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Self-Hosting Multiple HTTPS Websites in IIS with SNI and LetsEncrypt Certificates

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4 Jul 2017CPOL12 min read 66.2K   915   57   17
Ability to self-host multiple HTTPS websites without having to pay for hosting and certificates

Image 1

The Goal

My personal goal with what I present in this article was to achieve the ability to self-host multiple HTTPS websites that, while in the prototype stage, are still usable by others, thus I want an Internet presence for these sites, but without having to pay for hosting and certificates.

Eliminating Cost

This was the first issue I wanted to confront. I'm currently paying $60/mo for a couple minimum tier Amazon EC2 instances, and, while a single SSL certificate for one year from places like, GeoTrust, GoDaddy, and Comodo range from $17 to $69 per year, when I've got 5 or so sites I want to self-host, that adds up pretty quickly. Keep in mind I'm already paying $130/mo for broadband access through my cable provider. So, the two issues involving eliminating cost are:

  1. not paying for hosting
  2. not paying for SSL certificates


Before hosting your own server, review the contract with your provider. For example, Verizon FiOS specifically forbid hosting servers unless you get their business service. While my cable provider has business plans, I don't see anything in my contract that prevents me from hosting my own web sites.

Another problem is, do you have a static public IP? If not, then hosting your own websites is just not going to happen unless you use a service like or, both use subdomains so your URL would be [yourname] or [yourname], neither of which is desirable. Removing the, you guessed it, costs money!

Better Hardware

Unless you go for dedicated hardware (which at one point I was paying $100/mo for, and still even then the equipment was pretty low end), hosting is done on VMs and the minimum tier at, for example, Amazon, is pretty minimum - 30GB disk space, 1GB RAM. This gets eaten up pretty quickly by the OS itself, SQL Server, and email server, etc. I've got several laptops and desktops lying around that have much better specs and are, well, just sitting around.


A hosting provider should provide backups of your VM, automatically handle physical equipment failures, and other benefits. Given that these are prototype websites, this is not at the top of my priority list and can be handled by other means. Of course, the fact that a truck came by and somehow snagged the cable running from the pole across the street and completely ripped off the cable, resulting in 5 days of downtime, well, that kind of outage is definitely a factor! And of course, there's having redundant equipment in case of a hardware failure, power outages to deal with, cats chewing on cables, and other issues that a host provider handles (usually) for you.

Simplicity and Control

I like to be in control (which is why I don't like flying) and I like the ease of updating a site when the site is running locally, rather than having to go through a publishing utility, FTP, or other remote deployment mechanism. As silly as it sounds, "copy and paste" of the web app (and I have automated tools to do that) just make life simpler. Yes, the one-click "Publish" feature in Visual Studio is pretty simple, but sometimes I just need to run a migration on the DB, make a simple tweak to a web page, or want to set up a beta test site without having to go through the whole process of creating another VM on the host provider.


Non-standard publishing processes, possibly more error prone, more local tooling.

Problem #1: Running Multiple HTTPS Websites

It's relatively easy to host one website, though it can be a bit tricky getting:

netsh http add sslcert ipport= certstorename=Root certhash=[hash] 
appid={[some GUID]} 

to work. The most annoying problem is when you copy and paste the hash, that you aren't pasting hidden characters, which is a common problem.

The problem is, using netsh, you can only associate one certificate to port 443. And since:

  1. the certificate is associated with the domain name;
  2. the certificate is validated (the handshake process) against traffic coming in on the port rather than being qualified by the domain name;
  3. getting a certificate that can be applied to multiple domain names is prohibitively expensive;

this is not a usable solution. Being a late adopter, I quickly discovered that, on Windows 7, hosting multiple HTTPS websites on IIS is also not possible.

