Table of Contents
- Spoilers
- Getting Started
- Concept
- Technical Considerations
- Setting Up a New Project
- Creating and Using Windows
- Creating the Main Window
- Handling Messages
- Dialog as Main Window
- Using Controls
- A Modal Popup Dialog
- A Modeless Popup Dialog
- A Custom Control
- Dialog as a Control
- Cracking Messages
- Command and Notify Handling
- Message Parameters Unpacked
- Unpacking Common Control Notifications
- Subclassing Controls
- Installation and Message Handling
- Final Topics
- Window Types Summary
- Default Message Processing
- What’s Next?
- Article History
1. Spoilers
First of all, this article assumes the reader is familiar with native Win32 programming and C++11.
Before explaining what it is, I’ll start showing what a Win32 program can look like with WinLamb. The following is a full program with a single window. Note that there’s no message loop, no window class registering, no switch statement or message maps. And two messages are handled, each with a C++11 lambda:
#include "winlamb/window_main.h"
class SimpleMainWindow : public wl::window_main {
#include "SimpleMainWindow.h"
setup.wndClassEx.lpszClassName = L"SOME_CLASS_NAME";
setup.title = L"This is my window"; |= WS_MINIMIZEBOX;
on_message(WM_CREATE, [&](wl::params p)->LRESULT
set_text(L"A new title for the window");
return 0;
on_message(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, [&](wl::params p)->LRESULT
set_text(L"Window clicked!");
return 0;
To compile this code, you’ll need a C++11 compiler. All examples on this article have been compiled and tested with Visual C++ 2017.
2. Getting Started
2.1. Concept
The raw & usual way to create a native Windows C program is described in depth by Charles Petzold in his classic Programming Windows book. Since then, many object-oriented libraries – like MFC and WTL – have been written offering C++ approaches to deal with native Windows programming.
WinLamb – an uninspired acronym of Windows and lambda – is another object-oriented C++ library. It’s a header-only library which depends on nothing but pure Win32 and the C++ Standard Template Library, and it heavily relies upon modern C++11 features (well, actually C++14 and C++17 too).
is a thin layer over Win32 API. It can be divided into three main parts:
- Window management: the infrastructure which allows you to create several types of windows and use lambdas to handle their messages – this is the most import part of the library
- Basic wrappers to most native Windows controls like edit box, listview, etc.
- Utility classes like file I/O, device context, internet download, COM wrappers, etc.
On the list above, (2) and (3) are optional. If you have another library or your own set of classes, you can use them instead.
2.2. Technical Considerations
is fully implemented using Unicode Win32, with wchar_t
and std::wstring
Installation is pretty straightforward: since the library is head-only, you just need to download the files and #include
them in your project. They should work right away. All the classes are enclosed within wl
Since it heavily relies upon C++11 and even some C++14 and C++17 features, you need a compatible C++ compiler. Current version was developed and tested with Visual C++ 2017.
Errors are reported by throwing exceptions. WinLamb
doesn’t have any custom exception, it only throws ordinary STL exceptions. All exceptions inherit from std::exception
, so if you catch it, you’re guaranteed to catch any possible exception from WinLamb
Last but not least: WinLamb
isn’t an excuse to not learn Win32 – before start using WinLamb
, I strongly advice the reader to learn the basics on how to write a Win32 program using plain C.
source is available on GitHub as open-source under the MIT license.
2.3. Setting Up a New Project
is a header-only C++ library. The most up-do-date code can be found at GitHub, you can clone the repository or simply download the files.
The simplest way to have the library in your project is simply keep all the files in a subfolder called, for example, “winlamb”, then #include
them in your sources.
Here, it is presented how to create a fresh new WinLamb
Win32 project using Visual C++ IDE, from scratch. You can skip this section straight into the code.
To start, first create the new project:

Choose “Windows Desktop Wizard”. The “.NET Framework” option doesn”t matter, since we're writing a pure Win32 program, without the .NET Framework. Here, I named the project “example1

Choose “Windows Application”. Uncheck everything but “Empty project”. This will create a completely empty project for us.

Finally, create a subdirectory named, for example, “winlamb”, and put WinLamb
files there. Then create your source files normally; you should be able to include WinLamb
files now:

Notice that the library has an “internals” subdirectory. This is where all internal library files are located; you shouldn’t need to touch these.
