Table of Contents
This article in the series "Diving into OOP" will explain all about events in C#. The article focusses more on practical implementations and less on theory. The article explains the concept in-depth.

Events (The definition)
Let’s start with the definition taken from MSDN
"Events enable a class or object to notify other classes or objects when something of interest occurs. The class that sends (or raises) the event is called the publisher and the classes that receive (or handle) the event are called subscribers."
Other Articles of the series
The following is the list of all the other articles of the OOP series.
To explain the concept in detail, I have created a solution in Visual Studio 2015 with a console project named DelegatesAndEvents. A new class is created named EventExercises and another class named Program is created that contains the Main()
method as an entry point for execution.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
class Program
public static void Main()
EventExercises eventExercises = new EventExercises();
public class EventExercises
public void Method1()

The above mentioned implementation is very common and very straightforward. There is a class named EventExercises
that contains a method named Method1
which writes something to console. This method is called in the Main
method through an instance of EventExercises
class named eventExercises
directly. Simple enough. But let’s try to call this method indirectly in the following example.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
class Program
public static void Main()
EventExercises eventExercises = new EventExercises();
eventExercises.myDelegate += new MyDelegate(eventExercises.Method1);
public class EventExercises
public event MyDelegate myDelegate;
public void Method2()
if (myDelegate != null)
public void Method1()

So, we did the same thing but in a different way. A new delegate named MyDelegate
is created, then an object was created for MyDelegate
and we passed the name of the method as a parameter to it i.e. Method1
. Since Method1
is located in EventExercises
class and since we are in Main()
method of Program class so we gave it the full name i.e. eventExercises
. Here we see that the instance myDelegate
is an event and not a delegate and we use the syntax += instead of = else it would result in an error as shown below:

i.e. The event "EventExercises.myDelegate
" can only appear on the left hand side of += or -+= (except when used from within the type 'EventExercises')
The instance myDelegate
’s definition is somewhat different. In the former example we basically kept the return value of the object of delegate, but here we are appending a new keyword named "event" to that instance. And the Method2
is invoked from Main
. We check the value of the myDelegate
in Method2
and then we call Method1()
if the value is not null. Therefore if we remove the line new MyDelegate
, then myDelegate
doesn’t gets initialized and will always be null and so Method1
will not be called.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
class Program
public static void Main()
EventExercises eventExercises = new EventExercises();
eventExercises.myDelegate += new MyDelegate(eventExercises.Method1);
eventExercises.myDelegate -= new MyDelegate(eventExercises.Method1);
public class EventExercises
public event MyDelegate myDelegate;
public void Method2()
if (myDelegate != null)
public void Method1()

So, Method2
is executed twice in the Main()
method. For the first time, the instance myDelegate
is not null, and then we do -= in the next line that means we basically subtract MyDelegate
from the event myDelegate
, but in both cases the delegate is attached to Method1
. When we subtract, the common method is dropped and event instance myDelegate
is null, therefore we first added Method1
and then removed it.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
class Program
public static void Main()
EventExercises eventExercises = new EventExercises();
eventExercises.myDelegate += new MyDelegate(eventExercises.Method1);
public class EventExercises
public event MyDelegate myDelegate;
public void Method1()

Error CS0070 The event 'EventExercises.myDelegate' can only appear on the left hand side of += or -= (except when used from within the type 'EventExercises').
So, we see here that like delegates, events cannot be used directly.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
class Program
public static void Main()
EventExercises eventExercises = new EventExercises();
eventExercises.myDelegate += new MyDelegate(eventExercises.Method1);
public class EventExercises
public event MyDelegate myDelegate;
public void pqr()
public void Method1()

We get the output as Method1
So, we see here that whatever result we were trying to achieve could also be achieved without events as well.
In the code above, we attached an event myDelegate
to a method Method1
in class EventExercises
. Then method pqr
was called by calling myDelegate()
from inside it. This eventually invokes the event object myDelegate
with a method Method1
in EventExercises
This Lab explains how we can call more and more methods.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
class Program
public static void Main()
EventExercises eventExercises = new EventExercises();
eventExercises.myDelegate += new MyDelegate(eventExercises.Method1);
eventExercises.myDelegate += new MyDelegate(;
eventExercises.myDelegate -= new MyDelegate(;
eventExercises.myDelegate -= new MyDelegate(eventExercises.Method1);
public class EventExercises
public event MyDelegate myDelegate;
public void pqr()
public void Method1()
public void xyz()