The Solution: Server Name Indication and IIS 8 or Higher

The solution is to use Server Name Indication:

Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the TLS computer networking protocol by which a client indicates which hostname it is attempting to connect to at the start of the handshaking process. This allows a server to present multiple certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number and hence allows multiple secure (HTTPS) websites (or any other Service over TLS) to be served by the same IP address without requiring all those sites to use the same certificate. It is the conceptual equivalent to HTTP/1.1 name-based virtual hosting, but for HTTPS. The desired hostname is not encrypted, so an eavesdropper can see which site is being requested.

SNI is supported by IIS version 8 and higher:

Image 2

which meant finally biting the bullet and upgrading to Windows 10.

Problem #2: Free SSL Certificates

There are several free SSL certificate providers: letsencrypt, comodo, sslforfree, etc. These provide basic SSL certificates, but they typically expire every 90 days. LetsEncrypt uses the Automated Certificate Management Environment protocol:

...for automating interactions between certificate authorities and their users' web servers, allowing the automated deployment of public key infrastructure at very low cost. It was designed by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) for their Let's Encrypt service. The protocol, based on passing JSON-formatted messages over HTTPS, has been published as an Internet Draft by its own chartered IETF working group.

InstantSsl (Comodo) requires that you generate a CSR and install the certificate.

Conversely, using ACME requires setting up a handler for the "ACME challenge", which is a GET request sent over HTTP to your domain on a specific path /.well-known/acme-challenge which requires that you respond with the challenge token provided by a handshake process with LetsEncrypt.


As F-ES Sitecore pointed out here on CP:

LetsEncrypt has issued certs to over 10,000 PayPal phishing sites and security experts say it is ruining HTTPS as it removes the trustworthiness of https leaving people more vulnerable to attacks.

A quick search came up with this security news blurb:

During the past year, Let's Encrypt has issued a total of 15,270 SSL certificates that contained the word "PayPal" in the domain name or the certificate identity. Of these, approximately 14,766 (96.7%) were issued for domains that hosted phishing sites, according to an analysis carried out on a small sample of 1,000 domains, by Vincent Lynch, encryption expert for The SSL Store.

The point being, you may feel a bit queasy about using a service like LetsEncrypt and indirectly supporting this kind of behavior by the less ethical members of our digital community.

The Solution, Step 1:

There are a lot of tools out there (including this CodeProject article) for using LetsEncrypt on *nix systems (sort of makes sense, right?) There are very few tools for integrating LetsEncrypt with IIS. I ended up finding this project on GitHub, but the problem was that the author was using xproj (which has "gone away") instead of csproj files. Looking at the forks of oocx's GitHub repo, I discovered frankhommers fork, which uses csproj files. Yay!

The Solution, Step 2: Handling the ACME Challenge

The console app does all the handshaking with LetsEncrypt to obtain a token and then (in manual mode) it waits for you to set up your server to respond with the validation request that LetsEncrypt sends to your domain. In automatic mode, it assumes that your server is set up to respond to any challenge request LetsEncrypt sends. I wanted to use the second mode, to automate the process as fully as possible.

What creates for you is the file containing the full token with which LetsEncrypt expects you to respond. Here's some example filenames (every time you ask for an SSL certificate, LetsEncrypt uses a totally different challenge token):

Image 3

Just for giggles, let's look at the contents of the first file:

Image 4

That's what LetsEncrypt expects you to respond with. When it makes the GET request, the URL is appended with the everything to the left of the ".", so the URL path would look like (for this particular ACME challenge):


The steps, therefore, to respond to the challenge automatically is:

  1. Look for the starting URL path of /.well-known/acme-challenge.
  2. Extract the partial token.
  3. Load the full token from the file of the same name.
  4. Send that as a text response to the GET request.