3. Creating and Using Windows
Once the project is ready, it’s time to use WinLamb
to wrap up our Windows.
3.1. Creating the Main Window
Under the most common cases, the first thing you must design when creating a Win32 program is the main window. So let’s start with the declaration of the main window class – in WinLamb
, each window has a class. It’s a good idea to have 1 header and (at least) 1 source file for each window. Technically, the main window doesn’t need a header, but for consistency, let’s write one.
All WinLamb
library classes belong to the wl
namespace. Our main window class will inherit from window_main
class. Let’s also declare the constructor:
#include "winlamb/window_main.h"
class MyWindow : public wl::window_main {
For the program entry point, you can write your WinMain function and instantiate MyWindow
manually, if you want. However, if you aren’t doing anything special on WinMain
, you can simply use WinLamb
’s RUN
macro – the only macro in the whole library, I promise –, which will simply expand into a WinMain
call instantiating your class on the stack. This is the macro call:
And then implement the class constructor. Thus, that’s what we have in our source file, so far:
#include "MyWindow.h"
If you compile and run this code, the window will fail to show, because we didn’t specify the window class name. When the class is instantiated, the base window_main
will call RegisterClassEx internally, and it will use a WNDCLASSEX structure with a few predetermined values – these values, however, don’t specify the class name to be registered.
The base class provides a setup
member variable which holds all initialization values for the class. To an experienced Win32 programmer, the members of this structure will be familiar: they are the parameters of the CreateWindowEx function, plus the wndClassEx
member, which is the WNDCLASSEX
structure, which is passed to RegisterClassEx
. This wndClassEx
member, however, hides the members that are internally set by WinLamb
Thus, we must define the class name at lpszClassName
member, and do this inside the constructor:
#include "MyWindow.h"
setup.wndClassEx.lpszClassName = L"HAPPY_LITTLE_CLASS_NAME";
The wndClassEx
member has style
, and setup
itself has style
and exStyle
. These two fields are already filled with default flags, specified by WinLamb
You can overwrite these values, of course. However, they are common to most windows, and most of the time, you’ll just want to add a flag. For example, if you want your main window to be resizable and minimizable, you just need this: |= (WS_SIZEBOX | WS_MINIMIZEBOX);
Therefore, also adding the window title, we have:
#include "MyWindow.h"
setup.wndClassEx.lpszClassName = L"HAPPY_LITTLE_CLASS_NAME";
setup.title = L"My first window"; |= (WS_SIZEBOX | WS_MINIMIZEBOX);
The program should compile and run fine now. Yes, this is a fully functional Win32 program, including window class registering, window creation, message loop dispatching and final cleanup – all this infrastructure code is transparent.
Note: WinLamb
classes make use of Set/GetWindowLongPtr with GWLP_USERDATA
flags for storing context data. Since you have a class for your window, where you can have all the members you want, I can’t really imagine a reason for using these on your code, but I’m warning you just in case: don’t use GWLP_USERDATA
to store your data.
3.2. Handling Messages
The traditional way to handle window messages is a big switch statement inside the WNDPROC function. Some libraries define macros to avoid the “big switch”.
In our program using WinLamb
, we’ll use C++11 lambdas. The window_main
base class provides the on_message
member function, which receives two arguments: the message to be handled and a function to handle it:
void on_message(UINT message, std::function<LRESULT(wl::params)>&& func);
The easiest way to use it is passing an unnamed lambda function inline. For example, let’s handle the WM_CREATE message in our main window class constructor:
setup.wndClassEx.lpszClassName = L"HAPPY_LITTLE_CLASS_NAME";
on_message(WM_CREATE, [](wl::params p)->LRESULT
return 0;
The lambda receives a params
argument, which has the WPARAM
members – more on this later. Note that the lambda must return an LRESULT
value, just like any ordinary WNDPROC
message processing.
Note: In an ordinary window, you would have to handle WM_DESTROY in order to call PostQuitMessage. WinLamb
implements default message processing for a few messages, using the default behavior, so you don’t have to worry about them. But they can be overwritten if you need something specific – in the above example, if we write a handler to WM_DESTROY
, the default library code would be completely bypassed. More on this later.
