required for CloudFront).
    gzip_proxied       any;
    # Tell proxies to cache both the gzipped and regular version of a resource
    # whenever the client's Accept-Encoding capabilities header varies;
    # Avoids the issue where a non-gzip capable client (which is extremely rare
    # today) would display gibberish if their proxy gave them the gzipped version.
    gzip_vary          on;
    # Compress all output labeled with one of the following MIME-types.
    # text/html is always compressed by HttpGzipModule
    output_buffers   1 32k;
    postpone_output  1460;
    sendfile         on;
    sendfile_max_chunk 512k; # match with allowed download speed
    tcp_nopush       on;
    tcp_nodelay      on;
    #send_lowat       12000;
    ################### Edge cache #################
    proxy_cache_path  /var/nginx/cache  levels=1:2  keys_zone=STATIC:10m inactive=24h  max_size=1g;
    ################# Common Proxy configurations ##############
    proxy_redirect     off;
    proxy_set_header   Host             $host;
    proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP        $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_connect_timeout      5;
    proxy_send_timeout         90;
    proxy_read_timeout         90;
    #proxy_send_lowat           12000;
    proxy_buffering on;
    proxy_buffer_size          4k;
    proxy_buffers              4 32k;
    proxy_busy_buffers_size    64k;
    proxy_temp_file_write_size 64k;
    proxy_temp_path            /var/nginx/proxy_temp;
    # Use HTTP/1.1 for nginx to server connection for keepalive
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    ########### Retry failed requests ###########
    # how to handle failure from one server and send request to another server
    proxy_next_upstream error http_502 http_503 http_504;
    proxy_next_upstream_timeout 30s;
    proxy_next_upstream_tries 1; # do not blow up all servers
    ############## Hide ASP.NET servers and nginx version #######
    # Remove nginx version
    server_tokens off;
    # Remove ASP.NET headers
    more_clear_headers 'X-Powered-By';
    more_clear_headers 'X-AspNet-Version';
    more_clear_headers 'X-AspNetMvc-Version';
    ################## IP Whitelisting & Rate limiting ############
    geo $whitelist {
       default          0;
       # CIDR in the list below are not limited       1;    1;
       # All private IP ranges     1;       1;
       #    1;   1;
    map $whitelist $limit {
        0     $binary_remote_addr;
        1     "";
    # The directives below limit concurrent connections from a
    # non-whitelisted IP address
    limit_conn_zone      $limit    zone=connlimit:10m;
    limit_conn           connlimit 20;
    limit_conn_log_level warn;   # logging level when threshold exceeded
    limit_conn_status    503;    # the error code to return
    # Allow N req/sec to non-whitelisted IPs with a burst of another 10.
    limit_req_zone       $limit   zone=one:10m  rate=50r/s;
    limit_req            zone=one burst=10;
    limit_req_log_level  warn;
    limit_req_status     503;
    # zone to hold all remote ip
    limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=addr:10m;
    ################# Upstream / backend servers ###############
    upstream aspnetservers {
        server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s;
        #server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s;
        keepalive 32;
    ############### Virtual hosts ####################
    server_names_hash_bucket_size 128;  # this seems to be required for some vhosts
    # Prevent direct IP hit
    server {
        listen      80 default_server;
        server_name "";
        return      444 break;
    server {
        listen 80;
        error_page 500 502 503 504 = /500.html;
        proxy_intercept_errors on;
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://aspnetservers;
        # Upload URL with special limit
        location ~* /Home/Index$ {
            client_max_body_size       500k;
            proxy_pass http://aspnetservers;
        # WCF AJAX Proxies
        location ~* \.(svc|asmx)\/js$ {
             expires 1d;
             more_clear_headers 'Expires';
             proxy_pass http://aspnetservers;
        # WCF usual mex endpoint URL
        location ~* \.svc\/mex$ {
            return 444 break;
        # All other WCF hits
        location ~* \.(svc|asmx)$ {
            client_max_body_size       100k;
            # Suppress WSDL
            if ( $args ~* wsdl ) {
                return 444 break;
            proxy_pass http://aspnetservers;
        # Custom error handler
        location /500.html {
            return 500 "{\"Message\":\"An error has occurred.\",\"ExceptionMessage\":
            \"An exception has occurred\",\"ExceptionType\":\"SomeException\",\"StackTrace\": null}";
        # Static URLs
        location ~* \.(css|bmp|tif|ttf|docx|woff2|js|pict|tiff|eot|xlsx|jpg|csv|eps|woff|
        xls|jpeg|doc|ejs|otf|pptx|gif|pdf|swf|svg|ps|ico|pls|midi|svgz|class|png|ppt|mid|webp|jar)$ {
            proxy_cache STATIC;
            expires 2d;
            #add_header Cache-Control "public";
            add_header X-Proxy-Cache $upstream_cache_status;
            proxy_ignore_headers "Set-Cookie";
            proxy_hide_header "Set-Cookie";
            proxy_cache_valid 200 302  2d; # deploy changes on Sat, get fresh on Mon
            proxy_cache_valid 301      1h;
            proxy_cache_valid any      1m; # cache those nasty 404s
            proxy_pass http://aspnetservers;
        # Video
        #location ~* \.(mp4|flv)$ {
        location ~* /Download$ {
            # files can be read and sent using multi-threading (1.7.11), 
            # without blocking a worker process:
            sendfile       on;
            aio            threads;
            limit_rate_after 200k;
            limit_rate       100k;
            limit_conn addr 2; # beware of ISP proxies
            expires 2d;
            root               /var/nginx/cache/video;
            error_page         404 = @fetch;
        location @fetch {
            add_header X-Proxy-Cache $upstream_cache_status;
            proxy_ignore_headers "Set-Cookie";
            proxy_hide_header "Set-Cookie";
            proxy_cache_valid 200 302  2d; # deploy changes on Sat, get fresh on Mon
            proxy_cache_valid 301      1h;
            proxy_cache_valid any      1m; # cache those nasty 404s
            proxy_pass         http://aspnetservers;
            proxy_store        on;
            proxy_store_access user:rw group:rw all:r;
            proxy_temp_path    /var/nginx/cache/video;
            root               /var/nginx/cache/video;
        location /status {
            # Turn on nginx stats
            stub_status on;
            # I do not need logs for stats
            access_log   off;
            # Security: Only allow access from IP #
            # Send rest of the world to /dev/null #
            #deny all;


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Architect BT, UK (ex British Telecom)
United Kingdom United Kingdom

Comments and Discussions

SuggestionVery interesting, but... Pin
rodrodvr22-May-17 23:40
rodrodvr22-May-17 23:40 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
kiquenet.com6-May-17 8:47
professionalkiquenet.com6-May-17 8:47 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Ehsan Sajjad6-Dec-16 1:07
professionalEhsan Sajjad6-Dec-16 1:07 

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