A simple server to do this is:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace acme
  public class ServerExceptionEventArgs : EventArgs
    public Exception Exception { get; set; }

  public class AcmeChallengeServer
    public event EventHandler<ServerExceptionEventArgs> ServerException;

    protected bool running = true;
    protected HttpListener listener;

    public void Start(string localIP)
      listener = new HttpListener();
      listener.Prefixes.Add("http://" + localIP + "/");
      Task.Run(() => WaitForConnection(listener));

    public void Stop()
      running = false;

    private void WaitForConnection(object objListener)
      while (running)
        HttpListenerContext context;

          context = listener.GetContext();
        catch (HttpListenerException)
          // Occurs when we stop the listener.
        catch (Exception ex)
          ServerException?.Invoke(this, new ServerExceptionEventArgs() { Exception = ex });
          // Other exceptions should be handled elsewhere.

        if (context.Request.RawUrl.StartsWith("/.well-known/acme-challenge"))
          string challengeFile = context.Request.RawUrl.RightOfRightmostOf('/');

          if (File.Exists(challengeFile))
            string data = File.ReadAllText(challengeFile);

            context.Response.StatusCode = 200;
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/text";
            context.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            byte[] byteData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
            context.Response.ContentLength64 = byteData.Length;
            context.Response.OutputStream.Write(byteData, 0, byteData.Length);


Why This Works

For several reasons:

  1. The challenge is sent to http://[yourdomain], so to receive the challenge, the domain will be pointed to your public IP.
  2. Granted, anyone can append some random partial token to /.well-known/acme-challenge/, but if you don't have a matching challenge file created by with the full token, then you know someone is doing something nefarious. Black list them!
  3. And so what? Even if they get the full token of the challenge response, it doesn't relate at all to your certificate, it merely authenticated your server as the one for which LetsEncrypt will generate an SSL certificate. Once authenticated, LetsEncrypt will send to the pfx file containing your certificate.

Other Tools

While I'm on the subject of, Rick Strahl discusses some other tools for handling the ACME challenge on his blog. Personally, I think the UI app I present here is by far the simplest and most flexible, but that's my not so humble opinion.

Problem #3: Automating the Process

I want to be able to register certificates in either IIS or, if I'm running a single website and don't want to use IIS, using netsh. In fact, you can still run one website with netsh port 443 binding, and other HTTPS websites in IIS! To put all the pieces together, we need a workflow that does this:

Image 5

The Solution, Step 1: Calling

It was straight forward to launch as a process, except for this line that hides the cursor:

private void GetPfxPasswordFromUser()
  System.Console.CursorVisible = false;

This throws an exception when launched in a windowless process, so the code needed a minor tweak. Thank goodness for open source!

There are a lot of parameters that need to be passed to, and a couple depend on whether you're registering the certificate manually or using IIS. This is handled by the front end with the following radio buttons:

Image 6

"Neither" is an option if you just want the pfx file, but don't want to use IIS or netsh binding.

The comments describe the parameters I'm using.

private Process LaunchAcmeDotNet(string domainName, string certPassword)
  // -a: accept terms of service
  // -j: accept instructions (since we're running a server that will accept the challenge
  // -d: the domain
  // -p: the password for the cert.
  // -c: challenge provider (manual, not iis)
  // -i: server configuration provider (manual, not iis)
  // -s: letsencrypt server. For staging server, use: 
  // <a href="">

  string staging = rbStaging.Checked ? "-s " : "";
  string manualOptions = "-c manual-http-01 -i manual"; // challenge is 
    // handled by our micro server, not IIS, and manual configuration of certificate
  string iisOptions = "-c manual-http-01 -i iis"; // challenge is handled by 
                        // our micro server but cert is installed and configured in IIS
  string options = rbIIS.Checked ? iisOptions : manualOptions;
  Process p = Helpers.LaunchProcess(@"\acme.exe", 
     String.Format(staging + "-a -j -d {0} -p {1} {2}", domainName, certPassword, options),
  stdout => this.Invoke(() => tbLog.AppendText(stdout + CRLF)),
  stderr => this.Invoke(() => tbLog.AppendText(stderr + CRLF)));

  return p;

For simplicity, and particularly because it's a bit of a cart before the horse problem when registering a certificate to IIS for a server that isn't running yet because the IIS server is only listening to port 80, I'm using the little mini-server described above for the ACME challenge in both netsh and IIS registration.