Now, if you happen to have two messages which will demand the same processing, on_message
also accepts an initializer_list as the first argument:
on_message({WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONUP}, [](wl::params p)->LRESULT
UINT currentMsg = p.message;
return 0;
This is functionally equivalent of:
switch (LOWORD(wParam))
return 0;
Tip: If your window handles too many messages, the class constructor can become quite large and hard to follow. In these situations, breaking the handlers into member functions is helpful:
class MyWindow : public wl::window_main {
void attachHandlers();
void evenMoreHandlers();
#include "MyWindow.h"
setup.wndClassEx.lpszClassName = L"HAPPY_LITTLE_CLASS_NAME";
void MyWindow::attachHandlers()
on_message(WM_CREATE, [](wl::params p)->LRESULT
return 0;
on_message(WM_CLOSE, [](wl::params p)->LRESULT
return 0;
void MyWindow::evenMoreHandlers()
on_message(WM_SIZE, [](wl::params p)->LRESULT
WORD width = LOWORD(p.lParam);
return 0;
To finally work with the window, the hwnd
member function can be used to retrieve the window’s HWND
on_message(WM_CREATE, [this](wl::params p)->LRESULT
SetWindowText(hwnd(), L"New window title");
return 0;
But there’s a set_text
method available to be used within the window, so:
on_message(WM_CREATE, [this](wl::params p)->LRESULT
set_text(L"New window title");
return 0;
3.3. Dialog as Main Window
In the previous example, we created an ordinary main window – in pure Win32, it would be the equivalent of calling RegisterClassEx and CreateWindowEx, among other proceedings.
But it is also possible to have a dialog box as the main window of your program. This possibility is covered in WinLamb
, if you inherit your main window from the dialog_main
#include "winlamb/dialog_main.h"
class FirstDialog : public wl::dialog_main {
With dialogs, you don’t deal with WNDCLASSEX
directly, there’s no need to register a window class name. That’s why the setup
member variable doesn’t have the wndClassEx
member, instead it allows you to specify the ID of the dialog resource to be loaded.
Usually, dialog resources are created with resource editors, like the one Visual Studio has. An example of a dialog creation can be seen here. Now, assuming the dialog resource is already created, let’s use the dialog ID:
#include "FirstDialog.h"
#include "resource.h" // contains the dialog resource ID
setup.dialogId = IDD_MY_FIRST_DIALOG;
on_message(WM_INITDIALOG, [this](wl::params p)->INT_PTR
set_text(L"A new title for the dialog");
return TRUE;
Here, on_message
has some minor differences to follow the dialog box DLGPROC message processing, like the INT_PTR
return type, and returning TRUE
instead of zero.
3.4. Using Controls
Still on the previous example, let’s say the dialog resource has an edit box, with IDC_EDIT1
as the resource ID. WinLamb
has the textbox
class, which wraps an edit box. To use it, declare the textbox
object as a member of the parent class:
#include "winlamb/dialog_main.h"
#include "winlamb/textbox.h"
class FirstDialog : public wl::dialog_main {
wl::textbox edit1; public:
On the control object, call assign
method, which will call GetDlgItem and store the HWND
inside the object. After that, the widget is ready to be used:
#include "FirstDialog.h"
#include "resource.h" // contains the dialog resource IDs
setup.dialogId = IDD_MY_FIRST_DIALOG;
on_message(WM_INITDIALOG, [this](wl::params p)->INT_PTR
edit1.assign(this, IDC_EDIT1)
.set_text(L"This is the edit box.")
return TRUE;
Note that assign
and set_text
methods both return a reference to the object itself, so other method calls can be chained. This is a common behavior to most objects in WinLamb
3.5. A Modal Popup Dialog
A modal popup dialog is a window created via DialogBoxParam. Let’s implement a modal dialog with its header and source files. Then, we will instantiate this modal in a parent window.
This is the header of our modal dialog, which inherits from dialog_modal
#include "winlamb/dialog_modal.h"
class MyModal : public wl::dialog_modal {
The implementation is pretty much like any other dialog window – you must inform the ID of the dialog resource to be loaded –, but remember modal dialogs are destroyed by calling EndDialog, with the second parameter of this function being the return value of the original dialog call.