So, we see that executing the code above, we first get the output as method1 xyz Method1 written on console followed by an exception in the code i.e. System.NullReferenceException
This scenario is more or less like delegates. We add two methods to the myDelegate
event, therefore firstly we call the method pqr
in which we execute the myDelegate
event, and then we call Method1
and method pqr
as if they are associated to the myDelegate
event. When we do +=, it adds a method and when we do -= it eliminates the method from the list of event, and when we invoke myDelegate
event, only Method1
is called as method xyz
is eliminated from the list. At the end we also remove Method1
from the list and event value will be null. So when we execute an event having no methods to notify, we end up having a runtime exception, therefore a null check for the event is always required when we use it.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
class Program
public static void Main()
EventExercises eventExercises = new xxx();
public class EventExercises
public event MyDelegate myDelegate;
public void Method1()
public class xxx : EventExercises
public void pqr()
Compile time error: The event 'EventExercises.myDelegate' can only appear on the left hand side of += or -= (except when used from within the type 'EventExercises')
So, basically to call a method of the same class we use an event. EventExercises
is the base class to xxx, and it is clear that they are not in the same class. Therefore an event in EventExercises
class cannot be used in any other class. Usually derived classes inherit the base class things, but events are exceptional and show the error at compile time rather than on run time.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
class Program
public static void Main()
EventExercises eventExercises = new EventExercises();
eventExercises.myDelegate += new MyDelegate(eventExercises.Method1);
xxx x = new xxx();
eventExercises.myDelegate += new MyDelegate(;
public class EventExercises
public event MyDelegate myDelegate;
public void pqr()
public void Method1()
public class xxx
public void xyz()

Here we see actual strength of events. We primarily used the same code as in previous example and named the method as xyz
. EventExercises
do not contain its message but it is picked from xxx. The event invocation works accordingly. We already saw this example for delegates in the previous article on delegates.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
public class Program
public event MyDelegate myDelegate;
public void add_myDelegate(MyDelegate a)
myDelegate += a;
public void remove_myDelegate(MyDelegate a)
myDelegate -= a;
Compile time error : Type 'Program' already reserves a member called 'add_myDelegate' with the same parameter types
Type 'Program' already reserves a member called 'remove_myDelegate' with the same parameter types
Here, at every instance when we try to create an event object, there are two methods created automatically in the class. The two methods are the event names prefixed by add_
and remove_
. The compiler automatically adds code for these methods. That clearly states that a class could not contain methods with the same name that has an event, on the other hand, it also means that the code of the event overwrites the method code. Something similar to C++, happens here, where C++ code was converted to C code by the compiler, which then was executed by the compiler as C code. The methods that are invoked by the events are named as event handlers and they are responsible for providing notifications to the class.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
class Program
delegate void MyDelegate();
public static void Main()
MyDelegate myDelegate = null;

Runtime Exception: System.NullReferenceException
For delegates when executed, a compile time check is not performed, but a run time check is performed. Since delegate myDelegate
was not initialized, it was null, therefore it was obvious to get a null reference exception.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
class Program
public delegate void MyDelegate();
public delegate void MyDelegate2();
public static void Main()
Program programInstance = new Program();
MyDelegate del = new MyDelegate(programInstance.Method1);
MyDelegate2 del2 = new MyDelegate2(del);
System.Type typeDel = typeof(MyDelegate2);
if (del2 is MyDelegate)
public void Method1()

We see here that a constructor of a delegate can not only take the method name as a parameter, but also can take the name of any other delegate as a parameter. Delegate del2
of type MyDelegate2
is initialized to del of type MyDelegate1
, this basically creates the copy of the prior delegate. Therefore if we see, we now have two objects of delegates pointing to a single method named Method1
. But instead of assigning MyDelegate2
to type of MyDelegate1
, the data type of MyDelegate2
remains unaffected and it is not changed and remains to datatype of MyDelegate2
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
class Program : EventExercises
public delegate void MyDelegate();
public static void Main()
Program programInstance = new Program();
MyDelegate del = new MyDelegate(programInstance.Method1);
class EventExercises
public void Method1()

