I’ve recently had to do a quick bit of DB performance analysis work on a 3rd party database to see if I can improve performance (without being too invasive). The quickest way to do this is using the Database Tuning Engine Advisor tool that comes with SQL 2008 (the best way is to have loads of experience and a ton of time to properly analyse the database).
Part of my analysis procedure was to make a script of queries that I could run with and without the DTA recommended indexes to evaluate any real world improvement. This meant I needed to be able to roll back any indexes created by DTA. Unfortunately, DTA gives you an install script for the new indexes but not a removal script. I needed to write something myself.
Fortunately, the DTA created indexes and statistics are all prefixed with _dta_
so it’s relatively easy to write a query to remove the automatically created scripts:
First, to drop the generated statistics:
1: DECLARE @dtaStats AS TABLE(Id INT IDENTITY(1,1), StatName VARCHAR(255),
TableName VARCHAR(255))
2: DECLARE @currentId AS INT 3: DECLARE @lastId AS INT
4: 5: DECLARE @statName VARCHAR(255)
6: DECLARE @tableName VARCHAR(255) 7:
8: INSERT INTO @dtaStats(StatName,TableName) 9: SELECT name,
10: FROM sys.stats 11: WHERE name like '_dta_stat_%'
12: 13: SET @currentId=NULL
14: SET @lastId=0 15:
16: SELECT @currentId=MIN(Id) 17: FROM @dtaStats
18: WHERE Id>@LastId 19:
20: WHILE (@currentId IS NOT NULL) 21: BEGIN
22: 23: SELECT @statName=StatName,
@tableName=TableName FROM @dtaStats WHERE Id=@currentId
24: 25: PRINT 'DROP STATISTICS ' + @tableName + '.' + @statName
26: 27: EXEC('DROP STATISTICS ' + @tableName + '.' + @statName)
28: 29: SET @lastId = @currentId
30: SET @currentId=null 31:
32: SELECT @currentId=MIN(Id) 33: FROM @dtaStats
34: WHERE Id>@LastId 35:
36: END 37:
Then, drop the generated indexes:
2: DECLARE @dtaIndex AS TABLE(Id INT IDENTITY(1,1), IndexName VARCHAR(255),
TableName VARCHAR(255)) 3: DECLARE @currentId AS INT
4: DECLARE @lastId AS INT 5:
6: DECLARE @IndexName VARCHAR(255) 7: DECLARE @tableName VARCHAR(255)
8: 9: INSERT INTO @dtaIndex(IndexName,TableName)
12: WHERE name like '_dta_index_%' 13:
14: SET @lastId=0 15: SET @currentId=NULL
16: 17: SELECT @currentId=MIN(Id)
18: FROM @dtaIndex 19: WHERE Id>@LastId
20: 21: PRINT @currentId
22: 23: WHILE (@currentId IS NOT NULL)
24: BEGIN 25:
26: SELECT @IndexName=IndexName,
@tableName=TableName FROM @dtaIndex WHERE Id=@currentId 27:
28: PRINT 'DROP INDEX ' + @IndexName + ' ON ' + @tableName 29:
30: EXEC('DROP INDEX ' + @IndexName + ' ON ' + @tableName) 31:
32: SET @lastId = @currentId 33: SET @currentId=NULL
34: 35: SELECT @currentId=MIN(Id)
36: FROM @dtaIndex 37: WHERE Id>@LastId
38: 39: END
40: 41:
The database is now back to a pre-DTA’ed state!