#include "MyModal.h"
#include "resource.h" // contains dialog resource ID
setup.dialogId = IDD_DIALOG2;
on_message(WM_COMMAND, [this](wl::params p)->INT_PTR
if (LOWORD(p.wParam) == IDCANCEL) {
EndDialog(hwnd(), 33); return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Now let’s revisit the implementation of our main window, which will now use the modal dialog by instantiating the object and calling the show
method. Since the dialog is modal, the show
method will block the execution and will return only after the dialog is closed.
#include "MainWindow.h"
#include "MyModal.h" // our modal dialog header
on_message(WM_COMMAND, [this](wl::params p)->LRESULT
if (LOWORD(p.wParam) == IDC_SHOWMODAL) {
MyModal modalDlg;
int retVal =; return 0;
return DefWindowProc(hwnd(), p.message, p.wParam, p.lParam);
If the modal asks user input, it’s common for the modal to return constants like IDOK
The modal dialog can also receive any parameters on the constructor, just like any class, and have public
methods to return something:
class MyModal : public wl::dialog_modal {
MyModal(std::wstring name, int number);
std::wstring getName();
Then the instantiation by the parent window, with a more elaborated example:
on_message(WM_COMMAND, [this](wl::params p)->LRESULT
MyModal modalDlg(L"Hello modal", 800); if ( != IDCANCEL) {
std::wstring foo = modalDlg.getName();
return 0;
return DefWindowProc(hwnd(), p.message, p.wParam, p.lParam);
Modal dialogs can pop other modal dialogs, as well.
3.6. A Modeless Popup Dialog
A modeless popup dialog differs from the modal, since modeless dialogs are created via CreateDialogParam. This is an example of a declaration:
#include "winlamb/dialog_modeless.h"
class MyModeless : public wl::dialog_modeless {
And the implementation, pretty much like the previous examples:
#include "MyModeless.h"
#include "resource.h"
setup.dialogId = IDD_DIALOG3;
on_message(WM_INITDIALOG, [](wl::params p)->INT_PTR
return TRUE;
Very important: Once a modeless dialog is created, it will live alongside its parent window – modeless dialogs have no message loop for themselves. For this reason, attention must be paid to the declaration scope. The modeless object must be declared as a member of its parent:
#include "winlamb/window_main.h"
#include "MyModeless.h" // our modeless dialog header
class MainWindow : public wl::window_main {
MyModeless mless; public:
This way, after we created it, the variable won’t go out of scope after the caller function returns:
#include "MainWindow.h"
on_message(WM_CREATE, [this](wl::params p)->LRESULT
{; return 0;
If we had declared mless
object inside on_message
’s lambda – just like we did on the previous example with the modal dialog –, mless
would go out of scope right after the lambda returns, thus being destroyed while the modeless window is still alive. Then, as the modeless would come to process its first message, mless
object would no longer exist.
Scope is very important with lambdas.
A modeless dialog is destroyed with a DestroyWindow call. By default, WinLamb
handles WM_CLOSE
with a call to DestroyWindow
, so if you send WM_CLOSE
to your modeless, it will be destroyed right away.
Now if you have used modeless windows with pure Win32, you may be wondering about the problems they introduce in the window message dispatching. Worry not: WinLamb
was designed to treat these problems internally – this pain is gone.