The Solution, Step 2: Testing - Production vs. Staging

Image 7

LetsEncrypt doesn't like it if you hit their production server too often for a new certificate, so they have provided a staging server that you can use for testing. Use it! I found that I had to do a lot of complete workflow testing to get everything right. This is handled in the code above and is exposed to you in the UI, as shown.

The Solution, Step 3: netsh

The handles IIS binding for you, but to do netsh binding requires programmatically importing the certificate and making a call to netsh.

netsh: Programmatically Importing the Certificate

Easy, but if you look at all the code I commented out, you can see the various rabbit holes that I went down, such as importing the certificate into the "My" store, exporting it, doing a repair, re-importing it. Turns out all that isn't necessary, but at one point it seemed necessary as I was debugging the whole process. And getting these flags right was a process of trial and error!

static string ImportCert(StoreName storeName, string certFile, 
       string password, out string certHash)
  // Must specify MachineKeySet otherwise you'll get a "SSL Certificate add failed, 
  // Error 1312" error.

  X509Certificate2 certToImport = new X509Certificate2(certFile, password, 
    X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable | X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet | 
  X509Store store = new X509Store(storeName, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);

  certHash = certToImport.Thumbprint;

  return certToImport.SerialNumber;

netsh: Binding

Binding the certificate to port 443 is also straight forward (as long as you don't get the dreaded "Error 1312"!)

static void RemoveBinding(Action<string> log)
  // netsh http delete sslcert ipport=
  Process p = Helpers.LaunchProcess("netsh", "http delete sslcert ipport=",
  (stdout) => log(stdout),
  (stderr) => log(stderr));


static void AddNewBinding(string certHash, Guid appId, Action<string> log)
  // netsh http add sslcert ipport= certstorename=Root certhash=[] appid={}
  // Why root?
  // 13076915/ssl-certificate-add-failed-when-binding-to-port/
  // 19766650#19766650 (see Fredy Wenger's response)
  Process p = Helpers.LaunchProcess("netsh", 
              "http add sslcert ipport= certstorename=Root certhash=" + 
              certHash + " appid={" + appId.ToString() + "}",
  (stdout) => log(stdout),
  (stderr) => log(stderr));


Again, note the code comments, particularly in the add binding.

Cleaning Up the Old Certificate(s)

Something I notice that doesn't happen when binding to IIS is that doesn't remove the old certificate. In my implementation, I clean up the certificates before getting a new certificate. CAUTION! If an error occurs, or your site has constant traffic, removing the old certificate before the new one is successfully installed can result in your user experiencing certificate errors!

public static void RemoveCert(StoreName storeName, string subjectName)
  // <a href="
  // how-to-remove-certificate-from-store-cleanly">
  X509Store store = new X509Store(storeName, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
  store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadWrite | OpenFlags.IncludeArchived);
  X509Certificate2Collection certCollection = store.Certificates.Find
                    (X509FindType.FindBySubjectName, subjectName, false);

  foreach(var cert in certCollection)


The Solution, Step 4: When Do My Certificates Expire?

Image 8

(There are a couple of sites that I don't want publicly known that are related to some client work.)

It's also helpful to know when your certificates are going to expire. One useful thing to do in the future would be to set up a service that automatically renews the certificates that are, say, within 15 days of expiring, but that's beyond the scope of this article.

protected void GetCertificatesIn(StoreName storeName, List<CertificateExpiration> certs)
  X509Store store = new X509Store(storeName, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);

  foreach (var cert in store.Certificates)
    if (cert.Issuer.Contains("Let's Encrypt Authority"))
      certs.Add(new CertificateExpiration()
        Subject = cert.Subject.RightOf("CN="),
        ExpirationDate = cert.NotAfter,


Some fancy formatting for the above textbox (it helps if you assign a monospace font like Consolas to the textbox):

var certExpDates = GetCertificateExpirationDates();
int maxSubjectLength = certExpDates.Max(c => c.Subject.Length);
   certExpDates.OrderBy(c => c.ExpirationDate).
   Select(c => c.Subject.PadRight(maxSubjectLength) + " : " + c.ExpirationDate)));

Problem #4: I Dislike the Command Line

As you've probably guessed at this point, I'm UI guy, not a command line / script / powershell guy.


