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27 Aug 2000 1  
Provides a memory based DC into which an image may be drawn using standard GDI calls.

Sample Image - WebImageDC.jpg


Derived from the MFC class CDC, this class provides a memory based DC into which an image may be drawn using standard GDI calls. The resulting image may then be saved as either a PNG file or written to a CMemFile for insertion into a CHttpStream (a demonstration of this is included at the bottom of this article).


BOOL Create(CSize &pImageSize);

As with many MFC classes, CWebImageDC requires a two step creation. After being instantiated, the Create method must be called once to generate the bitmap. The CSize parameter indicates the width and height of the resulting image in pixels. If you will not be drawing over the entire bitmap, you should probably then call the Erase method (see below).

    CString &pFileName,
    BOOL pInterlaced = TRUE,
    BOOL pTransparent = FALSE,
    COLORREF pTransparentColor = RGB(255,255,255));

Saves the bitmap in PNG format to the file specified in the pFileName parameter. The optional control parameters will determine whether the resulting file is interlaced, and whether it has one of its colors set to transparent (and which color that is).

    CMemFile * pMemFile,
    BOOL pInterlaced = TRUE,
    BOOL pTransparent = FALSE,
    COLORREF pTransparentColor = RGB(255,255,255));

Writes the bitmap in PNG format to the CMemFile specified in the pMemFile parameter. The buffer associated with the MemFile can then be accessed using the .Detach() method and can be sent to a CHttpStream using the .Write() method. See the source code in the Bar example below for an example of this technique.

void Erase(COLORREF pColor);

Fills the entire bitmap with the color specified.


Sample Image

The bar chart above was generated using the CWebImageDC in an ISAPI plug-in which takes a parameter list describing a single bar in a bar chart, and returns an HTTP stream which contains the raster image of the described bar in PNG format.


The plug-in is used as follows:

<img src="/scripts/bar.dll?Draw�meters ">

where parameters have the form:


The parameters are as follows:

  • ww = width in pixels
  • hh = height in pixels
  • bc = background color in RRGGBB format (hex)
  • dc = default color
  • label = the column label
  • rr = range for the bar
  • vv = value of the bar
  • ss = number of sigmas (divisions)
  • sn,sc = comma separated list of sigmas and colors

Note: colors are in the form RRGGBB in hex from 00 to FF


<img src="/scripts/bar.dll?Draw&30,300,FFFFFF,

would result in the following:

Bar Image

A series of these can easily be used to generate a bar chart like the one shown earlier, within an ASP page.


This class uses the PNG and ZLIB libraries provided by the PNG Working Group and the HIPNG provided by Alan Algustyniak. Thanks very much for the great libraries.


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