3.7. A Custom Control
A custom control is a window designed to be a child of another window. It will inherit from window_control
#include "winlamb/window_control.h"
class MyWidget : public wl::window_control {
The implementation can look like this:
#include "MyWidget.h"
setup.wndClassEx.lpszClassName = L"HAPPY_LITTLE_WIDGET";
setup.wndClassEx.hbrBackground = reinterpret_cast<HBRUSH>(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1);
on_message(WM_PAINT, [this](wl::params p)->LRESULT
HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd(), &ps);
EndPaint(hwnd(), &ps);
return 0;
on_message(WM_ERASEBKGND, [](wl::params p)->LRESULT
return 0;
For the very same reasons of the aforementioned modeless dialog example, you must declare the child window as a member of the parent:
#include "winlamb/window_main.h"
#include "MyWidget.h" // our custom control header
class ParentWindow : public wl::window_main {
MyWidget widgetFoo1, widgetFoo2; public:
To create the control, the parent must call its create
member function, which receives: the this
pointer of the parent, the control ID we want to give it, a SIZE
for the control size, and a POINT
for the position within the parent:
#include "ParentWindow.h"
#define WIDG_FIRST 40001
setup.wndClassEx.lpszClassName = L"BEAUTIFUL_PARENT";
on_message(WM_CREATE, [this](wl::params p)->LRESULT
widgetFoo1.create(this, WIDG_FIRST, {10,10}, {150,100});
widgetFoo2.create(this, WIDG_SECOND, {10,200}, {150,320});
return 0;
These are the predefined values of style
for the window_control
3.8. Dialog as a Control
It is also possible to embed a dialog as a child of a window, or as a child of another dialog. To build such a child dialog, inherit it from dialog_control
#include "winlamb/dialog_control.h"
class MyDlgWidget : public wl::dialog_control {
To work properly, a control dialog must have some specific styles – this is a requirement from Win32, not from WinLamb
. With Visual Studio resource editor, these are the styles:
Border: none;
Control: true;
Style: child;
Visible: true
(otherwise will start invisible); Client Edge
: true
if you want a border (will add WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
Given the previous examples, I believe the implementation of a control dialog is trivial at this point of the article.
4. Cracking Messages
Beyond providing the ability to use lambdas to handle messages, WinLamb
also offers facilities to deal with the message contents.
4.1. Command and Notify Handling
So far, we only used on_message
to handle Windows messages on our windows and dialogs. Beyond that, there are two other specialized methods to deal with WM_COMMAND and WM_NOTIFY messages specifically:
void on_command(WORD cmd, std::function<INT_PTR(wl::params)>&& func);
void on_notify(UINT_PTR idFrom, UINT code, std::function<INT_PTR(wl::params)>&& func);
These are shorthands and have the same effect of manually switching within WM_COMMAND
on_command(IDOK, [this](wl::params p)->INT_PTR
set_text(L"OK button clicked.");
return TRUE;
identifier receives two parameters – the ID
of the control and the notification code – according to NMHDR structure:
on_notify(IDC_LISTVIEW1, LVN_DELETEITEM, [this](wl::params p)->INT_PTR
set_text(L"Item deleted from list view.");
return TRUE;
Both functions also accept an initializer_list to handle multiple messages at once.
4.2. Message Parameters Unpacked
When handling a message, your lambda always receives a single wl::params
on_message(WM_MENUSELECT, [](wl::params p)->LRESULT
return 0;
The wl::params
is a simple struct
with 3 members, which are familiar to anyone who ever wrote a Win32
program. This is the declaration which can be found inside WinLamb
struct params {
UINT message;
WPARAM wParam;
LPARAM lParam;
However, for almost all Windows messages, the WPARAM
members contain packed data, varying according to the message being handled. For example, for WM_MENUSELECT, this is what they carry:
, low-order word – menu item index WPARAM
, high-order word – item state flag LPARAM
– handle to clicked menu
To retrieve these data, you must perform casts, extract bitflags, and be sure of what you’re doing.
To alleviate this burden, WinLamb
provides unpackers for (hopefully) all documented Windows messages. These unpackers are simply struct
s derived from wl::params
, adding the unpacking methods. They are enclosed within the wl::wm
For example, let’s take WM_MENUSELECT
. In the following example, the declaration of wl::params
is replaced by wl::wm::menuselect
, and that’s all you need to do. Notice the methods being called on p
on_message(WM_MENUSELECT, [](wl::wm::menuselect p)->LRESULT
if (p.is_checked() || p.has_bitmap()) {
HMENU hMenu = p.hmenu();
WORD itemIndex = p.item();
return 0;
This is functionally equivalent of painfully unpacking the data manually, like this:
on_message(WM_MENUSELECT, [](wl::params p)->LRESULT
if ((HIWORD(p.wParam) & MF_CHECKED) || (HIWORD(p.wParam) & MF_BITMAP)) {
HMENU hMenu = reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(p.lParam);
WORD itemIndex = LOWORD(p.wParam);
return 0;
Use the message crackers as much as you can. They are safer and they save you time, plus they look nice under IntelliSense:

4.3. Unpacking Common Control Notifications
Common controls send notifications through WM_NOTIFY message, which has a different approach from ordinary messages. For common controls, the data comes packed into an NMHDR struct
, or a struct
that contains it.
