**Before read this article please read what is WCF or why its need (for begineer)**
WCF is a framework for developing service oriented applications that can send asynchronous message to one endpoint to another endpoint. In this article i will show details development process of a WCF applications from a professional applications development view.
There are lots of articles available in the internet to learn WCF. So here I will expand my article to show details with a professional applications development view point. That's why the user can easily use this code/article when they start their WCF services in real life Applications
Part One: WCF Service create debug and Test
SO first we create a WCF Project from Visual studio
From Visual Studio->Create New project->WCF->WCF Service Application

Fig: 1
So what you have created?
You have created a Service that's name Service1.svc see on your project .
public class Service1 : IService1
public string GetData(int value)
return string.Format("You entered: {0}", value);
public CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite)
if (composite == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("composite");
if (composite.BoolValue)
composite.StringValue += "Suffix";
return composite;
Now the Question is How a service is accessible?
In WCF, all services expose contracts and describing what services does to the outside world. Different Type of Contract
- Operation Contract. ...
- Data Contract. ...
- Message Contract. ...
- Fault Contract.
Namespace and Names
By default, the exposed name of the contract will be the name of the interface used.
public interface IService1
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest, UriTemplate = UriTemplate.LoanCategoryById)]
QueryResult<list<categoryresponse>> GetData(int value , string st);
CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite);
public class CompositeType
bool boolValue = true;
string stringValue = "Hello ";
public bool BoolValue
get { return boolValue; }
set { boolValue = value; }
public string StringValue
get { return stringValue; }
set { stringValue = value; }
Now just run it and you will see output like that.
Fig: 2
Now I will explain how call your service method and how to debug. After that how you will test your service that's working fine or not?
1. After runnning you will see like fig:2 in your browser.
Click on Service1.svc, you will notice a page with heading "Service1 Service"
2. Now to see sevice methods on your service use /help on your URL
use this http://localhost:16980/Service1.svc/help
Are you see something? If NOT
then please change your web config System.service node as below
<servicehostingenvironment multiplesitebindingsenabled="true">
<binding crossdomainscriptaccessenabled="true" name="webHttpBindingWithJsonP">
<binding closetimeout="00:01:00" maxbuffersize="10485760" maxreceivedmessagesize="10485760" name="service1Binging" opentimeout="00:01:00" receivetimeout="00:10:00" sendtimeout="00:01:00">
<security mode="None">
<binding closetimeout="00:01:00" maxbuffersize="31457280" maxreceivedmessagesize="31457280" name="uploadBinding" opentimeout="00:01:00" receivetimeout="00:10:00" sendtimeout="00:01:00">
<security mode="None">
<service name="MyFirstWCFProject.Service1">
<endpoint address="" behaviorconfiguration="web" binding="webHttpBinding" bindingconfiguration="service1Binging" contract="MyFirstWCFProject.IService1">
<behavior name="web">
<webhttp automaticformatselectionenabled="true" helpenabled="true">
<behavior name="webUser">
Now check that it's working fine. and you will see like below.

Part Two: Working in a Professional Application
You have done your basic structure of your service. Continue with the first part In your project you need to follow some standard to develop your applications for scalability, durability and readability.
1. URL Format
2. Error Handling and throw with your service
3. User and Session Checking
4. Paginations
5. Info Message
6. Any warning Message
7. Operational Status Message
So first You need to follow a standard URL Name that will call for your user applications.
Here I have two method GetData and GetDataUsingDataContract. So I need to assign a meaningful name without modification my existing method name.
So I create a Class to write URL Name globally
public static class UriTemplate
public const string LoanCategoryById = "LoanCategoryById";
public const string LoadAllCategory = "LoadAllCategory";
and change in Iservice1 as like below
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest, UriTemplate = UriTemplate.LoanCategoryById)]
Secondly You need to return a standard message format for your every Response Result.
Base Result Class
public class BaseResult
private bool operationSuccessful = false;
public bool IsOperationSuccessful
get { return this.operationSuccessful; }
set { this.operationSuccessful = value; }
private bool isresult = false;
public bool IsResult
get { return this.isresult; }
set { this.isresult = value; }
private List<message> statusMessages;
public List<message> StatusMessages
get { return statusMessages; }
set { statusMessages = value; }
private List<message> errorMessages;
public List<message> ErrorMessages
get { return errorMessages; }
set { errorMessages = value; }
private List<message> infoMessages;
public List<message> InfoMessages
get { return infoMessages; }
set { infoMessages = value; }
private List<string> warnMessages;
public List<string> WarnMessages
get { return warnMessages; }
set { warnMessages = value; }
public class Message
public string Code { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
And Below Query Result Class
public class QueryResult<t> : BaseResult
private T result;
public T Result
get { return result; }
set { result = value; }
public int Total { get; set; }
So using this Query Result class you will handle result, how much result contain in the response list, an error message, operation status etc.
Now I Have implemented this in GetData Method
public QueryResult<list<categoryresponse>> GetData(int value,string st)
QueryResult<list<categoryresponse>> result = new QueryResult<list<categoryresponse>>();
List<categoryresponse> responseList = new List<categoryresponse>();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(st))
var err = new List<message>();
err.Add(new Message { Code = "1", Text = "Session Token is missing" });
result.ErrorMessages = err;
return result;
List<categoryresponse> categories = new List<categoryresponse>() { new CategoryResponse(){Code="001",Name="Test 1"}, new CategoryResponse(){Code="002", Name="Test 2"}};
foreach (var item in categories)
result.Total = categories.Count;
result.Result = responseList;
result.IsOperationSuccessful = true;
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
result.IsOperationSuccessful = false;
result.IsResult = false;
var err = new List<message>();
err.Add(new Message { Code = "5", Text = ex.Message });
result.ErrorMessages = err;
return result;
Also Please change IService Method Return Type like Below
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest, UriTemplate = UriTemplate.LoanCategoryById)]
QueryResult<list<categoryresponse>> GetData(int value , string st);
So you have done service. Now how to test it. How to see result.
Personally i use POSTMAN a plugin for google chrome browser
Install it from this link.
Open it
Paste your URL on URL
Write Body [That you pass with parameter]
Data Type JSON and run you will see your result.
"ErrorMessages": null,
"InfoMessages": null,
"IsOperationSuccessful": true,
"IsResult": true,
"StatusMessages": null,
"WarnMessages": null,
"Result": [
"Code": "001",
"Name": "Test 1",
"ParentGroupId": 0
"Code": "002",
"Name": "Test 2",
"ParentGroupId": 0
"Total": 2
Points of Interest
This article for beginner who face problem when developing service based applications. I think its help them better.
Keep a running update of any changes or improvements you've made here.