The example is just to show that the method that is in base class could also be passed to a delegate as a parameter without any error.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
class Program : EventExercises
public delegate void MyDelegate();
public void PQR()
MyDelegate del = new MyDelegate(base.Method1);
public static void Main()
Program programInstance = new Program();
public void Method1()
System.Console.WriteLine("Method1 from Program");
class EventExercises
public void Method1()
System.Console.WriteLine("Method1 from EventExercises");

We can also use the keyword base to call the function from the base class. If you remember, the base calls code from the base class and not from the derived class. This is in spite of what the documentation says and we quote verbatim 'If the method group resulted from a base-access, an error occurs'. There is no way known to man that can change the method associated with a delegate once the delegate has been created. It remains the same for the entire lifetime of the delegate. The parameter to a delegate creation cannot be a constructor, indexer, property or obviously a user define operator even though they carry code. We are left with only one choice as a parameter, a method.
using System;
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
class Program
public delegate void MyDelegate();
public static void Main()
MyDelegate d = new MyDelegate(Program);
Compile time error: 'Program' is a type, which is not valid in the given context
This means that delegates cannot hold constructors as a parameter :)
Some more interesting stuff
Lab14: Event Properties
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
public class Program
public event MyDelegate delegate1
return null;
Compile time error:
'Program.delegate1': event property must have both add and remove accessors.
Since 'Program.delegate1.add
' returns void, a return keyword must not be followed by an object expression.
Like normal properties in C#, if we are creating the event property, we should keep in mind that it should have both add and remove accessors.
Lab15: Event Data Type
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public class MyDelegate
public class Program
public event MyDelegate delegate1
add { return null; }
remove { }
Compile time error:
'Program.d1': event must be of a delegate type
Since 'Program.delegate.add' returns void, a return keyword must not be followed by an object expression
This error means that event should always be the data type of a delegate and not of user defined.
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
delegate void MyDelegate();
interface MyInterface
event MyDelegate del = new MyDelegate();
Compile time error:
'MyInterface.del': event in interface cannot have initializer
' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments
So this again proves that interfaces can only contain definitions and not implementation code.
Lab16: Accessors in Interfaces?
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
public interface IMyInterface
event MyDelegate del
remove { }
add { return null; }
Compile time error:
Error CS0069 An event in an interface cannot have add or remove accessors
Error CS0069 An event in an interface cannot have add or remove accessors
The above example demonstrates that in an interface one cannot have accessor code.
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
public class Program
public event MyDelegate del1;
public static void Main()
Compile time warning:
warning CS0067: The event 'Program. del1 is never used
So our code compiles here, but shows a warning. The compiler gives us a warning when an event is declared but not used.
Lab18: Event in Interface
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
interface IMyInterface
event MyDelegate myDelegate;
class Program : IMyInterface
event MyDelegate IMyInterface.myDelegate()
Compile time error:
- CS0071 An explicit interface implementation of an event must use event accessor syntax
- CS1520 Method must have a return type
- CS0535 'Program' does not implement interface member 'IMyInterface.myDelegate'
- CS0539 'Program.' in explicit interface declaration is not a member of interface
- CS0065 'Program.': event property must have both add and remove accessors
We got a lot of errors in above code.
The error says that we need to use the syntax of the property i.e. get and set, when one try to implement an event that is declared in the interface. Events and interfaces share this strange bonding :).
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
delegate void MyDelegate(int i);
class Program
public static void Main()
MyDelegate myDelegate = new MyDelegate(500);
Compile time error:
- CS0149 Method name expected
Like we mentioned delegates are like method pointers, which could only point to methods. So while creating a delegate object, it requires the name of the method. In the above code, it gives the compiler error because we pass number instead of a method name.
namespace DelegatesAndEvents
public delegate void MyDelegate();
class Program
MyDelegate myDelegate;
public static void Main()
Program programInstance = new Program();
We get a run time error.

So, there is only one defined way to use delegates as explained, and we cannot use Invoke
method to directly call the delegate
This article covered the topic of Events and some parts of delegates in detail. Events are very crucial and fun to understand but are tricky to implement. I hope this post helped the readers to get an insight of events and delegates.