In ASP.NET, when we develop web pages, there may be a set of web controls on the page and related to each other (drop down list in this case). When the end user inputs to one control, we want another control(s) to get updated accordingly, typically extract data from the backend database and populate the front-end. Usually, the page is posted back to the server and you can see that the page flashes. Sometimes the page is pretty big and the postback will take a while. Sometimes there is only a small portion of the page to be updated and you do not want to refresh the whole page, and you do not want to be interrupted by those flashes as well, here comes one option to avoid that.
This article is based on the article "Refresh Portion of your web page using XMLHTTP" on CP. I did some research on the topic, and I tried using the IFRAME
, but it seems to me, IFRAME
has some sort of limitation on your layout, as you have to put the controls in the IFRAME
. I took the same idea from Dhandapani Ammasai and applied it to ASP.NET.
Using the code
Unzip the demo project, setup web sharing property as Refresh3
and create a web application and run it. In this demo, I did not connect to the database, as everyone has different connection strings, passwords, instance, etc. It won't be working after you download it and I just wanted to focus on the refresh part.
The working process is as follows. In the Page_Load
of WebForm1.aspx, I registered JavaScript.
if (Page.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("RefreshDropdown")==false)
string script = FileReader.ReadFile(Server.MapPath(
HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath +
Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("RefreshDropdown", script);
When you select an item from Country
, it will trigger the DisplayCity
function implemented in the JavaScript. The two major functions are DisplayCity
and GetCities
, let's take a look:
function DisplayCity(ddlCity, Country)
if (ddlCity == null)
ddlCity.selectedIndex = -1;
var xmlStates = GetCities(Country);
var objXmlDom = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
if (!objXmlDom.loadXML(xmlStates))
var sErr = "Response XML String is messed up\n" + xmlStates;
var nodes = objXmlDom.selectNodes("/Response/City");
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
var objOption = document.createElement("option");
objOption.text = nodes[i].text;
function GetCities(Country)
var objHTTP = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var szURL = "Process.aspx?Country=" + Country;
var szHttpMethod = "POST";
objHTTP.Open(szHttpMethod, szURL, false);
var szReply = objHTTP.ResponseText;
if (objHTTP.status != 200)
szReply = "";
return szReply;
In GetCities
, we create a XMLHTTP
object and build a dynamic URL, post it to Process.aspx and get the response in XML. In DisplayCity
, we parse the response XML and populate them to the City
dropdown list. Please note, in order to get rid of unnecessary resopnse, we removed most of the HTML content of Process.aspx except the first line. The function of Process.aspx is to generate dymanic XML content, and connect to database if necessary. Just to illustrate, we simply hard coded different strings.
string Country = Request.QueryString["Country"];
string ret = "<Response>";
if(Country == "US")
ret += "<City value='California'>California</City>";
ret += "<City value='Virginia'>Virginia</City>";
ret += "<City value='Washington'>Washington</City>";
if(Country == "Canada")
ret += "<City value='Ontario'>Ontario</City>";
ret += "<City value='Alberta'>Alberta</City>";
ret += "<City value='BC'>British Columnbia</City>";
ret += "<City value='Quebec'>Quebec</City>";
if(Country == "India")
ret += "<City value='1'>City1</City>";
ret += "<City value='2'>City2</City>";
ret += "<City value='3'>City3</City>";
ret += "</Response>";