I try to integrate crystal report runtime designer, after time of searching i have a small test app.
a dialog based application, that allow you yo view or create new report.
the res dialog have to control the back layer is (IDC_ACTIVEXREPORTVIEWER1) and the front one is (IDC_EMBEDDABLECRYSTALREPORTSDESIGNERCTRL1)
you can insert the crystal report component to your project from (Project->Add To Project-> Components and control) then select ( Crystal ActiveX Viewer 10.0 - Embeddable Crystal Reports Designer Control 10.0)
you must have 2 member variable:
*- IApplicationPtr m_Application; to create a crystal application
*- IReportPtr m_Report; to create a crystal report file
i use pBtPrivew and pBtDesigner to switch between viewer and runtime designer
don't forget to do import the runtime dll
#import "<Drive>\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Crystal Decisions\\2.5\\bin\\craxdrt.dll" no_namespace