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Ad & Spyware Prevention Using Your Hosts File

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3 Apr 2006 1  
This article explains how you can prevent ads and spyware, using your hosts file.


I created this script to automate the process of updating your hosts file from the list contained on Using this hosts file is the best way I have found to "make the internet not suck (as much)" just like it claims to.

The VBScript downloads the web page to a local temp file, parses it so only comments and wanted lines are contained, then puts this file in the proper directory. It also creates a backup copy of the hosts file, and sets the new one to read-only. Just double-click to execute it or if the "all was successful" echo is removed from the end, then it may be run as a Windows scheduled task. I have tested it on Windows 2K, 2003, and XP.

Prevention is better than cleaning, and being able to use hotmail without the "Win Free DVD Player" ad flashing in your face is priceless. Every IT guy should use this!

The Code

    'Create objFSO and objIE objects

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    set objIE=WScript.createobject("internetexplorer.application")

    'Determine path to hosts and set strHostsPath to correct path

    dim bFolder, strHostsPath
    bFolder = objFSO.folderExists("C:\WINDOWS\")
    if bFolder = False then

        strHostsPath = "C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\"
        strHostsPath = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\"
    End if    

    'Create Temp Web file here since 

    'it needs a few milliseconds to complete

    Set TempWebFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("C:\Temp.html", 2)

    'Navigate and wait for page to load

    objIE.Navigate ("")

    Wscript.Sleep 1000
    'If sleep here omitted, an endless loop 

    'happens on windows 2003

    'wait for IE to Download Page before continuing execution

    While objIE.Busy: Wend 

    'Write contents of navigated webpage to local temp Web file

    TempWebFile.Write objIE.Document.body.outerHTML 
    TempWebFile.close 'Close File

    'open the local Webpage and read in all lines

    set PageText = objFSO.GetFile("C:\temp.html")
    set ts = pagetext.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)

    dim ResultLine,ResultComment,ReadLine

    'Create output file for parsed data from webpage

    Set OutFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\temp.txt",2,True)
    ' FileMode = 1=read 2=Write 8=Append

    Do while not ts.AtEndOfStream

        ReadLine = ts.readline   
        ResultLine = InStr(Readline, "")
        ResultComment = InStr(Readline, "#")

        'Weed out anything but Good lines, 

        '  comments, and blanklines, and write temp file.

        if (ResultLine = 1) or (ResultComment = 1) _
                            or (ReadLine = "") then
        end if 
    OutFile.close 'Close File

    'Set host file to normal attributes from whatever it may be 

    Set objHostsFile = objFSO.GetFile(strHostsPath + "hosts")
    objHostsFile.Attributes = 0

    'Backup existing hosts file

    set BackFile=objFSO.GetFile(strHostsPath + "hosts")
    BackFile.Copy strHostsPath + "hosts.bak"

    'Copy new hosts file

    set NewFile=objFSO.GetFile("C:\temp.txt")
    NewFile.Copy strHostsPath + "hosts"

    'Delete Temp Files

    set DeleteFile=objFSO.GetFile("C:\Temp.html")

    'Set new host file attribute to read only

    objHostsFile.Attributes = 1

    WScript.Echo "Your Hosts File Has Been Updated Successfully!"


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