So the whole thing is packaged in a nice UI:

Image 9

Besides showing you some useful information like your local and public IP addresses, it's very simple to enter your domain name and certificate password.


One thing to mention -- you have to run the application as an administrator! Otherwise, enjoy using LetsEncrypt and multiple website hosting with IIS!

Also, the executable includes the binaries for (modified as described earlier) so you don't need to download that app separately.


  • 4th July, 2017: Initial version


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Architect Interacx
United States United States
Home Page:

All my life I have been passionate about architecture / software design, as this is the cornerstone to a maintainable and extensible application. As such, I have enjoyed exploring some crazy ideas and discovering that they are not so crazy after all. I also love writing about my ideas and seeing the community response. As a consultant, I've enjoyed working in a wide range of industries such as aerospace, boatyard management, remote sensing, emergency services / data management, and casino operations. I've done a variety of pro-bono work non-profit organizations related to nature conservancy, drug recovery and women's health.

Comments and Discussions

QuestionWhy are you using Amazon EC2 instances, is DO not good enough now ? Pin
freddie20001-Apr-21 21:43
freddie20001-Apr-21 21:43 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov21-Dec-20 11:40
mvaSergey Alexandrovich Kryukov21-Dec-20 11:40 
QuestionHow request www and non-www in one request Pin
Mohammad Maleki9-Apr-20 22:21
Mohammad Maleki9-Apr-20 22:21 
Questiongeting error of access denied Pin
Member 1410320919-Jan-19 8:04
Member 1410320919-Jan-19 8:04 
QuestionFail to create ssl Pin
Member 1037148725-Jan-18 21:09
Member 1037148725-Jan-18 21:09 
AnswerRe: Fail to create ssl Pin
arijitup3-Apr-18 18:42
arijitup3-Apr-18 18:42 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Member 432084425-Nov-17 8:32
Member 432084425-Nov-17 8:32 
PraiseThanks for this much needed information... and code... Pin
James Hunter Ross22-Aug-17 7:32
James Hunter Ross22-Aug-17 7:32 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
DrABELL21-Aug-17 5:10
DrABELL21-Aug-17 5:10 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Remi Lebrun10-Jul-17 10:00
Remi Lebrun10-Jul-17 10:00 
QuestionExtremely useful Pin
kmoorevs6-Jul-17 11:37
kmoorevs6-Jul-17 11:37 
QuestionCan we use LetsEncrypt Certificates in production Pin
Mou_kol4-Jul-17 23:18
Mou_kol4-Jul-17 23:18 
AnswerRe: Can we use LetsEncrypt Certificates in production Pin
Marc Clifton5-Jul-17 2:04
mvaMarc Clifton5-Jul-17 2:04 
GeneralRe: Can we use LetsEncrypt Certificates in production Pin
Mou_kol5-Jul-17 22:43
Mou_kol5-Jul-17 22:43 
GeneralRe: Can we use LetsEncrypt Certificates in production Pin
Marc Clifton6-Jul-17 1:39
mvaMarc Clifton6-Jul-17 1:39 
GeneralRe: Can we use LetsEncrypt Certificates in production Pin
Mou_kol6-Jul-17 22:59
Mou_kol6-Jul-17 22:59 
QuestionVery nice Pin
SHugeNF4-Jul-17 9:50
SHugeNF4-Jul-17 9:50 

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