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Naming Common Colors

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28 Jul 2001 3  
An include file that allows you to specify colors by name instead of RGB value

Sample Image - ColorNames.gif


I always have serious problems when it comes to the point of color selection. I guess you'll agree that basic 16 colors that windows define are boring. However, using RGB macro and guessing R,G and B values out of 256^3 possibilities is problematic (too many options). Even if I use the macro, I can hardly recognize which color is hiding behind say CBrush brush(RGB(210,105,30)).


HTML gurus experienced the same problem. To solve it, they identified 141 colors and assign them appropriate names. I took their definition and convert it into a header file. If you include the header #include "ColorNames.h" into your code, you will be able to use HTML color names instead of the RGB macro, say CBrush brush(colChocolate).

I find this easier to use and to remember. I hope it will help you, too.

Below is a part of the "ColorNames.h" file and this file is all you need. The demo application will present you all 141 colors and their names.

const COLORREF colAliceBlue            = RGB(240,248,255);
const COLORREF colAntiqueWhite         = RGB(250,235,215);
const COLORREF colAqua                 = RGB(  0,255,255);
const COLORREF colAquamarine           = RGB(127,255,212); 
const COLORREF colAzure                = RGB(240,255,255);
const COLORREF colBeige                = RGB(245,245,220);
const COLORREF colBisque               = RGB(255,228,196);
const COLORREF colBlack                = RGB(  0,  0,  0);
const COLORREF colBlanchedAlmond       = RGB(255,255,205);
const COLORREF colBlue                 = RGB(  0,  0,255);
const COLORREF colBlueViolet           = RGB(138, 43,226);
const COLORREF colBrown                = RGB(165, 42, 42);
const COLORREF colBurlywood            = RGB(222,184,135);
const COLORREF colCadetBlue            = RGB( 95,158,160);
const COLORREF colChartreuse           = RGB(127,255,  0);
const COLORREF colChocolate            = RGB(210,105, 30);
const COLORREF colCoral                = RGB(255,127, 80);
const COLORREF colCornflowerBlue       = RGB(100,149,237);
const COLORREF colCornsilk             = RGB(255,248,220);
const COLORREF colCrimson              = RGB(220, 20, 60);
const COLORREF colCyan                 = RGB(  0,255,255);


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