Here is my port to Linux of the Reports Starter Kit using Mono.
Honestly, it is very little to be done to te original source files to make them work under Mono so congratullations to the Mono Team. I only had to chane some ASP.Net keywords of the datagrid control (headerstyle-cssclass, footerstyle-cssclass,
itemstyle-cssclass and itemstyle-width) with the syntaxis understood by Mono (ItemStyle, HeaderStyle and FooterStyle). Perhaps the most difficult task was to proper case all files to make them Linux friendly.
Linux I've used
Fedora Core 1 and
Fedora Core 4 but any "Mono enabled" distribution should work fine
Mono Version 1.1.8 does the job perfectly
Runninig Instructions
1. Unpack the zip file in a folder, this folder will be the application's root folder.
2. Edit the web.config file and change the database connection string.
3. Optionally execute the script buildAllCS.bat to compile the application. To do this cd to the application's root folder and run $sh buildallcs.bat. Mono path must be in your PATH environment varible.
4. Execute xsp to run the application. To do this cd to the application's root folder and run $xsp.
5. Point your browser to localhost:8080 and enjoy it!
FireBird Database support added
Besides Sql Server Database Access I've coded FireBird Database Access.
The Database engine to use must be configured using the DataProvider appSettings Key of the web.config file. To use Firebird just assign the value "FireBird" to this key, any other value will be asumed as Sql Server.
In the source zip file there is a FireBeird database backup. You can use Flamerobin to create and restore the backup.
-Pie Chart not showing FIXED. I don't know if it is a Mono bug, but to make it work I had to generate each pie in reverse order. I think it migth a problem with the mono implementation of the GDI+ function FillPie.
-All files names where converted to lowercase, even the documentation ones to make the application 100% linux friendly :-)
-Screenshots added.