also has crackers for these notifications, they are enclosed within the wl::wmn
namespace. Notice the separation here:
- Ordinary Windows messages belong to
namespace WM_NOTIFY
notifications belong to wl::wmn
Within wl::wmn
, there is one nested namespace to each common control, so the notifications of each control are kept separated. These namespaces are named following the same convention of the notification itself. For example, list view notifications, which are prefixed with LVN_
, belong to the wl::wmn::lvn

For example, this is how we crack a LVN_INSERTITEM notification:
on_notify(IDC_LIST1, LVN_INSERTITEM, [](wl::wmn::lvn::insertitem p)->INT_PTR
int newId = p.nmhdr().iItem;
return TRUE;
Notice that p
has an nmhdr
member function. This function will return the exact type according to the notification; in the above example, nmhdr
will return a reference to an NMLISTVIEW struct, which contains NMHDR
. IntelliSense will list all the members:

5. Subclassing Controls
Control subclassing is an operation normally done with the aid of SetWindowSubclass Win32 function. You provide a SUBCLASSPROC callback function, which is very similar to WNDPROC
, and handle specific messages from there.
5.1. Installation and Message Handling
’s approach to control subclassing is to instantiate an object of subclass
type, then attach it to an existing control. For example, retaking the edit control example, let’s subclass the edit control. First, we add a subclass
member to our class:
#include "winlamb/dialog_main.h"
#include "winlamb/textbox.h"
#include "winlamb/subclass.h"
class FirstDialog : public wl::dialog_main {
wl::textbox edit1; wl::subclass edit1sub; public:
To handle the methods within the subclassing, we just call on_message
on the subclass
object. It works the same way of windows and dialogs, except we’re handling a message from SUBCLASSPROC
callback procedure:
edit1sub.on_message(WM_RBUTTONDOWN, [](wl::params p)->LRESULT
return 0;
After adding the messages, we’ll have a subclass
object stuffed with handlers, but it still does nothing. We install the subclass after we initialize the control by calling assign
. This is the full implementation:
#include "FirstDialog.h"
#include "resource.h"
setup.dialogId = IDD_MY_FIRST_DIALOG;
edit1sub.on_message(WM_RBUTTONDOWN, [](wl::params p)->LRESULT
return 0;
on_message(WM_INITDIALOG, [this](wl::params p)->INT_PTR
edit1.assign(this, IDC_EDIT1); edit1sub.install_subclass(edit1); return TRUE;
Note that, in this example, we added the edit1sub
handler before the WM_INITIDALOG
, but this is not required. Since the lambdas are called asynchronously, the order we attach them doesn’t matter. We can attach the edit1sub
messages after WM_INITDIALOG
as well, in any order.
The subclass
object also has on_command
and on_notify
member functions, and it can be detached at any time by calling remove_subclass
6. Final Topics
6.1. Window Types Summary
Summing up, these are all WinLamb
window base classes your window can inherit from:
also have wrappers for many native controls, like listview
, textbox
, combobox
, etc.
Window subclassing can also be automated.
6.2. Default Message Processing
The window classes provide default processing for some messages. If you write a handler to one of these messages, the default processing will be overwritten. Below is a list of the messages which have a default processing, and what they do:
6.3. What’s Next?
As far as I can remember, around 2002, I started wrapping all my Win32 routines in classes, to make them reusable to myself, to save my time. Through all these years, it took the form of a real library, a thin abstraction layer over raw Win32. People who saw it often commented that it was good, so in 2017, I decided to publish it on GitHub.
Yeah, although it’s a modern C++11 library, actually it was 15 years old when I first published it.
Since WinLamb
is what I use for my own personal programs, it’s likely to continue evolving with the time. Refactorings surely will occur, but the current architecture has been stable for many years, and it’s unlikely to have big breaking changes.
I have a couple full real-world projects tagged on GitHub. Everything is shared under the MIT license.
7. Article History
I’ll try to keep this article updated with the latest WinLamb
- 2018.12.31 – Style scoped
s, updating MSDN links - 2017.11.19 – Library refactoring, native control wrappers merged
- 2017.04.26 – First public version